Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 175

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32. Head-on assault (7)

The successor to a large corporation and a high school student.

Considering the background of Yoon Hyun-min’s back, it was a fight in which he was no match, to the point where the expression David and Goliath would be insufficient.

And yet.

Kim Hyun-seong knew why the situation was dragging in a sluggish manner.

“In fact, if you were willing to risk bloodshed and decide to deal with me, even if I were a high school student. No matter what controversy arises due to my death. You probably didn’t care at all. But I can’t. “Humans know that they will win against a rabid dog that appears in front of them, but the reason they feel afraid is because they have to endure the pain of having their limbs ripped off in the process of defeating a rabid dog.”

It was the irony of life.

If Yoon Hyun-min was a person with nothing to lose, Kim Hyun-seong would have already lost his life during the officetel incident.

“If it was worth doing that and killing a mad dog, I would have done it willingly. But it’s nothing more than a rabid dog that I just ran into while passing by. Even if a limb is torn off while defeating a mad dog, only a wound remains, and there is no glory of victory. You think of me like that. Even though you can deal with me at any time, I’m afraid you might leave me with a fatal wound. If I become a hot potato and cause unnecessary trouble, you will have to endure bleeding for a victory that has no benefit. So you can’t always cross the line of those who have it.”

It was a contradiction.

Yoon Hyun-min ordered to use any means possible to deal with Kim Hyun-seong, but in fact, all of his actions were in line with common sense. Use your power to process the background. He even planned to deal with Kim Hyun-seong only after he kindly kicked him out of high school. I knew that a plan without a plan would definitely lead to problems.

This current situation.

It started from a desire to lose.

Even though it was a mismatch that could not have been established in the first place, Kim Hyun-seong was still alive because he gave everything.

“So stop there. They said I would drop out on my own. Once enough time passes after I drop out of school, no matter how much I disappear. The fact that he was a victim of the officetel incident and the fact that he assaulted the eldest child of National Assembly member Lee Kyung-cheol. It won’t be a problem anymore. “People are creatures of forgetfulness, and the power you have will be enough to blind people’s eyes to prevent them from recalling memories of the past.”

It was some kind of deal.

Myungjin Construction lost its power.

They gave away Oh Dae-hwan and Kim Young-cheol from Cheonil.

In fact, there was no need for Yoon Hyun-min to overexert himself in order to deal with Kim Hyun-seong, who was pushed to the edge.

Beyond the cell phone.

I heard Hyunmin Yoon’s voice.

[Knowing that, you submit your resignation letter yourself. Like you said, I don’t want to experience having my flesh bitten off by a dirty rabid dog. Because it’s not worth it to me. Yes, I will do as you wish. This incident will pass without any problems. Your existence may be controversial for a while, but as you leave school, you will gradually be forgotten by people. And I’ll bide my time. Completely trample on the people of Myungjin Construction, Jeonghan Ilbo, and Daesan who took your side so that they can no longer exert their power. A time when people forget that you exist.]


It felt like I was seeing Yoon Hyun-min’s eyes filled with malice right before my eyes.

[You will definitely pay the price for touching me.]

* * *

Just one phone call.

That solved all problems.

The Lee Cheong-su case was concluded in vain, and the victims who sued Kim Hyun-seong, including Park Min-cheol, announced that they would no longer raise the issue. There was no reason for the Golden Circle to push further. From the beginning, they did not want Kim Hyun-seong to receive ‘legitimate punishment’, but to escape from the confines of the school. However, since he said he submitted his resignation letter on his own, there was no longer any reason to fight at the police station.

Leaving the interrogation room.

The police officer finally said:

“You, be careful.”

It was a disgusting reality.

People called the police force a crime after a phone call from Yoon Hyun-min, but then back down again. Does guilt really exist for them? Even if you push an innocent person to death, will you hug your child with a kind face when you return to your home?

I don’t know.

Living a new life from a new perspective, Kim Hyun-seong did not simply distinguish between ‘humans’.


‘If you are guilty, you must pay the price.’

