Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 44

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10. The Butterfly Effect of Good Intentions (2)

Go Chang-beom’s life always passed quickly.

My school days ended as I went out with my friends every day, and after becoming an adult, I spent my days drinking and sleeping in bed with complete strangers until I entered my 30s. She couldn’t quite remember how she lived. She just had fun, and she didn’t have any difficulties in the process that could be considered hard work.

Is that why?

It was strange to see time passing so slowly.

Even when I was working as a low-level worker on a construction site, even now when I am anxiously waiting for 119.

In an extremely unfamiliar situation, Go Chang-beom showed an appearance that did not match his scary appearance, stamping his feet.

“No, when are you coming?”

“They say they left immediately after receiving the report.”

“Tell them to step on it quickly! “If there’s a problem, whether it’s a fine or anything else, I’ll solve it all!”

It was so simple.

Now that I had made my decision, I focused on the situation in front of me.

No matter what the price of his decision would be later, Kim Hyun-seong wanted to produce the best results for the workers according to his plan. The best didn’t require any special consideration. The safety of the workers who had been in an accident must be the top priority, so they kept urging the manager so that 119 could arrive quickly.


On top of the building.

A dangerous sound was heard.

Go Chang-beom felt helpless and unable to do anything at the moment, and he became irritated.

“f*ck, why is this happening?”

“Don’t you know why?”


My head turned.

When I looked to the side, I saw a worker who looked to be in his early 20s looking at Go Chang-beom.

“There may be a variety of reasons for pouring accidents, but this accident clearly occurred because the construction company pushed ahead with the construction schedule. A problem arose during the curing process. If the workers had not been pushed hard, if enough time had been given to curing. “An incident like this would not have happened.”

“Why are you telling me that?”

“I was wondering if you were okay. “It seems like you are the eldest son of a construction company. Can you take responsibility for this accident?”

Go Chang-beom also has insight.

He realized that the worker was hostile towards him.

Not only was his aggressive tone of voice, but the way he looked at himself was not favorable.

Normally, I might have punched him in the face first.

There was no mercy in the life he lived like a bitch, but the structure of his head now was different from usual.

Prioritize workers.

Take the worker’s side.

I couldn’t think about it in a complicated way.

I simply followed Kim Hyun-seong’s will and spoke and acted accordingly without even realizing it.

Go Chang-beom said.

“It’s not more important than human life.”

“… … yes?”

“Whether a problem arises or not, shouldn’t saving people’s lives come first? If you have time to talk nonsense like that, at least dial 119. Normally, civil servants can only rush things if they work together as a group.”

I turned my head.

He looked at the building again and showed genuine regret in his eyes.

No matter who sees it or not.

It wasn’t that important.

Is it because Go Chang-beom’s wish reached the sky?



From afar, the sound I had been waiting for began to be heard.

* * *

It was truly a blessing in disguise.

Thanks to quick action, we were able to rescue the workers before a major problem occurred.

The manager came over and said.

“There were a total of eight workers who fell in the accident, and all of them were rescued and transported to the hospital without any problems. Everyone suffered major and minor injuries, but no worker seemed to be in immediate danger. I’m so glad. “Thanks to your quick decision, we were able to resolve the problem well.”

“okay? I’m glad.”

“however… … There is a problem.”

The manager’s face was slightly flushed.

Although the workers breathed a sigh of relief that they were safe, problems arose that had to be dealt with immediately.

“Several internet media outlets confirmed our case and published articles. Local newspapers in Daesan had a relationship with Myungjin Construction and sent a confirmation call first, but the situation is different for internet media outlets. They are a group whose priority is to secure views with provocative material, so they have already published an article harshly criticizing Myungjin Construction for its ‘safety issues’. The problem is that the stream of articles has already been opened, so it seems difficult to prevent additional articles.”

It was a problem I was concerned about.

Originally, even if an accident had occurred, the press was contacted in advance to refrain from harsh criticism as much as possible. Originally, Hangul was a different language. Even if it is clearly Myungjin Construction’s fault, if it is expressed appropriately and mildly, the anger of ordinary people boils for a while and then disappears.

And this is Daesan.

A province, not Seoul.

It was an issue that only a few articles appeared on the Internet, but no one seemed to be interested in.

Go Chang-beom scratched his head.

“… … What should I really do?”

“yes? “Wasn’t there a way?”

“The method is a mess. “I just called 119 without thinking about what happened because the workers in front of me were in danger.”

“ah… … .”

The manager showed a gloomy expression.

Go Chang-beom’s mistake.


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Since he was a member of the royal family, he would not be held responsible, but as an administrator, there was a high possibility that he would be blamed for Go Chang-beom’s crimes. It was hopeless. Even though I knew that Myungjin Construction’s eldest son was an asshole, I was only resentful of my decision to trust his sense of justice and call 119.

To make matters worse.

Go Chang-beom received a call.


It was a call.

The situation at the construction site was relayed to his father, and he attempted to summon Go Chang-beom, who was in charge of the site.

Go Chang-beom did not answer the phone.

It is not my intention to not answer the call.

I was thinking of taking responsibility, but there was work I had to do before that.


The phone was disconnected.

As Go Chang-beom walked back to the office, he called a familiar number.

Take off.

“Uh, Hyunseong.”

* * *

It had been a long time since I called.

Chairman Ko Myeong-jin.

And Go Chang-beom and Go Chang-seok.

In the cold, frozen atmosphere, Go Chang-seok was the first to break the silence.

“Brother, are you sane? No, what on earth are you thinking, handling things like this without even reporting it to the higher-ups?”


threw something

It was a screen capture of the article.

