Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 34

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8. When compromise is impossible (4)

Hyunseong Kim’s suggestion.

It was very attractive.

Since the presence of the teachers was bound to be intrusive, Bae Seong-ho frowned but accepted Kim Hyeon-seong’s suggestion.

the problem is.

‘You look at us like idiots.’

It was a judgment that Bae Seong-ho could not understand.

Think about it.

Second-year seniors, including myself, flocked to him, but instead of asking the teacher for help, he voluntarily followed along. Really, I felt like my heart had been completely shaken. As much as she is called a crazy dog, Kim Hyun-sung is definitely not an easy person, but she did not think that she could handle all of this.

Was it complacency?

Was it stupid?

It was clear that a mistake had been made.

Even if the teacher is called in late, Kim Hyun-seong will pay a heavy price for his arrogant attitude.

Stand tall.

Arrived at the incinerator.

I turned around.

Second-year seniors, including Bae Seong-ho, surrounded Kim Hyun-seong, and Kim Hyun-seong, who arrived after them, looked at Bae Seong-ho with a calm expression. Above, students inside the building were looking down at the incinerator. Normally I would have yelled at them to go in, but now I needed to set a clear example for them.

Seongho Bae said.

“f*ck, the bastard should have shown off in moderation. If it was just a fight between classmates, I would have left you alone, but from the moment you touched senior Shin Young-min, you crossed the line. There is a hierarchy in this thousand days. The reason you skipped me and hit senior Shin Young-min was because you clearly ignored me, Bae Seong-ho… … .”



I stopped talking.

Even as he faced the increasingly hostile atmosphere, Kim Hyun-seong did not avoid his gaze even for a moment.

“Don’t give a damn. I clearly know why you’re messing with me, so there’s no reason to make stupid jokes like that, right? So, let’s get straight to the point. Can you see the kids up there watching right now?”

He pointed upward with his finger.

The number of students continued to increase.

This incident was a big issue for a thousand days, and students who were eating lunch also put down their spoons and gathered in a huff.

“You guys have eyes on each other too, so it wouldn’t be embarrassing if it were one-on-one. Come out one by one. Bae Seong-ho You can come out right away, or you can be destroyed one by one like an asshole. “No matter how many people there are, we will deal with them all.”

Dozens of people.

I saw fierce faces filled with gaze.

to their obvious hostility.

“Why are you scared?”

Hyunseong Kim grinned and smiled.

* * *

There is a fact that people don’t know.

Even though they were only teenagers, the ‘justice to fight’ was a very important factor in the space called school.

For example, if the majority beats the minority or uses weapons to subdue the opponent, it may be a victory in the end, but it cannot be recognized by the students. Why? In a world of students who still do not evaluate everything based on results alone, the previous methods were too cowardly.


And without weapons.

Only when you win a fair fight can you truly be considered strong.

‘I haven’t met that requirement yet.’

series of events.

Kim Hyun-seong was called a crazy dog ​​for his extreme behavior, but not a single student thought that he was superior to Shin Young-min. It was a natural result. It is said that he took down Park Min-cheol’s gang alone, but at that time he used a lock as a weapon, and although Park Jin-woo was the best in the first year, he was not compared to Shin Young-min.

Of course, I also fought with Shin Young-min.

Although he showed himself pushing Shin Young-min in his own way, the fight at that time left a rather clear evaluation.


‘It won’t work against Shin Young-min.’

‘I felt it last time, but Kim Hyun-sung is really so f*cking despicable.’

Throwing a chair.

I pinned my opponent to the window.

A series of appearances proved Kim Hyun-sung’s madness, but at the same time, his meanness for victory undermined Kim Hyun-sung’s evaluation. If you don’t use a weapon, you’re not as strong as you think. That was how some students looked, and Hyunseong Kim knew he had to change that reputation for his plans.

‘My plan can only succeed if I lay a perfect foundation in Cheonil. If you leave distrust through vague evaluations, you will be helplessly broken down when you face the Golden Circle in the future. My own world that cannot be surpassed even by the Golden Circle. ‘A steel fortress named Cheonil High School that is built solidly and never collapses.’

Now, this place.

It is a place of evaluation.

For the sake of future plans, we needed a truly clear victory that would leave no doubt in people’s minds.

“Why are you scared?”

A word I blurted out.

The atmosphere became cold.

I didn’t expect this from second-year seniors.

Even when he was planning some kind of plan with Bae Seong-ho, it was expected that Kim Hyun-seong would struggle while brandishing a weapon or run away from his teacher and try to find a way to survive. I never thought they would confront me so openly. No matter how much I racked my brain, I couldn’t figure out what Kim Hyun-seong was thinking.

Kim Hyun-seong’s chances of winning?

It didn’t exist.

On the surface, it’s one-on-one, but isn’t it ultimately a one-on-one match?

If Bae Seong-ho and other seniors were that weak, they would not have been able to carry the strength on their shoulders during this thousand days.

blast furnace.

‘You will have no choice but to accept my offer.’

Seongho Bae.

And seniors.


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They have strong pride.

In the first place, teenage boys who believed in a simple punch were no better than corpses if their pride was taken away. Whatever intentions Kim Hyun-seong had or what he was thinking when he created this situation. Without even a moment to think about the starting point of the problem, a senior suddenly came out, leaving Bae Seong-ho with a grim expression on his face.

“Did the f*ck turn around?”

It was as expected.

On a perfectly prepared stage, the first opponent appeared.

* * *

Name: Kim Chang-hyun.

He looked like a typical gangster, but despite his slim physique, he was a senior who was famous for being good at fighting.

