Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 69

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15. Malice (3)

It was different from his usual Kim Hyun-sung.

Bloodshot eyes that seem to be shedding bloody tears, a horribly distorted face, and even a voice filled with evil.

Oh Hye-ji was trembling.

I had to say something to survive.

“… … Me, I definitely am not. “I don’t know why you doubt me, but it’s really not me!”

Clap, clap.

I shook the doorknob.

I desperately moved my hand, which was hidden behind my back, but the tightly locked door did not respond in the slightest.

“Tongue, Hyunseong. Think rationally. There is no reason for me to instigate you to harass me, and I have maintained a good relationship with you so far. If the person who heard that ‘information’ is the culprit, then Seon-ah is the culprit. I clearly heard Suna complaining after you surpassed her grades. So please don’t do this to me. “I’m scared.”

“Shall I tell you a fun fact?”

Kim Hyun-seong’s face became even more distorted.

That face, unable to tell whether it was crying or laughing, expressed seething malice without hesitation.

“Choi Sun-ah’s parents decided to retire. Resignation from current positions does not mean that the power of high-ranking public officials disappears, but the life they choose after retirement is to live as a member of the ‘School Violence Prevention Committee’. So, based on common sense, does it make sense for such people to send requests to the Golden Circle and send someone into the abyss? Even by giving up the power of the incumbent?”

“You don’t know that!”

“Yeah, I don’t know. I wasn’t completely sure either, so I called Choi Seon-ah here. however.”

Just now.

Oh Hye-ji made a mistake.

She fell into the trap that Kim Hyun-seong cleverly set, without even realizing it.

“What you just said. What I am saying is that I did not instigate it. Explain. “I never said anything about ‘instigation’ from the beginning, so on what basis did you explain that you didn’t instigate it?”

“Well, that is!”

I was speechless.

It was really clever.


Choi Seon-ah’s family history.

Three different stories.

If you didn’t know the existence of the Golden Circle, these were puzzles that were not connected to each other.

What is a broker, why does he talk about Choi Seon-ah’s family life, and why did he tell three different stories to each of them? However, Oh Hye-ji specifically mentioned that she ‘did not instigate’. Someone requested it through a broker, Choi Seon-ah’s family history did not match that of the culprit, and although she heard three stories, she insisted that ‘Choi Seon-ah’, not herself, was the culprit. All of these situations meant one truth.


The truth of knowing something.

The cruel truth is that it is in no way unrelated to this incident, to the extent that it immediately mentions the instigation and criticizes Choi Sun-ah.

Is it because I thought there was no other way?

Oh Hye-ji’s expression suddenly changed.

She, whose face seemed like she knew nothing, shouted with a venomous look in her eyes.

“This is all because of you! “If you hadn’t treated me so harshly, this wouldn’t have happened!”

Thousand days of popular girl.

She finally took off her mask.

* * *

It was the beginning of the semester.

When Oh Hye-ji was first assigned to Class 1, she noticed a male student who immediately caught her eye.

‘Oh, is it okay?’

Warm appearance.

The height was also appropriate.

He is a size that would be nice to be hugged, and according to Kim Hyun-sung’s classmates, he is an all-round tough kid with a good personality, good at studying, and good at sports. Still, I liked her at first. She thought it was okay and didn’t plan on dashing right away, but as time went by, the number of times she stole glances at Kim Hyun-seong became more frequent.

I like it.

The problem was that she wasn’t the only person like that.

Since several female students had already confessed and been rejected, she was hesitant about the negative consequences.

‘What should I do?’

A glance.

Kim Hyun-seong kept catching my eye.

Even back then, Oh Hye-ji was called a popular girl.

With her short stature, pretty appearance, and gentle attitude, she had a style that men were constantly drawn to. Would you like your confession to be rejected? It was a result I really didn’t want to imagine. So, rather than just attacking him, he tried to find out what he thought of him by gently touching him.

If you hand out candy during recess.

“Are you giving it to me? thank you.”

Hyunseong Kim smiled brightly.

Oh Hye-ji looked so cute when she opened the candy and put it in her mouth.

When asked about a question I don’t know.

“Are you curious about this? How do I solve this… … .”

Hyunseong Kim sat next to him and kindly interpreted the problem.

When Oh Hye-ji’s forearms touched to look into the problem, it felt as if a shiver ran through her entire body.


It was decisive.

I asked Kim Hyun-sung’s ideal type through his friends, and this is what Kim Hyun-sung answered.

“I’ve never thought about it in particular, but is she a style like Hyeji? I like people who are friendly. “Even though I get along well with kids, I’m not as friendly as Hyeji, but Hyeji has the style of making people feel good for some reason.”

This was a signal.

It was certain.

Since Kim Hyun-seong readily received her messages, Oh Hye-ji called Kim Hyun-seong separately after school. She didn’t want to confess at school. Since the possibility of rejection still existed in one part of his heart, once Kim Hyun-sung accepted his confession, he planned to tell his friends about the relationship.

Prepare a gift.


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I wrote a letter.

When Kim Hyeon-seong showed up at the meeting place, Oh Hye-ji blushed and expressed her feelings.

“Would you go out with me?”

that day.

She experienced a bad ending for the first time in her life.

* * *

Special people exist in the world.

Oh Hye-ji thought of herself that way.

Pretty appearance.

wealthy house.

There was nothing lacking.

From the time I was young until now, I have always been treated well, and no matter what I wanted, I was able to achieve it no matter what if I put my mind to it. In fact, he wasn’t very interested in studying. He maintained decent grades so that he would not be ignored by others, but he was confident that not being able to study would not cause major problems in his life.

