Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 121

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Episode 121


There were several routes to get from Endymion to the Kuril Islands.

However, all of those routes had one thing in common: they had to be taken by boat.

Also, you have to use a huge sailing ship that can sail large and rough seas for a long time, not a small boat.

Therefore, the route Russell chose was to use the port of the Naze Federation located in the southern part of the continent.


This federation, created by a union of four city-states so small that they could hardly be called small countries, was one of the trading countries located at the southernmost tip of the continent.

The reason Russell chose this port was simple.

‘Although there were ships heading to the Kuril Islands at the port of Maldives… … .’

Not only was there a very small number of them, but it also took about 15 days longer.

Considering the time it took to find a boat, it was expected to take about a month more.

In comparison, the Naze Federation is famous for trade.

If it was a place where boats sailed towards the Kuril Islands several times a week, it would be easier to find a boat.

Even the Naze Federation was a trading nation that advocated neutrality and at the same time a nation that actively welcomed visits by merchants and travelers.

Thanks to this, Russell was able to easily enter the Federation’s territory.

Shoot, slam.

Shoot-, slam-.

The sound of waves crashing against the harbor and shore, the sunlight reflecting off the water scales.

Leaving behind everything, including the unique smell of salt on the coast carried by the wind, Russell headed to the largest freelance office in the port city.

In reality, it was not much different from the mercenary office, but it was a slightly higher level and offered a wider range of requests.

The reason Russell came here was to take a ship to the Kuril Islands.

‘I don’t know if there is a tourist ship going to the Kurils.’

There is no way such a thing exists, so the only option is to use a merchant ship.

The most obvious way to use merchant ships was to hire them as mercenaries.


As I opened the door and entered, the bell rang and the officer who had been doing chores at the counter looked up to greet Russell.

“What brought you here? Introducing a job, or even if it’s something you’ll be entrusted with… … .”

As I approached her, I felt eyes coming from all over the place like arrows.

They are freelancers, as they say, but in reality, most of them can be called mercenaries.

In the meantime, someone who appears to be a foreigner visits the office, so interest is bound to arise.

“I want to board a merchant ship heading to the Kuril Islands.”

“Kuril Islands?”

The officer in charge widened his eyes at Russell’s words and asked back. Then, the surrounding atmosphere also changed completely.

‘Is it worth it?’

Kuril Island is the land of beast people.

Even though the outside area is safe, it is a place where you never know what will happen.

Also, during the voyage, pirates targeting merchant ships frequently appeared.

Perhaps because of this, stricter standards were applied to requests to escort merchant ships heading to the Kuril Islands compared to other requests.

The strict standard here refers to skill.

“Do you have any mercenary cards? If not, you’ll have to prove your skills… … ?”

In response to that question, Russell presented his identification card and took off the robe he was wearing.


Russell’s appearance, revealed in this way, was completely different from his usual appearance.

The green eyes created using special tools and dye combined with the gray eyes made him look about ten years older than he was.

This is a disguise prepared in case of an unexpected situation.

“Mr. Ridman Louis. 38 years old… … “You look quite young.”

The receptionist who was checking the identification card muttered, and Russell shrugged his shoulders as if he was used to it.

“I often hear compliments like that.”

The guide, unable to find anything particularly suspicious in his sly response, turned his attention to the following content.

It was right after.

Her eyes grew as big as a flower lantern.

“Independent freelancer, oh my! “You are a 4th Circle wizard!”

In Circle 4, Russell and Allen’s level was so high that it felt like they were being buried a little.

The level was never low.

In reality, only some who are called geniuses break through the wall of the 5th circle and become called magicians.

Circle 4 was a state that most wizards could not escape from until the end of their lives.

A person with the ability to take on the position of professor at the academy right away if he wanted to be, that was the magician of the 4th circle.

Even though I was in my 30s, there was no need to explain anything more about Circle 4.

“Uh, so the request to the Kuril Islands… … .”

Before the receptionist even took out a few documents, recruitment offers poured in from all over.

“I will hire you. The price is… … .”

“No, we hire you!”

“What are you saying? We need high-quality personnel right now…” … !!”

They were officials from each top level who were on standby at the freelance agency in case of an emergency.

The trend in sailing these days is to create a chart that shows the areas where pirates mainly appear and sail to avoid those areas.

However, there are exceptional situations everywhere.

The person who shined in such a situation was the 4th Circle wizard.



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The GoCircle wizard’s long-range artillery fire was powerful enough to sink one or two ships.

The pirates can finish off everything before they even have time to board the ship.

‘No matter how talented someone is on board, unless they have the talent to fly, it’s okay to just throw them in the open ocean.’

In the midst of such a fierce competition, it was a top company named La Paz that ultimately won the bid for Russell.

‘Top of Rapace.’

La Paz is a word that means bird of prey in a local dialect.

“Nice to meet you. Wizard Ridman. “My name is Colin, and I am the acting head of the La Paz Merchant Marine.”

