Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 115

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22. Yeokjisaji (5)

The full story of the incident was like this.


Jung Min-ho jumped from the 4-story building where he lived.

Fortunately, it was not a very high-rise building, and he was able to survive as he fell on a car parked illegally on the side of the road. But that didn’t mean he was safe. Jeong Min-ho was unable to come to his senses after being hit so hard by his head, and nearby police officers rushed in and checked Jung Min-ho’s room to determine the truth of the incident.

As a result.

A suicide note was found.

The text, written in Jeong Min-ho’s handwriting, pointed out one perpetrator who had no choice but to commit suicide.


The police officer handed out a suicide note.

He showed a nervous reaction by tapping and touching.

“Look at this. Isn’t this okay? Jung Min-ho’s will clearly states that he no longer wants to live because of Park Min-gu’s bullying. In fact, the will alone may not be enough to punish you. The problem is that there are numerous witnesses who say that you constantly harassed Minho Jung at school, and there is CCTV footage of you visiting Minho Jung’s house before he committed suicide. You think that’s all? My parents said that Jung Min-ho got hit by someone and was in a mess, so that was the day you went to Jung Min-ho’s house? “No one but you has ever been there, so that means you are clearly the perpetrator.”

“Well, that…” … .”

“Okay, try it. “Come up with a good excuse, you bastard!”


The police officer violently hit the desk.

Park Min-gu was speechless due to that ferocious force.

‘f*ck, it’s done.’

A series of situations.

There was no room for excuses.

That doesn’t mean he felt guilty, but there was no way he could escape.

All the students at the school were witnesses to the bullying of Jung Min-ho, and they actually went to see him and beat him. If his actions at that time were clearly captured on CCTV, it would have been virtually impossible to clear him of the charges.

My head was spinning.

What do we do?

How can I survive?

I couldn’t think of an answer.

“… … “What kind of punishment will I receive?”

“Ha, look at this guy?”

The police officer curled the corners of his mouth.

“What kind of punishment will I receive? He will be held accountable for driving Jung Min-ho to suicide and will be sent straight to a juvenile detention center. If it ends like that, he’s lucky. When you get out of juvenile detention center, Minho Jung’s parents will file a lawsuit against you. “The only way for you to survive now is to accept your sins, somehow ask for forgiveness, and receive a reduced sentence.”

Park Min-gu closed his eyes tightly.

I was at a loss.

I couldn’t see the future ahead of me at all.

The police officer’s advice was at least reasonable.

Only by accepting a reduced sentence with an attitude of reflection and somehow asking for forgiveness from Jung Min-ho’s parents so that they do not file a lawsuit will a ray of light be granted to his future. But suddenly I felt unfair. In fact, he didn’t bully because he wanted to, but because of someone else’s request.


I thought I had to take responsibility as well.

As if he had made up his mind, Park Min-gu spoke with a determined expression.

“… … Actually, this was something I did at the request of someone. “Police officer, do you know anything about the Golden Circle?”

at last.

I threw it away.

As soon as I mentioned the Golden Circle, the police officer’s eyes suddenly changed.

“hey. “You put those words back.”

* * *

The police officer looked around.

I was afraid that someone might be watching this place, so I closed the blinds.

Come on.


At that look.

Park Min-gu had goosebumps all over his body.

Although he was part of the Golden Circle, in fact, members like Park Min-gu did not know the true nature of the Golden Circle. Rumor has it that its scale is enormous. The Golden Circle is melting into various places and taking over the Republic of Korea. The brokers said that, but Park Min-gu couldn’t quite believe it.

A group that barely carries out a request and receives compensation.

Taking control of Korea?

Does that make sense?

But now, with the police officer’s sudden change in attitude, Park Min-gu realized that everything the broker said was true.

The police officer returned to his seat and sat down.

“hey. Why do you think you get paid that much?”

“… … .”


“Well, it’s because I’m carrying out a request.”

Park Min-gu trembled.

I couldn’t bear to look the police officer in the eye.

“No, actually, bastards like you are widespread, so there’s no need to give them that much money. However, the reason why they go through the trouble of providing sufficient compensation is because when a problem occurs, you have to take responsibility alone. Mingu, how are you going to prove that the Golden Circle was involved in this matter? Just as I exist in the police station, I exist in the prosecution and the court. There are members of the Golden Circle. “No matter what evidence you present, it will never be accepted, and your chances of having your sentence reduced will be completely cut off, and you will be punished even more.”

Accept your sin.

That’s the only way.

The police officer’s inducement was not a solution for Park Min-gu.

Fearing that he would cause trouble in the Golden Circle with pointless nonsense, the police officer intentionally made remarks that would induce Park Min-gu to make a choice.

Things are different now.


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Since the police officer revealed his identity, he openly stated his true feelings.

“So, just handle it yourself. “If you don’t want to become X anymore.”

* * *

A hospital in Gyeonggi-do.

On the huge TV screen installed in the waiting room, a recent heinous incident was mentioned.

[Since when did the world become like this? At a school in Gyeonggi-do, an incident occurred where a student suffering from school violence submitted a letter of withdrawal and committed suicide. Fortunately, despite the misfortune, the victim was able to survive… … Mr. Park, the perpetrator of the incident, admitted to the crime, and the trial will proceed according to procedures. Meanwhile, civic groups continue to criticize the current situation in which minors are sentenced to low sentences.]

It was a terrible incident.

People who heard the news frowned and spoke passionately.

“It’s the end of the world, the end of the world.”

“That’s right. I wonder if those guys with no blood on their heads are bothering my friend. “All of those bastards should be rounded up and thrown in prison so they can’t breathe the outside air for the rest of their lives.”