In an article harshly criticizing Myungjin Construction, Go Chang-seok’s voice was raised.

“Saving people? Yeah, that’s a very good thing. My brother’s sense of justice must have been fully satisfied as none of the workers came back alive without a single one dying, but what about our company? What about Myungjin Construction? Do you know how much loss we will have to bear if we do things this way? The workers’ compensation is nothing. The construction schedule will continue to be delayed due to safety issues, and people who decide to move into our apartment will start to question whether they can move into an apartment like this. And then unsold units pop up? “It’s over then.”

My brother’s mistake.

It was an opportunity for Go Chang-beom.

Like a hyena that has captured its prey, it bites the wound with its sharp teeth.

“When I heard that I was actually working as a low-level construction worker, I thought I had come to my senses. Ugh, let’s not really talk. Do you know what kind of person the scariest person in the world is? They are ignorant people who hold a small amount of power in their hands, but have no sense of responsibility. uh? People like you are really dangerous. “My brother may have done it without thinking, but practitioners like us need to take care of that from now on.”

Every single word.

It revealed blatant intentions.

A person who is irresponsible and ignorant.

While disparaging Go Chang-beom’s existence, he emphasized that he is one with Myungjin Construction and plays a working-level role.

There was no genuine concern for the company.

If it had been a large-scale construction, the situation would have been more serious than it is now, but fortunately, this construction was to raise a single apartment building. Of course, this did not mean that the damage was small. For Go Chang-seok, it was judged that this amount of loss was not bad enough for the purpose of disparaging Go Chang-beom’s reputation.

Go Chang-beom did not make any excuses.

Even though Go Chang-seok continued to attack, he lowered his head towards his father.

Chairman Ko Myung-jin was looking out the window.

He didn’t move for a while despite his second son’s shouting, then slowly turned his head and looked at Go Chang-beom.

“Yes, I heard the news. You raided the entire Daesan Mountain to save the workers? I heard that because you reported it not only to 119 but also to 112, internet reporters found out the news right away. So, how do you plan to take responsibility for this situation?”

It was a cold voice.

Go Chang-beom raised his head.

The moment Go Chang-beom made eye contact with his father, he recalled the contents of the phone call that had occurred a moment ago.

* * *

Kim Hyun-seong’s plan.

I didn’t quite understand.

Myungjin Construction is clearly a company, so why should it think from the workers’ perspective and do its best for them?

The structure of a company is not that simple.

Even if you take care of each person with care, the satisfaction level of the workers, who will not be surprised if they leave at any time, will not dramatically increase the company’s sales. Fast construction and moderately satisfactory results. Especially in the current market situation, it was important for the company to replace its workforce and produce results.

Beyond the phone.

I heard Kim Hyun-seong’s voice.

[Mr. Go Chang-beom, what kind of person does Chairman Go Myeong-jin think he is? Is he a businessman who sheds blood and tears for money, or is he a craftsman who only pursues perfect results without thinking about money?]

“… … well.”

The answer didn’t immediately come to mind.

Although Chairman Go Myeong-jin looks like a craftsman, he was able to build Myungjin Construction into what it is today because he was a businessman.

The answer could not be found through dichotomous thinking.

[In my opinion, Chairman Ko Myung-jin has the aspects of both a businessman and a craftsman. But if he forced me to decide on one side, I would choose the latter without hesitation. I think what’s really interesting about people is that craftsmen don’t know the world and can’t judge their own value properly. That’s a bad idea. The more skilled a craftsman is, the more he realizes how great he is. Artisans do not want to wall themselves off from the world, but rather want to receive sufficient compensation commensurate with their value.]

This accident.

It existed in a past life too.

At that time, Myungjin Construction was busy covering up the incident, but the story leaked to Chairman Ko Myungjin and caused an uproar. It is not because the incident was covered up. Chairman Goh Myeong-jin was furious that Myeongjin’s quality had been lowered due to a really absurd mistake, almost like a pouring accident.

In an interview.

Chairman Ko Myung-jin said this.

“Some people may call us stupid, but we covered up the pouring accident and revealed it directly to the world. It’s a matter of pride. The counterfeit watch market has developed a lot these days, right? You can’t really tell a fake from a real watch by its appearance, but the most important thing is your attitude when wearing a watch. There is bound to be a difference in the dignity and confidence between a person wearing a fake and a person wearing the real thing. I just wanted to be honest. “I believed that Myungjin Construction truly deserves to be the best construction company in Korea, and I hoped that there would be no shame in front of people.”

Professional manager.

Pour accident.

Go Myeong-jin’s tendencies were revealed.

Although he had a crooked arm, he was so proud of his own skills that he eventually abandoned his sons and hired a professional manager. What kind of successor does such a person hope for? Is he a person who simply thinks about the company’s interests, or is he a person who takes care of profits and increases the value of the company?

The price is sufficient.

It was a reward for perfect results.

Because he was a merchant, he did not have to make a lot of money, but he had to receive sufficient compensation commensurate with his pride as a craftsman.

Hyunseong Kim said.

[If a safety accident occurs, Chairman Ko Myung-jin will definitely be angry. Since it undermines your self-esteem, you will probably try to resolve the incident by revealing it rather than covering it up. So, inherit his father’s will.]

A moment of silence.

To Go Chang-beom, who had not yet accepted the situation, he hit the nail on the head with a firm tone.

[Do not take a single step back and carry out your will.]

* * *

And now.

I made eye contact with my father.

Go Chang-beom spoke with a decision-making expression in his cold eyes that did not show the slightest hint of affection.

Even if this is the wrong way.

“This construction. “Let’s tear it all down and start anew.”

Go Chang-beom never questioned the decision he made.

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