Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 142

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27. Lawless Zone (4)

Choi Myung-hoon.

Age 19.

Watching his friends avert their gaze at a glance, he sometimes thought about the starting point of this life.

Was it when I was 10 years old?

He was only in the lower grades of elementary school, and while playing on the playground, he was suddenly kicked by an older student. There was no reason. Just being there was the reason for the violence, and Choi Myung-hoon, who didn’t know it was a fight yet, rushed in without knowing it. His opponent was a senior who was 10cm taller than him, and he realized his talent by unilaterally defeating him even though other seniors were running at him as well.


I have a talent for fighting.

I gained confidence.

He started fighting with kids who said he was a bit of a fighter, and at some point, his friends started calling him “chan.”

My head got bigger.

As he walked around the neighborhood showing off, he got into fights with other schools, and he always won, so from then on, he got the reputation of eating the entire neighborhood. That may have been why. Golden Circle naturally showed interest in Choi Myung-hoon, and received his first request for a commission when he was only in his first year of middle school.

First request.

It was simple.

It was a request to hit the target once so he wouldn’t show up at school, but when he received a million won in return for hitting the target, a jackpot hit in his head. I’m only in my first year of middle school. At an age where work is not allowed, and even if you receive a lot of pocket money, it is only in the tens of thousands of won. The price of a whopping 1 million won produced a huge amount of endorphins.

I carried out the request at random.

And not once.

There was no crisis.

Even when the request became difficult and the opponent became stronger, Choi Myung-hoon always completed the request without difficulty.

When the grade evaluation took place within the Golden Circle, even though all the flying and crawling kids from other regions showed up, they were knocked out with one punch from Choi Myung-hoon. What was Choi Myung-hoon thinking at that moment? The opponents are the best, amateur players, and sometimes even players who have professional experience even though they are only high school students. Although he was given the title of strong, his opponent’s movements were clearly visible, and after a few punches, his opponent fell down.

It was a talent.

He was real.

His natural talent elevated him to the S+ level without a single difficulty.

The world of adults is unknown.

However, I was confident that there was no opponent for me, at least in my age group and in the world of minors.

It’s not just pride.

It was confidence.

Requests that have been fulfilled so far.

The opponent you defeated so far.

It became a clear basis.

So, I made this statement when taking on this request.

“Do not worry. Would I be able to accept this kind of request from a kid who barely ate fat like Daesan in less than a day or two? It will be over soon. “As long as you keep the teachers under control, I will complete the request without any problems as always.”

Even when accepting a request.

Even when inviting juniors.

Even when he dropped milk on Kim Hyun-seong’s head, and even when Kim Hyun-seong broke through the crowd and reached in front of him.

I didn’t doubt myself.

But now.

A situation very different from what I expected unfolded before my eyes.

* * *

Just hit.

It had to be shocking.

It was an attack that would have made even hard-working kids fall, but Kim Hyun-seong’s blood spurted out and he ran straight into him.


My fist exploded.

Choi Myung-hoon attempted a counter by blocking Kim Hyun-seong’s sudden attack.

Kim Hyun-seong’s hand speed was clearly slow, probably due to physical strain, and Kim Hyun-seong’s face jerked as his fist dug in properly. There was a feeling of being pushed into her hand. It was a reassuring feeling that he had clearly had enough, but Kim Hyun-seong did not slow down his pace in the slightest.



Then he punched the other person in the face.

Swish, swish.

This time, Choi Myung-hoon avoided each of the opponent’s attacks one by one and threw a sharp counter that he learned instinctively.

But without fail.



Choi Myung-hoon’s face suddenly turned.

Kim Hyun-seong accepted the melee.

Even if he received two or three blows, he always returned one.

When he was hit, he allowed the attack to minimize damage as much as possible, and when Kim Hyun-sung’s fist exploded, Choi Myung-hoon felt as if his soul was flying away. It was a heavy fist. Kim Hyun-seong trained with Jeong Doo-cheol to strike with ‘certain damage’, and the effects are now showing.

