Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 90

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19. Conquest of Daesan (2)


It rolled on the ground.

Jang Hyuk-jin, who got tangled up in the desk and fell, jumped up from his seat, gritting his teeth in pain.

“Why the f*ck are you f*cking with me?”

It was a judgment call.

Kim Hyun-seong and all.

It was true, but I couldn’t just tolerate it.

As he rushed forward and swung his fist, Kim Hyun-seong easily dodged and punched Jang Hyuk-jin in the face.


It was an eerie sound.

Instead of hitting his cheek with his palm, Jang Hyuk-jin lost all strength in his legs with a strong sound as if something was breaking. Only then did he realize. The fact that Kim Hyun-sung’s rumors were absolutely not false. In a situation where a slap alone showed such destructive power, Jang Hyuk-jin sat down and could not get up.

at that time.

“Kids, we… … .”

Beyond Kim Hyun-seong.

Kim Young-cheol was seen.

He, who was still in charge of class 1, unconsciously entered the classroom and discovered the situation in front of him.

And then.

“Achacha, I had work to do.”

I naturally took a back step.

The pain that made my cheek feel like it was falling off, and Kim Young-cheol’s fluid exit.

It was an unfamiliar experience for Jang Hyuk-jin.

When he looked up with blank eyes, Kim Hyun-seong said coldly.

“Do you know why you are right?”

“… … “I don’t know.”

“Over the past 15 days, we have been investigating the new students who entered Cheonil High School. What kind of school days did you spend in middle school? Did you bully other kids after entering Cheonil? Among them, you are the most trash. “He’s been hitting other kids since middle school, so I just transferred two of them, and I heard he’s doing the same thing again at Cheonil.”


I bowed my head.

We made eye contact.

“hey. “Why are you bullying kids?”

“… … yes?”

“School violence is not allowed at Cheonil. Well, I don’t get involved in simple emotional fights, but I will never leave alone those who commit violence for no reason like you. That’s why I came to see you. “If there are people who repeat the trashy behavior they have been doing, look at the person you are now and use them as an example.”


I felt ominous.

Before the thought was even over, Kim Hyun-seong grabbed Jang Hyuk-jin’s hair.



He cut his head and pressed it.

And then.


Crack, clap!

I slapped him.

The sight of his face exploding and spitting out blood.

The seniors looked familiar, but the freshmen looked shocked and couldn’t say anything.

* * *

The rumor spread quickly.

When first-year students gathered together, they all talked about the Jang Hyuk-jin incident.

“Wow, awesome.”

“You really beat the kids that hard for bullying them? Looks like the rumors were true. I heard this from a senior I know before, and I heard that Kim Hyun-seong completely banned school violence after eating 1,000 days. I heard that Kim Hyun-seong is like a real devil to the gangsters, and not a single one breaks the rules. “I didn’t know that was true.”

“I saw that scene right in front of me, right? It was absolutely brutal. “Jang Hyuk-jin ran towards me and got punched in the face, and I heard the sound of something breaking.”

This was good news for general students.

Students who hated fighting were having a hard time due to the unique ranking battles at the beginning of the semester.

However, as soon as the precedent of Jang Hyuk-jin came out, school violence completely disappeared, and thanks to that, I was able to attend school comfortably from that day on. The scariest person in school is not the teacher. A senior who could lift a club at an incinerator at any moment was more fearful than those who were bound by the law and could not move hastily.

blast furnace.

Kim Hyun-seong’s presence crushed the gangsters.

And while attending Cheonil, I was able to confirm the truth of the rumors about Kim Hyun-seong.

“… … “That’s all true?”

“hey. I have no reason to lie. That day, Kim Hyun-seong went to the incinerator with his group of second-year students, beat them all up by himself, and called in Shin Young-min. That was the day when the world of Cheonil changed. One punch from Kim Hyun-seong causes Shin Young-min to fall over with his blood splattered, wow. I really couldn’t believe it when I saw it. If you have any doubts, ask anyone above 2nd grade. “Because that incident at that time was watched by the entire world.”

“I don’t think that’s all. Kim Hyun-seong was truly vicious when he broke Shin Young-min’s arm in front of everyone so that he could completely crush him. But do you know how he got out of school? Shin Young-min’s expulsion from school, without even mentioning Kim Hyun-seong’s violence! So think carefully. “I don’t know about other schools, but if there was school violence or something like that at Cheonil, I guarantee you that that first-year kid’s incident would be nothing.”

Words from seniors.

Rumors were inflated.

As bullies, we could no longer harass our friends.

It is said that even a famous person like Shin Young-min was treated miserably, so how on earth can one rebel after hearing the ‘incident of that time’ and giving the same answer no matter who asks it? I had no choice but to adapt to reality. First of all, Bae Seong-ho, who is called a monster gorilla, obediently followed orders, and the freshmen who had just entered high school did not have the courage to rebel.


Meanwhile, a strange rumor circulated.

Gangsters who were close to my seniors said this.

“But you know what? I heard that Senior Kim Hyun-seong will soon close all the schools in Daesan. If anyone is interested in the job, please apply. And even though Kim Hyun-sung is very cruel, he is very certain of receiving compensation. What if you take the lead in this matter? “Then, a few hundred dollars will immediately be deposited into your bank account.”

Conquer Daesan.


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An unprecedented event in Daesan was gradually coming to the surface.

* * *

Seongho Bae said.

