Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 168

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31. Crack (5)

A fleeting moment.

A million thoughts ran through my mind.

‘Why is Hyunmin Yoon here?’

‘Is that person really Yoon Hyun-min?’

‘What on earth is your intention?’

The reason why my mind became so complicated was because the other person’s behavior was different from what he had shown so far.

Think about it.

Hyunmin Yoon is a thorough person.

Even in the distant future, his identity was not discovered, and even when a variable like Lim Cheol-hyung occurred, a plausible justification was created by publishing an article. Like a being beyond the veil. He never once revealed his identity, but such a being suddenly appeared in front of Kim Hyun-seong. Even though there is no need to take this ridiculous risk.


I took a step back.

I glanced around and looked around.

The CCTV illuminating the hallway had a red light flashing due to a recent incident.

If so, the possibility of ‘murder’ was ruled out.

If Yoon Hyun-min had intended to kill himself, he would not have made the mistake of showing up at the murder scene himself. It is obvious that Kim Hyun-seong also prepared for an unexpected trap. No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t predict Yoon Hyun-min’s intentions. At that time, Yoon Hyun-min, who was staring at Kim Hyun-seong, showed a light smile.

“There is no need to be so scared. “If I was going to do something to you, at least I wouldn’t have shown my face.”

The distance between Yoon Hyun-min and Kim Hyun-seong.

It was far.

Yoon Hyun-min did not bother to come and threaten Kim Hyun-seong.

“by the way. “Looking at your reaction, I guess you’ve already figured out who I am?”

Sharp eyes scanned Kim Hyun-seong.

This officetel incident.

Seeing Kim Hyun-seong defeating evil intentions and reaping clear benefits, Yoon Hyun-min fully acknowledged Kim Hyun-seong.

Not just a high school student, but a threatening being.

When he let down his guard and brought his opponent to an equal position, he was able to calculate that Lim Cheol-hyung’s unexpected behavior may not have been a simple variable. Of course, it is a weak probability. By publishing the article, the justification for the meeting was clearly secured, but Yoon Hyun-min thought that he might have been identified due to the disturbing ‘possibility’.

And that thought.

By meeting Chan-soo Jeong, Hyun-min Yoon was invited to this place.

“This time I caught a rat and asked about you. Kim Hyun-seong asks why on earth a local high school student with no connection to Seoul is so obsessed with the Golden Circle. I’m not sure why he asked that question, but he said he showed a lot of malice, as if he was dealing with an enemy of Cheolcheonji. Actually, I still don’t understand. You may show malice for what happened to you in Daesan, but if you don’t go crazy, is there any reason to come all the way to Seoul and struggle so hard? It is said that unreasonable malice exists in the world, but your malice stems from a clear reason. So, is it really just the malice that appears on the surface? Well, whatever the reason. “There is one thing I want to tell you while coming to see you.”

Kim Hyun-seong’s expression hardened.

There was a feeling of suffocating tension.

Breaking through that silence.

Hyunmin Yoon said.

“I am the owner of the Golden Circle that I have been looking for so long. So, what on earth can you do?”

* * *

It was a remark that was outside the expected range.

I couldn’t answer.

I couldn’t answer.

Kim Hyun-seong felt very confused about the current situation, to the point where he had no idea how to react.


“Fuha, tsk tsk tsk tsk.”

Hyunmin Yoon burst into laughter.

The bright smile on his face seemed like he was really enjoying this situation.

“It’s a joke, a joke. The real purpose of my coming to you is to make you an offer. “If the reason for your hostility to the Golden Circle is at the level of ‘agreement’, then I want to recruit you to the Golden Circle.”

Kim Hyun-seong’s actions.

It wasn’t common sense.

His meticulous and bold action skills made it impossible for him to be highly valued.

