Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 139

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27. Lawless Zone (1)

Daesung Mirae High School has floors divided by grade.

So, there is usually no reason for seniors to come down to the juniors’ classes, but the expressions of the second-year students who were passing through the hallways laughing and chatting suddenly hardened. At the end of their field of vision. Choi Myung-hoon, known as the epitome of fear in this school, was dragging a student by the ear.

“Off… … .”

“Hold on. “If you scream, I could kill you right here.”


Then he disappeared into the bathroom.

Seeing the seniors following Myung-Hoon Choi in, the second-year students were finally able to exhale deeply.


In the bathroom.

Myung-Hoon Choi immediately threw the student he had dragged into the wall.

A student named Kang Jae-wook looked up at Choi Myung-hoon with a face filled with fear.



I slapped him.

That single blow caused his nose to bleed, and Kang Jae-wook had his head down and his arms flailing as the blood flowed. He didn’t know what to do. His pain was painful, but the sight of blood stopped his thought circuits.



Choi Myung-hoon pulled his hair.

When I raised my head, my eyes met Kang Jae-wook, who was covered in blood.

“… … “I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry for?”

“… … .”

“Hey, Jaewook. How long are you going to hold out? Didn’t I make it clear? For your future, either transfer or quit school. “It would be better to do one of the two.”

Before Kim Hyun-seong transferred to the school.

Choi Myung-hoon already had a target.

The students of Daesung Mirae High School didn’t know the reason, but it had already been a year since Kang Jae-wook’s school life fell into ruin due to Choi Myung-hoon. The rapidly shaking eyes looked at Choi Myung-hoon. His eyes looked like he was about to burst into tears at any moment, but I knew that Kang Jae-wook was no ordinary kid.

If your will is weak.

I would have already dropped out of school or jumped off the roof.

Choi Myung-hoon laughed.

“You’re probably thinking this. Now that I am in my third year of high school, wouldn’t peace come to your school life if I last just one year? by the way. That never happens. “I plan to cut you out of this school before I leave.”

We held hands.

He lifted it in front of his face as if to show off, and then snapped one of his fingers.



Choi Myung-hoon and his group giggled.

Even though terrible screams escape from the bathroom.

Even though Kang Jae-wook is lying on the floor and complaining of pain.

No one.

Didn’t come into the bathroom.

As if the bathroom where Kang Jae-wook existed was a separate space, no one looked into his pain.

* * *

Kang Jae-wook trudged forward.

He sat down in his seat with a blank expression and looked at his bandaged finger.

I couldn’t tell the teacher.

If the problem could be solved, I would have done something, but I knew from my experience a year ago that Choi Myung-hoon had already done his part. There was the same violence back then as there is now. He ran to his teacher and complained of his pain, but when he turned up and said that his friends, who he had been laughing with, were clearly witnesses, he said something completely different.

“I don’t know why Jaewook is acting like that, but I saw him get hurt playing dodgeball.”

that day.

The world collapsed.

Even when I looked back on it, I still didn’t understand it.


Is he torturing himself to the point of slandering her?

I had never met a senior named Choi Myung-hoon in my life, let alone knew him before.

Kang Jae-wook went to school like any other ordinary student, but the school atmosphere changed drastically after he ranked first in the first semester midterm exam. Some of his friends were wary of him. In a situation where people made comments that openly disparaged him, Kang Jae-wook, who has his own personality, confronted him head on and even exchanged punches. At that time, I thought the commotion would be resolved, but one day Choi Myung-hoon appeared.



The second grade classroom door opened.

His eyes scanned inside.

Then he came straight towards Kang Jae-wook.

“it’s you?”

It was from then on.

In the name of being the close brother of a friend with whom Kang Jae-wook had a fight, Myung-hoon Choi continued to harass him with extreme cruelty.

Last year.

It was literally hell.

If I was bored, I would be called over to meet him, and as exam season approached, I had to be dragged by Choi Myung-hoon every day, even after school. Nevertheless, I gritted my teeth and somehow endured it. Kang Jae-wook’s family was not very wealthy, but he moved to Gangnam, paying a high monthly rent, hoping to somehow make his child successful. Since he was in a situation where he had to succeed, he couldn’t let his bullying break him down like this.

As Choi Myung-hoon said.

I gritted my teeth to hold out for just one year.

After Choi Myung-hoon graduated, he believed that he could study in a bullying-free environment for the last year.


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Not anymore.

Didn’t Choi Myung-hoon say that?

The next year will be truly hell.

This was not a pain that humans could endure.

Kang Jae-wook looked out the window with a vain look on his face.

“… … Should I just jump off?”

to him.

I could no longer see the future.

* * *

A few days after that.

Kang Jae-wook heard shocking news.

Not long ago, he showed interest in a senior named Kim Hyun-seong.

Aside from the outstanding performance of taking first place in the national mock exam, the process taken by Choi Myung-hoon was very familiar. Choi Myung-hoon suddenly visited. And the harassment starts after that. It was the same pattern as at the beginning of his semester, enough to raise the question that there might be a clear pattern to Choi Myung-hoon’s bullying.


I was worried about Kim Hyun-seong, whose face I didn’t even know.

When I heard that it was going all the way to a disciplinary committee, I felt a sense of despair that there was no way out of Choi Myung-hoon’s bullying.

But the results were different.

My second-grade friends were talking about shocking news.

“From what I heard, you were definitely expelled? But he keeps coming to school.”

“Eh? “Is that possible?”

