Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 463

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Chapter 463

The war, which was short if short and long if long, is over.

The result is our victory.

The world has succeeded in completely eradicating the great evil known as the end god.

[To honor the heroes who made the world what it is today.]

[Thanks to the 36 surviving heroes.]

[And salute to the 72 heroes who left us.]

The sacrifice was not small.

Of the 108 elites who gathered to respond to the apocalypse, a whopping 72 died.

Among them, there are as many as 21 wizards from the 8th circle, and 29 ‘spirit’ level swordsmen.

Due to their deaths, the entire world’s power has been weakened by about 70%.

This huge power loss has thrown the world into chaos.

[Monsters start coming out of monster areas from time to time.]

[Experts say, ‘The aftermath of the feared power loss is starting to blow.’]

The power to suppress the monsters was gone, so the monsters started rampaging even more fiercely.

[The crime rate increased by 107% compared to the previous year.]

[Is it due to the disappearance of the deterrence? Is it because the economy collapsed and the number of people struggling to make ends meet increased?]

Because the power to respond to criminals was lacking, criminals also began to strike.

To make matters worse, the troubled economy after the war hindered their lives, and the number of citizens who began to engage in criminal activities increased significantly, and the crime rate more than doubled compared to the previous year.

[The 12 countries that did not participate in the decisive battle, also known as Ragnarok. declare war on the United States.]

In addition to this, problems arose in the situation of each country.

The power of over 80 countries, including the United States, that risked everything to fight the apocalypse, was greatly reduced due to this battle.

On the other hand, the power of 15 countries that did not send aid for their own benefit was preserved.

As a result, the balance of power in each country has changed significantly.

The United States, which had unrivaled military power before the war, is no longer unrivaled.

Currently, the strength of America’s allies, including the United States, is less than that of 12 non-participating countries.

If the war continues like this, the US side would suffer great damage.

[The 12 countries that declared war on the United States. The whole world rebelled against the atrocities of the so-called ‘Twelve Nations’.]

But fortunately that didn’t happen.

The entire world stood up against the atrocities of the Twelve Nations.

[Italy. The world is at stake right now. We cannot stand by and watch the atrocities of the Twelve Kingdoms, which declared war for personal gain.]

[germany. In the event of a war, declares that it will use all its forces to help the United States.]

Even if they focused on stopping monsters and criminals, they could not tolerate the atrocities of the Twelve Kingdoms, which declared a war when it was not enough.

Above all, those who had been silent all the time in the showdown with the Endgame God could not watch the tails that opened up as soon as the Endgame God disappeared.

[Twelve countries. Despite the declaration of participation in the war by each country, it is stated that the declaration of war will not be withdrawn.]

However, despite the declarations of support for the United States by each country, the Twelve did not back down.

Now that the great powers, including the United States, have consumed most of their strength, they must have thought that they had a chance to fight all of them.

[According to experts’ opinions, the Twelve Kingdoms currently have the upper hand.]

[I hate to admit it, but each major country, including the United States, suffered too great a loss.]

[If this continues, defeat is certain.]

In fact, it was also a situation where the defeat of the United States was dark.

The losses suffered in the final battle were enormous.

[Will a new world war break out before the aftermath of the final battle has yet to be rectified?]

Just then, when a new war was about to begin.

The forces that had been silent all along began to move.

[Mado god. Atrocities beyond this are unacceptable.]

A family whose leader is the hero who performed the most in the final battle. madosin.

After the decisive battle, it was the first external movement of the magicians who had been silent until now.

[Madoshinga demands that all countries that have declared that they will participate in the war withdraw their statements.]

[If you refuse this request, you will not hesitate to resort to forceful intervention.]

It was a very arrogant request.

It wasn’t a request from the country, but a family made such a demand that was different from a threat to each country.

If it was originally, I would have dismissed it as nonsense and moved on.


[Germany withdraws comments.]

Surprisingly, he began to accept all of the arrogant and absurd demands.

[Starting with Italy, Brazil, and Switzerland, countries that have declared that they will enter the war are withdrawing their statements one after another.]

Everyone started to lower their tails as if they were creating a nasty atmosphere.

[America, we originally had no intention of going to war.]

[The United States will always focus on its own defense.]

Eventually, it descended to the United States. First, he was provoked and, despite being more angry than anyone else, officially declared that he would not go to war.

[The United States highly appreciates the achievements of the magicians and heroic subjects.]

[Now that the world is at stake, I want to avoid things that further confuse the world.]