Especially the hot-blooded personality.

Seeing his way of beating opponents weaker than himself to death, many people said that although Bae Seong-ho would be the successor to Shin Young-min, the title of ‘Devil Senior’ belongs to Kim Chang-hyun. As such, he could not tolerate Kim Hyun-seong’s arrogant attitude. There was no separate discussion about the situation, but the moment he checked the back of Bae Seong-ho’s red-hot neck, Kim Chang-hyun stepped forward as if he was going to carry the gun.

“Okay, I’ll take your offer. But there is something you need to know.”

plod along.

I took a step.

In an instant, the distance between him and Kim Hyun-seong narrowed, and as soon as he finished speaking, Kim Chang-hyun violently swung his fist.

“Once I step forward, there is no more.”



A powerful shock occurred.

When Kim Hyun-seong raised his arm to block, he immediately poured out a barrage of fists, as if he had expected this much.

“You cheeky bastard.”


Tight, tight!

Follow-up hits were avoided.

He twisted his body to block the successive attacks, and Kim Hyun-seong’s eyes turned cold as he saw Kim Chang-hyun trying to preserve his momentum. In fact, Kim Chang-hyun was a person who did not exist in the ‘plan’. Kim Hyun-seong was in a vegetative state and had been planning for ten years, but although he could remember the names of big figures like Shin Young-min and Bae Seong-ho, he could not figure out who Kim Chang-hyun was as he did not often visit the first-grade classroom.


I wasn’t too worried.

In the general flow, there was one thing Kim Hyun-seong could be sure of.

‘There is no one stronger than Shin Young-min in a thousand days. With that one fact, the plan can be accomplished.’

This plan.

The target is Shin Young-min.

A plan was conceived to take him down, and from the moment it was decided that it could be put into action, beings who could not be remembered like Kim Chang-hyun were not a problem. No matter how strong they are, they probably aren’t as strong as Shin Young-min. If he was someone who would cause a change, at least he wouldn’t be under Bae Seong-ho.


The fist passed by.

The moment when our eyes met with Kim Chang-hyun, who had a bloody expression.



A fist dug into Kim Chang-hyun’s abdomen.

Kim Chang-hyun widened his eyes.

Although he aimed precisely at a critical point, Kim Chang-hyun felt like his mind was completely blown away by the unexpected destructive power.

Then I realized.

Something was wrong.

Before I could properly finish that thought.


Kim Chang-hyun’s face was grimly distorted.

* * *

Above the incinerator.

Among the many eyes looking down at the incinerator, there was Jinwoo Park, who was once called the best first-year student.

When he saw Kim Chang-hyun responding to Kim Hyun-seong’s provocation, he could not hide the twitching corners of his mouth.

‘You are X now.’

After that day.

Park Jin-woo fell into an abyss.

He was the best in first grade and ruled like a king, but he couldn’t dare to bully other students with his swollen face. That was trauma. Thinking that Kim Hyun-seong might come out like he did when he touched Kim Si-woo, he came to school around the time the bruises subsided and repeated coming and leaving school like a ghost.

Honestly, I was very angry.

I didn’t know how long I would have to keep watching like this, but my antipathy toward Kim Hyun-seong was so intense that it went crazy dozens of times a day.


It was never put into action.

Due to the cruel violence committed by Kim Hyun-seong, he hastily avoided eye contact on days when he even made eye contact.

And now.

The moment for revenge has arrived.

No matter how stubborn Kim Hyun-seong was, I didn’t think he could stand alone against second-year seniors.

‘Senior Kim Chang-hyun. The power of my senior… … .’


It was an eerie sound.

Kim Chang-hyun’s face suddenly turned.

A face horribly crushed and red blood drops flying in the air.

Seeing Kim Chang-hyun unrealistically falling down like a doll whose strings were cut, Park Jin-woo’s past trauma came to life.

“Oh, you crazy bastard.”

His face turned pale.

Own defeat?

It’s not a coincidence.

Kim Hyun-sung was really strong, and he did not show the slightest mercy to Kim Chang-hyun like the time he defeated him in one go. The results before his eyes gave him goosebumps. Kim Hyun-seong did not simply hit the second-year seniors with a passenger plane. As he said a moment ago, he really intended to deal with all of the second year seniors.

He was a crazy bastard.

It wasn’t normal.

If the fight with him had gone even a little wrong, he wouldn’t have been able to exist in a perfect state right now.

‘… … Let’s not get entangled with Kim Hyun-seong again. Even if Kim Hyun-seong is properly stepped on by senior Shin Young-min, it’s not good to be tangled up with a crazy bastard who single-handedly attacks the entire second grade class. f*ck, how did Park Jin-woo of the world end up in this situation? If he knew this would happen, he shouldn’t have been asked in the first place.’

It was then.


Someone touched my shoulder.

As I ignored it because I was looking down at the incinerator, someone touched my shoulder again as if I wasn’t going to give up.

“Oh, f*ck.”

I turned my head roughly.

Although he was afraid of Kim Hyun-seong, Park Jin-woo, who ruled like a king, did not care about the opinions of other students. Moreover, he said that the place where he exists is the first grade hallway. There was no way his seniors would touch his shoulder, so Park Jin-woo instinctively looked behind him with an annoyed face.

And that moment.


My head turned.

A burning pain arose.

When Jinwoo Park turned his head again to the unrealistic situation, he encountered a truly unexpected person.

“Should we resolve past problems among ourselves?”

Kim Si-woo.

He was looking at Park Jin-woo with a cold face.

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