“I know yeah! What did they say? They said that if I appeal to the court that I can’t accept the disciplinary committee’s results, I can continue to attend school until the results come out. And I don’t know if this is true, but they say that if a year passes before the ruling, you can graduate from high school. “Isn’t the law really shit?”


In those words.

My heart was pounding.

From the moment a seed of doubt arose, Kang Jae-wook began to use his imagination without even realizing it.

There is a reasonable suspicion that Choi Myung-hoon is intentionally targeting students with good grades, and that this may be someone’s instigation. That’s why I felt even more sorry for Kim Hyun-seong. Just like in Ko Dong-su’s false accusation case, they will even create witnesses and frame them, so how can a single student withstand such malice?

However, contrary to concerns, Kim Hyun-seong destroyed it as if to show off.

It was different from myself.

Unlike himself, who was helplessly beaten, Kim Hyun-seong did not back down at all against Choi Myung-hoon.

And I heard it through rumors.

Hyunseong Kim.

What kind of existence was it in Daesan?

The clash between Kim Hyun-sung and Choi Myung-hoon was never a bad thing for Kang Jae-wook.

‘If senior Kim Hyun-seong destroys Choi Myung-hoon. Maybe I can escape this harassment.’

My heart was racing.

Hope welled up.

All the way until the end of class.

Kang Jae-wook could not calm his rising hopes.

* * *

It was lunch time.

Kim Hyun-seong had a quick lunch and was about to return to class when someone came running in a hurry and called out to Kim Hyun-seong.

“… … Seniors.”


I turned my head.

It was Kang Jae-wook.

Jae-wook Kang said as he looked at me questioningly.

“You are senior Kim Hyun-seong, right? “Actually, I have something to tell you.”

I looked around.

I continued speaking only after confirming that no one was there.

“I’m not sure, but Senior Choi Myung-hoon. No, I think that scumbag is intentionally messing with me or my senior. My senior took first place in the national mock exam, and the bullying started as soon as I took first place in the first semester midterm exam. So be careful. I don’t know if you’re just harassing someone because you don’t like them, but malicious intent with a purpose is not something that can be ignored. “If I see that you are planning to kick me out of this school before I graduate, I will never let you go.”

“Why are you saying that to me?”

“that… … .”

What should I say?

My mind was complicated.

It may have been sudden for Kim Hyun-seong, but Kang Jae-wook revealed his honest feelings.

“I wanted you to win. Then maybe this terrible hell will end.”

It was then.




It was a sudden situation.

Kang Jae-wook’s eyes widened.

Milk fell from the sky and hit Kim Hyun-seong’s head.


Milk flowed from my head.

When Kim Hyun-seong looked up with a calm face, he saw Choi Myung-hoon smiling with his face out.

Hyunseong Kim said.

“It’s just as you said. Myung-Hoon Choi is intentionally harassing the two of us.”

Jaewook Kang.

I knew about him.

Before transferring to this school, it was confirmed that there was already a target marked on the Golden Circle.

Kim Hyun-seong looked at Kang Jae-wook.

“So, you don’t do anything from now on. “You don’t know anything.”

I looked away.

His intervention was unnecessary.

Kim Hyun-seong immediately took a step forward.

Right inside the building where the milk ran out.

* * *

I felt a musty smell.

My whole body felt sticky, as if I had thrown spoiled milk.

I didn’t mind.

As he climbed the stairs one by one, Kim Hyun-seong thought about Kang Jae-wook.

‘Contrary to expectations, I took first place in the entire school and became the target of the Golden Circle.’

Preparing to go to Seoul.

Chansu Jeong provided the data.

In the process of verifying all information about Daesung Mirae High School, it was confirmed that the target, Kang Jae-wook, had been subjected to terrible bullying for a year. That’s why he knew why Kang Jae-wook came to see him. Like his previous life, Kang Jae-wook fought back against bullies and eventually gave in to them.

It was a pity.

Either yourself or Kang Jae-wook.

What did I do wrong?

I was faithful to my duties as a student and studied hard, but the Golden Circle cornered innocent students to fulfill their own interests. There is no special reason. Even though eliminating the top student in the entire school would not dramatically increase their grades, they did not hesitate to tear up a person’s life in order to gain even a little benefit. I didn’t think about the pain of the people who would be trampled on the bottom.

Oh Hyejido.

Other clients too.

It was the same.

They did this ridiculous thing without even knowing what the consequences of their malice would be.

So even more so.

The Golden Circle must be eradicated.

They were a group that should not exist in the world, pursuing malicious convenience.

The reason Kang Jae-wook came to see him.

He must have been desperate for help.

Just like your old self, you’ll want someone to solve this problem.

And if.

If only I could come down these stairs again in perfect condition.


The sound of busy footsteps was heard.

Hyunseong Kim did not stop walking.

‘You will be able to restore peace.’

Kim Hyun-seong’s eyes turned red.

I continued to climb one step at a time.

Stand tall.

Right in front.

Unfamiliar faces stopped walking.

Since they had never been seen in the 3rd grade classroom, they were clearly juniors who received Choi Myung-hoon’s orders.

“Are you senior Kim Hyun-seong?”

“What kind of senior are you? Like an idiot… … .”

There was no need for conversation.

The moment when they come down the stairs and show their malicious intent.



Kim Hyun-seong rushed in first.

When I blew off the face of the junior in the lead, the other juniors screamed in shock.



It started now.

Excluded from laws and regulations.

The closedness of the space called school.

Kim Hyun-seong has been eagerly waiting for this moment.

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