Everyone lowered their tails at the warning of one family.

This has turned the world into chaos.

Madosingo and Shinhayul.

I know they’ve made great achievements, but to think that the powerhouses that claim to be strong can easily lower their tails like that.

How strong is the magic god’s family that they react like that?


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The entire community was ablaze with talk about the Madosinga.

[Twelve countries. We have no intention of accepting such an outrageous offer.]

At this time, the Twelve Nations officially announced their position.

It was a natural refusal.

It went so far as to directly declare war on the United States, so how could it give in to threats from a single family?

Each community burned again.

All the powers, including the United States, lowered their tails at once.

The Twelve Kingdoms snorted as if it were nonsense and refused.

What is the reason for such a dramatic difference between the two forces?

Why is America so calm and why are the twelve countries so confident?

What the hell does a magician have?

All sorts of speculations abounded.

[ah. Is this not it?]

At that time, a post like this came up in a community.

[The U.S. and other countries didn’t lower their tails because they found a weakness in the magicians, they just lowered their tails because they were afraid of the magicians’ servant rate.]

[They must have confirmed with their own eyes that Shin Ha-yul was fighting in Ragnarok. After seeing it, I concluded that he couldn’t win.]

[But the Twelve Kingdoms didn’t participate in Ragnarok, did they? You don’t know how strong Shin Ha-yul is, so you can be confident like that.]

[Maybe this?]

The community dismissed this post as bullshit.

How strong can you be if your individual strength is strong?

Does it make sense for all the great powers, including the United States, to lower their tails just because one servant is strong?

Comments like that were pouring in.

“… … This is true.”

Looking at those posts and comments, the US President’s chief of staff laughed.

In fact, this is the reason why countries, including the United States, immediately lowered their tails.

“You want to fight those guys?”

The chief secretary shook his head.

During the battle, this man saw with his own eyes how monstrous power Shin Ha-yul and his colleagues had over the combat drone.

Fighting such monsters is a specification.


The chief secretary shuddered.

I just imagined it, but I get chills.

“Suddenly, they feel sorry for them.”

The chief of staff stared blankly at the official statement of the Twelve Kingdoms.

Selfish guys who don’t care about the safety of the world and only think about their own gain. Twelve countries.

Until now, I wanted to tear it up right away.

It looks a bit pitiful now.

“So you should have participated in Ragnarok.”

If he had only participated in Ragnarok, he wouldn’t have had to engage in an all-out war with the sorcerers.


The chief of staff was silent for a moment.

I express my sincere condolences to the Twelve Kingdoms, who had to deal directly with Shin Ha-yul.

Beep- Beep-!

Just then, the secretary’s phone rang.

The chief of staff answered the phone quickly.

“I got a call.”

―There is something I need to report to you urgently.

It was the voice of a direct subordinate of the chief secretary and an employee who was in charge of the work at the site.

“What is it?”

―Just now, the Twelve Kingdoms declared surrender.

“… … yes?”

The chief secretary opened her eyes wide with a look on her face.

“Suddenly declare surrender? why… … ?”

-I don’t know why either. Although 10 minutes ago, the Madosinga seemed to be doing something… … .

“… … Ten minutes ago?”

-yes. 10 minutes ago, I confirmed that the Sogaju of the Sinbiwi family and the Sogaju of the Stella family entered the Madosinga. After that, all kinds of giants, including the blue mage lord, entered the sorcery house.

“The heroes of Ragnarok gather at the Sorceress House… … .”

It’s definitely an unusual move.

“however. If we had gathered ten minutes ago, we wouldn’t have had time to do anything.”

-yes. I didn’t report it right away either.

It is judged that it is not enough that they gathered together.

I was thinking of posting a report when something more accurate.

“Ten minutes after the gathering, the twelve countries declared surrender… … . It seems to have something to do with it… … .”

I don’t know what happened.

I can’t even imagine

“Do you have anything else to report?”

-no. Reporting is ideal. I’ll look into it a bit more and get back to you when I’m certain of something… … .

Just like that, the man was about to finish his report.

—… … what? what’s the capital?

The man muttered something in a shocked voice.

It was like having a conversation with someone.

“Why is that?”

—… … New information has just arrived.

The man said in a trembling voice.

―A presidential residence located in the capital of a country belonging to the Twelve States… … .

The man swallowed his saliva.

―It is said that they all disappeared all at once.

“… … Cow, disappear?”

-yes. No human damage whatsoever. Only the building is gone… … .

“That’s kind of weird… … .”

