Devil Returns to School Days Chapter 101

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20. Aftereffects (1)

Beyond the phone.

I heard Principal Nam Yeon-seok shouting.

[So, are you saying that the proud Chunil student never commits school violence? Principal Oh Dae-hwan! It is a clear case with a victim and witnesses! It doesn’t matter whether you are good at studying or not, or whether you are a worthy student or not, it is an ‘incident that has already happened’.]

Nam Yeon-seok’s words.

It was a valid argument.

A proper educator should not unconditionally defend something, but rather check the facts and clearly punish something if something is truly wrong. It’s not that Oh Dae-hwan doesn’t understand Nam Yeon-seok’s anger. If it had been another student instead of Kim Hyun-seong, Oh Dae-hwan would have clearly shown an attitude of sympathy.

‘What on earth is Kim Hyun-seong thinking about?’

3 hours ago.

Hyunseong Kim came to visit.

After receiving permission to leave school early, he openly stated that he would go directly to ‘Jung Hae-min’s school’, which was leading the school violence, and punish them. It was a truly embarrassing situation. No matter how trashy a teacher he was, he couldn’t readily support Kim Hyun-sung’s actions, but his next words changed his mind.

“I’m not asking the principal to overlook this incident. Please stop the principal of the communication high school from making this matter public and from spreading it into the realm of punishment. I’ll take care of the rest. “I can clearly promise that there will never be any problems at Cheonil High School.”

It was an empty statement.

Think about it.

This means going to other schools and punishing them.

No matter how much we try to prevent it from becoming public, there will be witnesses and victims, so how can the fire not spread to Cheonil High School? Oh Dae-hwan could not understand it with his common sense. However, because his opponent was Kim Hyun-seong, Oh Dae-hwan did not worry too much.

‘Kim Hyun-seong, who has been watching for so long, will solve it somehow. Even if the results are not good, Go Chang-beom will compensate.’

Faith was built.

Hyunseong Kim is thorough.

Ko Chang-beom is sure to receive compensation.

There was no need to question the trust that had been built up.

Kim Hyun-seong was sent, and as the situation broke out as expected, Principal Oh Dae-hwan spoke.

“You speak very interestingly. Whether or not you are a worthy student is a very important point. Communication high school. Aren’t there honestly a lot of students with poor quality there? Our Hyeonseong is a model student who is recognized by everyone as being ranked first in the country. Could it be that he went to that school without any reason? “Even if there was violence, he would have done it first, and I absolutely don’t think it’s Hyeon-seong’s responsibility.”

[This person! Let’s say that… … .]

“Ah, that’s enough. If you need punishment in a thousand days, bring proof, proof! “I will not listen to anything that slanders our students without evidence!”


I hung up the phone.

This was enough.

The problem of Cheonil will now end up as a problem of the communication high school.

* * *

“Isn’t this guy crazy?!”


I nervously put down the phone.

My face turned red.

Daehwan Oh.

I usually didn’t like it either.

They are all the same local schools anyway, but he was the only one who pretended to be noble and boasted that he would make them a prestigious school on a different level. Is that why? Nam Yeon-seok felt a strange sense of inferiority to Oh Dae-hwan, whom he barely knew. When news of Oh Dae-hwan came through his network, he clicked his tongue and said that he was dreaming an absurd dream.

That’s him.

I didn’t know he would come out like a bully like this.

This incident is a problem that could hold Cheon-il back, so what on earth is he thinking to be so brave?

‘Yes, it comes out like this, right? Even if I had only responded with common sense, I would have tried to resolve the situation amicably among local people, but I can’t just ignore this. Daehwan Oh. You will leave a big stain on the thousand days today.’

I stormed out of the principal’s office.

I hurried my steps.

In order to make this case clear, a witness was needed to prove Kim Hyun-sung’s violence.

It was something there was no need to worry about.

Since the violence took place openly in a classroom, I thought the teachers who ordered the investigation would have already secured witnesses.


I entered the teacher’s office.

I approached the teachers who were gathered in small groups and asked urgently.

“What do you mean? “For what reason did Kim Hyun-seong hit our student?”

“Ah, principal… … .”

The atmosphere was strange.

In response to Nam Yeon-seok’s question, a teacher looked at the surroundings.

“Speak, speak!”

Let’s scream.

Only then did the teacher scratch his head and say.

“I’m sorry, but I guess you’ll have to check it yourself.”

* * *

He was a male student.

When I asked a male student who was at the scene at the time about the situation, he paused for a long time and then cautiously opened his mouth.

“… … Well, that kid named Kim Hyun-seong didn’t start the fight first. “I asked Jung Hae-min what mistake he had made, but suddenly Jung Hae-min threw his fist first and the fight escalated.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

The teacher’s expression distorted.

It was an answer I didn’t want.

Nam Yeon-seok seemed to want to find Kim Hyun-sung’s fault, but the male student testified that Jung Hae-min was the starting point.

called another student.

This time it was a female student.


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“Jung Hae-min, is he really crazy? Out of nowhere, he punched Hyunseong Kim in the face, and no matter how much Hyunseong Kim yelled at him not to do this at school, he continued to swing his fist at him. As the real Kim Hyun-seong, he had no choice but to reluctantly fight back. Of course, it is wrong enough to come to someone else’s school and ask questions, but if you blame violence, isn’t this clearly self-defense?”

“Kim Hyun-seong said we shouldn’t fight?”

“yes. “I heard you clearly.”

The more I hear the testimony.

The situation has become serious.

As the female student said, Kim Hyun-seong was clearly responsible, but looking at the situation, it seemed like Jung Hae-min unilaterally swung his fist. His head was pounding. This problem does not end at the communication high school, but is also related to Cheonil. If responsibility was not clearly identified, the fire could have spread in reverse.

