Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 116

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Episode 116


Ugh, ding-.

A clear sound rang out indicating that the floating stone had reached the desired floor.

Russell got off from there and walked towards his laboratory/office.

‘I’m a guest… … .’

I was thinking about the owner of the visit application form that I had heard from the new wizard at the front desk.

Since the number of visitors is not just one, it should be more accurately called ‘guests’.

Of course, Russell already knew the identities of those guests.

Besides, this wasn’t my first time visiting.

‘Every time I returned from a study abroad trip, I applied for a visit.’

After a moment of suing her, remembering her rather burdensome status, Russell soon arrived in front of the office and stretched out his hand.


I grabbed the handle and turned it to open the door.

‘There are still a few hours left until the scheduled visit time, so I wonder if I can do any work that has been delayed.’

With that in mind, Russell entered the lab and took off his coat.

I picked up one of the stacks of paper that were piled up on the desk.

Soon, in the silence, the sound of the pen tip moving and the sound of paper being turned reverberate non-stop.

Sarak, Sarak.


A few hours after that.


Russell lifted his head from his papers as he heard the bell that had been placed on the side of the desk tremble and rang.

It was a signal that the scheduled guest had arrived on the first floor of the tower.

Soon after, knock-.

When there was a knock on the door, Russell got up.

“You may come in.”

The door was opened directly from the inside.

Originally, there would have been no need to do this. But the identity of this visitor was special.

When I opened the door, the first thing I noticed was shiny purple hair and eyes of the same color.

The atmosphere created by the combination of the two overwhelms the attention of those around them.

The identity of the scheduled visitors was none other than Endymion’s first heir to the throne, princess Hecate Latmos and the two knights who came to escort her.

Of course, Russell did not feel burdened by these visitors.

“It’s been a while. Sir Russell. “I was looking forward to the day you would return to the Flame Tower.”

Russell immediately bowed to the voice of Hecate, the princess, who said she had been waiting for him to return.

“Russell Raymond, Count of the Kingdom, meets Your Majesty the Princess.”

“Performance is proportional. “We’ve only seen each other once or twice, so didn’t you tell me there’s no need to be formal?”

Did it feel like he was distancing himself a little? Hecate muttered with sallow eyes.

“You may have already guessed it… … .”

He then entered the office and continued speaking.

“… … “I knew it was rude of me, but the reason I came so quickly was because I wanted to hear about your adventures.”

As she said, she was the one who submitted a visit request every time Russell returned from studying abroad.

The excuse was that I wanted to hear about what happened during the study abroad.

Of course, from Hecate’s perspective, it is more convenient and easier to call Russell.

However, despite this, it was clear that coming here in person was out of consideration on her part.

As Hecate entered, the knights following her also followed her into the office.

As she entered, the royal knights standing behind her became more clearly visible.

The knights who came together to escort her.

As they were familiar faces that she had already seen several times, they were greeting each other with a glance, and Hecate sat down and crossed her legs in a familiar manner.

He greeted Russell with a hint of anticipation.

“Come on, tell me what happened there. “I heard that the place where I went to study abroad this time was Underworld, right?”


As it is a place where little information is known and only rumors abound, it is not surprising that she is curious.

However, it is not simply curiosity that shows interest in her foreign research.

‘Perhaps it’s to build consensus with me.’

In fact, in order to have something to talk about, she took the time to study basic magic theory even though she had learned swordsmanship.

“yes. majesty.”

Russell began his story, guessing Hecate’s inner thoughts.

“The Underworld… … .”

As the story began, Hecate listened to Russell’s story with a focused face.



“-Indeed, it is as mysterious a place as I heard.”

He said one word at a time as if he was adding a hint.


Stories about the Underworld and dwarves were of interest not only to Hecate but also to the two knights who followed.

Is it because of that?

The escort drivers were also quietly listening to Russell’s story.



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And finally, when Russell’s story was all over.

Hecate quietly closed her eyes.

Based on the story I had just heard, I imagined what the Underworld would look like and moved my lips.

“Despite being built underground, it is an underground city of dwarves with a wonderful night sky and the constant smell of iron and fire… … .”

A city like something out of an old story or adventure story was pictured in Hecate’s mind.

“If I get the chance, this is a place I definitely want to visit.”

Twisting a stray strand of hair behind her ear, she glanced at Russell.

“When that time comes, will the Lord guide me?”

It was a speaking style that was direct and even blunt.