Kim Hyun-seong’s eyes shined with murderous intent.

Without any time for the opponent to catch his breath or deal with the damage, he continued to narrow the distance and pour out punches.

‘What a piece of shit.’

Choi Myung-hoon’s expression distorted.

It was an unfamiliar situation.

This was my first time meeting an opponent who was so nonchalant about his attacks and instead attacked them with even more destructive power. Can we say this is high school level? Choi Myung-hoon was a member of the Golden Circle and had faced countless high school students at the national level, but Kim Hyun-sung was definitely more than that.

Especially the two eyes.

There was a strong enthusiasm to never let it just end.

I was overwhelmed by it.

That fact filled me with great shame.


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‘I’m going to lose? Nonsense.’

I didn’t back down anymore.

Looking at Kim Hyun-seong’s blood-stained face, they exchanged fists in the same way.



The faces turned at the same time.

From then on it was a melee.

When Kim Hyun-seong’s face turned, Choi Myung-hoon’s face also bounced back, and when he gritted his teeth again and struck from above, Kim Hyun-seong also hit his abdomen with a bright red face. Meanwhile, his eyes were shining sharply. Kim Hyun-seong was not engaging in a simple melee. In the many situations I trained with Jeong Doo-cheol, there were difficult situations like this, and I learned how to make the same attack less painful.

Moderately correct.

Let it flow in moderation.

A solid blow was delivered.

When Kim Hyun-seong’s fist dug into his body, Choi Myung-hoon’s eyes widened as if they would pop out.


I gritted my teeth.

Right now at this moment.

Choi Myung-hoon instinctively knew.

I was being pushed.

Even though the opponent has already dealt with dozens of people.

Even though he was an S+ grade talent recognized by the Golden Circle, he was no match for a pure match.

A dozen years of poison.

Hell of training.

Natural talent.

Just as Choi Myung-hoon was born with talent, Kim Hyun-seong was no different.

What if Kim Hyun-seong in his previous life was interested in fighting?

A different future might have unfolded, rather than the result of falling from the rooftop.

‘If it continues like this… … .’

Defeat struck.

Choi Myung-hoon’s eyes suddenly shook.

Defeat is coming soon.

It meant falling.

As the Golden Circle emphasized this request, the cost of defeat will be terrible.



stepped back.

The steps were tangled.

The moment Kim Hyun-seong did not miss the timing and tried to throw his back hand.

“… … !”

Stand tall.

Kim Hyun-seong’s movements suddenly became rigid.

* * *



“Well, shouldn’t that be stopped?”

The hallway became noisy.

It had to be that way.

Right behind Kim Hyun-seong.

There was someone.

A junior with messy hair had attacked Kim Hyun-seong with something.

“hey. “f*ck, why didn’t you help me quickly?”

Choi Myung-hoon’s face brightened.

The identity of the opponent is another S grade.

It was Jo Min-seok, a second-year student at Daesung Mirae High School.

The subject of this request was Choi Myung-hoon, but the Golden Circle also assigned the task to Cho Min-seok in case of an emergency.

If the time comes to step forward.

You too, come forward.

In fact, Choi Myung-hoon never thought that a situation like this would come.

I decided that there was no need for Jo Min-seok to deal with just one person, Kim Hyun-seong, and I didn’t ask for any help while preparing this plan. It seemed impossible to get through dozens of people with harsh words. Even if it were to break through and reach him, he was confident that the power he had proven so far would be enough to subdue it.

And then things turn out differently than expected.

Jo Min-seok could not be happier.

Jo Min-seok, who was mingling with the crowd for fear of trouble, immediately intervened when the situation turned strange.


Despite the sudden surprise attack, Jo Min-seok’s expression was not so good.

“… … Choi Myung-hoon, you idiot. Come to your senses and attack quickly!”

A blow just now.

Jo Min-seok stabbed Kim Hyun-seong with a small knife.

It was intended to inflict wounds without the intention to kill, but Kim Hyun-seong reacted instantaneously to the sudden attack.

