Dragon-Devouring Mage Chapter 81

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Episode 81


Count Kimblee, a nobleman of Kiel, roared furiously.

“You crazy bastards!”

Through the half-open window of the carriage, I was checking the appearance of the hunting dogs following behind.

‘I expected there would be a chase team, but I never thought they would start action as soon as they crossed the castle wall.’

At best, it was not at a level worthy of being assigned to a count or a special envoy.

For the enemy to act so hastily… … .

‘It would be correct to think that this information was leaked.’

The problem was whether I could survive among those chasing teams.

There was still about thirty minutes left to go to the place where we were supposed to meet with the escorts dispatched from Endymion.

Moreover, even if you are lucky enough to arrive, there is no guarantee that you will be able to receive help from the escorts.

‘If Endymion’s people haven’t arrived yet-.’

This side will have no choice but to be annihilated.

Count Kimblee’s face, as he was imagining the future, was horribly distorted.

It was then.


One of the knights who followed along as an escort rode close to the side of the carriage.


“I will divide the knights into two groups. And Group 2 and I will stay and take the time.”

“But if that happens, the leader… … .”

I don’t know if there are only visible enemies, but if additional chase teams follow, even if you are the leader of the count’s knights, you will not be able to save your life.

“it’s okay.”

In response to the count’s worried voice, the man called the knight commander responded with a resolute voice.

“Wouldn’t it be more helpful for the country for the Count to survive than for a sword-wielding worm like me?”

As if to reveal his decision, he roughly lowered his visor and covered his face.


The sound of the visor joints resounding sharply.

“Split the group into two. “As for the vice-captain, lead the team to continue escorting the count and the carriage!”


“And this Joe!”

The knight commander pulled out the sword he was wearing at his waist.

“Unsheath your sword!”


“We stop the enemies here!”

There is no need to tell you to prepare for death. The fact that I set out on this journey was proof that I had made up my mind.

“let’s go!”


The moment when their determination to die is about to burn like a flame along with their shouts!



High-temperature, high-pressure light cannons penetrated the ground horizontally from both the left and right.


The horses pulling the carriage toured roughly in the strong wind that arose with the convection phenomenon.

“That… … .”

3 circles.

He is a count who once walked the path of a wizard, despite his lack of skills.

There was no way I could not recognize the true nature of the magic.

5-circle flame magic.

The Count’s lips trembled.

“Flare Canon.”

* * *

5th circle mage.

They were evaluated as having the power to turn the tide of the war on their own in small-scale local warfare.

They were also people to whom the word human weapon literally fits well.

In front of them, the mere number of ordinary soldiers was no big deal.

Whether that number is ten, twenty, or fifty.


All you have to do is burn it all down.

The ground boiled from the radiant heat, and the iron armor melted one after another from the heated heat.

Even if you are not hit, you will be seriously injured.


“Go, the armor is melting!”

The armor worn to protect the body ends up hurting the body.

The chaos created by irony.

In it, Russell ran wild like a lion.

A war mage who shows mercy and sympathy to the enemy on the battlefield.

Even a novice war mage would not make such a mistake, much less two experienced war mages.



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About five minutes after that.

Smoke billowing out from all over the place.

At the site, which had become like a charcoal kiln site, Russell took down the flames with deeply sunken eyes.

‘There’s no way it’s this easy.’

Although the mission’s reward and content are not necessarily directly proportional, it was still a mission that cost Hubert his life.

It definitely won’t end here.

Russell maintained his guard by recalling the somewhat uncomfortable feeling once again.

It was then.

Likewise, Hubert, who had finished clearing the battlefield, asked a question.

“Is the arrangement over there finished? Priests?”

I knew that I was not at a level where I could be attacked by enemies like this, so there was no need to even ask if I was okay.

“yes. It’s done.”

When I calmly responded and turned around, I saw that Hubert was acting strangely.

He picked up a half-melted knife and started rummaging through one of the dead bodies using it as a stick.


Hubert responded to Russell’s questioning voice.

“Oh, it’s no big deal. “I was just looking around to see if I could find out anything else.”

“Is there something that bothers you?”


After a moment of silence, the conversation continued.

“It seems like these are soldiers of the empire.”


I heard that the Marquis of Kiel joined hands with the Empire, but I never thought that the Empire’s soldiers would already be inside Kiel.

“It’s not certain, it’s still at the level of suspicion.”

At the last moment of the battle, there was a knight who attacked while cutting through the flames.

Although others say it was a life-threatening attack, from Hubert’s perspective, it was not that fatal or threatening.

However, what Hubert felt in the attack that lasted less than half a second was an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

“I thought it was one of the Empire’s military training sword techniques.”

He shrugged his shoulders.

“I’m not sure. “It was such a short moment, and I was unfamiliar with swordsmanship.”

“It may just be a matter of possibility, but it won’t hurt to be careful.”

Russell, guessing what was going on, sighed.

I knew we might run into an Imperial pursuit team, but I never thought it would be this quick.

At that time, there was a group approaching Russell.

The knight commander was about to charge at the first enemy, and… … .

