Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 448

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Chapter 448

The veil walked down the air.

As if there were invisible stairs, they moved gracefully.

“Thanks to your series of unexpected moves, I finally made up my mind.”

Veil’s right hand held a strange object.

‘… … horn?’

It’s not exact, but it looks like a horn.

If there is a demon, and if that demon has horns, I wonder if it would look like that.

It was such an outward horn.

“What does it mean to be determined?”

Switching positions with the Dark Mage King again, Sein came out.

The processing of the executives is over.

There is no problem even if you switch places with the Dark Mage King.

“I mean literally.”

Bale stopped at the same height as Sein.

“You are just like Ray. There is no law that moves me according to my thoughts.”

The distance between the two is about 20 meters.

They are at each other’s crossroads.

“So I made up my mind. I will deal with you right here and now.”

Veil slowly lifted the horn in his hand.

“No matter how hard it is. I think I will regret it if I don’t deal with you now.”

“… … .”

Sein’s eyebrows twitched.

It was because he felt the sincerity of Bale’s words.

‘three… … .’


Bale is sincere.

I really want to end everything now.

‘That horn. There is something.’

The Dark Mage King spoke in a low voice.

‘I know that there is something in that horn.’

Bale probably didn’t bring anything meaningless at this point in time.

There must be something to that horn.

‘no. This is not to say that there is something out of the ordinary. It means that the structure of the horn is deformed.’

The voice of the Dark Mage King became even more rigid.

‘That horn. I can’t feel anything.’

I felt chills down my spine at the strange sensation I felt from the horns.

‘What do you mean?’

Perhaps those horns are some kind of artifact.

And right now you probably haven’t activated the artifact.

It’s natural to feel nothing.

what’s so weird about that

‘Don’t you know? Even though the veil is blowing mana like that, there is no reaction.’

The Dark Mage King said with a frustrated expression.

‘Artifacts or something, if it’s that much, it’s normal to have a reaction to something. But I can’t sense any power from that horn.’

The Dark Mage King’s eyes sharpened.

‘As if it’s not something of this world… … .’

‘If it’s not the stuff of this world. What do you mean?’

‘I do not know.’

I don’t know, so it’s a chill down my spine.

‘anyway. Those horns are dangerous. I can’t fight him right now.’

‘… … I have no intention of fighting.’

Sein nodded slightly.

I couldn’t understand what the Dark Mage King was seeing and was so anxious about it, but I could understand what he said about not fighting.

You mustn’t fight the veil now.

Even if it wasn’t for that horn, if I fought Veil now, I would lose.

Right now, when Sein’s condition is at its worst, there is no 0.0001% chance of winning.

You have to escape somehow.

‘However, even if you run away… … .’

The problem is that there is no way to escape.

Even when dealing with the five executives, there was no way to escape. How are you supposed to get rid of the veil?

Sein bit his lip.

“I should also thank those three of you.”

Just then, when Sein was lost in thought.

Veil spoke to Adela, Ji Soon-chan, and Stella, who were gathered to one side.

“Thanks to you for interfering with my work in Black Castle. I was able to decide for sure. If you hadn’t dealt with Mora, I wouldn’t have been able to move now. He probably crouched down one more time to lean on Mora’s power.”

Veil watched everything inside the Black Castle through the eyes of Jenarin and Hoderiam.

Mora was handled by those three.


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Since those three took Mora, Mora’s presence has disappeared, so that’s for sure.

“In return, I will give you a painless death. to rejoice.”

I squeezed the horn that Veil was holding tighter.

He glared at everyone in this place and raised his spirits.

“… … Ugh.”

solitary life.

Ji Soon-chan and Adela’s bodies shook.

In an instant, the strength of the legs was relaxed due to the level of survival beyond imagination.

“I think this will suffice as a final goodbye.”

Very slowly lifted the horn that Veil was holding.

“This bloody fight ends today.”


Then he stuck the horn into his chest.

Dark red light poured from the horn embedded in Veil’s heart.

“I will become a god again and judge you.”

Mana began to rapidly expand around Veil’s heart.

“Keugh… … !”

The energy was so devastating that even the world was being pushed back in the aftermath.



Ji Sun-chan sat down in front of Adela and opened the octagonal gate at full power.

