Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 69

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lunch that day.

I headed to the hospital where four people, including Soon-chan, were being hospitalized.

The purpose, of course, is to visit the sick.

“welcome. Did your friends come to visit you today?”

“yes. Is everyone resting?”

Upon entering the hospital lobby, a familiar nurse greeted me.

“wait a minute. I had an overhaul this morning. I’ll just check to see if it’s over.”

“yes. please.”

Right after the incident, I have been visiting this hospital every day.

It was as if I had forced everyone to do it, of course it was something I had to do.

As the Olympiad Korean team leader, I also have the duty to manage the condition of my team members.

“They say everyone is resting. I think you should go up.”

“yes. thank you.”

I nodded to the nurse, boarded the elevator, and pressed the seventh floor.

[7th floor. Ward dedicated to magicians]


Upon arrival, the elevator doors open. I went straight to room 713.

“I really hope you stop eating this boring hospital food.”

Through the crack in the slightly open door, the grunting of Ma Jin-seok could be heard.

“I agree.”

Kang Shin-woo’s voice was also heard.

For some reason, sincere irritation resides in Kang Shin-woo’s voice, which is based on calmness and hardness.

haha As much as I was confined to the hospital for four days, I can’t help but feel irritated.

“Still, seniors can be discharged tomorrow, right? I have to stay in the hospital for 3 more days… … .”

After that, I heard Sunchan’s voice.

He’s not annoyed, he’s just desperate.

It was boring until now, but I have to be hospitalized for another three days. It’s going to be crazy and jumping up and down. I express my deepest condolences.

“Adela. you wish You will be discharged in two hours.”

“… … .”

I can’t hear her voice, but it looks like Adela is also in this hospital room.

All four are gathered in this hospital room.

I immediately opened the door and entered the room.

“A nice lunch.”

four people.

A total of eight eyes focused on me.

“Did you come again?”

“Come on.”

Soon-chan greeted me with a grunt, and Ma Jin-seok greeted me with a cheerful smile.

Kang Shin-woo, as usual, looked at me calmly.

Adela nodded, holding the straw in her banana milk in her mouth.

That’s why Sunchan didn’t answer the question.

“You must be busy, but why did you come?”

Ma Jin-seok came up to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

Ma Jin-seok is a representative way to show friendliness.

“No matter how busy you are, you won’t have time to visit the hospital.”

Not too far.

Listening for a second doesn’t bother me.

“Big. After all, you are loyal.”

Ma Jin-seok’s arm around my neck grew stronger. The muscles swelled, and the hospital gown was inflated.

I don’t know if that’s why it’s torn.

“How are you feeling?”

“are you okay. Enough to leave the hospital today.”

Ma Jin-seok loosened his shoulder strap and took a pose to show off his biceps. Even so, his ragged muscles expand even more.

Other than Ma Jin-seok, it seems like he was trying to show his health, but honestly, all I can see is that the hospital uniform is strong.

I don’t tear it up

With that thought in mind, I activated the ‘New Eye’.

The divine eye is activated, and the mana inside the majin stone is clearly visible.

“It looks good.”


There is nothing wrong with the Margin Stone’s mana circle. has already been completed

No, the circle has become stronger than before beyond being cured.

‘It was dangerous, but after consuming the blessing of mana, he absorbed mana directly from the spirit vein and circulated mana… … .’

It’s natural to be strong.

I turned my gaze and looked at Adela and Kang Shin-woo.”

“Adela said she was discharged today, so she must have fully recovered… … .”


Adela’s mana circle went beyond being cured, rather strengthened than before.


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It seems that there was an achievement as much as the Mana circulation was performed by using the ‘Blessing of Mana’ the best.

“Is senior Kang Shin-woo okay?”

“Of course.”

The same goes for Kang Shin-woo.

It’s worse than Adela, but the circle has definitely been strengthened.

‘It’s a real consolation.’

The worst crisis of the nuclear explosion in Baengnyeong Island became a new opportunity for everyone to achieve.

I also benefited a lot from this case in many ways.

I am very satisfied.

‘Then, how about Sunchan?’

It was the last time I turned my gaze to Soon-chan, who was sitting on the bed.

“… … !”

My pupils dilated in astonishment.

“why? What are you so surprised to see?”

Sunchan touched his face here and there. She seems to think that there is something on her own face.

“you… … . Since you were hospitalized, you haven’t cycled mana even once until today, right?”

“It wasn’t that I didn’t, I didn’t. I forcibly blocked the flow of the circle with the mana circle cast, so what do I do with the mana circulation?”

Mana Circle Gibbs.

It is a mana circle freezing procedure prescribed for patients with abnormalities in the mana circle.

Because of the risk of mana reflux, Sunchan received this mana circle cast.

“Didn’t you do it after the cast was removed this morning?”

“It wasn’t that I didn’t. It’s because I couldn’t It’s been less than two hours since the cast was removed, Tsar.”

After taking off the cast, mana should not be circulated for about 12 hours. This is to give the frozen mana circle time to warm up again.

“So, you’re saying you haven’t cycled mana since the incident?”

“uh. no.”

“… … Then you don’t even know.”

I burst out laughing.

“What? Please explain so that I can understand. Do you speak an alien language?”

“no. that… … It goes like this.”

I checked Sunchan’s chest again, the light emitted by the mana circle, and slowly opened my mouth.

“Are you in the 4th circle?”

“… … what?”

Four people, including Soonchan, opened their eyes wide at the same time.

* * *

On the way back from the hospital.

‘Kyaaaaaaaaaaa! woo woo woo! I’m sorry baby~!’


