Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 178

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33. Half a year later (3)

It was quite an embarrassing situation for Han Seung-jo.

Just now.

I received this message from the audit department.

[I just finished the investigation, and I will accept the charges and be punished. Seeing as there was no room for negotiation from the beginning, it seems like the future was already guaranteed by someone at Daesan.]

It wasn’t the result I expected.

Half a year ago.

When the Golden Circle mobilized its power in earnest, the Daesan Cartel appeared to be wiped out at once. Myeongjin Construction was busy trying to explain, and Cheonil’s Oh Dae-hwan and Kim Young-cheol were set as good examples. I thought that as soon as pressure was put on the higher-ups like back then, local idiots would immediately raise their white flag, but it was blocked from the start against just one teacher.

That wasn’t the only problem.

I raided the school and even contacted the police, but the person in charge said this in anger.

[I’m in a really bad place right now. Do you know what the police chief says? It’s a golden circle and all, but you can never cooperate with something unfair even if it means getting fired right away. In fact, they even threatened to punish me for calling me. f*ck, what on earth is Daesan? Any person in power in Korea these days would bow their head if you presented them with a business card from the Golden Circle, but these bastards have no intention of compromising, as if they don’t know what’s going on in reality. What should I do. Should we just sweep it away?]

My head hurt.

I wanted to handle it as quietly as possible.

No matter how openly the Golden Circle was active, they still did not prefer to deal with things noisily.

The meaning of moving the higher-ups means that many interests are intertwined, and it was directly connected to the evaluation of a person named Han Seung-jo. There was no way Yoon Hyun-min would like the current situation. However, since his opponent was Kim Hyun-seong, he knew that the way to survive was to produce a ‘certain result’ even if it was a bit excessive.

Tae-gu Kang, Chan-soo Jeong, Hyeong-jun Park.

Golden Circle’s brokers were divided by one person, Kim Hyun-seong.

I had no intention of following the same path as them.

Seungjo Han said.

“Just deal with it. If you don’t cooperate, be it your homeroom teacher, the police chief, or anyone else in Daesan. “If you stop them and send them into the abyss, one day even the beggars of Daesan will accept reality and raise a white flag.”

I pulled out a knife.

Now that the decision has been made.

The great mountain will be swept away in one fell swoop.

“Just like it was half a year ago.”

* * *

Daesan Science High School.

The school, which was peaceful just yesterday, turned into a hostile atmosphere overnight.

said the teacher.

“… … So it happened. I will be taking charge of you for the time being in place of your previous homeroom teacher, so if anything happens, please come to me. Everyone, prepare for class.”

The homeroom teacher was divided.

Judging from the rumors that the principal was also in trouble, it seemed like something had definitely happened to the school.

The students weren’t stupid.

The existence of the Golden Circle, which was widely known, reached the students’ ears, and they learned that the incident with Jang In-ho had become a catalyst. Naturally, everyone’s eyes turned to Kim Hyun-jin. It was no longer a secret that Jang In-ho transferred to Daesan Science High School, that the homeroom teacher and principal were separated, and that Kim Hyun-seong’s younger brother, Kim Hyun-jin, was at the center of it all.

It was a transition period.

A phenomenon that would have appeared late in the distant future came many years early thanks to Kim Hyun-seong.

Hyunjin Kim’s friend asked.

“… … Hyunjin. Is this okay? “It’s just like you said.”

This situation.

I had already predicted it.

Hyunjin Kim assured his friends that something like this would happen someday when a transfer student came to visit.

It was as expected.

The series of situations that occurred as soon as Jang In-ho transferred to the school showed quite a confused reaction from his friends. As a young high school student, it was still difficult for me to accept the cruelty of society. The same was true for Kim Hyun-jin, but Kim Hyun-jin knew that her brother’s safety depended on this, so she had to remain calm.

Hyunjin Kim said.

“What can I do if it’s not okay? There’s nothing I can do about it. “Just keep this situation in mind.”

Spacious classroom.

This place felt unfamiliar today.

School has lost its meaning.

Church authority has fallen and has become a microcosm of a society driven by profit.

“Because one day, a situation will come where we will have to bear witness to this moment.”

I swallowed my disgust.

Thinking that his brother had also endured this time, Kim Hyun-jin was willing to endure this moment.

* * *

While all the fuss was going on.

What was Myungjin Construction doing?

They couldn’t afford to move the background now.

Golden Circle began internal maintenance for half a year, but attacked Myungjin Construction to the point that it was in tatters.

[Go Chang-beom’s violent incident, is that really all there is to it?]

[Exposing the corruption of Myungjin Construction.]

[Myungjin Construction is also the same company.]

All kinds of negative articles were reported.

Although the facts are only partial, media outlets instigated by the Golden Circle published articles that were as provocative as possible.

This was the article that received the most views.

[Pour-over accident. It is not an example that proves Myeongjin’s correctness, but rather, it is evidence that reveals Myeongjin’s bottom.]

[Two years ago. The pouring accident at Myungjin Construction, which occurred during the real estate boom, catapulted Myungjin Construction into stardom thanks to the quick response of Managing Director Koh Chang-beom. people say Unlike other construction companies, the fact that they acknowledge and respond to mistakes proves that Myungjin is correct. But this is just an illusion. In the first place, Myungjin Construction caused a basic problem of a pouring accident due to the tight construction schedule, and was worried that this would be reported in the media, so they decided to re-construct.]

I was digging into the past.

The pouring accident that helped Myeongjin build his current image was turned into a shame rather than a heroic move.

