Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 177

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33. Half a year later (2)

Half a year ago.

As soon as Go Chang-beom finished the press conference, he summoned the people of Daesan.

These are faces that people in Seoul wouldn’t recognize, but they all gathered together to have a place in Daesan.

Executives of famous companies, powerful figures such as Superintendent Cho Dong-jin, local officials, etc.

They seemed uncomfortable.

“Why did you call us?”

“It’s a dangerous situation even if it’s not, but if you make a move like this for no reason, you could end up in big trouble. Can’t you tell just by looking at Oh Dae-hwan and Kim Young-cheol from A Thousand Days? “Even though we protect each other, it only takes a moment for our hair to fly away.”

Everyone clearly looked scared.

In the series of circumstances in which Myeongjin Construction was attacked and Cheonil collapsed, the solidarity of the Daesan Cartel weakened considerably.

Go Chang-beom said.

“I completely understand your concerns. “But the reason you’re here probably means you don’t like the current situation enough to take risks.”

“that… … .”


Everyone was silent.

As Go Chang-beom said.

The reason they felt uncomfortable was not because of Go Chang-beom, who created this situation, but because of an external force called the Golden Circle.

“As you know, I was investigated by the prosecution this time. Because I supported Kim Hyun-sung, whom the Golden Circle considers a thorn in their side, they dug into my past and manipulated evidence and witnesses to push me into a corner. I was barely able to overcome the crisis, but the Golden Circle will attack me in the same way if it doesn’t like me at any time. Let me ask you: If you stand by and keep silent as the people of Daesan are attacked one after another like now, who do you think will raise their voices on your behalf when you become the target? Don’t think it’s someone else’s business. “If you offend them, it may be your turn at any time.”

It caught my attention.

Go Chang-beom is the managing director and has gained power in his words.

Now I know how threatening the firm gaze and tone, and the message that overwhelms the audience, are.

“There is a saying in the world: When the Nazis attacked the Communists, I was silent. Because I am not a communist. Then when they locked up the Social Democrats, I was silent. Because I am not a Social Democrat. Then when they attacked the unionists, I was silent. Because I am not a labor union member. When they came upon me.”

We made eye contact.

People’s eyes suddenly shook.

“There was no one left to speak for me. That’s what I’m trying to say. I was born and lived in Daesan until now, and I truly love the people of Daesan. Although I know you were silent when I was attacked, I have no intention of remaining silent when you were attacked. So give me a reason. If we show the belief that we are one, we will not remain silent no matter what happens in the future. “I am willing to raise my voice for Daesan.”

The snowball rolled.

The reason Kim Hyun-seong did not deal with Oh Dae-hwan and Kim Young-cheol with his own hands was for the survival of the Daesan Cartel.

People nodded.

That is correct.

One day, when the blade of the Golden Circle returns to me.

All they could count on was the closed culture of local cartels.

In a ripe atmosphere, Go Chang-beom put an end to it.

“We must protect each other. I will take the lead. “I am willing to be at the forefront.”

“That is correct.”

“Let’s follow Managing Director Go Chang-beom.”

“If we don’t protect each other, who will help us?”

People responded.

that day.

Daesan Cartel was reborn.

* * *

At that time, Han Seung-jo and Jang In-ho did not know about the change in Daesan.

The strategy was changed due to the principal’s hostile attitude.

“Just crash after school. “I can’t do anything to you legally anyway.”

School is over.

Jang In-ho called in members of the Golden Circle.

I knew that there were people around Hyunjin Kim who were protecting him, so I planned to take that into consideration and deal with them as well.

Jang In-ho called Kim Hyun-jin as he left the school gate.



“Follow me. “If you resist, I will kill you right here.”

It was a lifelike look in his eyes.

Even though he knew it was a situation where he should not follow, Kim Hyun-jin followed In-ho Jang with calm eyes.

I entered the alley.