Russell flinched involuntarily at that way of speaking.

Of course, if you were to ask whether this aspect is bad, it would not be true.

‘You’re being overly honest.’

Of course, this can also be said to be her charm.

In fact, it wasn’t as burdensome to Russell as it had been at first.

“however… … .”

It was then.

Hecate, who was speaking, suddenly rested her chin on one hand and asked with a coy look in her eyes.

“Have you ever thought of me during this trip?”

It was Hecate who had already asked this question as if joking several times during her overseas research trips.

As before, it is a straightforward question, but it is a question that is quite familiar to Russell.

However, despite this, I could not easily accept that question this time.

I kept my mouth shut.


In fact, during this outing, her face suddenly came to mind.

Like when you brought a mixed-race elf into the room, or when you brought Io into the room, or something like that.

“Lord Russell. “I see that your face is red. If it’s not because you have a fever, it must be because you’re embarrassed.”

Did you notice that kind of sign?

“I was worried that other than the fun of teasing, he might be a stone-faced guy, but I’m glad he did.”

There was a hint of playfulness in Hecate’s voice as she giggled.

“The efforts I’ve been making so far haven’t been in vain.”


It was then.

The pocket watch on her waist fell.


“It’s already been so long.”

She lifted her watch, checked the time, and clicked her tongue.

“Unfortunately, the story from here will have to be postponed to the next pleasure.”

He muttered in a sad voice and got up from his seat.

“Then I’ll be looking forward to our next meeting.”

As Hecate left the office, her earlobes were as red as a ripe persimmon.



Russell put down the research book he was reading and let out a long sigh.


I tried my best, but somehow I couldn’t concentrate.

It has to be that way.

All kinds of thoughts were rushing through my head, as if a storm had struck.

Of course, these were thoughts that started from just one thought.


In the end, Russell clicked his tongue and closed the research book. He opened the window to ventilate and looked outside.

Russell’s signature black hair swayed gently in the wind, and Russell closed his eyes.


I thought about what happened today.

‘I can’t just avoid it forever.’

He also knew that putting off an answer and avoiding it for years was not the right attitude.

So what you ultimately have to do is make a decision as quickly as possible.


An answer to the princess’s feelings.

Princess Hecate Ratmos has been waiting for your answer for a long time.

Now it’s your turn to give her an answer.


Intermediate Magic Stone x2

Rings of Eros and Psyche (pair).


This also comes as a mission?

At the mission that came out of nowhere, Russell swore without realizing it.

Because it felt as if the contents of the mission were making fun of him.

However, at least there was nothing wrong with the content.

Russell bit his lower lip.

“… … .”

Could this be because his laboratory was located high up in the Flame Tower?

Open your eyes and look down just a little.

Hwiyeongcheong, the entire view of the royal capital was reflected at a glance under the bright moon.

A sight where the lights are illuminated everywhere and do not go out even though it is night, as if to show that it is literally a royal capital.

No matter where you go in Endymion, or even where you go on the continent, it won’t be easy to find a city with a night this bright.

Including famous tourist attractions and the imperial capital of the empire that is comparable to them, the number is around ten at most.

Even within the royal capital, the most brightly lit place was definitely the royal palace.

Russell muttered unconsciously as he looked at the palace building, which was illuminated like daylight even though it was night.

“Are you looking at the same night sky?”

Suddenly, conscious of what he had said, he lowered his head.


He then covered his face with his palm.

No one could see it, but my face felt hot as if hot water had been poured on it.

‘what… … .’

No matter how many people are around, you can say something like that without even thinking about it.

After a short while of blaming himself, Russell, who had been moving in embarrassment, suddenly stopped.

This is because my consciousness was fixed on a single thought that passed through my mind.

‘You said it without thinking?’

If so, I thought that those words might be his true feelings.


Even considering her status as a princess separately, it was clear that Hecate was an attractive woman.

Her honest and confident attitude and beautiful appearance were enough to ignite the hearts of many men.

Not only that, unlike the first time where it was just a crush.

It was also an undeniable fact that there had been quite a change in Russell’s thoughts toward the princess.


As the night deepens, my thoughts also deepen.

Russell’s worries, which had begun to deepen, did not end until most of the lights that illuminated the royal capital had gone out.

And the next day.

Russell personally submitted a request for a meeting with the royal family.

The target of the interview was, of course, the princess, Hecate Latmos.

wizard who swallowed a dragon

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