Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 14

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3. Chaos Disciplinary Committee (5)

The time when the disciplinary committee was in progress.

In a hospital room in Daesan, Park Min-cheol’s group was having a leisurely time.

“Do you think the disciplinary committee is going well?”

“I can tell you, Kim Hyun-seong must have become X right now, right? You know Minho’s mother’s temper well. Perfection is so extreme that if it’s Minho’s business, he’s the one who will turn the entire school upside down, so how could he just leave Kim Hyunseong, who put Minho in that situation, alone? So, even when we started fighting at the beginning of school, you didn’t even touch Minho.”

“Kkekekeke, that’s right.”

Park Min-cheol laughed as if he was having fun.

last week.

It was a miserable time.

When I first opened my eyes in the hospital room, I thought I wanted to die because I was beaten like a dog by Kim Hyun-seong. But surprisingly, my mood eased a lot as my friends came one by one. He would have felt embarrassed if only he had been trampled, but if the entire gang had been trampled, this was Kim Hyun-seong’s strength.

of course.

Going back to school would have lowered the status of Park Min-cheol’s gang somewhat, but it was still a much better situation than being labeled alone. Even now, his face hurts every time he smiles. His face was swollen from being hit so hard, and even after a week, the swelling did not go down completely.

However, thinking about Kim Hyun-seong’s despair, a smile appeared on the face of the band.

Mincheol Park said.

“I mean. Kim Hyun-seong’s life will be horribly trampled upon. Even if he is expelled from school, we will pursue him to the end and demand compensation, and if he is not expelled, his school life is virtually over. Jung Min-ho, after being trampled on by his parents like that, can he possibly fight back? “I will harass you until you say you will drop out and commit suicide like the stupid idiots on TV.”

“Oh, can we ask for the settlement money too?”

“Isn’t it obvious? “We have to take off at least a few hundred per person.”

“Wow, that’s bullshit. But isn’t there only grandmother Kim Hyun-seong? Well, that’s Kim Hyun-seong’s situation. If I get the settlement money, I’ll have to buy the motorcycle I’ve been eyeing. “Then, should I take the girls and lay down the pavement in the park?”

“f*ck, of course.”

It was a friendly atmosphere.

They were lying in a three-person hospital room looking like a mess, but thinking about the future made them smile.

Actually a day ago.

The doctor said it was okay to be discharged.

Since there were no serious internal injuries and most of them were external injuries, the opinion was that a week would be sufficient for outpatient treatment at home. However, on Jung Min-ho’s advice, they refused to be discharged. Kim Hyun-seong’s sins would become more severe if he stayed in the hospital for even one more day, so they endured it until the end, watching TV in the hospital all day.

Every single day.

It will bring hell to the opponent.

As we were passing the time, talking loudly, Park Min-cheol’s cell phone rang loudly.


“Oh, it’s Minho’s phone. “Everyone, please be quiet.”

“Take it quickly!”

“It looks like the disciplinary committee has concluded.”

Eyes were focused.

Park Min-cheol picked up his cell phone and wanted to hear Jung Min-ho’s victory news.


[…] … Sorry guys. We were expelled.]

This is what I heard as soon as I answered the phone.

The faces of Park Min-cheol’s gang were filled with embarrassment.

It was the moment when hot flames fell for the first time on their feet, which had been leisurely all week.

* * *

That evening.

Park Min-cheol, Kang Chang-seok, Cho Yong-taek.

After the three were immediately discharged from the hospital, they met Kim Hyun-seong in a quiet park.

It wasn’t for a reason like revenge.

Park Min-cheol showed a friendlier expression than usual when he saw Kim Hyun-seong come out after receiving his call.

“You came! thank you so much!”

“Skip the introduction and start with the main point.”

“… … okay.”

Park Min-cheol’s gang looked at each other.

In fact, I was really embarrassed and embarrassed that I had created such a situation, but unlike Jung Min-ho, they are not children whose backgrounds are supported by a silver spoon. What if I get expelled like this? Knowing that my life would end right away, I had no choice but to look up Kim Hyun-seong’s contact information and contact him out of pride.

Mincheol Park said.

“Hyunseong. I was really wrong about bullying the kids and trying to hit you that day. I think I was immature and didn’t think about how much pain my actions would cause the children. After spending the past week in the hospital, I realized that school violence was scary, and I promised myself that I would never repeat such a thing again, no matter what the disciplinary committee’s results were. therefore… … “Can’t you just look at it this once?”

“Yes, Hyunseong. Give us a chance too. “If we get expelled like this, our lives will essentially be over.”