The witnesses were changed again.

Although it may be a bit biased, I intentionally called Jung Hae-min’s friend.

“Tell me what you saw and heard. “Is it true that Kim Hyun-seong suddenly came and hit Jung Hae-min?”

elicited an answer.

If you are Jung Hae-min’s friend.

Even if the previous testimonies are true, I will tell you the answer for Jung Hae-min.

The intention was to first establish the situation to some extent and then report it to Principal Nam Yeon-seok to decide what to do.


My friend’s answer was different from what I expected.

“… … no. It’s true that Jung Hae-min hit me first. teacher. You know it well, teacher. Jung Hae-min, what a piece of trash he is. In fact, he had been keeping his mouth shut as a friend all this time, but the reason Kim Hyun-seong came to see him was because Jung Hae-min had done something wrong. “There is hardly a boy at a communication high school who has not been beaten by Jung Hae-min at least once, and I was also beaten several times for offending Jung Hae-min the wrong way, even though we were just friends.”


I sighed.

The teacher held his head and then spoke with a serious face.

“think carefully. Haemin’s future depends on your testimony. What I saw when I visited the classroom was Kim Hyun-seong unilaterally beating up Jung Hae-min. I don’t know how the situation unfolded, but Kim Hyun-sung’s clean face, unlike Hae-min’s blood-stained face, has no choice but to hold him accountable. So, are you sure? “Is it true that Jung Hae-min swung his fist first and Kim Hyun-seong defended himself?”

It was the last question.

There was no turning back anymore.

My friend, who had already made an unspoken decision, did not avoid the teacher’s gaze on him.

“That’s true. “If you ask anyone but me, they will all say that.”

* * *

A series of situations.

Principal Nam Yeon-seok felt sick to his stomach.

All witnesses.

Jung Hae-min was pointed out as the perpetrator.

It was Jung Hae-min who bled and fell to the floor, but no one said it was Kim Hyun-sung’s fault.

As if it were a forbidden area.

Just like you shouldn’t pass on responsibility.

No one took Jung Hae-min’s side.

‘If we do this, we’ll be in trouble.’

Jung Hae-min’s fault.

The premise is to give an excuse.

As we questioned Principal Oh Dae-hwan, it is possible that Cheonil will catch hold of this issue and shift the blame to the communication high school. That would not be possible. Even if Kim Hyun-sung could not be singled out as the perpetrator, at least Jung Hae-min’s guilt should have been alleviated.

I visited Kim Hyun-seong.

After being caught on the spot, he was alone in the counseling room, and Nam Yeon-seok went to the counseling room himself and met with him.

“You idiot. “What on earth were you thinking when you came to someone else’s school?”

“You’re speaking a bit harshly.”

“Oh, look at my answer?”

Like Oh Dae-hwan.

He was such a c*cky guy.

Nam Yeon-seok said, showing blatant hostility.

“I don’t know what the student at our school did wrong, but this is not a problem that can be overlooked. Not a student at a correspondence high school, but a student at Cheonil High School. He came to someone else’s school and turned one student into a blood clot. Eyewitnesses said that Jung Hae-min started the fight first, but it is the law of this country that even if it is self-defense, the moment someone swings their fists, both sides are tied up. Do you know what I mean? So, call Principal Oh Dae-hwan right away and tell him it’s your fault. “If you admit your mistake and show remorse, you will be given a light disciplinary action.”

The other person is just a student.

Unlike correspondence high schools, if a student had intentions of attending a prestigious university, he knew very well which threats would work well.

“If you believe in ‘Myungjin Construction,’ it would be better not to have any expectations. I fully understand what kind of background you have, but as the principal of a correspondence high school, I also have a pride that I can never give up. From now on, you need to get into a good university. “If you cause trouble for no reason, you might end up with scratches on your genitals.”


Kim Hyun-seong chuckled.


“Oh, it’s kind of funny.”

It was fun.

It’s not about fairness as a teacher, it’s about pride.

A thousand days, communication.

They were trash educators.

Why has the world changed like this?

In this trend of the times where all proper educators have disappeared, Kim Hyun-seong hardened his expression and spoke calmly.

“Please give me a glass of water.”

“water? “Do you want water now?”

“yes. “I’m thirsty.”

“Ha, indeed.”

Nam Yeon-seok looked at me with bewilderment.

Still, he must have thought that his threat had worked, so he raised his heavy buttocks and brought me water in a paper cup.



“thank you.”

Hyunseong Kim lightly cleared his throat.

Then he continued.

“principal. Do you know about the Golden Circle?”

“… … Golden Circle?”

It was something I didn’t know.

It didn’t matter.

Know it or not.

Because the important thing is that it actually exists.

“To explain briefly, it is a group that performs requests in a space called ‘school’ for a fee. For example, please deal with the top student in the school, ask someone to bully you, etc. “It is a very active group in the Gangnam area, but since it is not a common occurrence in Daesan, most people are not aware of it.”

“Why are you saying that now?”

“It’s because Jung Hae-min is a mercenary who accepted the Golden Circle’s request. A mercenary who completed the request very successfully. According to what the principal said, my actions in visiting another school were truly wrong. However, Jung Hae-min has a history of bullying kids from other schools. “We didn’t just harass him, we destroyed him according to his request, and the student cut his own wrist and decided to drop out.”

In those words.

Nam Yeon-seok’s eyes trembled.

I knew it instinctively.

That things are going wrong.

Kim Hyun-seong made eye contact with Nam Yeon-seok with unwavering eyes, and then let out a cold voice that penetrated deep into my lungs.

“I’ll just ask you once. “Do you really think I deserve to be punished?”

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