It was a solid life.

If things continued like this, I would live a good life without any problems.


“Do you know how devastated I felt the day you rejected my confession? I went home and cried all night. I really cried and thought about what I did wrong, but I didn’t do anything wrong. You sent the signal first. “When I give him candy, he smiles prettily, when I ask him a problem, he answers kindly, and when someone asks me who my ideal type is, I don’t just say style, I say ‘me’!”

Just one rejection.

Just one failure.

It was my first time.

To my first despair, to my first failure.

Oh Hye-ji was filled with antipathy.

The next day, when I went to school with swollen eyes, I was so angry when I saw Kim Hyun-seong, who was still so popular.

“I thought you were playing a trick on me. Otherwise, there would be no reason for you to kick your tail and reject me. So I wanted to make you experience the same despair as me. “You are still popular with girls and your grades are improving day by day, but I hated the fact that I was the only one living like this.”

There was no reason.

It was malicious.

Antipathy blossomed into malice, and after hearing Oh Hye-ji’s complaints, her parents came up with a different method.

Golden Circle.

A secret group that an acquaintance told me about.

Oh Hye-ji did not think about the catastrophic ending.

What was certain was that it was a clear way to drive Kim Hyun-seong into despair.

“Since you’re so popular, I just wanted to make you feel the same way. That’s really it. There was no other reason and I won’t do so again. therefore.”


That look.

“Just look at me once, Hyunseong.”

In Kim Hyun-seong’s eyes, he looked like a young devil.

* * *

Ten years.

At the bottom of his lonely and dark life, Kim Hyun-seong looked back on countless memories and there was something he always thought about.

Who commissioned it?

Why on earth did that happen?

I didn’t do anything particularly outrageous, so why do I tear other people’s lives to pieces like this? Even if there was some problem, was it really a mistake that deserved this level of punishment?

I’m thinking about it.

I’m thinking about it.

I was worried again.

There was no answer.

Regardless of the reason, whether it be grades or something else, I thought the client had a clear justification.


“Tsk, tsk tsk.”

Hyunseong Kim covered his face.

A laugh escaped my lips.

It was funny.

It was absurd and absurd.

This was truly pure malice.

Just like a child mindlessly tearing off an insect’s leg, Oh Hye-ji did not think deeply about the consequences of her malicious intent. She just didn’t like it so she pressed the insect with her finger. She didn’t know her background or how great the power she had, so she gave Kim Hyeon-seong an ordeal that he couldn’t handle.

Just one rejection.

It was because of that.

All my worries were fleeting.

Kim Hyun-seong spent countless hours worrying, but because it was not common sense to begin with, he could not even come close to the correct answer.

My emotions turned cold.

The face lost its expression.

It was neither anger nor sadness.

With an emotionless face reminiscent of the uncanny valley, Kim Hyun-seong spoke about memories of the past.

“that day. The reason I rejected you wasn’t because I didn’t like you. As I explained to you clearly that day, I couldn’t afford to meet anyone. The snacks you buy without thinking, the latest cell phone you show off to your friends. It’s a life I’m not allowed to live. “I knew I couldn’t afford the leisure you enjoyed, so even though I liked you, I had no choice but to reject your confession.”

“… … Then tell me. “If you had told me the truth, I wouldn’t have done this.”

“I’m a man too. “I have pride, so how can I reveal my inner self to someone I like?”

Oh Hye-ji’s expression relaxed.

Is it because I knew the truth?

Or was it because he thought he was out of danger?


She thought it was good.

The moment I took a step closer to Kim Hyun-seong, I heard a strange voice that was different from before.

“And it’s already too late.”

Stand tall.

I stopped walking.

I couldn’t get any closer.

“I will destroy you. I will destroy your family and rob you of all the happiness you have ever had. Don’t have any vain thoughts that this problem will be resolved. Shin Young-min, Park Min-cheol, Cho Yong-taek, and Kang Chang-seok. The reason they went to juvenile detention center is because they accepted your request. “The reason I left Daesan just as Jung Min-ho’s family was destroyed and he fled into the night was because I accepted your request.”

Oh Hye-ji’s face turned pale.

It would be embarrassing for her.


At this point, Kim Hyun-seong did not experience despair.

He subverted the Golden Circle’s plan and, using Go Chang-beom, reigned as the king of Cheonil High School. He was bullied for three whole years and became a vegetative state. His family is falling into the abyss of despair because of him. The events that had taken as long as 10 years in a hellish time were nothing more than a reality that did not happen now.

It was a feeling that Oh Hye-ji could not understand.

Why am I so angry?

The reason why I succumbed to evil so much.

She didn’t know.

But one thing is certain.

When that future came, Oh Hye-ji did not reveal herself at all as if it had nothing to do with her.



I pulled his hair.

When I threw it on the floor, the small figure rolled on the ground.


I grabbed his hair again.

As I grabbed the well-maintained hair in one hand, Oh Hye-ji’s head came up and I saw her face filled with fear.

Kim Hyun-seong has been eagerly waiting for this for a long time.

This situation.

This moment.

May the image that has always been in a hazy fog come to life clearly before your eyes.

Oh Hye-ji had tears in her eyes.

I was so scared that I couldn’t even scream.

“Find a good plastic surgeon.”

Hyunseong Kim laughed.

“Oh, I guess I can’t afford to spend money on my face anymore.”


Crack, clap, clap!

Class begins.

Until class ends.

Until the teachers and students tried to find Kim Hyeon-seong and Oh Hye-ji.

The tightly closed warehouse door did not open.

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