Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 74

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16. Kim Pan-ho (2)

Several days have passed.

Meanwhile, shouts were heard in the office of National Assembly member Pan-ho Kim.

“So you’re saying there’s no way?!”

“It seems that Rep. Jang Ho-il prepared properly. “The circumstances surrounding the suspicion of corruption and the relationship with the parents involved are clear, and there is a record of us receiving sponsorship, so it seems inevitable if we get involved like this.”

“You can just pretend that the sponsorship is for some other reason.”

“That’s true, but the situation is a bit complicated. Rep. Jang Ho-il is so persistent in his efforts that it is difficult to let go. “We need a more certain method.”



I kicked the desk.

Pan-ho Kim looked out the window, grinning with a red face.

Reporters had already flocked in.

Everyone was watching Kim Pan-ho’s every move and trying to catch some clues.

“I’m giving you your salary to do that, so what on earth are you going to do? The situation is clear, unavoidable, and a clear method is needed. Do you think I called you here to hear about this? “Tell me the way, the way!”

“… … sorry.”

“What about Jang Ho-il’s eldest son?”

“I’m checking it now. But where does this story come from? From what we found out, Jang Ho-il’s eldest son is a model student who never got into trouble during his school days. Unlike most people who go abroad to study with money, he was accepted to a prestigious foreign university purely based on his grades. The friends I usually hang out with are also very wholesome… … No matter how much I think about it, I don’t think it has much to do with drugs.”

“I know. “But you never know.”

I bit my lip.

The story of Kim Hyun-seong.

When I first heard it, I thought it was plausible, but when I actually checked the truth, it turned out to be even more absurd than I thought.

A model student is addicted to Philopon.

It didn’t make sense.

I felt like an idiot because I was pushed to the edge, and a sense of self-destruction flooded me.

I took a step back.

“Let’s put our heads together until we find a way.”

It’s not over yet.

Kim Pan-ho was not weak enough to collapse to this extent.

There were many crises before he became a member of the National Assembly, but he was able to solve all the problems and become the Kim Pan-ho he is today.

Jang Ho-il?

Yang Min-gu?

They will chew it all up and eat it.

And you will definitely achieve your big dream.

It was then.

These subtitles came to mind on the TV with the sound turned down.

[Large-scale drug arrest among international students!]

That moment.

Kim Pan-ho looked like he was possessed by a ghost.

* * *

A few days later.

Kim Pan-ho summoned Kim Hyun-seong.

There were only two people in the office, and I gave Kim Hyun-seong some tea and sat across from him.

“It’s just as you said. Jang Ho-il’s eldest son was a habitual user of Philopon. How on earth did they find that out? Externally, Jang Ho-il’s eldest son is known as his model student, but he is not acquainted with him. “How did you, a 17-year-old high school student in the countryside, find out?”

It was an aggressive tone.

He looked into Kim Hyun-seong.

The fact that he was a 17-year-old high school student, raised by his grandmother, and had several accidents while receiving sponsorship from Myungjin Construction.

Doubts amplified.

It wasn’t like a normal high school student.

In particular, the fact that he reigned like a king at school made me even more wary of Kim Hyun-seong.

‘This guy didn’t just attack. He knew the real truth and offered me a deal.’

Yesterday evening.

Representative Jang Ho-il’s problem was completely resolved.

It turned out that the reason he was reported as international student A was because the media outlet that first obtained the information did not know that he was Jang Ho-il’s eldest son and just reported it. As a result, Jang Ho-il’s feet were on fire. In his previous life, Kim Pan-ho found out the truth through informants who spread it to the media, but in this life, he heard it through Kim Hyun-seong.

blast furnace.

I had no choice but to take the bait.

Kim Hyun-seong was treated as an ordinary high school student, but Kim Pan-ho proudly solved the problem that was bothering him.

“I want a clear explanation. So that no doubt remains about you. Even his father, Rep. Jang Ho-il, didn’t know about his eldest son’s medication in the Philippines. How on earth were you able to find out? And what are you trying to gain from me through that? Oh, by the way, I have no intention of just burying this matter. Of course, in order to fulfill my duty as a member of the National Assembly, I will have to report the fact after this meeting.”

He was still defensive.

Negotiations with Jang Ho-il were completed through Kim Hyun-seong’s information, but he thought it might be a trap and laid the groundwork. If Kim Hyun-seong changes his stance, he will immediately take his foot off the hook. The transaction with Jang Ho-il itself was not mentioned, so it would not be a problem, and the last words left room for action to bury the truth.

It was a snarky snake.

As he navigated the political world, Kim Pan-ho learned that he always had to prepare a way to escape.

Hyunseong Kim took a sip of tea.

I calmly accepted the staring gaze and, after fully enjoying the lingering scent of the tea, I put down the tea cup.


“I will explain the things you are worried about. The source of information is Myungjin Construction. The congressman may have also investigated, but I am receiving support from Go Chang-beom, and I was able to confirm the drug facts through him. There are a lot of bad people in Go Chang-beom’s network. And right now, I’m not doing any recording. If you have any doubts, you can check it yourself.”

“Hmm, then… … .”

I didn’t hesitate.

Kim Pan-ho stood up and carefully checked Kim Hyun-seong’s whole body using the machine he had prepared in advance.


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As a result, there were no suspicious circumstances.

However, this did not completely eliminate suspicion.

Still, at least.

It wasn’t a trap.

Thinking that I had really approached him for a transaction, I sat down with a much more relaxed expression.

“So, what are you offering me?”

It came over.

I took the bait.