[An official in the same industry said this about the pouring accident. “Do you know how long Managing Director Go Chang-beom has been on this floor? It’s only been two years. From the moment the pouring accident occurred until now, that person is everything, and his response at that time was probably not planned. Think about it. Do you think that a beginner who has just entered the construction industry has the qualifications to say things like houses for people and all that? “The pouring accident was clearly Myungjin’s fault, and Managing Director Koh Chang-beom was just lucky.” As such, the prevailing opinion in the industry is that Myungjin Construction’s image is somewhat exaggerated.]

Disparaging Myungjin Construction.


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Go Chang-beom was framed.

Although the facts were only slightly mixed, there was no difficulty in creating a negative image.

It was a phenomenon that lasted for half a year.

Since the media was criticizing Myungjin Construction so much, people who did not know much about reality said this after only reading the article.

-Isn’t Myungjin Construction going to fail like this?

Half a year since Kim Hyun-seong’s disappearance.

Myungjin Construction was in a difficult situation.

* * *

Myeongjin Construction.

In his now familiar office, Go Chang-beom received a barrage of calls.

“Yes, yes. All right. thank you Of course. Myungjin and I will definitely keep our promises.”


I hung up.

The people you just spoke to.

All were Daesan Cartel attacked by the Golden Circle.

The homeroom teacher and principal of Daesan Science High School, and even the police chief.

In a situation where they might lose their jobs, they contacted Go Chang-beom, and Go Chang-beom gave them faith that the promise made half a year ago would definitely be fulfilled. Fortunately, the regional bond worked. There was a possibility that they would fall for the ruthless force called the Golden Circle, but not a single person betrayed the Daesan Cartel.

‘I guess it’s because this is my hometown.’


It’s not a simple problem.

The moment they betray the cartel and pursue profit, they can never live on the bottom of the mountain again.

Think about it.

My parents, siblings, friends, and all the relationships I have made in my life live in Daesan, but if I betray them, how on earth will I be able to live? This is not a problem that can be solved simply by moving to a foreign country. It meant throwing away the entire life I had lived, and for local people who felt homesick even after living in a foreign country for just a year, betrayal was not an option. Even though they knew that dealing with the Golden Circle was reckless, they showed a habit of being swayed by what people around them wanted to do.

‘For me, who has taken root in Daesan, it is actually a benefit. But if you blindly believe in regional solidarity, problems will arise. The phone calls they made were not meant to prove their bond, but rather to soothe their anxiety because they are all the same human beings.’

Myeongjin Construction.

promised them a future.

Myungjin will definitely take responsibility for the future of those who were sacrificed for the Daesan Cartel.

Because of that promise, the head of the family, responsible for the family, was able to accept dismissal with a smile.

But what if.

What will happen if Myeongjin collapses?

The people of Daesan will lose their focus.

Just as everyone was silent at the sight of Cheonil being swept away half a year ago, it was clear that the same result would repeat itself. Therefore, I had to show an even stronger appearance. Until now, the people of Daesan had shown that they would comply at all costs, but Myeongjin’s position was shaken and noise began to flow out little by little.

I turned on my cell phone.

On the main page of the portal site, there were always negative articles about Myungjin Construction.

“Dirty bastards.”

A knight attacking Myeongjin.

I didn’t deny everything.

Not only that he had a violent past, but he was also a beginner who had just entered the industry.

It was all true.

However, the malicious intent conveyed in the article was blatant.

Regardless of the reason why Myungjin decided to re-build, it was clear that it was a move that no one in the existing construction industry had chosen. Because of that decision alone, we have to endure astronomical losses. Considering only the results, Myeong-jin’s actions deserve to be praised, but the reporters’ scribbling quickly reduced its value.

“I won’t break down like this. Especially for scumbags like you.”

What a pity.

Go Chang-beom felt that he was growing older.

Because of the fact that Myeongjin was carrying her on her shoulders, she studied every day, which she had not done even when she was young. She studied construction and took business classes. When I was exhausted and stretched out, I thought that it wouldn’t be a bad future to just hand it over to Changseok and enjoy it favorably.


The water has already spilled.

People call Go Chang-beom ignorant and reckless, but at least he was a person who knew how to take responsibility for what he had done.

‘There isn’t much left. Before the plan Hyeonseong mentioned begins, I need to reorganize Myeongjin’s foundation once again. Myeongjin is not dead yet. So that when the plan begins, I can give strength in Myeongjin’s name.’

It’s a game of chicken anyway.

Either the Golden Circle is defeated, or Kim Hyun-sung himself dies.

A fight that will end only when one side dies.

Go Chang-beom contacted his secretary.

“Get the tea ready. “I’m leaving now.”

* * *

Daesan Gymnasium.

Reporters flocked to the space, which could accommodate thousands of people, to see if a special event had been prepared.


A car arrived at the front gate.

When the car door opened and a tall man in a suit got out, reporters burst into laughter.


Papa papa phat.

It was Go Chang-beom.

Go Chang-beom has now become a nationally famous figure beyond Daesan.

Either negatively or positively.

Go Chang-beom calmly accepted the gaze focused on him and walked according to the guidance of the person in front of him.

‘Today’s presentation. It probably won’t be all smooth sailing.’

Just like it has been up until now.

The people who were instigated to publish negative articles will again intentionally try to ruin this presentation. A large-scale project that will determine the fate of Myungjin Construction. If the construction of 5,000 households supported by Daesan City goes wrong from the start, Myungjin Construction will lose the ability to endure any longer.

That can’t be possible.

Select the site, plan the blueprint, and resolve all financial concerns.

I’ve had a busy day so far.

Today was the starting point.

Go Chang-beom definitely intended to create a new landscape.

Again and again.

There was no reason not to be honest.

I walked confidently.

When Go Chang-beom finally entered the gym.

“Myeongjin Construction’s Managing Director Koh Chang-beom is entering.”

Favor or not.

Malicious or not.

Or curiosity.

Eyes filled with a multitude of emotions were focused all at once.

fantasy, modern,

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