The chief of staff’s eyes trembled like aspen trees.

no way… … .

“I don’t think Shin Ha-yul… … Did you?”


The man answered in a trembling voice.

―Shin Ha-yul is alone. It is said that the presidents of 12 countries were erased one after another.

“… … Heh, heh heh… … .”

A laugh escaped from the chief of staff’s mouth.

There was nothing but laughter.

* * *

All kinds of big names were gathered in the convention hall that existed inside the mansion of the magic god.

“… … What is this guy, can’t you see that he gathers people and pokes his nose?”

A former leader of the Hounds, and now a woman who serves as the vice-captain of an organization called Savior. Charles.

“Well, you must be busy.”

The leader of the Blue Magic Tower, Kim Kang-in.

“I heard from Terun-nim that you haven’t been able to sleep lately and you’ve been working hard on your research all day.”

Adela, the minor head of the Mystical House and the actual head of the household.

“If I had known it would be like this, I would have changed my clothes and come.”

The Stella family, who became naturalized in Korea and succeeded in establishing a new family in Korea.

And that Stella family’s sogaju.

Stella Binoche.

“Come to think of it, these are training clothes. I guess you came during training?”

Ji Soon-chan, who became the official successor of the blue mage tower this time.

Five people are sitting in a conference room.

“… … yes.”

Stella looked around at her outfit and cried.

“I thought it was urgent, so I came right away… … .”

Raise your arm and smell it.

The smell of sweat is faintly felt.

I’m going to take a shower

“don’t mind. Ha-yul isn’t the kind of kid who’ll notice that he smells like sweat. I like it if you like working hard.”

“… … It’s not that kind of problem.”

Stella let out a sigh as the ground sank.

There is a difference between being praised for working hard and being recognized as a woman.

Right now, being recognized as a woman is more important than compliments.

‘It can’t go on like this. If I don’t somehow overcome Miss Mimir… … .’

Stella clenched her fists.

At this rate, he couldn’t beat Mimir, who lived with him 24 hours a day.

If I don’t do anything, I will naturally lose like this.

“… … I. I’ll go quickly and take a shower.”

That was when Stella got up from her seat.

“sorry. A little late.”

The conference room door opened and Shin Ha-yul appeared.

Stella shuddered in surprise and quickly sat down.

‘Huh… … .’

come a little late

Shin Ha-yul was resentful for nothing.

“… … .”

Adela looked at Stella and tilted her head.

We’ve become very close lately, so I thought I knew what kind of person he was to some extent.

It must have been an illusion.

‘… … Why are you like this?’

I have no idea what you’re thinking.

“The reason we gathered you all today is no different… … .”

Shin Ha-yul said as he moved straight to the podium in the conference room.

“know. It’s because of the twelve kingdoms.”

Charles interrupted Shin Ha-yul’s words and intervened.

That is the only reason to summon everyone at this timing.

“… … ? no. That has already been done.”

“… … huh?”

Charles squinted his eyes with an expression of what nonsense that was.

“I just came here after some armed demonstrations. Everyone says they will surrender.”

“… … show of force? how?”

Shin Ha-yul laughed lightly.

“Just a little bit. I tried erasing the president’s residence en masse.”

“… … the president me? All twelve?”

“yes. I used Ignis to burn all the buildings in one batch.”

“… … when?”

“Just now.”

Charles laughed.

It’s ridiculous.

“I went to the bathroom for such a big thing. Are you saying it like you say it?”

“hmm. It wasn’t really a big deal, was it?”

“… … Oh yeah? that wasn’t a big deal It’s no big deal that World War III almost happened. No way.”

Charles laughed.

“Well, because I thought it wouldn’t happen.”

Shin Ha-yul smiled.

“okay. Anyway, I’m glad it’s resolved.”

Charles smiled with a puzzled expression.

“I thought I was called for something related to the Twelve Kingdoms, but it seems to have been resolved.”

Kim Kang-in said with a surprised expression.

“If not, what is it?”

Other than the work related to the Twelve Kingdoms, is there anything else that could bring everyone together like this?

“There is something I want to tell you.”

Shin Ha-yul opened the PPT and displayed the data on the screen.

“This, should I say lucky. I don’t know if I should say it’s bad, but… … .”

In the material, this sentence was written.

[The result of the analysis of the god of the end and the calculation of the expected resurrection date accordingly.]

Pointing to the data, Shin Ha-yul said.

“The end god will be resurrected within 100 years.”

That said, the war isn’t over yet.

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