Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 84

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18. A stepping stone for the future (1)

Some time after the final exams were over.

The atmosphere at school was different from usual.

The reactions of the students, who were noisy and the teachers who turned a blind eye to the children’s antics, were all excited.

It had to be that way.

When the last schedule was over, Kim Young-cheol conducted the final ceremony.

“You bastards. Everyone is so happy that they want to die. Yes, you are free. Starting today, I will sleep in late, play a lot of games, and eat delicious food with the kids. You can do whatever you want, but don’t neglect your studies even if it’s vacation. The first and second years of high school are different. Depending on how much of your time you devote, you can lead a completely different life in the future. okay?”


“Your voice is loud. Everyone, please go in carefully.”

“thank you sir!”

Winter vacation.

It was finally liberation.

Leaving behind the students screaming and leaving the classroom, Kim Young-cheol called only Kim Hyun-seong aside.

I moved to the counseling room.

Kim Young-cheol said with a friendly smile.

“Hyunseong. If anything happens during winter vacation, you can contact me anytime. You know that I think about you a lot, right? There’s absolutely no need to think about whether I’m going to be a bother or something like that. “I am always open to you.”

Kim Young-cheol’s reaction.

It was funny.

Hyunseong Kim knew the reason.

Go Chang-beom said that he would promise me a space in the new apartment building that was being built due to a pouring accident. Although the market price is not yet clear, it is an apartment from Myungjin Construction. As this place boasts a reputation that surpasses even that of large corporations in the construction industry, Kim Young-cheol couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

1 million?

200 million?

I couldn’t predict how much the asking price would rise.

What is clear is that certain benefits are guaranteed, so Kim Young-cheol had no choice but to find Kim Hyun-sung adorable.

It was a bad relationship at first.

Fatal weaknesses, such as parental corruption and adultery, were discovered, but as a result of observing Kim Hyun-sung, they were not touched as long as he fulfilled the required role properly. No, he gave a rather certain reward. Just as Oh Dae-hwan and himself are on a roll, we have now become accustomed to a back-and-forth relationship with Kim Hyun-seong rather than a student and teacher.

Kim Hyun-seong didn’t bother feeling good.

Anyway, once the winter vacation is over, Kim Young-cheol will face a thorny path that is incomparable to the past.

Hyunseong Kim smiled.

“thank you sir.”

* * *

There was nothing particularly different about vacation.

Kim Hyun-seong headed straight to the gym.

As always, I was with Kim Si-woo, and while preparing for training, I asked director Jeong Doo-cheol.

“Director. “I have a question: What level do you think Siwoo and I are as martial arts players?”


It was an unexpected question.

Jeong Doo-cheol was troubled.

Reflecting on his past memories, he gave his own well-founded answer.

“Siwoo is still not good enough to stand on the professional stage. His hitting skills are so good that he can be effective against adults in the amateur stage, but guys who want to become pros don’t try to fight based on their opponent’s strengths. After a few kicks from Siwoo, the bottom tackle will come in right away. For Siwoo, the ground is a weakness that has not yet been resolved, so he should be at a level where he can at least get one or two wins on the professional stage. “You build up victory when you don’t understand it properly, and once you understand everything, you can’t guarantee victory.”

“What about me?”

“Hyunseong, you… … .”

Is it just a simple prediction?

Jeong Doo-cheol had something he could be sure of based on his own experience.

“It’s okay for you to go on the professional stage right now. Although your physical condition is not yet fully developed, the difference between you and Siwoo is that you have an excellent ability to respond to variables. If the opponent’s strength is hitting, go for the ground. If the opponent’s strength is the ground, go for striking. He can change his position depending on the situation, and even if he gets into a battle of blows and blows, he has the judgment and boldness to dig into the opponent’s weaknesses. Those people on the professional stage will face you and lose miserably. Of course, that’s just it. “That doesn’t mean you’ll be perfect on the professional stage.”

17 years old.

It’s time to grow up.

Therefore, although the potential was high, paradoxically, it also meant that it was not yet complete.

“The professional stage is not a world where competition is based on potential. Even though you are 17 years old, you are really strong enough to be used on the professional stage, but the people you will deal with and meet with half-baked idiots have already gone through a growth period and are in their late 20s to early 30s. These are probably players who have truly reached their peak as players. You can never win against those guys. If it’s a hit, it’s a hit, if it’s a ground, it’s a ground. You will definitely lose due to physical differences. “But why are you asking this?”

I was curious.

Hyunseong Kim never just asks questions.

Whether for development or with special intent.

There was a direction to the question.

Hyunseong Kim said.

“I think I have grown dramatically through the director’s teachings. But for my goal, which I couldn’t tell you about, it’s impossible at the current level. I want to become stronger. So much so that the director said that no one, even a ‘professional’, could stop me. That’s why I want to focus on physical training during the winter break. “At 17 years old, I also felt that I was physically lacking.”

“Me too, director.”

Kim Si-woo added.

Winter vacation.

Kim Hyun-seong wanted to use that period as a stepping stone for development.

* * *

They were really funny guys.

17 years old.

I’m old enough to worry about other things.

Things like studying, dating, or playing games.

Although he was already strong enough to have no rival in Daesan, he showed a strong desire to become stronger without aiming to become a mixed martial artist. If he had first met Kim Hyun-seong, he would have refused. At that time, Jeong Doo-cheol was skeptical about Kim Hyun-sung’s goals, but now he gave a different answer than then.