I left the police station.

At that moment, Park Jong-su was outside.

“are you okay?”

“are you okay.”

“You bastard. This plan was really dangerous. If the Golden Circle went crazy and tried to kill you, it wouldn’t matter if you were in high school at the time. Whether you are in society or in a juvenile detention center. “I would have handled it somehow, regardless of means or methods.”

“If that happens. “My death would have been the best outcome.”

“… … !”


Park Jong-su was speechless.

I found out the truth too late when I saw Kim Hyun-seong’s emotionless eyes.

The fact that Kim Hyun-seong was not only planning the first plan to threaten Yoon Hyun-min, but was also calculating the situation in which he could be killed if things went wrong. I’m completely crazy. I couldn’t even imagine how much malicious intent a single high school student could have to commit such a ridiculous act.

“… … At least think about how to survive. And there’s someone you need to meet.”

“Who are you?”

Jongsu Park thought.

Maybe this meeting could be the way to save Kim Hyun-seong.

“Kang Dong-cheol. “The just prosecutor will see you personally.”

* * *

The location was Jongsu Park’s office.

I decided that it would be a bit inconvenient to meet at the prosecutor’s office or in a public place, so I rented Park Jong-su’s office for a while.

Kang Dong-cheol said.

“After investigating so far, what Jongsu said. And I decided to believe your testimony. The Golden Circle is an organization that actually exists, and they commit all kinds of crimes for the sake of caring for their children’s future. If the parents’ greed played a big role when it was first established, the current Golden Circle has in fact degenerated into a cartel where mutual benefits are exchanged. I plan to research the Golden Circle. “I plan to uncover each crime and punish all those involved, but I have no intention of going along with your plan.”


threw something

The mountain of data proved Kang Dong-cheol’s efforts.

“This contains the corruption you have committed so far. What you did to take control of Cheonil High School, and even the status of the victims who were taken to the hospital because of you. Well, you probably had a valid reason. Park Min-cheol’s gang tried to harass you at the Golden Circle’s request, but suffered the reverse, and Shin Young-min and the others were not innocent victims. But that’s it. You are only a 19-year-old high school student, and this Republic of Korea does not allow private sanctions. In order for me to receive the punishment the Golden Circle deserves, I cannot tolerate you, who have walked the same path as them.”

It was just as rumored.

A knife for killing cows.

A prosecutor who has lived under the sky without an iota of shame.

Kang Dong-cheol did not agree with Kim Hyun-seong.

Some might say that he dipped his feet in muddy water to deal with bad people, but Kang Dong-cheol just looked at sin as it is. The belief that sin is sin. Kang Dong-cheol showed hostile eyes.


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“But I won’t punish you right now. In a situation where the most important culprit, the Golden Circle, has not been resolved, putting you first just because you have no power will only be a good thing for the Golden Circle. Actually, there is no need for me to meet you and have this conversation, but I came here to tell you the reality because Jongsu seems to want to help you. “I’m sorry, but I intend to do what I have to do.”

“That’s enough.”

Kang Dong-cheol drew a line.

As a prosecutor, I will never take sides.

That look.

Kim Hyun-seong was truly happy.

Rather, I was able to trust Kang Dong-cheol even more because he did not see himself as a simple victim.

“Do what you believe in. That is exactly what I hope.”

* * *

It was a busy day.

After being investigated at the police station, I met Kang Dong-cheol, and this time I secretly met reporter Bang Hyun-tae.

Bang Hyeon-tae said.

“that day. I really thought a lot after hearing student Kim Hyun-seong’s suggestion. Even if I find out the truth about the Golden Circle, will I be able to report it properly? Can I handle the fact that my life and Jeonghan Ilbo may be ruined due to the powerful people hidden behind it? The answer is I don’t know. “I’m still not sure if this is the right choice, but the conclusion I reached while investigating Lee Cheong-su is clear.”

There is a class system in the world.

This was a sentence that came to mind while researching Lee Cheong-su.

