Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 198

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35. The price of a past life (8)

Hyunmin Yoon widened his eyes.

My body was shaking.

While spending time in this hellish place, I vowed that if I ever met Kim Hyun-seong, I would kill him.

But there was no strength in my body.

I couldn’t even put a finger on what kind of prank was being played on my body.

“It’s nice to see your face like this in person.”


From top to bottom.

I looked at Yoon Hyun-min as a whole.

Looking at his skinny face, his lips kept twitching as if he couldn’t hold back his laughter.

“Shall I tell you a funny story?”

I couldn’t answer.

Only his lips were soft.

At first, he thought it was because he had no power, but the intimidating feeling that Kim Hyun-seong gave off weighed on Yoon Hyun-min.

“What I said when I met you back then. The story of living in a vegetative state for 10 years may seem unrealistic to you, but it is certainly true from my experience. Do you know what that means? You’ve only been here a month. “If it’s been 10 years, I haven’t even completed one year, but what can I do if I’m already making that face?”

Last month.

I really wanted to visit Hyunmin Yoon.

As the new year dawned and many things were changing, Kim Hyun-seong barely managed to hold back his rising desire.

It had to be that way.

Only then will it be a little ripe.

You will be able to see faces filled with fear and despair.

“Ordinary people don’t understand how painful what you are experiencing right now is. The feeling of despair and helplessness that one cannot do anything even though the mind is alive and well. In a situation where you have no choice but to devote 24 hours a day to thinking, negative thoughts engulf you like a virus. How long will I have to stay like this? Will I be able to go out? What will happen if something goes wrong? But the biggest problem is that such concerns are meaningless. “Just like I did, there’s nothing you can do on your own.”

My voice trembled.

He revealed a joy that he could not hide.

“why? You think not? “Because your father promised that he would save you someday?”

It was the same.

Kim Hyun-seong did not trust Yoon Byeong-ho from the beginning.

Even though he was cornered and forced to make a choice, it was impossible to completely give up on the son he loved so much. He deliberately opened his path to birth. He pushed Yoon Byeong-ho’s back so that he wouldn’t know that once he fell in, he couldn’t get out.

Kim Hyun-seong said with a sneer.

“Unfortunately, that never happens.”

* * *

A suggestion to Chairman Byung-ho Yoon.

The contents were like this.

“Send Yoon Hyun-min to a mental hospital. So that he can no longer go out into the world and so that the victims can feel at least some of the pain they experienced. Rather than simply blindfolding someone and admitting them to a mental hospital, if you give them a truly hopeless environment and prove to me that it is a satisfactory outcome. “If such ‘sincerity’ is shown, I will not stop Taeyang Group from denying the charges.”

This deal.

Everyone had to be satisfied.

The Sun Group preserves the group’s safety by abandoning its son.

By betraying Yoon Hyun-min, the members of Heaven first blocked the possibility of them being destroyed and at the same time focused people’s attention on Yoon Hyun-min. They prevented the flames of public opinion from spreading towards them.

Byung-ho Yoon accepted the offer.

The results before his eyes proved him.


I wasn’t satisfied with just this much.

Yoon Hyun-min should suffer even more than he is now, and he had no intention of granting indulgence to the members of Taeyang Group and Heaven.

Hyunseong Kim said.

“The world is in chaos right now. Representative Kim Pan-ho, who eradicated the Golden Circle, has a heroic story, and with the enthusiastic support of the people, he is evaluated as having a definite chance of winning the presidential election next year. Rep. Kim Pan-ho, who may become president one day, promised me one thing. I decided not to reveal that his achievements were in fact achieved through a transaction with me so that he could monopolize the credit. In exchange for keeping my secret until the day I die, I will conduct a massive investigation into the Golden Circle the moment I become President. At that time, it will be Heaven and Sun Group, and all past mistakes will be dug up and put on display. And the Golden Circle, which has lost its power, will no longer be able to protect itself, and your existence, which was just a conspiracy theory, will be revealed to people as fact.”

“you… … !”

I opened my mouth.

The dry mouth opened wide, and the shocked eyes widened widely.

This look.

I wanted to see this face.

Kim Hyun-seong did not stop talking, as if asking him to please keep showing that expression.

“Taeyang Group will be embroiled in a huge lawsuit. The victims of the Golden Circle will file a complaint, and the prosecutors, backed by the government and public opinion, will cut to pieces all those involved in the Golden Circle, including the Taeyang Group. And your father. He will spend the last years of his life in prison for misbehaving his son. But do you still think you can get out of here? Will your father, who abandoned you to protect the group, sacrifice himself to save you, even if it belatedly? no. it is not so. That can’t be possible. “It’s only difficult once, but the moment you abandon it even once, you have already been abandoned.”

“… … “Dog, don’t talk nonsense.”

“You can think whatever you want. Your father and the rest of the company you left will give up their authority over you in order to somehow save the group. To be precise, I will stop at nothing to obtain that authority. So what happens? You can only leave here with my consent. And of course. “I have no intention of letting you go until you grow old and die.”


I got closer.

I stroked my face.

I really liked the curves I could feel in my hands, the lean curves.

