Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 72

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15. Malice (6)

Immediately after regression.

Hyunseong Kim drew up his future plans and thought about the most important points.

‘Two years from now. I have to go to Gangnam, the home of the Golden Circle. Interfering with their intentions there may bring down the Golden Circle, but that does not mean true revenge. Behind the Golden Circle. And the people associated with it. They won’t fall like the Golden Circle did.’

Unidentified background.

Members of the Golden Line.

They already have considerable wealth and power.

Even if Kim Hyun-seong revealed the truth, burying them all together would never be easy.

It was all a mystery.

Who they are and how great they are.

Hyunseong Kim didn’t know.

I just lay in the hospital room and thought over my plan countless times, but in order to get true revenge, I had to figure it out from beginning to end. Kim Hyun-seong hoped that there would be no loopholes in the plan. If someone benefited from the Golden Circle, I hoped that not a single person would escape down the hole and everyone would be caught in the trap and struggling.


What should I do next?

There were always plans that were not clear due to delusions, but Kim Hyun-seong had a vague direction.

‘We need solid information to completely destroy those involved in the Golden Circle. The type of information that only those directly involved within it can know. The problem is that there is no way to obtain such information. Not only is it not easy to access the Golden Circle because it is a closed group, but if your identity is not completely verified, you will not be able to access important information in the first place. Then there is only one way for me.’

huge frame.

There was a hole in it.

Because the puzzle was not perfectly put together, Kim Hyun-seong continued to revise the plan according to the changing situation.

Park Min-cheol’s gang.

Youngmin Shin.

Taejun Choi.

I continued to worry as I defeated them one after another.

Then, when Choi Tae-jun was recruited, the perfect puzzle to fill the hole finally came to Kim Hyun-seong’s mind.

‘Chansu Jeong. A person whose identity as a broker in Seoul has been completely proven. If I can use him as a Trojan horse, I can obtain important information about the Golden Circle.’

Taejun Choi was a stepping stone from the beginning.

Starting with Choi Tae-jun and ending with Jeong Chan-soo.

Through him.

‘I secure the most important puzzles.’

Kim Hyun-seong wanted to complete the plan.

* * *

Chansu Jeong looked anxious.

Looking at the eyes shaking at the unguaranteed future, Kim Hyun-seong spoke his thoughts in a calm voice.

“When you handed me the information. I got confidence. Just as Kang Tae-gu, the first broker, was replaced by you, you are also just an expendable product who may one day be replaced. You haven’t yet secured an irreplaceable reputation. And you knew it deep inside. “From the moment Oh Chun-sam handed over the evidence of the transaction, you and the entire Golden Circle cannot be safe.”

“… … “Are you really going to expose it?”

“no. I just wanted to emphasize how desperate I am for you. “The fact that you handed over the data even though you knew it was doomed means that you yourself know that the Golden Circle will not protect you anyway.”

In those words.

Chansu Jeong did not answer.

Chansu Jeong didn’t hand over the data because he was stupid.

Even though I knew that this data would strain my leash, there was no other way to survive.

Just one thing.

I placed a bet on Kim Hyun-seong.

Kim Hyun-seong thought that if he covered Oh Chun-sam’s mouth, he could somehow survive.

“Let’s be honest with each other. Why are you sincere towards the Golden Circle, even while handling their dirty work? It must be because of money. They probably want to earn a huge amount of money that ordinary people cannot earn and enter the heavenly world called the Golden Line. So I’d like to make you a suggestion. In exchange for you becoming a Trojan horse. “How about getting what you want through the Golden Circle through ‘me’?”

Chansu Jeong chuckled.

I wanted to listen seriously, but Kim Hyun-sung’s remarks were too absurd.

Chansu Jeong said.

“You’re not just making such a suggestion because you trust Myungjin Construction, right? Admit it. I joined the Golden Circle because I wanted to rise to the top of class society. And the Golden Circle has such power. The reason I gave you my leash was just a bargain. It was clear that this monstrous group would pay the price for failure, so I had no choice. But to get what I want from you? what? How many apartments? “If I was going to be satisfied with what Myungjin Construction could do, I wouldn’t have joined the Golden Circle.”

It’s been years.

Living as a broker in the Golden Circle, I got a glimpse into an extraordinary world that ordinary people cannot dare to experience.

I was jealous.

I was jealous.

He also wanted to step into that world.

“No matter how much you are pushed to the edge, don’t look at people as idiots. Even if death is an option anyway, revealing the Golden Circle’s internal secrets is a completely different matter. Request failed? Data leaked? Yes, I have already crossed the irreversible river. But that’s not it. I will be kicked out of the Golden Circle and my life will be ruined for this, but being an inside spy can be really risky. Above all, I can’t just trust you and Myungjin Construction and accept such a dangerous task.”

Hyunseong Kim?

I admitted it.

Although he is a capable person, he could never accept this offer due to his background at Myungjin Construction.

It is separate from request failure.

I went along with the intention of blocking Oh Chun-sam’s mouth, and I wanted nothing more than that.

Chansu Jeong’s reaction.

Hyunseong Kim predicted it.

I knew it would come out like that from the beginning.

And only if it came out as expected, it was meaningful to secure the puzzle of Chan-soo Jeong.

Hyunseong Kim said.

“Then let me change it. Next 2 years. I will let you take full charge of the members of Heaven for two years. “With that amount of time, you can eat as much as you want, right?”