“Miss Stella this way… … !”

Stella also immediately moved behind Ji Sun-chan.


Right after that, enormous energy hit Ji Sun-chan’s octagonal gate.

That’s a lot of power.

‘Too strong. I can’t stand it… … !’

Even though it’s just an afterimage of power, it’s this much power.

what the heck is that power?

Ji Sun-chan chewed his lips and concentrated more power on the octagonal gate.

“Be glad. Humans.”

However, Ji Soon-chan’s efforts were immediately in vain.

“Your god is back.”

The already powerful energy became even stronger.

“Turn off… … !”

No matter how hard he bit his lip, blood flowed from Ji Soon-chan’s lips.

The arms supporting the octagonal gate trembled.

I really can’t stand it anymore.

‘Collapsed… … !’

That’s when the octagonal gate began to be destroyed.

“I will support you.”

Sae-in moved to the seat behind Ji-sun-chan.

Crossing hands with Ji Sun-chan, assisting Ji Sun-chan with her magic.

‘This… … Sophia’s… … ?’

It was Sophia Anechevri’s unique mana flow.

In the current situation, Sophia must have decided that it was the right person and changed the subject with Sein.


Thanks to Sophia’s help, the octagonal gate has become more solid.

A loud creaking sound echoed as it collided with the energy emitted by the veil.

Despite Ji Soon-chan and Sofia joining forces, they can only endure.

‘It’s this much power with just an afterimage of power.’

Just then, when Sophia was stunned by the power of the veil.

“Applause. Praise. worship.”

The energy suddenly reversed.

As if trying to devour the whole world, the scattered energy reversed itself and began to be absorbed by the veil.

‘That power… … You mean you can absorb everything?’

Sophia’s eyes trembled.

If it were possible to fully absorb all of that power.

If the veil succeeds in absorbing all that power.

‘I can’t win.’

that’s not a person

It is a monster beyond the realm of cognition.

No matter how much people work together, they cannot win.

soooo… … .

Suddenly everything stopped.

It’s like seeing a kaleidoscope right before you die.

The world has completely stopped acting.


he showed up

“It is the return of the human body.”

bale stall.


human spirit.

He caressed the horns in his chest and smiled contentedly.

* * *

The horn that Veil implanted in his heart is a kind of divine object.

A mythical artifact acquired over ten thousand years ago.

Although it possesses enormous power, it has been reluctant to use it until now because the source of that power is unknown.

“… … hmm. Is there anything wrong with your body?”

The risk was too great to use it blindly.

Because of this, the Veil in the past severely sealed these horns.

Even later, in order to use it as a trump card in case the situation becomes very unfavorable, it was strictly sealed so that it would not be passed on to Ray at all.

He was sure that he would be the one to win anyway, even if he didn’t use those horns.

Crying and eating mustard, Ray was wary of using the horn’s power, and chose to seal it.

“It feels good. To the point where I regret why I didn’t use it until now.”

When I think about it now, it was really stupid.

If I had known it was such a power without any side effects, I would have absorbed it right then.

If that were the case, the fight wouldn’t have been this long.

I regret it.

“I guess I should say thank you from the bottom of my heart, not sarcastically.”

Veil clasped his right hand, opened it, and then turned his gaze to Sein.

“Thank you. Thanks to you, I became a god again.”

It was a real thank you, different from the sarcastic remarks from before.

I am sincerely grateful to Sae-in for making me have no choice but to use the horn.

“In return, I would like to make you a good offer.”

I squeezed the hand that I had been repeatedly squeezing and opening, then slowly opened it again.

Then, he reached out his hand to Sein as it is.

“Sain Binoche. Be mine.”

“… … .”

The eyebrows of Se-in, who was watching the situation from behind Ji Sun-chan’s octagonal gate, twitched.

What nonsense is that?

“The reason I wanted to kill you was because I needed to absorb the divine power that dwells in your bi-tenor expression.”

The purpose of the veil is to return to God again.

It was to regain the strength of the human body while retaining its own memories and personality.

To achieve that goal, he fought Ray.

Because in order to become a god again, he had to steal Ray’s divine power.

“But not now. I’m already a god I achieved my purpose by absorbing the divine power contained in this horn.”

Veil laughed with a gleeful expression.