As its name suggests, the stamp on the letter of introduction handed over was the seal of a soaring hawk.

“My name is Ridman Louis.”


When Russell held his hand, he grinned with a kind face.

“Let’s go for now. “I will tell you more details as we head to the accommodation at the top.”

Immediately after, guidance began.

“Actually, you won’t have much need to use your power. “We have already hired a 4th circle wizard and a 3rd circle wizard.”

Circle 3 and Circle 4.

A total of three wizards including myself.

Considering the size of a typical trade ship heading to the Kuril Islands, it was a force that could be seen as excessive in some ways.

Nevertheless, the reason why he went out of his way to hire more people was because he spent a lot of money.

“The ship appears to be quite large.”

At those words, Colin scratched his cheek with a humble expression.

“yes. “We are planning to use this opportunity to generate a larger surplus through large-scale trade.”

What was carried on ships heading to the Kuril Islands were items such as pearls, high-quality leather, and high-quality cigarettes.

None of these items were cheap, but on the other hand, if you brought a lot of spices from the Kuril Islands, you could make a big profit just by bringing them.

‘The bigger the ship, the more anxious it will be.’

If we were to be attacked and fail, the losses would be significant.

I could understand his feelings about hiring three wizards.

“This is the place.”

The place we arrived at after receiving guidance was a fairly large inn located within the city.

“Departure is in two days, so you can stay here in the meantime. “If you tell the owner my name, he will give you a room to stay in, and you can also put alcohol and food in our boss’s name and eat as much as you want.”

This may be because so many people were mobilized to prepare a large ship.

‘I guess they rented the whole inn.’

While Russell was thinking like that, Deputy Colin opened the inn’s door.


Then, a number of people were seen having a late dinner and drinking beer in the restaurant on the first floor.

When the door opens, their eyes focus on the two people, specifically Colin.

“Are you here?!”

“He said he was going to save more people, and the person next to him… … ?”

Colin answered their question with a proud expression.

“I see. “This is Ridman Louis, the wizard who just signed a contract.”

“Oh, wizard!”

“You won’t have to worry about pirates at all on this voyage!”

“Haha, pirates. “If you ever come here, please come!”

They laughed happily at Colin’s words and raised their glasses.

Moreover, they were not the only ones who showed interest in Russell.

“Oh, that friend is a wizard too?”

“… … .”

Two of those who were sitting in the very center of the restaurant and playing poker turned their gaze to Russell.

One person appeared to be in his late 30s, with a rather gaunt appearance, and the other… … .

‘He’s a drunkard.’

Even though it was early evening, there were several bottles of alcohol next to him.

The moment their eyes meet, Colin whispers to Russell.

“These are the other two wizards I mentioned earlier.”

I could tell that from the moment we made eye contact, but Russell nodded appropriately.

At that time, a wizard in his fifties stood up, reeking of alcohol.

“haha. Come here. “We should have a chat with fellow wizards!”

He then took Russell’s hand and made him sit at the same table as himself and asked.

“So, do you know how to play poker?”

Is it because I have a lively and friendly personality, or is it because I’m a bit drunk?

Hearing the old wizard’s words, the wizard sitting across from him hesitated and opened his mouth.

He was a wizard in his late 30s with a gaunt-looking face.

“Carl, no matter what, you’re dragging someone along…” … .”

He then bowed his head towards Russell with an apologetic face.

“sorry. “My name is Aidan, Aidan Owl.”


At the mention of Aidan, Russell unconsciously opened his eyes wide.

Aidan was startled by the sight and flinched.

“Why, why are you doing that?”

Russell calmed down the commotion and responded to the man who asked back in a very timid manner.

“no. “It’s just that the name is a bit similar to someone I know.”

I secretly muttered to myself.

‘If this person is really Aidan Owl-.’

At that time, a drunken wizard intervened between the two without notice.

“Haha, that’s possible. My name is Carl Nayman. “He’s a 4th circle wizard.”

He asked, brightening his circle as if showing off.

“But, um, did you say Ridman Louis?”

“I’ll just call him Ridman for convenience,” he muttered and added.

“Redman, what circle are you in? Of course, there is no particular reason. Still, since we have to work together, shouldn’t we be aware of each other’s skills?”

The answer came not from Russell but from Colin, the acting manager.

“Wizard Ridman is from the 4th circle!”

“Circle 4!”

Perhaps because they were at the same level despite looking younger than him, Carl dropped the beer bottle he was holding.


Over the sound of glasses rolling on the floor, Aidan muttered in a hushed tone.

“Oh my god, you look younger than me and you’re in the 4th circle. That’s amazing.”

“no. “It’s because I’ve been around for a while, but I’m also 38 years old.”

“But the same age as me… … .”

Maybe it’s just his nature, but he still speaks with uncertainty, but does he know?

The fact that he met Russell here and now was the luck of his life.

‘Aidan Owl, I never thought we’d meet here.’

wizard who swallowed a dragon

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