“… … what!?”

Chansu Jeong’s expression cracked.


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It’s not because of the suggestion just now.


Its existence was a word that outsiders like Kim Hyun-seong could not understand.

* * *

golden line.

It is also divided into grades.

Among politicians, he is a high-ranking figure, and among conglomerates, he is at the top of the business hierarchy.

They were usually described as ‘heavenly’.

Even brokers like Jeong Chan-soo could not dare to contact them, and the top brokers were in full charge of them, as their identities were not revealed. And of course, the higher the level of the person in charge, the different rewards they received. There were rumors that your life would change completely the moment you took charge of Heaven, and the quality of information flowing from Heaven was incomparable to that of the general world.

Hyunseong Kim’s words.

It was absurd.

Aside from the unrealistic nature of the proposal, Jeong Chan-soo was surprised to learn that Kim Hyun-seong knew about the existence of heaven.

“How did you… … ?”

“The important thing now is not how I knew about the existence of heaven, but whether my proposal is really possible.”

That’s correct.


Really what if.

If Kim Hyun-seong’s words are true.

This was an acceptable deal.

Celestial beings.

If you manage them, it is not a problem to secure the wealth in one year that can be earned by working for decades as a broker. Stock price manipulation, coins, speculation, etc. The information circulating within it has astronomical value. Normal brokers usually place some restrictions on using internal information, but Heavenly Brokers are different.

them too.

accepted as a member.

Just because they listen to the heavenly story and follow orders, they receive really sweet bean paste and eat it.

I was jealous.

2 years later.

If the Golden Circle collapses and his betrayal becomes known, he will definitely pay a heavy price.

Even so.

not bad.

If you have that much wealth, you can leave Korea without any regrets, and if Kim Hyun-sung even destroys the Golden Circle. It really was a kill-two-win. Rather, it was the most ideal scenario that Chan-soo Jeong hoped for.

I swallowed my dry saliva.

I wasn’t sure what to do.

At first, we were going to discuss Oh Chun-sam’s work, but the situation changed in a completely different direction.

Chansu Jeong said.

“… … Just ask one question. “How on earth are you going to make me a special agent of Heaven?”

It was an important point.

Whether or not to accept the offer, I had to first check whether it was a realistic possibility.

And that’s it.

It also had a positive meaning.

Hyunseong Kim laughed.

“One month from now. Just keep quiet about this for a month. And after a month.”

We made eye contact.

I could see a seething desire in Jeong Chan-soo’s eyes.

“You will get what you want.”

* * *

People won’t know.

What kind of life has Kim Hyun-seong lived?

When he was living in a vegetative state, the hospital where Kim Hyun-seong stayed was a place that did not have a proper system in place. Don’t talk loudly in the patient’s room, don’t turn up the volume on the TV, etc. They didn’t have any effect. Since most of the patients were hospitalized with government subsidies, which did not make any money in the first place, the caregivers and hospital officials did not pay much attention to the patients’ condition.

Like that every day.

Kim Hyun-seong heard people talking.

“I’m really worried. Real estate prices are likely to rise, but loans are scary. What do we do?”

“Just take it. Don’t you know the market situation these days? A house worth 300 million won becomes worth 600 million in an instant. “Then you’ll be late.”

“is it?”

It was the voice of the caregivers.

They talked about practical problems.


[It was revealed that top star A’s affair partner was the wife of a chaebol family. Whereby… … .]

[National Assembly member Kim Pan-ho expressed his intention to run for president. Kim Pan-ho, a former professor at Korea University, pushed out Yang Min-gu, who was a strong candidate in the party… … .]

News on TV every day.

Kim Hyun-seong kept those stories in his head one by one.

It wasn’t for revenge from the beginning.

In a situation where I couldn’t do anything, listening to someone’s story was the only joy in life.

like that.

A plan was made.

Because I remembered the work of Myungjin Construction, I used them as the background, and I added more flesh to Myungjin Construction’s plan because of people’s complaints about real estate, and I supplemented the plan whenever major events such as Top Star A and National Assembly members occurred.


There was nothing else to do.

24 hours a day, 1,440 minutes.

All my time was invested in delusions.

If he hadn’t heard the news about the Golden Circle, Kim Hyun-seong would have spent his time without any purpose.

[This is shocking news. The true nature of the forces leading school violence has been revealed. They operated under the name of the Golden Circle, and were confirmed to have been paid by powerful figures to carry out commissions for their children. Currently, the prosecution and police have formed a special team to thoroughly investigate the people involved, and it has been discovered that a group called Cheonsang existed within the Golden Circle… … .]

Golden Circle.

golden line.

And heaven.

Their existence has been revealed to the world.

Chansu Jeong wondered how he knew the truth, but in reality, it was just something that would happen in the distant future.

And then.

Golden Circle officials were not punished.

It was an incident named Golden Gate that made the world buzz, but only a few people were dragged away and the identities of the people who actually belonged to Heaven were not revealed. To be precise, the suspects were identified, but there was no way to prove that they were actually members of Heaven.

It was a miserable future.

So we completed the plan more thoroughly.


I hope you get one chance.

I hope I can bring them down to the bottom of hell.

Although it was just a delusion, I was really happy at that moment.

* * *

Stand tall.

I stopped walking.

Hyunseong Kim checked the signboard hanging in front of the door.

[Office of National Assembly member Pan-ho Kim]

From now on.

It was time to put another plan into action.

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