“As you know, the Golden Circle is a group in which many variables occur. Because we receive and carry out requests, things cannot be done perfectly every time. But if you take charge of the Golden Circle’s work. I thought I could demonstrate my ability to sufficiently respond to variables. Your abilities have already been proven against the Golden Circle, and I am someone who values ​​talented people. From the moment you accept my offer, the threat to you will completely disappear, and as my person, you will be able to enjoy wealth and power that ordinary people cannot even dream of. “What do you think, isn’t it attractive?”

“… … Why are you offering me that? “The damage I did to the Golden Circle must have been considerable.”

“Because that’s just the past. There is enough justification for the past you, so I just don’t need to dwell on it. “Doing your best in your own situation and getting results is a reason to acknowledge your abilities.”

Hyunmin Yoon did not avoid his gaze.

I stared at Kim Hyun-seong, as if piercing his insides.

“I’m just saying this just in case. It would be better to just pretend to overlook it and not try to come under me and collect evidence. I will not provide any evidence targeting me directly. And now, from this moment on, I will hold you and everyone around you hostage. Either live happily for the rest of your life under my watch, or fall into the abyss of life. “You can choose one of the two.”

It was certain.

Yoon Hyun-min was not normal.

The person who created the Golden Circle in the first place could not have been normal.

Hyunmin Yoon grinned.

“I’ll promise. “Life in a cage wouldn’t be so bad.”

* * *

10 years, more.

In the dark, Kim Hyun-seong always imagined.

The trash that made you like this.

What kind of person is the owner of the Golden Circle?

man? female?

A young person? old man?

Regardless of who the opponent was, it was clear that he was an extremely cautious person as his identity was not revealed until the end. Unless it is. At least a clue would have come out when the Golden Gate exploded.

You’re half right.

But you’re half wrong.


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Hyunmin Yoon was a very cautious person, but he also had a bold side to the point where he came out so boldly.

‘It probably comes from confidence.’

Hyunmin Yoon has a successful life.

A person who had a golden spoon in his mouth from the moment he was born, and would have been successful enough without having to step into dirty water like the Golden Circle. He has probably never experienced failure even once in his life.

That was why.

That’s why you can say such nonsense as, “What on earth can you do?”

Because he was confident that there would be no problem with revealing his face, he revealed his identity to Kim Hyun-seong.

Yoon Hyun-min was clearly a villain.

Since I was born with it, I took it for granted that it would be trampled and destroyed.


“Student Hyeonseong!”

“Are you okay?”

I saw bodyguards running.

Hyunseong Kim raised his hand to stop him.

It was a situation where a fight could break out at any moment, but strangely enough, Kim Hyun-seong’s head was cold.

“thank god. “Because they are trash with no room for rehabilitation.”

“Does this mean you will refuse?”


Negotiations broke down.

Hyunmin Yoon did not show any regret.

As the assailant, I just stretched out my hand without the slightest shame, and if I didn’t catch it, I turned away without hesitation.

Hyunmin Yoon took a step.

As he walked towards the door, the security guards who accompanied him followed suit.

“I’m leaving for today.”

The atmosphere turned violent.

Hyunmin Yoon and people.

Hyunsung Kim and people.

The distance between each other has narrowed.

The bodyguards hired by Go Chang-beom kept an eye on Kim Hyun-seong.

If an order was given, they planned to block the road, but Kim Hyun-seong did not give any signal.

at last.

The two men met.

Seeing that Kim Hyun-seong was still blocking the door, Yoon Hyun-min looked at Kim Hyun-seong’s bloodshot eyes and frowned.

“Why, try it? “You’re not the kind of kid who just kills and ends things.”

It pierced me to the core.

Hyun-min Yoon saw the essence of Hyun-seong Kim.

“Unless you have anything to do. “Just get out of the way.”

I didn’t deny it.

opened the way

The appearance of Yoon Hyun-min passing through them.

Kim Hyun-seong just stared at the back of Yoon Hyun-min, who no longer had any regrets about looking back.

* * *

The guards sent them back.

