Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 429

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Chapter 429

Contrary to concerns, the attack was proceeding quite smoothly.

“… … Aren’t you having a hard time?”

“It’s worth holding on to.”

Mimir stared at Stella with a blank expression.

What is he really like?

It was a clear expression to say that.

“… … why not hard Are you immortal?”

The more you move to the center, the more frequent the appearance of monsters.

Compared to the beginning, the number of monsters appearing has increased by more than two to three times.

Stella’s stamina should have run out a long time ago.

“I am not immortal. that, um… … .”

Stella thought for a moment.

“As I kept dealing with them, I got a little bit of a knack. Should I say that I can deal with it with minimal force? I was using too much force.”

“You mean you adjusted the power of the sword?”

“yes. I also found out their weaknesses… … . Now I can defeat it with less than half the strength compared to when I first encountered it.”

Controlling the power that was poured out more than necessary to preserve the stamina.

By attacking the weak point, you can further preserve your strength.

It was said that the result was the relaxed appearance of now.

“… … What is he really?”

Mimir laughed and said.

Even thinking about it again, it’s a dumbfounded expression.

“How can you adjust your mind sword so finely… … ?”

“uh… … . I just thought it would work… … ?”

“… … hey.”

Mimir shook his head.

“Heir. boy Aren’t you just a genius?”

“… … I know.”

As far as the aspect of control is concerned, it is a level of talent that surpasses Sein-sama.

“anyway… … Thank you for making my job easier… … .”

Mimir was silent for a moment, then laughed again.

“I don’t know. common sense and what… … . You shouldn’t just think of it as Sein Binoche ver.2.”

Mimir gave up the idea.

It was concluded that it was impossible to logically analyze Stella’s power.

“that… … .”

Stella smiled bitterly, not knowing how to react.


However, that expression was short-lived.

In an instant, it changes into a sharp and cold expression, and swings the sword.

five times in a row.

A total of five corpses fell from where the sword moved.

“Isn’t five of them the first?”

Sunchan, who was following carefully from behind, asked with a frown.

Even if you look at it, you can’t adapt to that disgusting appearance, and your expression is crumpled to the fullest.

“yes. Five is the first time.”

Stella answered as she put her sword into the scabbard.

“The mana has also become very thick. I wonder if I can see the deepest part soon.”

Stella continued, sensing the mana around her.

“… … It’s not a strange amount of mana even if you slowly see the deepest part.”

I also checked the mana around me. Certainly, the amount of mana increased tremendously.

About 2.7 times that of the first part.

It was an amount of mana that would not be strange even if the deepest part could be seen.

“Ugh. I hope you arrive soon. I feel guilty because I am leaving all my burdens on one Miss Stella.”

Sunchan sighed and said.

“It deserves it.”

I feel the same way.

I’m just worried because I’m entrusting all responsibility to only one Stella.

Should I say it feels like sitting on a cushion of thorns?

Even in order to be freed from this guilt, it is necessary to quickly move on to the next stage.

“let’s go.”

We continued on our way.

I’m pretty sure I’ll move on to the next location soon.

* * *

The confidence that you will move to the next place easily is overshadowed.

It took quite a long time to move to the next place.

A whopping 2 hours and 10 minutes.

After spending quite a bit of time, I succeeded in moving to the next location.

“A loop by the mixed action of 2 magic circles, 1 magic device, and 1 artifact… … . How did you calculate this?”


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Sunchan looked at me with an expression of boredom.

“It’s all thanks to Mimir.”

We got into a loop.

I fell into the loop maze created by the magic circle, magic devices, and artifacts of the black castle and wandered for 2 hours and 10 minutes.

If it wasn’t for Mimir, I would still be wandering in that loop maze.

“no way. what did i do The heir did it all. If the Heir hadn’t noticed, I wouldn’t have even thought to calculate it.”

Mimir smiled brightly with a clear expression.

He seemed to feel proud of the fact that he had produced results through his research.

“I was just a little faster, you’ll notice sooner or later.”

“You are overestimating me. I was able to notice that because I am the heir.”

Mimir and I were laughing and cheering each other up.

“… … yes yes It’s a combination of two geniuses. Well sir.”

Soon-chan intervened between us as if telling us to leave it there.

“More than that… … .”

Sunchan turned his head and looked in one direction.

A completely different landscape came into view than the incomplete one from before.

“What is this? It looks like a room.”

As Soonchan said, it is in the shape of a room.

It is vastly different from the noise-like scenery seen on a broken TV just now.

“well. Perhaps, the shape of the room that exists in the Black Castle remains intact.”

It was amazing.

Mana is so messed up, how can a structure leave its shape this far?

“I know it’s a room. What I want to ask is… … .”

Soonchan pointed out the doors on all four sides of the room and said.

“It’s about those four doors.”

There are four doors in the room, each on four sides.

The size, color and shape are all the same.

“Couldn’t it be that infinite pathfinding will start again?”

“well. First of all, it looks like a maze in shape, but… … .”

Beyond the door, another room awaits. There are also several doors in that room. If you select a door again, doors to another room await.