A day of transition.

Hyunseong Kim caught it with his bare hands.

Even though his skin was cut and blood was flowing, Kim Hyun-seong made direct eye contact with the trembling Cho Min-seok.

“Is this the end?”

I knew it.

Besides Choi Myung-hoon, there are others at this school.

The fact that Cho Min-seok also exists.

How will they come out in an emergency situation?

As always, Kim Hyun-seong took the worst-case scenario into account.

* * *

When preparing to go to Seoul.

At that time, Jeong Chan-soo was still a member of the Golden Circle.

It was a significant advantage to communicate with an insider, and thanks to this, Kim Hyun-seong was able to know information about Daesung Mirae High School in advance.

Chansu Jeong said with a worried face.

“… … I know you’re a no-nonsense guy, but do you still have to go to Daesung Mirae High School? This is a more dangerous place than other schools. It’s possible that all the teachers were deceived, but there are as many as two S-level talented students. First of all, Myung-Hoon Choi. This guy is so talented that a guy who hasn’t even learned how to fight properly can wipe out all the talented people in the Golden Circle, and in fact, just dealing with him can be overwhelming. The problem is that they say they will defeat Choi Myung-hoon. “There is a variable called Jo Min-seok.”

Cho Min-seok.

He was also S-rank.

However, he did not become S-rank due to his fighting skills.

“In the Golden Circle, Jo Min-seok’s nickname is ‘Trash.’ He is a guy who will stop at nothing to complete his request, and if he is stronger than himself, he will definitely defeat his opponent, even if it means slamming a brick into his head. Have you ever actually seen a kid use a knife? If you cause trouble at Daesung Mirae High School, you might get stabbed by him. There have been more than one case of threatening him with a knife, and he is always prepared to face prison time. The Golden Circle level does not necessarily mean only fighting skills. “Keep in mind that the fact that a corrupt guy like Cho Min-seok has become S-rank means a risk that is different from his fighting skills.”

Daesung Mirae High School.

It was truly the worst condition.

Trash teachers and police officers who have compromised themselves with corruption.

Choi Myung-hoon, who says that there is no rival in One Belt One Road, and Jo Min-seok, who will do whatever it takes to complete the request.

There was no answer.

It was an environment where I couldn’t do anything alone.

So it was even more meaningful.

If the Golden Circle is destroyed even under adverse conditions, the Golden Circle will inevitably fall flat.

For the most ideal picture.

I chose the worst conditions.

Even while climbing the stairs.

Even while fighting with Choi Myung-hoon.

Hyunseong Kim opened his ears.

Reacted sensitively to the surrounding situation.

As a result, he had to engage in a simpler melee with Choi Myung-hoon, but Kim Hyun-seong did not rule out the fact that Cho Min-seok could intervene at any time. It was as expected. As soon as he caught the sign of someone approaching, Kim Hyun-seong checked behind him and caught the intruder with his bare hands.

“What the f*ck… … .”

Jo Min-seok was trembling.

Even though I pushed the knife in with all my might, my face was stained with embarrassment at the situation where it didn’t move.


It was a f*cking reality.

Even when stabbings occurred in schools, teachers and police officers were creating appropriate alibis to avoid responsibility.

their neglect.

Rather, it had to be turned into a benefit.


attracted the opponent

Cho Min-seok, who had been giving strength, came back, and Kim Hyun-seong, not caring about the pain of having his hand swept away, just slammed his fist into the opponent’s face.



A breathless scream was heard.

When Jo Min-seok stumbled, this time he grabbed his hair.

At this time, Choi Myung-hoon is not yet able to react properly.


Just like that, he landed a knee kick in the face.

Jo Min-seok was thrown back.

The face was completely sunken.

As blood spurted out, Jo Min-seok’s eyes lost focus.

like that.


Jo Min-seok fell to the floor.

Now all that’s left is.

“… … You asked. Is this the end?”

Kim Hyun-seong looked back at Choi Myung-hoon, who was as frozen as wood and stone, with a face stained with blood.

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