Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 180

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33. Half a year later (5)

That time.

Go Chang-beom met his father.

Seeing Go Myeong-jin looking out the window in silence, Go Chang-beom suppressed his boiling emotions and spoke.

“When I was young. I didn’t understand what my father was talking about. While others were skipping materials to make a little more margin, my father always insisted on using better materials than the basics. So, there was a time when I was criticized. It wasn’t the consumers who bought Myeongjin’s house, which was a good house at a reasonable price, but people who worked together in construction pointed their fingers and asked why you were so special. We are cursed because of you. Do you think people will realize that? you’re right. In fact, for decades, not many people recognized our hard work.”

Building a reputation in Daesan.

He became the current Myeongjin.

However, compared to the effort put into the house so far, it was only one of the construction companies that eventually established a home in the countryside.


If Myeongjin had stolen materials at a margin like everyone else, he would have gained enormous wealth over the years that we cannot even imagine today. The construction industry is also a business. It was a significant loss from a business perspective, and some people will still not stop pointing fingers. It is said that people who were able to eat enough to eat for three generations continued to stubbornly eat it, so it ended up stagnating in the countryside.

Go Chang-beom once thought so too.

While stealing money from Myungjin Construction, my father did not understand why he was doing things so foolishly.

“People don’t feel it even if one rebar or a little bit of cement is stolen. There are only a few sensitive people, and Myeongjin may be foolish to see construction companies building buildings with poor construction materials making a fortune during the real estate boom. But while preparing this time, I learned something important. How much value a home is to people. And when the confidence in yourself and the trust in others that you have built up over time are faced with a really big crisis. “It is only in situations that we cannot overcome on our own that our light shines.”

Current public opinion.

It was a weapon that Go Chang-beom believed in.

Myungjin Construction could not be established if there were no people who trusted it, and Go Chang-beom was confident that it would not fail if it prepared well for 5,000 households even in the face of negative public opinion. Would people who have experienced Myungjin so far dare to turn to other construction companies that promise to provide homes with good prices and good quality?

Not blind faith.

It was confidence.

Go Chang-beom was once a bully, and Go Myeong-jin may have been a bad person in private, even giving birth to an illegitimate child.

It’s different in the construction industry.

People don’t judge personality.

They were confident that they would have faith in Myungjin Construction’s actions in order to invest all their money in the house they would live in for the rest of their lives.

So I didn’t waver.

He firmly believed that no matter how much the Golden Circle attacked him with the media and public opinion, Myungjin Construction would not collapse if he prepared well according to his beliefs. In the first place, the wealth and fame that Myeong-jin gained due to the ‘pouring accident’. It was not simply a momentary flash of light, but the result of an explosion of trust that had been built up over time.

I saw my father.

I spoke to my father, who was already in front of me.

“father. No, Mr. Chairman. Thank you for inheriting a great company.”

Go Myeong-jin.

Even if he is not good enough as a father.

I truly respected him as the chairman and as someone working in the construction industry.

Tears welled up in Go Myeong-jin’s eyes.

Looking at his son, who had grown rapidly, Go Myeong-jin did not add another word.


Come on.

“Thank you, my son.”

I just hugged Go Chang-beom.

* * *

Looking at the tablet PC, the secretary’s eyebrows twitched.

[Myungjin Construction, creating a sensation in the construction industry!]

[Why are people so crazy about Myungjin?]

[The year before last. Myungjin Construction, which has emerged as a blue chip in the construction industry thanks to its response to pouring accidents, is receiving considerable attention through this presentation. With the recent real estate boom reaching its peak, apartment prices are ridiculously above 1 to 2 billion won. Construction industry officials said it was an unavoidable phenomenon due to rising land prices and raw material prices, but Myungjin Construction presented an unprecedented sale price of 400 million won, as if denying the trend of the times. Even though the sale price is absolutely unachievable considering the quality of the apartment, geographical advantage, and surrounding market prices, Managing Director Koh Chang-beom’s position is that the margins were kept as low as possible as a type of ‘housing supply’ project for people suffering from housing problems. The number of people who want to move into Daesan Forest is already increasing explosively… … .]

The knight turned friendly.

This is not Myungjin Construction’s effort.

As the comments prove, media companies were simply reacting to a social phenomenon.

-Myungjin is someone I can trust and leave to you.

-Actually, it’s a natural result. Quality as good as Myeongjin, price as good as Myeongjin. No matter how much you think about it, there is nothing to compare it to, but ordinary people should definitely subscribe. This is truly something great about Myungjin Construction. If the Myungjin Construction name is attached, the asking price these days is over hundreds of millions, but aren’t they giving up all the profits and putting it on the market for 400 million? I guarantee you that the price of the apartment will double after the sale is over.

-They say they set strict subscription conditions to prevent speculators.

-I’m from Seoul, and I’m planning to subscribe this time. You can never find a house like this for this money in Seoul.

It was chaos.

No matter how much public opinion is manipulated.

They said they were selling good houses at a much lower price than others, and there was no one who wouldn’t be tempted by those conditions.

It’s actually over.

Articles such as 25-hour news articles were criticized and pushed to the other side, and just looking at people’s reactions, it was as if the construction of 5,000 households was scheduled to be sold out. If so, destroying Myungjin Construction was also a failure. Failure to sell this sale would have put the company out of business, but instead, it served as an opportunity to improve the brand image.

The secretary gritted her teeth.


“You guys are like c*ckroaches.”

Even if I trample on it and trample on it again.

Neither Kim Hyun-seong nor Go Chang-beom died at all.