“I called the teacher a little while ago and asked, and he said that if Hyunseong writes and sends a document saying that you will be lenient, you can at least avoid expulsion. Jung Min-ho came with his parents and said that although the situation could not be reversed, the three of us could be saved. So, just look at it once. From now on, when I continue to go to school, I will do whatever you ask. “I promise I’ll do anything for you, whether it’s running errands or anything.”

Everyone was desperate.

It was their true colors.

I’m only 17 years old.

Even if they acted like predators in front of their friends, they were just high school students with unstable lives. The word to them to leave school was like a bolt from the blue. If I had the same background as Jeong Min-ho, I would have looked for another school, but even if I didn’t, there was a high possibility that the three of us, including Park Min-cheol, wouldn’t be able to find a school that would accept us at the narrow bottom of Daesan.

If so, the future of life was obvious.

Middle school graduate.

This is also a compulsory academic qualification due to expulsion.

It won’t be accepted anywhere.

Because of the fear of a future he has not yet experienced, Park Min-cheol showed an obedient appearance like a gentle sheep.

“… … Hyunseong. “How could it not work?”

I glanced at Kim Hyun-seong’s expression.

It was calm.

He wasn’t angry, but he didn’t seem like he would show mercy.

Thinking that things would be ruined if things continued like this, Park Min-cheol made eye contact with his friends and took special measures.

“If we tell you this, it puts us in danger, but in fact, there was someone behind what was causing you trouble. We really didn’t want to bother you, but he asked us to, so we had no choice. As for harassing Lee Jeong-min, I expected that if you messed with Lee Jeong-min, you would get involved. “I’ll tell you who is behind it.”


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Park Min-cheol opened his eyes.

existence behind the scenes.

There was no way I knew.

However, Kim Hyun-seong looked at Park Min-cheol with cold eyes and said.

“Behind you. “I know who it is.”

* * *

Past life.

It was several years after Kim Hyun-seong became vegetative that he learned the truth behind it.

[This is shocking news. The true nature of the forces leading school violence has been revealed. they… … .]

News from TV.

It was truly shocking.

At first, I thought it was simply an accident created by the students’ malicious intent, but the truth was contained in the suicide note that one student revealed while committing suicide.

The name of the organization is Golden Circle.

It was an organization that took root in prestigious schools in Gangnam, and they were created by an unknown entity. At first, it was a simple business item. As students suffered in a world where school violence was rampant, the person who first created the Golden Circle thought it might be an opportunity.

It was a simple transaction.

Iljin people.

Or recruit children with similar powers.

Then, he went to people with wealth and power and offered to watch over his children while they were in school. If it were just that, the Golden Circle would not have grown. The founder of the Golden Circle created a system to ensure that students managed by the Golden Circle received excellent grades, and if a member was pushed to second place by a competitor, the first place student was eliminated.

It was a simple method.

school violence.

A simple but very sure way to persistently bully first place students to lower their grades and raise second place students to first place.

The years passed quickly.

Over the past dozen years, the Golden Circle has grown rapidly, and graduates produced every year have supported and supported each other as members of the Golden Circle. Hyunseong Kim was at that moment. Someone who was jealous of Kim Hyun-seong’s grades submitted a request to Golden Circle, and Park Min-cheol began to intentionally harass Kim Hyun-seong.

When I first found out about it.

I couldn’t come to my senses for a while.

I never thought that there would be a huge unknown force in a situation where I was in a vegetative state.

‘The identity of the Golden Circle was revealed in the future, but it was soon buried. The members of the Golden Circle hid their secrets. Those who pushed me into hell. In order to complete my revenge, I must destroy the Golden Circle itself.’

In the pitch-black darkness.

I reviewed my plan countless times.

Starting with Park Min-cheol, the reason Kim Hyun-seong wanted to enter Gangnam was because it was the home of the Golden Circle.

Hyunseong Kim said.

“Golden Circle. It must be something that happened there. But the strange thing is that the Golden Circle does not exert its influence up to Daesan. The Golden Circle formed a force centered around Seoul and Gyeonggi-do, but who on earth approached you?”

“… … “It’s Shin Young-min.”

“Shin Youngmin?”

Park Min-cheol revealed the truth.

If you knew the Golden Circle, there was virtually nothing more to hide.

Youngmin Shin.

He was a famous person.

As a third-year student at Cheonil High School, he holds the entire school in his hands, and as a student preparing for mixed martial arts, his fighting skills are great. In fact, he probably isn’t a member of the Golden Circle. The Golden Circle sometimes receives requests from local governments, and at that time, he selected so-called ‘mercenaries’ to carry out the work.