Seeing Kim Pan-ho’s interested look in his eyes, Kim Hyun-seong immediately spoke.

“Before I get to the main point, I want to ask you something. Rep. Kim Pan-ho. “Are you aiming for the presidential election?”

* * *

presidential election.

It was a sensitive issue.

Kim Pan-ho’s eyebrows twitched.

Because the very fact of running for president means creating numerous enemies, he did not hastily answer.

Hyunseong Kim said.

“I’m not sure. I just thought that the reason I moved to the Prosperity Party and formed a new faction was to lay the foundation for a big challenge in the future. It won’t be the next presidential election right now. But I think he will clearly show his ambition from then on. “The question is, whether Daum or Dadaum, does a person named ‘National Assembly member Kim Pan-ho’ really have a chance of being elected?”

Past life.

Kim Pan-ho lost the presidential race.

The circumstances of threatening Jang Ho-il were very fatal, but that was not the biggest factor in his defeat.

Caregivers gathered in order in the hospital room.

They all mentioned Kim Pan-ho’s problem.

“I am negative about that part. Representative, there is no ‘story’ to attract people’s hearts. He didn’t rise from the bottom to become a member of the National Assembly, nor did he live a life devoted to the people. Born into an elite family, I took an elite course, became a university professor, and literally lived the life of the top 0.01% in Korea. The reason why he took care of the children of those in power while working at Korea University was probably a natural part of his life, rather than for the purpose of granting preferential treatment from the beginning. Even if we don’t have a special relationship, we pull and push people we do have. So it’s impossible. He became a member of the National Assembly for his big dream of becoming president, and tried to make a difference by transferring to the Prosperity Party, but even if he wins the competition within the party, he is bound to lose in the vote.”

“… … So, does this mean I should give up my dream?”

admitted the truth

As the possibility of recording disappeared, Kim Pan-ho did not bother to hide his true appearance.

“no. It’s not a dream that you can give up just because I told you to. The reason Rep. Yang Min-gu decided to shoot him this time was probably because he knew ‘the Rep.’s ambition.’ Rep. Yang Min-gu is also a person who hopes to run for president, so he must have known that he would clash one day.”

this moment.

Kim Pan-ho lacked power within the party.

Before transferring, he had secured the opposition of Rep. Yang Min-gu, but right now, it was not enough to surpass Yang Min-gu, the flagship of the Prosperity Party. Still, I thought it was worth a try. If he did not have the confidence to overthrow Yang Min-gu, he would not have decided to leave the party in the first place, and only declared his joining after raising the ransom sufficiently.


Kim Hyun-seong’s words were a different matter.

Regardless of whether he became a presidential candidate or not, the fact that his chances of winning were slim was bound to be fatal to him.

I knew it too.

That the story is lacking.

No matter how well he handled his work as a member of the National Assembly, Kim Pan-ho was not an attractive figure to the common people.


University professors, etc.

The modifier was too flashy.

Therefore, Kim Hyun-seong decided that Kim Pan-ho was very attractive as part of the plan.

Hyunseong Kim said.

“I will be the kingmaker. “I can solve all of your practical problems and put you in the position you desperately want.”

* * *


Kim Pan-ho crossed his legs.

It was a look of peculiar arrogance.

To him, who lived a life without knowing failure, help from a high school student did not sound very welcome.


I blurted out the words.

He revealed his true face.

Although he was a politician who was servile to the common people, he was a magnate whose background could not be compared to that of Myungjin Construction.

If the other person wants you.

There was no reason to bow down.

In response to Kim Pan-ho’s arrogant look, Kim Hyun-seong spoke calmly.

“First of all, Myungjin Construction will take care of the political funding. Although it is only a local company, Myungjin Construction is a recently emerging company in the construction industry, and as you know, the ‘construction industry’ is an industry in which it is very easy to manipulate the books. “I will clean it and give it to you with no problem money.”

Kim Pan-ho chuckled.

It’s not because they’re the same.

In fact, a person like Kim Pan-ho would receive money from companies larger than Myeongjin Construction, but it was absurd to hear a 17-year-old high school student talking about laundry and all that. It felt strangely foreign. He looked like a high school student, but somehow he seemed to have lived a life beyond that.

“I hope this relationship will be mutually beneficial. It’s not that I unilaterally want the congressman, and the congressman doesn’t unilaterally want me. A relationship that requires each other. Simply providing financial support would not be a very attractive option for me. But I’m different from other people. “I can create the ‘story’ that you lack.”


“yes. The perfect story for the presidential election. A story that will make people look up to you.”

Now I had no choice but to admit it.

Hyunseong Kim.

He was a fun kid.

As long as he could keep his words perfectly, he was the right partner regardless of age. Didn’t he solve Jang Ho-il’s problem too? If I hadn’t proven my worth through that issue, the current situation wouldn’t have been created in the first place.

My curiosity was piqued.

I wanted to hear the end of this ridiculous situation.

“say it. “What is that story?”

Drawing a sketch.

Hyunseong Kim thought of several candidates.

Taking control of the school with Kim Young-cheol and Oh Dae-hwan.

Securing financial issues and background through Myungjin Construction.

In order to fight against powerful powers in the future, he even went to the stage of recruiting figures such as National Assembly member Kim Pan-ho.

10 years.

It is a plan that has been in the making for 10 years.

While others were living humane lives, Kim Hyun-seong, at the bottom of his life, was constantly improving his one plan.

He smiled brightly.

The disgust of reality could not be more enjoyable.

“Golden Circle. “The congressman becomes a politician who destroys that group.”

fantasy, modern,

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