When we arrived at a place where people rarely go, we saw the members of the Golden Circle that Jang In-ho had called in in advance. They are all A grade or higher skilled people. If there were about ten people, including Jang In-ho, they had the power to wipe out everyone, no matter how much security was attached to Kim Hyun-jin.

Jang In-ho chuckled.

“I’m not afraid. “What were you thinking when you followed me?”


I looked around.

Half a year has passed since Kim Hyun-seong disappeared.

I felt like it took longer than I thought.

“My brother said this to me as he was leaving home. I’m so sorry. He said that if he disappeared, it would definitely spark a fire in his family, and that he was truly sorry for putting them in a dangerous situation. When I heard that, I just felt more angry than the situation where I was in danger. What on earth did my brother do wrong? How big a mistake has he made that he has to take this risk every time? It’s a bit like shit. Whether it’s Park Min-cheol, Shin Young-min, or whoever was hit by his older brother. “I’ve never hit an innocent person before.”

It was then.


Behind Kim Hyun-jin.

A group of people appeared.

A man with a huge physique and a group of about a dozen people.

As the members of the Golden Circle, including Jang In-ho, looked nervous, Kim Hyun-jin showed a cold look in his eyes.

“Do you guys know the reason? Well, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know.”


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A man ran forward.

The hood flapped, revealing a stocky face.

He stays the same.

“If it’s true, you’ll think of something.”



Jang In-ho’s face was blown off.

* * *

The identity of the man.

It was Bae Seong-ho.

Before Kim Hyun-seong disappeared, Bae Seong-ho received an offer.

“One year from now. “Live for me.”

Last officetel incident.

Bae Seong-ho did not go to prison.

Originally, the problem could have become more serious as the only adult, but as the Golden Circle resolved the case, Bae Seong-ho had to be released from the charges. If we interpret that Bae Seong-ho caused the problem with a certain purpose. At the same time, the incident could not help but escalate. Thanks to this, he was able to get over it and end the situation with a suspended sentence.

And that day.

Bae Seong-ho received 100 million won.

When Bae Seong-ho accepted the bundle of cash with trembling hands, he pledged to live for Kim Hyun-seong from now on.

“What should I do?”

The requirements were simple.

Return to Daesan and protect Kim Hyun-jin.

Bae Seong-ho started training every day to become stronger, and gathered friends he used to fight with to form a new force. It could also be said to be a type of organization. They were all promised compensation when the situation was over, so they repeated security and training for half a year after Kim Hyun-seong disappeared.

people say

A year for minors is completely different.

The physical ability that had matured at the age of 20 explosively amplified the power of Bae Seong-ho and his group.


Sigh, Sigh!

It was an instant.

Jang In-ho and his group showed strength commensurate with their level, but Bae Seong-ho rushed at his opponent as if he were going to kill him. The more difficult the situation is. The more certain the performance is, the better. Hyunseong Kim paid everything in ‘cash’. Now that hard work is clearly rewarded, there was no reason for a scoundrel like Bae Seong-ho not to risk his life.

There was a lot of bleeding.

Although many of Bae Seong-ho’s friends were injured and Bae Seong-ho was a mess, he was able to defeat them all in the end.

Hyunjin Kim said.

“thank you.”

“what. I did the obvious thing. “What are they going to do?”

I checked the people lying around.

The condition looked serious, but it didn’t matter.

Hyunjin Kim answered bluntly.

“The Golden Circle will take care of it. “I don’t care what happens to those scum who are trying to put my brother in a corner.”

Hyunjin Kim walks first.

Bae Seong-ho scratched his head.

“That older brother, that younger brother.”

* * *

Back to the present.

The secretary’s expression distorted.

“So you haven’t had any income so far?”

“… … sorry.”

Han Seung-jo told everything that had happened.

The principal of Daesangwa High School was not friendly, and Jang In-ho and the members of the Golden Circle were rather disappointed. And they tried to use that incident as an excuse to move the police, but this time the police chief also did not listen.