Shin Young-min is just a mercenary.

Only by taking him down will you be able to find out the real culprit who wanted to bring you down.

‘It’s impossible right now. Shin Young-min is a strong person who debuted as a professional mixed martial arts athlete in the future I know. If you attack it with your mediocre skills, you’ll get hit completely.’

I organized my thoughts.


It was time to decide on the disposition of Park Min-cheol’s gang.

In fact, their disposition was nothing to worry about.

“So, you came to me to be forgiven? “They’re fun guys.”

Kim Hyun-seong chuckled.


It is an emotion that has built up layer by layer.

When Hyunseong Kim was living in a vegetative state, his grandmother visited students who were presumed to be perpetrators. Then their parents threw the grandmother away and screamed at her. Due to his younger brother coming to visit him and complaining about the miserable moments, a devil began to grow in Kim Hyun-seong’s heart.



That kind of thing wasn’t allowed.

The malice that had already become hardened like a callus did not allow Kim Hyun-seong to have any human emotions.


“Tongue, Hyunseong?!”

Suddenly, he grabbed Park Min-cheol by the collar.

As Park Min-cheol’s gang looked embarrassed, Kim Hyun-seong showed a devil-like expression.

“I’ll show you clearly from now on. “I wonder what will happen every time you meet me from now on.”


Blood splattered from my face.

He grabbed Park Min-cheol by the collar as he was about to collapse and punched him in the face several times.

They will never forget this day.

The feeling of fear engraved deep in their bones will make them urinate just by hearing Kim Hyun-seong’s name.

That is.

This was Kim Hyun-seong’s sincere wish.

I hope that they will never forget this day and that the trauma will remain in their lives forever.

Even though his hands were stained with blood, he did not stop the violence.

* * *

next day.

The students of Cheonil High School, who gathered in groups of twos and threes, were in an uproar from the morning.

“Really? “That’s awesome.”

“That’s right. When the eldest son of Myungjin Construction appeared as Kim Hyun-seong’s guardian, the principal and others could not say anything and decided to expel Park Min-cheol’s gang. Isn’t it crazy? This is how the main character hides his power. Who would have thought that Kim Hyun-seong would have such a guardian?”

“So Hyunseong Kim is the best freshman? “You defeated Park Min-cheol’s gang by yourself.”

“That’s not true. “Even though Park Min-cheol’s gang had a gangster temperament, it’s not enough to call them the best.”

It was noisy.

The students’ topic was all Kim Hyun-seong.

Some even told fantastic stories.

“When fighting with Park Min-cheol’s gang? I’m completely crazy. At first, Kang Chang-seok rushed at him like an angry wild boar, and he hit his head hard with a lock, and then he overpowered Kang Chang-seok and even hit Yong-taek Cho. Jung Min-ho? He was so scared that he couldn’t do anything. I don’t know anything else, but Kim Hyun-seong’s gang is real. “At that time, I was watching Kim Hyun-seong fight, and I felt like he was going to get killed if I touched him.”

“But it really suddenly turned black. “Hyunseong isn’t really that kind of guy.”

“I’m scared of kids who aren’t really that type of kid. “Once they get angry, there’s no such thing as moderation.”

It was a time when we had been talking for a while.

The door to Class 1 opened.

When Kim Hyun-seong appeared, the students who had raised their voices just now quickly looked away.

There was silence.

Kim Hyun-seong was clearly a close friend to them, but when an incident occurred, they could not talk to him carelessly.

Jump and jump.


I sat down.

Hyunseong Kim also.

I had no intention of talking to my friends.

Seeing him calmly looking out the window, a student approached him and spoke to him.

“… … thank you.”

I turned my head.

It was Lee Jeong-min.

Lee Jeong-min said as he looked anxious and picked at his fingernails.

“Thanks to you, I survived. Just speak from now on. “If it’s your job, I’ll help you with all my heart, no matter what it is.”

It was a heartwarming scene.

Friends thought that thanks to Lee Jeong-min’s gratitude, the Kim Hyun-seong they remembered would return.


“What am I thankful for?”

reacted fiercely.

Lee Jeong-min was embarrassed.

He did not expect this kind of reaction from Kim Hyun-seong.

It was funny.

Lee Jeong-min’s thank you did not sound pleasant to Kim Hyun-seong.

“The bastard who pretended not to notice until the disciplinary committee was over now asks me what I’m thankful for. “Please explain.”

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