Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 353

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Chapter 353

“… … Nonsense.”

Mimir said, ‘This is a dream. It’s a clear dream.’

“That idiot gave me a passing certificate so meekly… … ? I can’t, I can’t… … .”

I wonder if it was that shocking that Tay passed me without any test.

The level of astonishment is beyond imagination.

It’s not astonishment at the level of seeing a ghost, but rather an expression as if seeing a ghost do somersaults and even head spin.

“What the hell did he do before?”

I looked at Mimir sideways and asked Master Tei.

Even though I saw with my own eyes that the books after the 8th circle were unlocked, I couldn’t believe it.

On the other hand, how much distrust of Tei-sama could lead to such a reaction?

“hmm. It’s not like I showed you some grandiose dream.”

Master Tay openly faced Mimir and answered quietly.

“It only stimulated the trauma a little.”

“… … yes?”

It’s a trauma stimulus.

Anyone can see that it’s huge.

“At that time, it was a time when fighting was active in many ways. I wondered if I could stimulate the trauma and cause the opponent to collapse mentally.”

“… … Did you do that experiment on Mimir?”

“Not many. About once or three times.”

“… … .”

oh my god.

Not once, but three times.

‘It’s no wonder that Mimir is so hostile.’

It’s worth watching Mimir hostilely, calling Tei-sama an idiot.

“I think you misunderstand, Princess… What I tested on the princess was a very low-intensity trauma stimulus.”

“… … what? Low intensity?”

At that time, Mimir, who had been escaping from reality, reacted.

Escaping from reality or something, I can’t stand that reckless hair! had such an expression.

“Don’t be mean. Any way you look at it, it was a low-intensity traumatic stimulus! how much i… … .”

“It was just that I fell into a swamp of worms, right?”

“I fell into a swamp of worms, unable to move a finger! The feeling of bugs crawling all over my body is very… … . Ugh.”

Mimir stopped talking and trembled.

Trauma must have recurred.

“no way. Just making a fuss with bugs.”

Blood vessels stood out on Mimir’s forehead.

“… … Oh, I really want to kill you.”

The person who created the trauma of a lifetime answered so calmly.

I can’t even hold back my anger.

In fact, I think so too.

‘Even if you said not once, but three times… … .’

Besides the swamp of worms, I have two more traumatic dreams.

Mimir’s feelings are understandable.

It’s great that your fists aren’t coming out right now.

That would be almost Buddha.

“But thanks to that, I got a sense of the stimulation of trauma, and I won a big victory in the war.”

“… … If it wasn’t for that, you were killed by me a long time ago.”

Mimir clenched his fists and grinned.

It was the scariest laugh I’ve ever seen from Mimir.

“… … after.”

Mimir relaxed his hands and took a deep breath.

I can’t get involved in Tei’s pace forever.

let’s calm down

It was the expression and reaction that seemed to be thinking that way.

“Whoop. Whoa… … . Whoop. Whoa… … .”

That’s how about 30 deep breaths are over.

“Whatever it is, first of all, did you really pass the page of the seventh test?”

Mimir, who had regained his composure to some extent, looked at Lady Tay and asked.

“Can’t you see?”

“… … .”

There was a crack in Mimir’s expression, which had been quiet for the most part.

How could such a light sarcasm lead to such a violent reaction?

I really hate it, but you see.

“… … okay. you know when you see huh. I know when I see it.”

Mimir gritted his teeth and pretended to be as calm as possible.

“Mimir. relax. calm down.”

“huh? What are you talking about, successor?”

Mimir smiled and looked at me.


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“Do I look excited? I am very calm.”

It was an expression that was 3.2 billion light years away from calm.

He is pretending to be smiling, but the emotions inside him are sharp like a knife.

Isn’t that what a lively smile is?

“Whoa… … .”

Mimir took a deep breath, as if trying to contain his anger.

“Tsk. Anyway, I don’t like what I don’t like, and the significance of passing the seventh test… … .”

At that time, Master Tay interrupted Mimir and intervened between Mimir and me.

“Heir. here. Read this book first.”

Then, he held a book related to the 8th circle to me.

“this… … .”

Mimir’s face turned red again.

Perhaps he felt anger at Tay for cutting off his words.

“hey! Tay Lovine!”

Mimir’s expression becomes more and more violent.

“Why are you recommending a book to an heir!”

… … huh?

It’s a little different from what I expected.

“Supporting the heir is my role! Don’t interfere!”

I thought you were mad at me for interrupting me.

It seems that it was not.

“The Book of Danteroa is under my jurisdiction. princess… … The princess’s jurisdiction is Mimir’s Book.”

“Danteroa’s book and what. It’s my job to be the heir’s backup!”

Mimir glared at Tay-sama with sincere intentions.

“Even if you make a backup, the princess doesn’t even know what books are in Danteroa’s book.”

“I will find out from now on.”

“There are 382 books?”

“One day is enough!”

Mimir shouted confidently.

“Princess. You are bluffing.”

“Do you want to bet?”

Mimir’s eyes narrowed.

“If I understand all 382 books in one day, my victory. If not, you win.”

“Hmm… … . It’s a fun bet.”

The corner of Tay-sama’s mouth rose slightly.

“What do each of us get when we win?”

“If I win, don’t interfere with my conversation with the heir from now on. As a bonus, support from the heirs is also prohibited.”