“You can’t die freely anymore. And Hyunmin.”

Kim Hyun-seong smiled brightly.

“Because you are still young and can live for decades to come. “I’m truly happy about that.”

* * *



The door was closed.

When I came out, I saw a familiar face.

“Anything special?”


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“doesn’t exist. “Except for the first visit from the Taeyang Group executive secretary, the people involved are not even showing their noses.”

It was Bae Seong-ho.

Kim Hyun-seong placed Bae Seong-ho in a mental hospital.

Bae Seong-ho gathered his followers and took turns watching Yoon Hyeon-min’s hospital room, and the money he received in return was quite satisfactory. For them, this was now their lifelong job. Kim Hyun-seong said that if nothing happens to Yoon Hyun-min, he will pay the price for wasting time here for the rest of his life.

“Tell the doctor and tell him to give you medicine. “I hope you don’t remember today’s conversation.”


Conversation with Hyunmin Yoon.

It will remain a secret.

If it were revealed that he was still targeting members of the Taeyang Group and Heaven, there was a high probability that the peaceful atmosphere before Kim Pan-ho was elected to the presidential election would be ruined. We still had to maintain a win-win atmosphere. That way, they will be swept away by the tsunami right in front of them in an instant, without knowing what will happen to them.

So before we met.

The medication has already been administered.

A dazed mind will not be able to properly remember what it has experienced, and soon the doctor will come and blow away any remaining memories. Actually, I wanted to make him remember everything. But now that the situation couldn’t be completely resolved, just seeing Yoon Hyun-min’s despairing face was enough.

And it wasn’t a bad thing to have hope left.

I will endure the passage of time fully, holding out hope that my father may save me someday.

Hope without promise is more painful.

Hyunseong Kim took a step forward.

There was no reason to be here anymore.

* * *

Outside the hospital.

It was downtown.

Although people were going about their daily lives outside, Yoon Hyun-min was trapped inside a prison made of concrete.

I was the same too.

The hospital room where Kim Hyeon-seong was in a vegetative state was also a prison in the city.

“… … Was it successful?”


My legs felt weak.

I was fine until I talked to Bae Seong-ho, but when I realized the reality, I collapsed in my seat.


I looked at the sky with a blank face.

From the day I fell from the rooftop until now.

Numerous memories were tangled in my mind.

When I first realized that I had become a vegetative state, and that my mind was still alive despite being a vegetative state. Kim Hyun-seong had to live in his living hell. It was a pain that no one in the world could ever experience. It was a prison of time where he had to feel the passing of each minute, every second, and even when his mind collapsed several times, Kim Hyun-seong could not even take his own life. When I heard my family crying nearby, the only thing I prayed for was not revenge, but to please kill them.

So I imagined it.

New opportunities.

A miraculous moment where we can make up for the past.

Even though I knew it was ridiculous, if I didn’t do it, time wouldn’t pass at all.

Because I lived like that for 10 years.

In my experience, it was because I suffered under the bondage of eons.

At the devil’s sudden suggestion, Kim Hyun-seong was able to laugh heartily.

I’m willing to die.

Ready to die for just one chance.


It was something I could only have imagined.

The plan in my head did not have a high possibility of being realized, and even though I improved the completeness of the plan by repeating it, I was not confident that I would succeed in getting revenge. He couldn’t even believe in himself. On the day of returning to the past, Kim Hyun-seong punched Park Min-cheol in the face without hesitation, not because he was confident that he would succeed in revenge, but because he was expressing the emotions he had been holding back for so long. He knew that the opportunity given to him would one day end in death, so instead of assessing the possibility of success, Kim Hyun-seong pushed forward like a runaway locomotive.

And now.

I achieved my dream.

Looking down at Yoon Hyun-min, who could not resist, Kim Hyun-seong was so incredibly happy without the slightest sense of guilt.


I cupped my face.

Tears flowed.

My shoulders were shaking and I couldn’t hold back the tears that kept flowing.

I cried so hard.

Kim Hyun-seong cried so loudly that people passing by came up to him and asked if he was okay.

Are they tears of joy at having achieved revenge?

Are these tears of sadness that remind me of the pain of the past?

I couldn’t figure it out.


I wanted to do that.

Maybe it was a feeling of regret for all that was spent on revenge.

17 years old.

A boy who was young, smart, and had a bright future ahead of him.

I was 20 years old and existed in this moment.

Whether revenge was achieved or not.

My high school life was truly over.

* * *

A year later from that.

The Republic of Korea was filled with cheers.

[Rep. Kim Pan-ho, who founded a new political party with the full support of the people through Golden Gate, was elected president today by an overwhelming margin. As President-elect Kim Pan-ho said in his strategy, he will repay with clean politics that takes the lead in eradicating corruption, and in particular, he announced that he will form a proper education system so that the young people of Korea will no longer suffer. and… … .]

It was a planned result.

The Golden Gate was an enormous achievement that no other politician could possess, and those competing with Kim Pan-ho also took a passive approach, knowing that there was virtually no chance of winning.

The landscape has changed.

With the approval rating more overwhelming than ever, people expressed that Kim Pan-ho’s era had begun.

Another two years later.

Time passed really quickly.

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