‘That man is the Earl of Kimblee.’

He is in his mid-40s and is the head of the count family who has been loyal to the Kiel royal family for generations.

Since his face was the same as the one confirmed in the report, it wasn’t that difficult to recognize him.

What follows next is… … .

‘Are you a maid?’

It was a little strange that a maid had joined the difficult journey, but anyway.

“Are you the people of Endymion?”

Count Kimblee cautiously opened his mouth, and Hubert nodded.

“My name is Hubert, War Mage of Flame Tower.”

Russell also introduced himself.

“Likewise, I am Russell Raymond, War Mage of Flame Tower.”

As soon as I finished the introduction, I infused magic into the robe I was wearing.

Then, the burning rose pattern, or Flare Rose, appeared as if burning on the shoulder of the robe.

“Sir Hubert, and Sir Russell Raymond.”

After confirming the identities of the two people, Count Kimblee finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he tilted his head.

‘Now that I think about it, Hubert and Russell Raymond… … .’

He paused for a moment when he heard a name that seemed like he had heard it before, but there was a hand pulling his collar.


It was a woman who Russell assumed was a maid. At her touch, Count Kimblee carefully bows her head.

It was quite polite to think that he was treating a maid like that.

‘If your original personality is like that, I have nothing to say… … .’

Feeling uneasy for some reason, Russell noticed the two people’s actions, and then.

The Count, who had heard something from the woman, opened his eyes wide.

“They said they would send a highly skilled wizard from Endymion, but I never thought it would be two people.”

“Do you know us?”

“It might sound funny to someone who found out a little late, but of course.”

He, too, once walked the path of a wizard.

I have heard rumors about Daria Snowwhite, the lord of the Pyramid, as well as her disciples, several times through hearsay.

Even if they had no title, they were the 5th Circle War Mages who had authority equivalent to that of a Viscount.

In a weak country like Kiel, the treatment is no less than that of a count. If you add the background of being a disciple of the Lord of the Flames… … .

Moreover, the other one was the famous supernova in Endymion.

A true nobleman who not only has the title of earldom but also the right to collect taxes.

‘Either way, we can’t treat it lightly.’

Count Kimblee, having decided thus, skillfully bowed his head.

“I’m sorry for being late in greeting you. Kimblee, Count of Kiel, would like to greet you once again. “Thank you.”

Is he really a count from a country famous for diplomacy?

It was only a few minutes ago that his life was in danger.

In the meantime, you can regain your senses and make an appropriate decision. Hubert said, leaving behind Russell, who was quietly admiring.

“For now, it would be better to talk in detail while we move on.”

It wasn’t a matter of how many times this number of chase teams caught up, but we also had to prepare for the unexpected.



“Soldiers of the Empire, already… … !!”

Inside the carriage.

Count Kimblee spoke in a new location.

“Considering that there was no separate report, it appears that the wall somewhere has already been purchased, or that they used a smuggling route.”

Kiel also had an area adjacent to the coast, so they may have entered through that area.

“This is not a final issue yet, so please calm down for now.”

In response to Russell’s dissuasion, he touched his forehead and shook his head.

“I’m sorry. Sir Russell. I showed my disgrace. “I guess I was just nervous.”

“I completely understand. Rather… … .”

I stared out of the carriage through the open window.

“The speed is too slow.”

“Of course, I agree with the priest.”

Although rubber wheels made from the top of the Marcherin were installed, the carriage itself was not a very good means of transportation to cross mountain paths.

Even more so in places like Endymion where the carriage station system is not well established.

“How about sending back the carriages and drivers and moving with only the minimum number of people?”

Because carrying around one person wasn’t a problem.

“If you just cross the border, you can use the warp gate.”

“hmm… … “What do you mean by minimum number of people?”

“Wouldn’t me, my brother, and the Count be enough?”

It wasn’t on a scale that suited the words special envoy or envoy, but it was the situation.

the problem is-.

“Even if we send back the knights and carriages, this… … “You must take the child with you.”

-It was the absurd stubbornness that Count Kimblee began to display.

He’s not so young that he can’t understand what’s going on, and he’s the Count of Kiel, famous for diplomacy, so he can’t help but feel embarrassed about this situation!

“Count, don’t you feel like discussing my earl’s private life? … .”

Hubert, unable to hide his discomfort, was about to say something.


Russell dissuaded Hubert.

Count Kimblee asked, turning away from the strange attitude he had shown so far.

“Are you by any chance your daughter?”

As the country was in a critical situation, it was completely understandable if he tried to disguise his daughter, who was left alone, as a maid and accompany him.

“that… … no.”

In response to Russell’s question, he shook his head with a shocked expression.

“Then why on earth-!”


Russell urgently performed his magic.


A hemispherical wall of magic enveloped the entire area, including the carriage.

And half and half breathing.

Wedge, bubbling!

The area was filled with the sound of a bloody penetrating sound and the sound of ricocheting arrows hitting the ground and tree trunks around them.

“It’s an enemy attack!”

wizard who swallowed a dragon

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