“We’re the same student. It is said that his father was a big-time politician, so Li Qingshu lived an extraordinary life. The student record is manipulated for the convenience of the teachers, and even though he is harassing his friends, everyone ignores him. Last year, I personally visited the victim of Lee Cheong-soo, and the victim, who had dropped out of school, suffered permanent disability and gave up his once dream of becoming an athlete. There is a victim who takes medicine every day for the pain that throbs from the tips of his toes, but as a person before being a journalist, I could not tolerate Lee Cheong-soo living such a peaceful life. I wouldn’t say he’s ready. I will do it though. “If the truth exists before our eyes, we are ready to report it.”

Lee Cheong-su case.

By reporting it, Bang Hyun-tae proved himself.

Just looking at the fact that Yoon Hyun-min mentioned the Jeonghan Ilbo as one of Kim Hyun-seong’s backgrounds, they have already taken a risk.

Hyunseong Kim said.

“It will be very dangerous.”

“I know.”

“As you just said, there will definitely be problems. “Jeonghan Ilbo or the reporter.”

“It’s not that I wasn’t scared, but if I had been scared and planned to back down, Knight Cheongsoo Lee wouldn’t have existed.”

“All right.”

The plate was laid.

Among numerous puzzles.

Jeonghan Ilbo’s Bang Hyeon-tae was accepted.

“I’ll tell you what to prepare from now on.”

* * *

Nearby mountain.

There was Kim Hyun-seong.

After pouring all the data into one place, he set fire to the paper and threw it.



In an instant, the data burned.

What we have researched so far.

It was all in here.

[Oh Hye-ji]

First start.

A being that was the culprit.

Detailed information such as Oh Hye-ji’s face, her background, and current situation were seen engulfed in flames and burning black as if in pain and despair. One after another, other names were incinerated. Park Min-cheol, Kang Chang-seok, Cho Yong-taek, Jeong Min-ho, Shin Young-min, etc. They were traces of the past. In order to achieve his goal of destroying the Golden Circle, Kim Hyun-seong trampled on all the names that were disappearing in the fire, finally approaching the end.


[Hyeonmin Yoon]

I looked at the unburned material.

It was really the last time.

If even Yoon Hyun-min is dealt with, the revenge that seemed impossible will finally come to an end.

‘Can I do it?’

I wasn’t sure.

The owner of the Golden Circle was a greater person than expected, and Yoon Hyun-min used this opportunity to show that he wanted to completely control the Golden Circle. It is not simply the last opportunity given to Kim Hyun-seong. I thought that if I couldn’t take down the monster called the Golden Circle this time, no one would be able to overcome the iron fortress built with power.

Hyunseong Kim was no longer a high school student.

He submitted his withdrawal form to school, and within a week the Golden Circle would be looking for him.

There was nothing to hesitate about anymore.

All cases related to Kim Hyun-seong have been concluded.

There will be an issue in the entertainment industry that will make a fuss in the world.

The death of a minor who dropped out of school would no longer mean anything to society.

Pushed to the edge of a cliff.

Now I really didn’t know if I was going to be killed.

‘I have to do it. ‘That’s why I came back to this moment.’


threw the paper



The paper burned quickly.

There was no back.

As if predicting success, Kim Hyun-seong will definitely push Yoon Hyun-min into the fire pit.

I looked at the flames for a long time.

Only after seeing that everything had burned down and only ashes remained did I turn around.

And the next day.

Kim Hyun-seong has evaporated.

As expected, Golden Circle searched for Kim Hyun-sung’s whereabouts, but could not find him anywhere in Korea. Kim Hyun-seong’s family, Myungjin Construction, and everyone involved. Although we followed up and checked all records related to Kim Hyun-seong’s name, there was no ‘life response’ that Kim Hyun-seong was alive and living.

Did they say that humans are animals of forgetfulness?

People have forgotten Kim Hyun-seong.

However, Golden Circle pursued Kim Hyun-seong until the end.

Half a year since then.

It’s already the end of my 19th year.

The time has come to end the year.

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