They advised him to move to a safe place other than the officetel, but Kim Hyun-seong refused and remained alone in the officetel.

“… … Hyunmin Yoon.”

Just now.

I reflected on the conversation I had with him.

The confidence to not think about failure and the boldness to reach out first even to enemies.

He was a dangerous person.

Yoon Hyun-min was successful not simply because he had a golden spoon, but because he was a person with natural ability and background, he created the current Golden Circle. If you think about it, it was natural. To begin with, it made no sense to think that a person with no ability formed a cartel called the Golden Circle just because he was lucky.

It suits the place.

Deserving of power.

Hyunmin Yoon was that kind of person.

Today’s meeting has made the hostile relationship clear, so Yoon Hyun-min’s attacks will become more intense from now on.

Of course, I could have acted.

Pretending to be scared, pretending to compromise.

But I didn’t want to do that.

I wanted to show him that I could bring him down even if I openly revealed my existence.

To feel the same helplessness as yourself.

To feel unbearable despair.

‘Right now, the situation is unilaterally unfavorable to me.’

Yoon Hyun-min is a powerful person.

A person with power who can do anything.

I didn’t know what he would do next.

They can use their power to pressure them, or they can use force to kill them, like in the officetel incident. Since they said they were taking the people around them hostage, I didn’t know that something worse than the attack on Daesan would happen.

On the contrary.

Kim Hyun-seong’s plan is not yet complete.

Now that we have finally identified the person behind Yoon Hyun-min, time was needed to complete a clear plan to take down Yoon Hyun-min.


I took a breath.


I wasn’t afraid.

My calm mind has been eagerly anticipating this moment.

Hyunseong Kim lay on the floor.

Looking at the ceiling from the empty officetel floor, Kim Hyun-seong slowly closed his eyes.

I hear white noise.

Let’s feel the air in the room.

A silence fell that blocked the view.

It felt so familiar.

Kim Hyun-seong recalled the past.

Memories of the time when I was in a vegetable state.

In that moment that has been repeated countless times, there will be a direction to ideally resolve the current situation.

Kim Hyun-seong fell into darkness like that.

* * *

Hyunmin Yoon left the officetel through the front door.

It didn’t matter that I was identified on CCTV.

Even if Kim Hyun-seong had conducted a recording, it would have no effect.


In order to make people ignore the Golden Circle, as if they were blind to it, he needed to show how much power he had. Kim Hyun-seong would be a good example. As a result, even if the successor to the Taeyang Group is widely mentioned, there will be no problems for Yoon Hyun-min. Recorded material will be sold as false, and recordings that are not supported by additional evidence will lose their effectiveness. No matter how I came up with the method and presented the evidence, there were many people who would take responsibility for Yoon Hyun-min’s crime.


The driver opened the car door.

As we got inside, the secretary sitting in the passenger seat spoke.

“… … You took a needless risk. “There must have been a more reliable way to handle it.”

“I guess so. But I was greedy enough to take a risk, and I wanted to test Kim Hyun-seong’s intentions.”

In the rearview mirror.

Our eyes met.

Yoon Hyun-min’s eyes were cold and frozen.

“I don’t know why, but Kim Hyun-sung had the look in his eyes of someone who truly wanted revenge on me. In that case, it must have been a truly golden opportunity just now. Even though it was a situation where he could definitely get revenge if he harmed me, Kim Hyun-seong suppressed his anger and opened the way. That would mean aiming for more than that. Malice that cannot be resolved through simple violence or death. “A person who intuitively expresses revenge is easy to deal with and is not that threatening, but a person who can control their boiling emotions may do something.”


I thought of Kim Hyun-seong’s eyes.

The emotions in those eyes were unforgettable.

“That guy was holding back his murderous intent in front of me. therefore.”

Only after meeting in person.

Hyunmin Yoon made a decision.

“From now on, don’t hesitate by any means possible and deal with all those who help Hyunseong Kim.”

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