“Hmm. Then, what are the conditions for me to win?”

“Do it your way.”

“Are you going to do everything I ask you to do?”


“Do you know what to do?”

“What are you going to do, do I know?”

Mimir laughed like it was funny.

“I would win anyway.”

Tay-sama’s eyes narrowed very slightly.

According to big data on facial expression changes over the past two and a half years, that is an interesting expression.

“… … It’s fun.”

look. That’s an interesting expression.

“It’s a bet with nothing against me. There is no reason to refuse.”

“I know.”

Mimir laughed.

“Then you know that the bet is established.”


Tay-sama also grinned.

It was the most vivid smile I had seen in two and a half years.

“I won’t.”

“… … what?”

It was a smile like a spider watching prey caught in a spider’s web.

“princess… … Because I’m watching the princess say that. I hate doing it.”

“… … .”

“There are also missions given by the lord… … .”

Mimir’s expression darkened.

It must have been because he noticed what Tay-sama was trying to say.

“I don’t make bets. As the custodian of the Book of Danteroa, I will continue to devote myself to supporting the heir.”

“you… … .”

Mimir’s expression darkened.

“Ah, that doesn’t mean I’m stopping the princess from supporting me, so don’t worry. The more support, the better.”

The more he does, the more vividly Tei-nim’s expression becomes.

“Until the next page of the eighth test is passed. Let’s work hard together, three of us.”

“… … three… … together?”

Mimir’s expression died.

It was the expression that he hated to live.

“It will be fun. right?”

The more he did, the more vividly Tei-sama’s expression became.

* * *

After that.

Mimir came to his senses after wandering for about 30 minutes.

“Heir. I will study separately today.”

Nothing will change if I just keep escaping from reality.

As if he had finished his thoughts, he said that he was going to read 382 books with an eager expression on his face.


Knowing that it was a study for me, I asked for it.

Mimir nodded his head with an expression asking to leave it to him.

“Tay Lovine.”

Then he turned his gaze and called out to Tay with an expression that he didn’t like the world.

“really. I don’t really like it. You support me today.”


“uh. today.”

Tay-sama gave a small smile.

Not just today, are you going to do it after today?

It was a smile with a meaning.

As if reading the meaning behind that smile, Mimir smiled.

“Well, it might be okay to support after today… … .”

It was a confident smile.

“It probably doesn’t make any sense. You won’t be leaving after today. Because my support is so perfect.”


Tay’s eyes narrowed.

According to my big data, that’s a very happy expression.

“It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while. Princess. Her face has improved a lot.”

“My face?”

Mimir touched his face.

Has your face changed?

look you want.

“I was very ugly before. You look a little prettier now.”

Mimir’s brow furrowed.

“This is real… … .”

However, as if he couldn’t stand those words, he clenched his fists and swung them around.

Naturally, Mimir’s fists couldn’t even brush Tei-sama’s hair.


Mimir clenched his fists and trembled.

Please punish the damned bastard.

He looks like he is praying so earnestly.

“… … after.”

That look for a while.

He quickly calmed down his anger and regained his composure.

“Then I’ll come.”

Mimir, who had regained his composure, greeted me.

“Even the heirs do their best.”

Then he waved his hand once and moved to the depths of Danteroa’s book.

for only one day ahead.

Mimir will be stuck there, filling in the knowledge he has never known before.

“I mean, she’s really pretty.”

Watching Mimir walk away, Lady Tay muttered insinuatingly.

“Hey, has your appearance changed?”

As long as you use the persona, there’s no way it’ll be different from how you were when you were alive.

“They look the same.”

Tay-sama turned her gaze to me.

“I said, inside.”

“ah. You weren’t referring to her looks.”

ugly. It became pretty.

When you said that, of course I thought you were talking about your appearance.

“Previous ball… The princess was completely sick to her stomach. Should I say she was like an ugly witch?”

It was difficult to understand 100% of Tay’s expression because it was different from the general one, but the nuances were fully conveyed.

“But now she looks like a princess who succeeded in defeating the demon king and marrying a hero.”

Because I know Mimir’s past.

And because I know the current change.

It was an expression that I couldn’t help but feel.

“He was such a person.”

Tay-sama licked her lips.

“Sorry. I wish I knew that kind of person sooner… … .”

I don’t know what you’re thinking.

It was clear he was thinking something was wrong.

“Whatever. I know now, so that’s okay.”

It was like a lion looking at a rabbit.

I guess I should beg Mimir for my condolences.

“Then heir. Let’s weave the eighth Infinity Circle right away.”

Tei-sama, who had been blind, focused her gaze on me again.

“Are you straight? I, don’t you know anything about the 8th circle yet?”

“are you okay. If you do what I tell you to do, you should be able to imitate it.”

Tay-sama grabbed my shoulders and pressed me down.

Okay, sit down for now.

It was an act with such a meaning.

I sat down without resisting the force.

“Close your eyes. Concentrate.”

Tay-sama’s voice was as sincere as ever.

“The trick itself isn’t that different from what I’ve been doing for the past two and a half years.”

I slowly closed my eyes.

Tay-sama put his hand behind my back.

“Complete neutrality. Make the reverse at the end completely yours.”

forward and reverse.

A fusion of two opposing concepts.

complete neutrality.

“Then the eighth Infinity Circle, the Ring of Nothingness, will take its place in your body.”

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