“I have returned to the position of God as a complete nation. To me right now, your rat-tailed divine power means nothing.”

The veil has already served its purpose.

There is no reason to take away the divine power that dwells in the Bytenor ceremony.

In other words, the reason to kill Sein disappeared.

“If you promise to be mine, give your soul. I will spare your life I promise to preserve that power as it is.”

If the opponent was Ray, he would have killed him unconditionally.

There is no reason to keep a nasty man like Ray alive, regardless of whether or not there is a need for it.

“Be glad. Did I acknowledge you?”

But Sein is different.

It’s not that Sain Binoche isn’t snarky, but the direction of savagery is a bit different from Ray.

It’s not a yal hate that I don’t want to look like Ray, but it’s a yal hate that is pleasant to see.

It seemed like he would be very happy to have him by his side.

“Of course, you are the only one who can save me. All others will be erased from this spot. I’m not good enough to leave behind the impurities of the past. I will build everything from scratch. There are no exceptions.”

Initialize the world, then create your own world again.

That is the purpose that Bale has now set anew.

In order to achieve that purpose, they must all be erased.

One exception is Sein Binoche. No other exceptions are permitted.

“What? No need to worry. All of your colleagues will recreate the personality you know now. Death is only an instant.”

Veil slowly approached Sein.

“Rejection is impossible. This is an order, not a request.”

The distance between the two shrunk to 10 meters.

“Whether you refuse or not, I will take your soul. I will take your soul, make it obedient to me, and watch over worlds perish and worlds reborn.”

How beautiful it must be to shed tears of blood while watching a dying world.

How charming it is to look at the birth of a new world with resentful eyes.

Knowing that there is no sin in the new world, it is a world that was born with the destruction of the original world as collateral, so it cannot be viewed as good.

Captivated by such disparate emotions, the image of him agonizing must surely look like a painting.

Its appearance is worth watching.

“You are mine.”

Veil stood in front of Sein’s nose.

“… … Why are all the warlocks confessing their love to me?”

Sein answered with a frown.

“I feel like I was confessed to by a cockroach. I feel very bad.”

In the past, Sein had heard a similar proposal from the Dark Mage King.

Things at that time overlapped, and I felt even more upset.

“Are you also refusing?”

Seeing Sein like that, Veil smiled a little.

“It’s you.”

Bailey’s expression twisted savagely.

“Then there is nothing you can do. I will take it by force.”

Veil reached out to Sein.

Just like this, I will take the souls of the world and force them to obey.

“Do you think I’ll be watching it?”

Almost at the same time as Veil moved, Sein also started moving.

I drew my sword and swung it straight at the veil.

“Right now, you can’t even touch my collar.”

Bale snorted as if it were funny.

It was confirmed through the eyes of the other officers that Sein’s condition was not good.

He managed to defeat the officers somehow by using a strange technique to stop the black magic, but that was it.

There is definitely a problem with sword skills.

It’s probably because I’m not feeling well.


Sein’s black veil was blocked around his neck, and he couldn’t go any further.

She couldn’t even scratch the skin of Sein’s black veil.

“There is no hope for you. Give up.”

Feeling the feel of the sword on the veil, I stretched out my hand leisurely.

“Aren’t you being too careless?”

Sein said while striking Veil’s neck with his sword.

“I have to be careful. The difference in power is so obvious.”

Bale replied leisurely.

1 cm forward until you reach Sein’s head.

Sein’s soul will soon be in your hands.

Bale focused on his hand with a relaxed smile.

“Thank you. Arrogant god.”

At that time, Sein grinned.

“Thanks to your carelessness, I was able to seize my chance.”

And at that moment, the mana in Sein’s sword expanded.

A powerful mana that is on a different level from the weak mana just before.

A level of swordsmanship that was incomparable to the previous time when dealing with Hekil and Sabin dwelled in the sword.


Sein’s sword cut Veil’s throat as it was.

The veil’s neck separated from the body and flew through the sky.

“If you’re going to blame it, blame it on your arrogance for letting go of black words.”

Black words, the prohibition of black magic that suppressed the body of the world.

Sein was just released from the shackles.

I overcame the side effects and regained my best condition.

‘Release the black language?’

Veil frowned with an expression that said, “What nonsense is that?”

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