“I still worry about you all, but after watching you all this time, I have gained some confidence. At least you don’t use your ‘strength’ to bully the weak. Since these scumbags are strong, a level of strength is needed to overwhelm their strength. Okay, let’s do that. Winter vacation has begun, so we will conduct camp training and build the strength you desire. step.”

Grinning, I laughed.

“You will have to be prepared to die.”


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It was from that day.

Kim Hyun-seong told his grandmother and younger brother and began camp training, and Kim Si-woo said he would join them as if it were a needle and thread. The theme of the camp training was ‘bulking up’. Jeong Doo-cheol said that if he had been able to control his balance through proper rest and training, he would only experience hell for two months this time.

5 o’clock in the morning.

Training has begun.

Hyunseong Kim went for a quick run as soon as he woke up and started strength training before dawn.

“one two.”

“Do it right, do it right!”

“Push it to the limit!”

Kim Hyun-seong and Kim Si-woo’s faces turned red.

He pushed his muscles to the limit with a face that looked like it was going to burst at any moment, and as soon as he reached the initially set number of times, Jeong Doo-cheol mercilessly increased the weight. It was my first time doing this level of strength training. Every time he squeezed out his strength, a disgusting feeling rose up, but Kim Hyun-seong forcibly endured the unpleasantness and filled the number.

And after training.

I briefly relaxed my body.

After I finished stretching, I ate the meal that Jeong Doo-cheol had prepared in advance.

“Physical training is never done through exercise alone. Depending on what you eat and how much you eat, your body will experience drastic changes. “Shove it all down your throat, no matter what, five times a day.”

It was disgusting.

Chicken breast, nuts, etc.

There were many foods that were difficult to eat.

Still, I ate it again and again.

Then I took a nap right away.

After sleeping for about an hour and a half, Kim Hyun-seong and Kim Si-woo went for a second round of training by running.

Training three times a day.

I ate rice five times.

When I open my eyes, I start training, and after giving up on gourmet food, I push the food into my mouth. When I can barely catch my breath, I force myself to sleep. It was a life like a treadmill where training started when I opened my eyes again.

It was hard.

Every day was hell.

Despite this, Kim Hyun-seong did not complain at all.

I was the one who suggested camp training, and I could feel my body growing rapidly as each day passed. The young age of 17. People who exercise say, this is the age when natural steroids are produced like crazy. Because I pushed myself so hard at that age, my body had no choice but to grow quickly.

One day, two days, three days.

Time passed.

I forgot myself.

During winter vacation, when everyone else was out having fun, Kim Hyun-seong and Kim Si-woo forgot the concept of time and focused on training.

There was no pleasure in life.

Hard things are hard, and I wanted to give up at every moment.



A powerful fist that explodes into a punching bag.

Due to the destructive sensation that rang through his entire body, Kim Hyun-seong could not stop training even for a day.

* * *

I couldn’t remember how many days had passed.

Kim Hyun-seong, who suddenly opened his eyes at dawn, ran straight to the bathroom and vomited out everything in his stomach.


I felt sick.

It felt like cramps coming from my abdomen.

Kim Hyun-seong, who had been holding onto the toilet and vomiting for a long time, gritted his teeth while clutching his abdomen.

“Off… … .”

It hurt.

I really felt like I was going to die.

Was it because of the hard training or the food I was forcing myself to eat?

The reason was unknown.

But it really hurt to the point of death.

I couldn’t breathe as my stomach was shaking like it was going into a spasm.

Common sense dictated that he should immediately call Director Jeong Doo-cheol and go to the hospital, but Kim Hyun-seong gritted his teeth and held on, determined to die on the spot. He couldn’t give up like this. If Jeong Doo-cheol knows that something is wrong with his body, he may adjust the intensity of his training. He clearly felt that he was getting stronger every day, but he did not want to ruin his current growth with his weakness.

I held back.

I clutched my abdomen even harder.

Even if I died like this, I had no intention of seeking help first.

Golden Circle B grade.

Taejun Choi’s power was intense.

As I watched him defeating numerous opponents by himself, I thought that Kim Hyun-seong might not be able to handle even simple power, let alone the power of the Golden Circle. That was unacceptable. He had all the conditions to take down the Golden Circle, but he was so weak that he didn’t want to think about losing.

I had to become stronger.

To be able to bear all malice.

Even if everyone you see in the middle of Gangnam is your enemy, you can defeat them all and achieve your goal.

“Off, off… … .”

I swallowed a moan.

I remembered the past.

The bottom of life.

The devastation of that time, lying in a hospital bed as a vegetative state, as time passed by in vain.

Sobbing and screaming in that dark space, Kim Hyun-seong prayed earnestly to a God he didn’t even know existed.

Just once.

Please give me just one chance.

If given the chance to turn back time, he would destroy the Golden Circle and all those associated with it so that he would not have a single regret in his life. Because they are clearly evil. In order to bring them down, he is willing to become evil and will not tolerate any mercy.

It hasn’t even started yet.

Go Chang-beom, Jeong Chan-soo, Kim Pan-ho, etc.

I finally secured the puzzles.

Since setting foot in Seoul was the only true beginning, I couldn’t end it like this without accomplishing anything.

It’s okay to die.

If only revenge was successful.

It’s okay to die.

If only we could push those demons into the pit of hell.


Drop, drop.

Blood flowed from my lips as I clenched my teeth.

My eyes were bloodshot and red from how hard I bit her, but I stubbornly held on without moaning any more.

So 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour.

Until the alarm rings at 5 a.m., which is training time.

Kim Hyun-seong never took a single step away from the bathroom.

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