Suddenly, Sunchan’s cheers came to mind, and I laughed without knowing it.

“Why are you smiling?”

Adela, who was walking in stride beside him, asked.

“no. It reminded me of Soon-chan’s reaction earlier.”


Adela immediately nodded with an expression of understanding. A smile forms on Adela’s lips. Adela must have recalled Soon-chan’s reaction earlier.

“Puff. I’m For Circle f*cking Strong Baby… … .”

Adela muttered, covering her mouth and giggling. I laughed too.

It’s really funny when you think about it again.

Does he remember everything he said?

“I know you’re happy to be in the 4th circle, but… … . Admiration is really… … .”

Adela turned her head. Her laugh grew louder.

“I was very worried, but I’m really glad. Instead of having aftereffects, it became the 4th circle.”


Adela looked at me again, seemingly all smiles now.

No matter how much you laugh, your eyes are moist.

“Not only Sunchan, but you, senior Kang Shin-woo, and senior Ma Jin-seok each had their own achievements. It’s literally a blessing in disguise.”


With the power increase of the five members including me, the power of the entire team increased significantly. Winning a gold medal just got easier.

“I need to reorganize the operation a bit.”

The effectiveness of Ji Sun-chan, a defense-specialized mage who became a 4th circle, is indescribable. In order to extract the maximum efficiency of Soonchan, the strategy must be modified to some extent.

“Can I help?”

“no. For now, I’ll think of it myself. It’s kind of like asking someone who has just been discharged for help.”

“You don’t have to worry about it.”

“It’s really okay. It won’t take too long.”

It’s not a re-planning, it’s just a revision. It’s not that difficult.

“still… … .”

“Sleep anyway, and patients who have just been discharged go home and work hard on rehabilitation training. Do you know?”

“… … yes.”

Adela timidly nodded.

“Then let’s part here. I have to go this way.”

Seeing the direction I was pointing at, Adela tilted her head.

“I don’t think you’re going to the dormitory?”

“uh. I want to stop by the blue mage tower.”


Today is the day to apply a unique mana imprint on the last artifact.

* * *

“welcome. You said you might be late, but you came quickly.”

When I arrived at the blue mage tower, Jung Soo-ah greeted me as usual.

“yes. The schedule ended a little early.”

Originally, I was going to visit the hospital, but after going home, I was going to come to the Blue Mage Tower.

Soon-chan suddenly became the 4th circle, and as we talked about this and that, the visit to the hospital became longer.

Thanks to that, the schedule to stop by the house is canceled. Time was left at odds.

“okay. Then could you please wait a moment? I will only check if the examination room is ready.”


Sua went back to the counter, made a brief phone call with someone, and came right back.

“It is said that preparations have already been completed. You might as well go right up. Follow me. Let me guide you.”


I was guided by Jung Soo-ah, took the elevator and entered the examination room where the unique mana test was to be conducted.

Maybe it’s because it’s my second visit, but I’m used to it.

haha Here he worked on that for 4 hours. There’s no way I’m not used to it.

“You can change into these clothes and go into the examination room.”


Soo-ah lowered her head again and left the room.

I quickly changed into my examination uniform and went straight into the examination room.

“It’s the second time I see you. Nice to meet you. You already know, but just in case you don’t know, I’ll briefly explain the inspection method.”

After that it was the same as before.

Listen to instructions from inspectors on how to inspect. Remaining alone in the inspection room, I move mana as the inspectors direct.

This simple act continued for 4 hours this time as well.

“Thank you for your effort. It’s perfect too. You can come out right away.”


After all those tedious tests. I went straight to the waiting room.

“Thank you for your effort.”

Kim Kang-in was waiting in the waiting room. Unlike usual, he is wearing a stylish suit.

I didn’t even show up before the inspection started.

It seems that he has just returned from an important meeting.

“You look even more tired than last time. Were you that bored?”

“yes… … .”

The second one was even more boring. The only difference from the last time was the direction and speed of mana movement. She thought she was going to die of boredom.

“Is this the last one?”

“yes. Last one. Originally, we were going to do a unique mana test three times, but Hayul’s first test result was too perfect. You don’t have to do it three times.”

“thank god.”

Doing this three times is a bit like that.

I could do it, but I don’t want to do it if possible. It’s just because I hate being boring.

“Oh yeah. Inspectors say that they often want to ask Ha-yul to test them in order to get test samples… … .”

Kim Kang-in smiled playfully and asked.

“… … I will politely decline.”

I want to refrain from doing this labor for no reason.

Kim Kang-in chuckled.

“yes. I will pass it on.”

Looking at the watch on Kim Kang-in’s wrist, he laughed as if he was troubled.

“Anyway, what can I do? About 40 minutes left until the restaurant reservation time… … .”

After today’s inspection, I decided to have dinner with Kim Kang-in.

I made a reservation for the restaurant accordingly, but since I had the test earlier than scheduled, the time went up and down.

“If you call, you should be there in advance, but it’s still early in the evening, so you won’t be hungry. Hmm.”

The current time is 5:21 PM.

It’s a bit early for dinner.

Kim Kang-in pondered for a moment, then burst into excitement as if he had remembered something.

“ah! Would you like to go and see Ha Yul’s artifacts while you have time left?”

“uh? Is that okay?”

“sure. If the requester wants to see his artifact, is there anything he can’t see? I don’t know if it’s in the middle of production, but it’s just before completion.”

Kim Kang-in stood up from his seat.

“Let’s go. In order to guide you through the workshop of our blue mage tower… … .”

Kangin Kim smiled meaningfully.

something sly

“Hayul’s artifact. We will show you ‘the four seasons’.”

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