“oh my. “My parents will be devastated.”

Same space.

Everyone condemned school violence.

Leaving behind the people criticizing the perpetrator, a boy sitting in the waiting room got up and walked away.

Jump and jump.

‘In the end, it has to end like this.’

This incident.

The perpetrator, Park Min-gu, took on everything.

The son of a rich family who bullied Jung Min-ho like Park Min-gu was never mentioned, and rather than punishing Park Min-gu, the teachers who pushed Jung Min-ho over the edge talked to the media about how wrong ‘Park Min-gu’ was. And of course, the existence of the Golden Circle did not surface. In exchange for harshly criticizing and bringing down Park Min-gu, everyone else protected their own safety.

It was a disgusting reality.

The harm is not the responsibility of one person.

Everyone involved deserves to be punished, but all problems were swept away at once by the wave of reality.

It was like this.

That’s why I didn’t move quickly.

No matter how much Kim Hyun-seong exposes the identity of the Golden Circle and makes a big fuss about it, if he cannot secure the power to stand against the Golden Circle, he will not be able to escape Park Min-gu’s situation. This does not mean that I feel sorry for Park Min-gu. However, in this situation of burying one Park Min-gu, Kim Hyun-seong felt the need to complete the plan more thoroughly.

Only one chance.

A plan to completely destroy the Golden Circle.

My mind calmed down.

Park Min-gu’s downfall gave Kim Hyun-seong some small joy.

Stand tall.

I stopped walking.

It was on the 10th floor.

Kim Hyun-seong got off the elevator and asked the nurse sitting at the desk.

“Where is Jung Min-ho’s hospital room?”

“Patient Jeong Min-ho? “What’s your relationship like?”

Hyunseong Kim laughed.

“We are friends from high school.”

* * *

Jung Min-ho’s hospital room is room 1012.

It appears that his financial resources are still strong, as he is hospitalized in a single room.

Hyunseong Kim headed to the hospital room.

It felt like walking on clouds.

This moment heading to room 1012 couldn’t be more enjoyable.


I knocked on the door.

“Come on in.”

A familiar voice.

When Kim Hyun-seong opened the door and entered, Kim Soon-ja, who was taking care of Jeong Min-ho inside, widened her eyes.

“you you… … !”

I was speechless.

As if having a seizure, Kim Soon-ja didn’t know what to do.

Hyunseong Kim.

He is the devil who destroyed Jung Min-ho’s family.

Kim Soon-ja’s complexion turned pale, she looked around and hurriedly grabbed the phone.

I was thinking of calling a nurse.

Kim Hyun-seong could not be left in this space.

“madam. If you make that call now, I won’t be able to keep my promise to Minho. I promised that I wouldn’t bother Minho or Minho’s family anymore. Would you mind? “I would do more than that if you sent me away from here.”

“… … “What on earth is this?”

“Just a moment. I just need time to talk with Minho. As you know, this is a hospital room, and you know very well that it is an environment in which I cannot do anything.”

Kim Soon-ja’s eyes wavered.

Hyunseong Kim’s words.

I couldn’t help but shake.

Hyunseong Kim is a person who does something if he can do it.

If I send him out for no reason and the bullying continues like before, I don’t have the confidence to come back in this difficult situation.

Kim Soon-ja gritted her teeth.

I hesitated and then took a step.

“I’m warning you, if you touch even one hair of our Minho, you will die and I will die.”

“Yes, yes.”

I ignored the half-hearted warning.

Soonja Kim went out.

Since I couldn’t hear any footsteps, it seemed like they were waiting outside the door, but I didn’t really care about that.

Jump and jump.

I took a step.

I sat down on the chair and looked down at Jung Minho.

It was a familiar yet alien sight.

Jung Min-ho was breathing weakly, with his eyes closed as if he were dead.

Hyunseong Kim said.

“Actually, it didn’t have to be you.”

Past life.

The perpetrators who drove Kim Hyun-seong to death.

Oh Hye-ji, Shin Young-min, Park Min-cheol, Kang Chang-seok, Cho Yong-taek, Jeong Min-ho, etc.

In fact, considering the weight of the crime alone, Oh Hye-ji, the person responsible for the request, should have received the heaviest punishment, but such a distinction was not very meaningful. Kim Hyun-seong wanted to punish everyone involved. I hoped that every single person would be destroyed. Among them, the reason why Jung Min-ho met this ending was because of one difference from other people.

“But the reason I made you like this is because you never gave up until the end. Other kids quickly gave up and accepted reality, but you, like a c*ckroach, struggled to survive somehow, right? That look. That struggle. How could I just leave it like that? “It’s so much fun that it gives me goosebumps.”

My lips twitched.


A situation you have been through.

The pain he went through.

Because I can give back in the same way.

In fact, I did not expect a situation in which Jung Min-ho could not come to his senses.

The plan was to ask Jung Min-ho to deliberately jump from an appropriate floor and then report Park Min-gu. If Jung Min-ho dies, that would be fine too. If Jung Min-ho survived safely, I planned to harass him in another way.


This is what happened.

The devil existed.

There was no way to explain, other than the devil, something unknown that accepted its own malice like this.

Kim Hyun-seong held his hand tightly.

I was so happy to feel the warmth.

“There is something I prayed earnestly while coming here. please please. May your spirit be fully alive now. The feeling of me touching you, every conversation I have with you. May I hear and feel everything in this dark, terrible prison where I cannot move my body. Please remember this moment. And there you have it.”


I brought my face closer.

I whispered in a low voice in Jung Min-ho’s ear.

“I had no intention of keeping my promise in the first place. “When you wake up, you will meet me again in the hell of reality.”

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