I guess it will be this kind of infinite girdle.

“ah. please… … .”

Sun-chan frowned with a disgusted expression.

It seems that he is fed up with finding his way.

“Please, if you ask me to find it, I will find it. What can I do?”

“ah… … I really hate it.”

Sunchan let out a deep sigh and shook his head.

“Well, if you open it, something else might be waiting for you. Let’s open it.”

“I wish I could.”

After a brief eye contact with the party, I slowly approached one side of the door.

“I will open it.”

And opened the door as a representative.

No, I tried to open it.

Clack, clap!

However, it did not open.

“… … Are you locked?”

I checked the other doors as well.

The result was the same.

The door did not open.

All doors are locked.

“… … You escaped the loop, but are you trapped again?”

It was a mountain beyond a mountain.

what kind of situation is this?

“The detected mana… … It’s normal.”

I looked around with the Sinan activated at full power, but I couldn’t see anything.

“yes. Well, nothing special.”

Adela doesn’t seem to have found anything else.

“me too… … I can’t see anything.”

I think the same goes for Stella.

“… … Is it a riddle again?”

Mimir sighed in disgust.

After agonizing over it for two hours at most, I got out of the loop maze, and another maze awaits.

It’s a situation that makes you sigh.

“… … ah.”

Soon-chan sat down on the floor.

“Write. I’m living in a small room again… … .”

Sunchan is not very helpful in this kind of head work.

You should know that yourself. That’s why he’s making such a sullen expression.

I want to be of some help, but there is no corner where I can be of help.

“The moment I need you will surely come. I think I’m resting and conserving my strength.”

“… … Onjon is an asshole. I guess I’ll just stay on from the beginning to the end and it’ll end.”

Sunchan sighed again.

“That, Sunchan’s strong point is his sense, right? Couldn’t we use that sense to present our opinions?”

As if to comfort Soon-chan, Stella said a word.

As an old man living alone in a small room and a person who has lived as a grievance, it seems that he could not leave it alone.

“Especially in a situation where there are no clues like this, every single brilliant idea is important… … .”

“sense… … brilliant idea… … .”

Soon-chan sat in his seat, immersed in thought.

and then.

“ah! I just remembered one!”

As if something had come to mind, he jumped up and shouted.

“When you opened the door, you opened it one by one, right? But didn’t it open?”


He seemed to already know what he wanted to say.

“Then why don’t you open both doors at the same time?”

I knew it.

As expected, it was a very simple idea.

“It’s that simple… … .”

It was time to let out a sigh and get into trouble with Sunchan’s words.

“and. That’s a good idea. Give it a try.”

Stella moved first.

From the time I came here, I will sacrifice myself to cheer up Sun-chan, who has always been in a sullen state.

It was an exaggerated movement and reaction that showed such will.

“It was two doors at the same time, right? I’ll open the door this way, so Mr. Sun-chan, please ask for that door.”

“yes? Ah yes.”

Soonchan grabbed the doorknob.

Soon-chan seems dumbfounded by Stella’s violent reaction.

“Can I turn it?”

Anyway, the two figures are very contrasting.

Soon-chan, who was full of confidence before departure, is now in a moody state in the world.

Before departure, Stella, who was timid and lacking confidence in the world, became confident in the world.

The two-hour journey turned the two into opposites.

‘… … It’s nice to be active again.’

I feel sorry for Sunchan, but it is fortunate.

The fact that all the luggage was handed over to Stella was rather a medicine.

In this state, I wonder if I will soon return to the original Stella I knew.

“Did you turn it?”

“yes. turned.”

“is it so? It won’t open.”

It was when he was smiling inwardly, seeing Stella’s bright expression.

“… … uh?”

Stella’s expression changed.

The exaggerated expression he had been forcing to cheer up Soonchan disappeared, and it changed to a genuinely surprised expression.

“this… … .”

Stella slowly turned her gaze to me.

“Mr. Ha Yul. Would you like to come over here for a moment?”

something is out of the ordinary

I went straight to Stella.

“now. here. Can you see the mana has changed?”

I quickly activated my new eye and looked towards the doorknob Stella pointed to.

“It has changed. It’s on a subtle level… … .”

As Stella said, there was a slight change in mana.

“Stay there for a moment.”

I went straight to the door where Sunchan was.

And I checked the doorknob in the same way.

“… … It’s different here too.”

I could confirm that the mana on the doorknob that Sunchan was holding also changed slightly.

“then… … .”

I also checked the other two doorknobs. However, there was no change in the mana of the other two doorknobs.

That means… … .

“I can’t really open them at the same time… … .”

that was the correct answer?

I went to the third door and turned the knob.

“It has changed… … .”

Mana has changed this time as well.

It was a much more drastic change than before.

“In this case… … .”

I said looking at Adela.

“Adela. Hold the doorknob on the other side of the door.”

“yes? yes.”

Adela grabbed the doorknob of the remaining door.

The last doorknob turns slowly.

I opened my eyes and concentrated on observing Mana.

And just when Adela turned the doorknob all the way.


Four doors opened at the same time, and mana began to swirl like an explosion.

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