Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 29

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7. Kim Si-woo (2)

Kim Hyun-seong lightly relaxed his body.

As I prepared for the upcoming sparring, I looked at Siwoo Kim calmly putting on his gloves.

“I told you clearly when I was in the health room. This is something you can’t handle. Just because you are my friend, things like Jinwoo Park will happen all the time, and I can’t save you every time. “Someday, you will be in a situation that you cannot handle, and you will bitterly regret this choice you made now.”

Kim Si-woo’s appearance.

I was annoyed.

He is a really good friend.

The way he made sacrifices to protect his friendship, both in his past life and in his current life, made my feelings for him special. But that was all. Because he remembered Si-Woo Kim coming to see him in his past life and shedding tears, he knew that he would never be able to endure the difficult things that would happen in the future.

Confidence through experience.

So I couldn’t accept it.

The courage to wear gloves without thinking about fashion, and the friendship that does not back down from trying to save a friend.

Kim Hyun-seong concluded that it was foolishness.

Because he was stupid and foolish, Kim Si-woo believed that he could survive even when he stepped into the fire pit.

“You know very well. What I’m trying to do will never help the future. If you live normally like everyone else, you can get a good job and raise a family with the people you love, but if you step into this mud to protect your loyalty to me, what will be left? Friendship with me? Don’t talk nonsense. They could fight and fight every day and die overnight, or they could rot in prison for the rest of their lives in exchange for their friendship. That’s reality. “Even if you risk your life for something like this, you won’t get anything in the end.”


I tied the string tightly.

If you don’t give up till the end.

I will kill you right here.

It will make it even more miserable than what happened to Park Jin-woo, and completely break Kim Si-woo’s will.

“Can you handle it?”


Kim Si-woo also finished preparations.

Even in a serious situation, he showed a mischievous smile.

“I know. Since we all know, let’s do it together. Still, the situation may be more hopeful if there are two rather than one.”

“You crazy bastard.”

Conversation didn’t work.

If so, there is one way.

“I warn you in advance. From now on, don’t think of me as your friend.”

My relationship with Kim Si-woo.

It will be forcibly cut off.

* * *

No special signal was needed.

Kim Hyun-seong’s last words signaled the start of sparring, and Kim Hyun-seong immediately rushed toward Kim Si-woo.



This sparring.

I was hoping for an overwhelming process.

So that Kim Si-woo can realize the miserable reality and admit that no one like him can help him. I gritted my teeth from the beginning. The moment he was about to attack Kim Si-woo, Kim Hyun-seong encountered an unexpected situation.



The kick to the head was devastating.

It was a shame that I hurriedly raised my guard. It was a powerful attack that could have knocked me out at once if I had allowed it to continue.


The opponent is a former Taekwondo athlete.

In his fight with Park Jin-woo, he was at a huge disadvantage due to the limited space, but it was different now that he was in the ring.

“okay. Let’s do it right.”


The kick exploded once more.

It was a middle kick aimed at the abdomen, and Kim Hyun-seong blocked the body and narrowed the distance between Kim Si-woo and the kick. However, the closer I got, the more the distance between me and Kim Si-woo widened. I thought he caught up quickly, but Kim Si-woo widened the distance with simple steps and kicked again.


Puk puk!


It was powerful.

When the guard was lowered for an attack aimed at the bottom, Kim Si-woo’s feet made strange movements and aimed for the head.



My body stumbled.

Even if I blocked it, my head still took the impact.

It was definitely a skill that earned him the title of Taekwondo Specialist.

When Kim Si-woo was a Taekwondo player for a long time, he achieved the feat of winning a gold medal every time he participated in a domestic competition. Brilliantly shining talent. At this rate, it was assessed that it would only be a matter of time before he would be selected for the national team, but on a day when the rain was pouring down like crazy, Kim Si-woo came to see Kim Hyun-seong and smiled heartily.

“I quit taekwondo.”

a few days ago.

Kim Si-woo participated in a domestic competition, and fell victim to an incredibly biased decision while dealing with the son of the association president. This was an unusual occurrence on this floor. He tried to accept it, but after making a few blunt remarks to the director who taught him, he was slapped in the face. It turned out that the director knew about it too. He screamed at everyone not to make arbitrary judgments, but the moment he faced his dirty desires, Kim Si-Woo could no longer do Taekwondo.

The injury was just an excuse.

That’s how I became an ordinary person.

After quitting Taekwondo, my body slowed down, but my brilliant talent did not disappear.


A kick that explodes without fail.


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Kim Hyun-seong’s expression distorted.

The Taekwondo player’s kick had great destructive power, and it was at a level that could be considered superior even compared to Shin Young-min’s.

If it were a large space.

Park Jin-woo would never have been able to guarantee victory.

Kim Si-woo had no choice but to suffer due to the combination of each other’s strengths and weaknesses and the handicap of number of players.

It was amazing.

Kim Si-woo was recognized.

In fact, if you think about it now, the fundamental problem was the same for you and Kim Si-woo.

‘If I wasn’t confident in the fight, I wouldn’t have come forward in the first place. Kim Si-woo, who couldn’t give up on her friend, and me, who couldn’t ignore Lee Jeong-min, are no different. Since I had always heard that he was good at fighting, I was quite complacent and decided that he could handle the violence that was to come. Even though it was actually an area I had never experienced before.’

My past life self.

I deeply regretted my choice.

Even when I didn’t know about the existence of the Golden Circle, I thought that my choice to help Lee Jeong-min had led me into an abyss.