Just hearing it was like eating a hundred sweet potatoes.

I didn’t understand.

If things are going so slowly, shouldn’t the problem be resolved by reporting it to higher-ups right away?

said the secretary.

“Why didn’t you report it all this time? “It would be nothing to clean up Daesan’s bastards.”

“that is… … .”

Han Seung-jo chewed his lips.

It was a complicated problem.

When the secretary urged him, he lowered his head.

“I was afraid of the cost of failure. “I thought that if I didn’t handle things well, I would be in big trouble.”


It was a perplexing answer.

This was something the Golden Circle overlooked.

Yoon Hyun-min quickly took care of the internal affairs, but in the process, he appeared to be punished so harshly that it was cruel.

What did other brokers think as they watched a person like Park Hyeong-jun, who had devoted himself to the Golden Circle, take all the blame for his failure? I felt like failure was really the end. Seeing for himself how cruel and ruthless this group was, Han Seung-jo even thought that the leadership was a poisoned chalice.

That was the result.

The report got stuck in the middle.

It has been a problem for a long time, but it has become more prominent recently.


The secretary pressed her temple.

It was the same with him.

I couldn’t bear to report to Hyunmin Yoon that something was wrong with this problem.

I was in the same situation.


He had different power than Han Seung-jo.

“I will move the higher-ups, so clean up the scum of Daesan. Keep this in mind. Make sure to handle it this time. If Kim Hyun-jin is so upset that he can’t stand it, then Kim Hyun-seong won’t be able to hold it in any longer and will stick his head out. Anyway, if you can’t deal with Kim Hyun-seong, it’s the end for you and me. okay?”

“… … All right.”

* * *

It was the same way as before.

Just like they dealt with Oh Dae-hwan and Kim Young-cheol in A Thousand Days.

The upper line moved.

At this scale, it would have caught Yoon Hyun-min’s ears, but he decided it was necessary to get the job done.

The power of power was great.

Audit department employees were immediately dispatched.

The person they targeted was Jang In-ho’s homeroom teacher.

The intention was to embroil the incident of beating In-ho Jang with excessive corporal punishment.

So did the police.

After dealing with the homeroom teacher first, I tried to organize them one by one and send a warning message to Daesan once again.

An audit department employee said.

“… … This current situation. Did you understand? So, in order to survive, tell us that you will cooperate with us in the future. Just like Oh Dae-hwan and Kim Young-cheol did. If the teacher makes a wrong decision this time, not only will he be dismissed from his job, but he may be sent to prison. “Didn’t you go through a lot of trouble to be appointed as a teacher to face that kind of future?”

Carrots and sticks were presented.

The intention was to recruit the homeroom teacher and harass Kim Hyun-jin.


The homeroom teacher responded calmly.

“Do you know that?”

Age in 40s.

The head of a family.

The conditions were no different from Kim Young-cheol.

“Principal Oh Dae-hwan and teacher Kim Young-cheol, who were sent away by the Golden Circle. They all have a senior-junior relationship with me. As we meet each other while walking around the neighborhood, we have had quite a few drinks together. Actually, I don’t think it’s that special that those two people are being punished. Aren’t they trash? If you lived like trash, you should pay for your sins. By the way. The Golden Circle crossed a line. They have the great mountain in their hands and can do whatever they want with it. How long will we have to be swayed by such schemes? Just as Myungjin Construction, which had done nothing wrong, was pushed into a corner. As if I exist before your eyes right now. The arrow may come back to us at any time. And no matter how powerful you are, you will not be able to blow up the entire mountain.”

Daesan people.

They already agreed.

For someone to be targeted, how others will act.

“thank you. “I may not be able to make a living as a teacher in the future, but thanks to you, my retirement will be comfortable.”

He smiled brightly.

Daesan Cartel.

They were no longer swayed by external pressure.

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