“There are a total of 60 high schools in Daesan, of which 11 are women’s high schools. If we openly revealed our goal of conquering Daesan, there would be about a dozen schools that would rebel against us. Only those 12 schools are forming a faction led by a head like Shin Young-min. Well, it’s ambiguous to call it a force. “It’s just a group of people banding together to bully kids, but since most of the kids have been enjoying gang fights since middle school, there’s sure to be a backlash.”

last few days.

Bae Seong-ho was ordered to investigate the surrounding terrain.

Unlike Gangnam, Seoul, Daesan still did not have a great influence of the Golden Circle.

In Seoul, a system of forming forces for each school was already in place, and they periodically joined forces to organize their ranks. Compared to him, the twelve schools mentioned by Bae Seong-ho were a mere sight. Not to professionally carry out the Golden Circle’s requests like the forces in Seoul, but to the extent that the gangsters came together to feel like an imitation of it. Even so, it did not mean that conquering Daesan was easy.

“I investigated twelve schools separately, and not all of them are easy. About half of them are just gangsters with strong shoulders, but the other half are real. Among them, the head of Information and Communication High School once competed with Shin Young-min in an amateur match. Shin Young-min always says that he lost unfairly by decision, but if you listen to his story, there are many people who say that he won overwhelmingly.”

“great job.”

“By the way, what do you plan to do next? “It won’t be easy to wipe out all twelve schools.”

Separately from Bae Seong-ho.

Hyunseong Kim also looked around.

Professional manpower was mobilized through Go Chang-beom, and the head of Information and Communication High School seemed to be related to the Golden Circle, as was Shin Young-min. A mercenary from the Golden Circle. He seemed to have received a reward for carrying out the request perfectly, and Daesan Island was gradually changing like ‘Gangnam’ due to the strange atmosphere spreading around him.

It won’t be long.

High schools become powerful and perform requests in exchange for compensation.

The trashy reality of Gangnam, which can be said to be the center of education, reaches the roots of Daesan, a local area.

Seongho Bae added.

“You’re not just planning on starting a fight, are you? That’s not real. If we can come up with a good reason and stick together, we can at least prevent kids from other schools from joining forces. This is not something that happens inside Cheonil. “If we move hastily, we could end up in trouble.”

It was a sincere concern.

What Hyunseong Kim is trying to do.

If you fail, Cheonil will experience hell.

If Shin Young-min disappeared and everyone picked on Kim Hyun-seong, it was clear that he would be bullied by Daesan High School students for wearing Cheonil’s school uniform. It was something that Bae Seong-ho never wanted. Aside from the fact that the spark was flying at him, he had a sense of belonging and hoped that Cheonil would be safe.

A series of situations.

Hyunseong Kim quietly looked at the sky.

There were only him and Bae Seong-ho on the rooftop, and the blue sky gave a strange sense of stability.

‘It’s already been more than half a year.’

From September until now.

A lot of things happened.

If this conquest of Daesan is successfully completed, Kim Hyeon-seong will be able to complete his own empire.

Hyunseong Kim said.

“For now, I plan to come up with a plausible justification. The method is simple. If such trash exists in Daesan, then of course there will be victims, just like light and shadow. Those victims.”

I laughed.

It was fun just to imagine what would happen in the future.

“It will become our cause.”

* * *

A SNS page in Daesan.

A post was posted on a page titled ‘Notice from Daesan’.

[From now on, we are receiving reports about school violence targeting high school students in Daesan. What school did you go to, what kind of bullying did you experience, and who led the bullying? If you send us an email with an accurate explanation of the situation, we will definitely avenge you beyond what you received. Of course, the entire process is conducted anonymously, but there must be absolutely no lies in the reported information. If something like that happens, the informant will also be punished accordingly.]

When that article was posted.

People didn’t react seriously.

It was clear that the content and serious writing style were intended to attract aggro.

-I received it. I received it. I received it.

-ㄹㅇ It’s refreshing. I don’t know what kind of bastard he is, but he’s getting reports about something.

-Is this Daesan’s ‘Batman’? Dark hero of darkness. A being that eradicates evil in society without revealing its identity. It’s shit, really. If you’re thinking about playing pranks like this, please take care of your own mother first. Can’t you see that everything is burning inside you?

-Who wants to report here?

-I should report it as a joke. Is it really done or not?

Just one day.

Although it was quickly pushed aside by other posts, it became a significant issue for the day.

It was mostly ridicule.

Originally, the SNS page often posted nonsense and fishing-related posts, so I thought some crazy bastard posted it because he was bored. To begin with, SNS page managers are just ordinary people. A place where members of the public can publish their names anonymously or with their own consent and post comments on their behalf. Since this is a space where credibility cannot be guaranteed at all, no one thought that this article had serious intentions.

-Would you like me to tell you how this article came about? I was clearly reminded of the moment when the bully who was beaten like a dog at school returned home in pain and was bullied. I was lying down on the bed covered with a blanket, but my body started twitching. I thought it would be awesome if I could throw punches and kicks in the air and take down these bastards who had come up like this, so I started imagining things like this and started writing on my cell phone. So don’t pay attention to sh*t like this. What if you report anonymously and you are identified and made public? Rather, it could be X. If it’s just a fool’s delusion, it’s an issue that can be laughed off, but if a vicious bastard has set a trap, just reporting it becomes a problem.

-Comment above ㅇㅈ.

-It’s credible.

-It’s really creepy if the Iljin bastards dug a trap.

like that.

The article gradually fell out of favor with people.

When I thought it was someone’s prank or Iljin’s trap, the intention behind posting the post inevitably lost its power.

A few days have passed since then.

Now I can’t find the article.

It disappeared into the back of my memory, pushed aside by new writing.

Until then, people never believed that posts on social media pages were real.

fantasy, modern,

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