The problem is that it cannot be reported like this.

Knowing what would happen if she reported to Yoon Hyun-min, the secretary thought of a last resort.

‘I have no choice but to give it one last chance.’

Go Chang-beom.

It was my turn to contact him directly.

* * *

The secretary did not bother to hide her identity.

Since I had already secured Go Chang-beom’s contact information, I immediately got to the point after revealing my identity.

“I’ll give you one last chance. Abandon Kim Hyun-seong and surrender. If you don’t accept our offer this time, from then on, unfortunate things will happen that you can’t even imagine. Construction will be delayed as workers on site die, the government will argue about everything about Myeongjin’s business, people around you will be attacked by someone, and problems will continue to arise until the moment you fall into the abyss. Can you handle it all? “This group you are dealing with can be said to be the Republic of Korea itself, so how long can one company survive?”

It was a threatening threat.


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He put a knife to my throat and issued an ultimatum.

[Do whatever you feel like.]

Beyond the cell phone.

A grumbling voice was heard.

No matter how gruesome the secretary talked about, Go Chang-beom did not waver at all.

[Has anything happened so far as you said? Yes and now, you are struggling without being able to deal with even a high school student. But Kim Hyun-seong is different. Hyunseong proved it to me every time. From the time of nothing to now. From the time he didn’t know about your existence, Hyeonseong always created the most ideal results even in situations that were considered unfavorable.]

It was a no-win decision.

There is a part of him that trusts Kim Hyun-seong, but he crossed the line too far to work with the Golden Circle in the first place.

Even if you say you follow them.

The result was obvious.

Right now, I will stick out a carrot to deal with Kim Hyun-seong, but I don’t know if I will change my attitude at any time if Kim Hyun-seong disappears and I can no longer do anything about the Golden Circle. This is a group that callously abandons even the minions who have sworn loyalty to them. Go Chang-beom had no intention of trusting and following such a group.


[I’m a bit stupid and only believe what I see and experience with my own eyes. I trust Kim Hyun-seong. So, don’t ever try to shake me up with a phone call like this again. Do you understand, you f*cking bastards?]


I hung up the phone.

The secretary burst into laughter as if it were absurd at the one-sided conversation.

“It’s fun, it’s fun.”

Does Go Chang-beom know?

This ultimatum was truly the last chance.

There was really no turning back now.

‘The current Myungjin Construction is riding on public opinion that cannot be destroyed by a small amount of power. It probably means that I have exceeded my authority.’

I took a step.

I opened the door and went in.


“What’s going on?”

There was Hyunmin Yoon.

The door closed, and the secretary disappeared inside.


that day.

Han Seung-jo was discarded.

A bloody wind blew inside the Golden Circle.

And the next day.

Those in power in Korea, who received orders from the Golden Circle, began to move in earnest.

* * *

It was the calm before the storm.

While big things were happening behind the scenes in Korea, there was a big event that caught people’s attention.

Just the CSAT.

It was finally the day to announce the results.

Reporters in charge of the issue said.

“Is there anyone with a perfect score?”

“I think it might be a little difficult. This time, I was particularly unable to complete the CSAT. Even the kids who were flying during the mock exams were all complaining after the CSAT. “I don’t think there is a single person who got a perfect score.”

Right after the CSAT is over.

Test takers were given provisional scores, but no student anywhere received a perfect score.

So, of course, I was skeptical.

A student who gets a perfect score tends to brag about it, but in this situation where everyone is just watching, I decided that there is no one who gets a perfect score.

the reporter said.

“It’s really unfortunate. “If Kim Hyun-seong had been taking mock exams all through high school, he might have gotten a perfect score.”

“That’s right. “Isn’t there a possibility that she took the test separately?”

“doesn’t exist. I also checked separately to see if there was a test taker named Kim Hyun-seong, and since he dropped out of high school in the first place, he had to take the qualification exam instead of the college entrance exam. Considering that you have to wait 6 months after dropping out to become eligible for the qualification exam, taking the college entrance exam is completely impossible. “The earliest he can take the GED is next year, so how on earth can he take the CSAT this year?”

It wasn’t just reporters.

As it was revealed that he was unable to take the CSAT, everyone who was interested in the CSAT mentioned Kim Hyun-seong’s name.

Last 3 years.

The most dominant figure among high school students in the country.

Because the expectations for him were great, the disappointment was bound to be great as well.

Considering how easy it was to solve even the most difficult tests, it seemed like he would definitely have gotten good grades even if he had failed the CSAT.

The conversation ended there.


The results have been announced.

Reporters confirmed whether there was a person with a perfect score through information they had obtained in advance.


“Is there someone with a perfect score?”

“You’re the only one with a perfect score in the country! Who on earth is Choi Jeong-woo!?”

There was an uproar.

Everyone looked for a test taker named Choi Jeong-woo.

But there was something strange.

Choi Jeong-woo was not a high school student.

Not only did I take the CSAT for the first time at the age of 23, but there was something unusual that shocked everyone.

One reporter screamed in astonishment.

“… … This doesn’t make sense. Senior, look at this. I checked the personal information of a student named Choi Jeong-woo, and he is currently in a vegetative state. “It’s already been three years since I stayed in the hospital.”


Vegetative person.

The reporters were shocked.

How on earth did someone in a vegetative state take the CSAT?

And what is the result of a perfect score?

“What hospital are you currently admitted to?”

At that time, people didn’t know.

The fact that this result will spread into a fire that will engulf the Republic of Korea.

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