And now.

Kim Si-woo was no different.

His brilliantly shining appearance seemed like he had not yet fully awakened to reality.

so that.



A fleeting moment.

Kim Hyun-seong grabbed Kim Si-woo’s leg and knocked him down.

* * *

One day.

Jeong Doo-cheol said this.

“Sometimes there are guys like that. A kick specialist who uses his feet really well and can’t even get close. It is very difficult to attack these creatures because the destructive power of a kick is greater than that of a punch. But the funny thing is, in this mixed martial arts arena, most of these types don’t make it to the top. Refreshing foot kicks and flashy movements arouse people’s admiration, but that is strictly the realm of standing. “In mixed martial arts or street fights, where you can drag yourself to the bottom, this can actually be pointed out as a significant weakness.”

Kim Si-woo, who trained in Taekwondo, would not know.

The fact that kick catch training exists in mixed martial arts.

A counterattack technique that anticipates the opponent’s kick and catches the kick while simultaneously breaking the opponent’s balance.

It’s easier said than done.

If he extended his hand incorrectly, he could have been retaliated against, but Kim Hyun-seong accurately grasped the moment when Kim Si-woo was about to attempt a kick. It was an instinctive move. The sensitive sensation completely broke the opponent’s balance, and the sky spun before Kim Si-woo could do anything.


I fell.

That was the end.

Since kicking cannot be used on the floor, Kim Hyun-seong, who had secured the upper position, poured indiscriminate pounding.


Puk puk puk!

Kim Si-woo also did not just get hit.

He swung his fist while on the floor, and when that didn’t work, he bounced his body and tried to shake Kim Hyun-seong off. But no matter how hard we tried, the situation did not change. What Kim Hyun-seong engraved in his bones during his training with Jeong Doo-cheol was to never give up the momentum when he gained even the slightest advantage.

Complete advantage.

oppressed the opponent.

He dodged the opponent’s attack and brought his fist down precisely on the exposed, defenseless face.


Blood splattered.


Bwaaak, bwaaak!

My eyes became blurry.


Bwaaak, bwaaak!

Kim Si-woo’s resistance subsided and Kim Hyun-seong did not stop punching even though his body was shaking helplessly.

This sparring.

It’s not a sport.

Although it was decorated in the name of sparring, this was a stage of violence aimed at completely breaking Kim Si-woo’s will. It didn’t matter if I was taken to the hospital like this. I thought that only by having to face such a miserable reality would Kim Si-woo give up the absurd idea of ​​joining him.

Hit me.

Hit and hit again.

I continued to swing my fist.

Although the glove was soaked in blood, Kim Hyun-seong did not receive the answer he wanted.

“Off, off, off… … .”

Kim Si-woo swallowed a groan.

I didn’t faint.

I still had my wits about me.

Even though he kept coughing up blood and looking like he was about to lose his mind.

I didn’t say anything to stop until the end.

Even Kim Hyun-seong, who was pounding his fists like crazy, lost all strength in his body when he made eye contact with Kim Si-woo.

“… … “You really are crazy.”

No more.

No more seeing Kim Si-woo.

Hyunseong Kim couldn’t hit his friend.

* * *

I sat down on the floor.

Kim Hyun-seong asked, his expression distorted in despair.

“why. Why are you doing this? “That’s enough to maintain your loyalty as a friend.”

I didn’t understand.

I’m only a high school student.

Although I thought of Kim Si-woo as special, I didn’t think that my friendship with him was great enough to sacrifice myself. I’m not talking about the level of friendship. Isn’t it natural that that level of will is excluded from friendships at that age?


Kim Si-woo seems to have been different.

He looked at the ceiling with a face covered in blood and spoke with difficulty.

“… … Everyone has unforgettable memories. My parents only existed in the family register and neglected me, and there was no adult who raised their voice for me when I was bullied as a child. My grandmother and grandfather raised me with the utmost care, but they didn’t know how much I was bullied at school. Actually, it was really bad. I was teased every day, and even though I didn’t do anything, I was suddenly hit and rolled around on the floor. At that time, you blocked my path. “It may have been nothing to you but a moment, but I still can’t forget what you looked like back then.”

I turned my head.

It was hard.

I wanted to close my eyes right away, but I forced my eyelids to hold and tried to take in Kim Hyun-sung’s appearance.

“Why are you doing this? It really sucks. I know you haven’t done anything wrong, so why should I, your friend, turn a blind eye? So can’t I just do whatever I want? It’s my life. Giving up Taekwondo and remaining your friend. “It’s all my choice and my life.”


Human emotions are funny.

In Kim Si-woo’s words, in his sincerity.

I had contradictory feelings: I was annoyed that I had to stop him, but I also felt grateful for his sincerity.

It was really stupid.

Past life too.

And even now.

Kim Si-woo just never gave up.

In his previous life, his will was broken by tremendous bullying, but now he has yet to experience such a despairing moment. He may only be willing to pay lip service. If the moment were to repeat itself, Kim Si-woo would have no choice but to kneel down, but at least he didn’t abandon his friend, something he had never experienced before.

Persuasion failed.

If this is a stage that tests one’s will rather than simply winning or losing, Kim Si-woo at least proved his will not to give up.

It was then.

“You two. Wouldn’t you just stop fighting and start working out with me? “If you just follow me, I will risk my life to send you to the UFC.”

Off stage.

Jeong Doo-cheol, who had been watching the situation for a while, spoke his truth with a serious expression.

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