Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 316

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Chapter 316

Hermes’ workshop.

Hermes was suffering measles due to the sudden attack of Shadow.

“I knew it! I was suspicious from the start. After all, I was right!”

Hermes was indignant.

The Dark Mage King declared that Satou was innocent and that he was not a traitor, so I put aside my doubts for now.

It was also.

‘I should have expressed my opinion more aggressively!’

Hermes gnashed his teeth.

“gibberish. You didn’t even notice that I was Shadow.”

Sato, no. Shadow shot a shadow monster at Hermes with a mocking laugh.

The sacred object of Umbra has long since disappeared from within Shadow’s body, but as much as the afterimage of its power remains to some extent as the divine object dwelled there.

You can’t use shadow magic on an absurd scale like before, but the feature of dealing with shadows hasn’t completely disappeared.

“I just thought I was the traitor who stabbed Levi in ​​the back.”

Shadow’s power is still enough to call it active duty.

Of course, it only has more than 20% of its power compared to its heyday.

There is no problem in dealing with Hermes, whose fighting ability is not very high.

“joy! were you thinking in your mind? timing appeared. wizardry. Could it be that Shadow is in disguise? do!”

Hermes blocked the flying shadow monster with a unique magic tool.

A translucent polygonal shield.

The shield perfectly blocked Shadow’s monster.

“Anything like that, it seems there was no mention at the time of the trial.”

“Yeah… … . Because the height difference is too big… … . I was wondering if I was wrong… … .”

Hermes swung it as if to shake off the afterimage of the shadows buried in the magic tool, and his eyes brightened ferociously.

“Anyway, I was expecting it!”

“hmm. indeed. Right.”

The shadow was blocked by the shield and collected the scattered remnants of the shadow and forged them into small spheres.

“In other words, even though you all knew that I was Shadow. He tolerated the attack so easily. Is it like this?”

“that… … .”

Hermes was speechless.

Right now, Shadow’s words are single-handedly.

As long as he allowed Shadow to attack him at this moment, no matter what he said, he would only spit in his face.


It is best to avoid unfavorable topics. Hermes was annoyed and entered an offensive posture.

In line with Hermes’ actions, the polygonal shield-shaped magic tool changed its shape into a rifle.

“You think I couldn’t have foreseen your actions? Thousands of words! I knew everything and was waiting for you!”

Externally, Hermes’ ability is known as ‘hacking’.

But no.

Hermes’ ability is crafting, not hacking.

Hermes just created a magic tool that could connect to any computer network in the world with that ability.

“No matter how you are, do you think you can beat me in my castle?”

All sorts of magic tools are located in this place.

Not to mention computer-type magic tools enchanted with Hermes’ identity and hacking abilities.

Like a shield that blocks or absorbs the mana you just used.

Like a rifle that can be activated based on the absorbed mana you are currently using.

There were numerous magic tools that could cover the weakness of combat power.

‘I don’t know about other places, but I won’t lose to anyone here!’

I don’t know if it’s just magic tools.

There are also many magic circles set up to prepare for an emergency.

In this place, I have the confidence not to lose to other executives.

“I’ll make you aware of the fact that you put your head in the jaws of a tiger yourself!”

Hermes pulled the trigger.

Shall we say that it is the ability to create a computer that can infiltrate all kinds of computer networks in the world and break through firewalls?

The horse gun that Hermes handled was different from other ordinary horse guns.

From speed of fire to power.

Magic bullets at a level comparable to most 5th or 6th circle wizards rushed like rain.

If anyone sees it, it seems like they’re using a gatling gun.


This absurd situation where the low-powered magic used by the 5th and 6th circle wizards is firing hundreds of rounds per second.

Even in a situation where even a high-ranking wizard would break into a cold sweat, Shadow’s expression showed no signs of agitation.

“Do you think I would have come here without knowing that much?”

The shadow that the shadow condensed expanded at once.

The curtain of shadow, which gradually grew like bubble gum inflating, soon grew to the extent that it filled the shadow in front of him.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve already taken measures for your magic tools.”

As soon as the curtain of shadow fully opened, bullets rained down.

As if that thin curtain could not block me.

Bullets rushing like angry boars.

It seemed like the curtain of shadow would shatter in an instant at the overwhelming number of violence.


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“They say Yu rules the river.”

That didn’t happen.

Shadow’s shadow did not break even after being hit by hundreds or thousands of bullets.

“No bullet can pierce my shadow.”

The shadow curtain unfolded by Shadow is not a barrier that spreads with solidity.

Shadow’s barrier is far from being solid, and is a barrier with a soft quality like gum.

Nothing like bullets can penetrate that curtain.

It’s like a bullet that doesn’t completely pierce the sea.

The bullet absorbs all physical force in the curtain of shadow, and turns into a lump of scrap metal without any power.


Bullets that are blocked by the shadow curtain and fall freely.

Seeing that, Hermes widened his eyes in astonishment.

“you… … . Just that magic… … how… … .”

Shadow smiled at Hermes’ reaction.

“Why? Is it really that surprising that I have this kind of control?”

“… … .”

The image of Shadow in Hermes’ head was close to that of a runaway wizard who couldn’t control his power.

A half-punisher who has a huge power called shadow, but can’t utilize that power by less than 50%.

However, a monster with power that cannot be ignored even with 50% power.

That was just the image of Shadow.

‘There’s no way Shadow could have such fine control… … .’

Such a shadow suddenly shows such monstrous control.

It was natural for Hermes to be surprised.

‘If Shadow could control all power… … .’

Even with less than 50% power, it was Shadow who possessed the highest level of power among the executives.

If that shadow succeeded in controlling all power… … .

‘Never win.’

Cold sweat ran down Hermes’ back like rain.

Seeing Hermes like that, Shadow twisted the corner of his mouth again.

“do not worry. Things like you think won’t happen.”

Shadow, who had collected all the shadows once again, spoke quietly as he moved them around on his palm.

“It’s just that after taking it off, something is visible.”

The reason why the detailed control of the shadows became possible was because the size of the power itself was drastically reduced due to the loss of Umbra’s sickness.

Since the absolute amount of power has decreased, the situation that Hermes is worried about cannot happen.

“… … what does it mean?”

“It means exactly what it says.”

Shadow floated the shadow orb that had been moving back and forth on the palm of his hand.

“This is my limit right now. I can only deal with shadows like this.”

Shadow’s momentum instantly changed like a sharp sword.

As if to match the momentum, the shadow changed into the shape of a dagger.

It shimmered like a mirage, and soon began to divide.

“So, don’t worry about the Shadow Sanctuary and go for it.”

The shadow soon turned into dozens of daggers.

Compared to before, the power used is less than 5%, but the power contained is so outstanding that it is hard to see that it is only 5%.

“Ah, don’t get me wrong. Even if I had been able to use the Shadow Sanctuary, I would not have used it.”

Shadow smiled sarcasticly, full of the meaning of the provocation.

“Because it’s too luxurious magic to use against the likes of you.”

“… … .”

Hermes’ eyebrows fluctuated greatly for an instant.

A reaction that could not calm down the momentary boiling anger.

Hermes glared at Shadow with a somewhat angry expression.

“… … It’s black.”

Hermes stretched out both hands.

At Hermes’ gesture, the magic tools in the workshop moved in unison.

“Looking at you, you climb up. I can’t even figure out the subject.”

Hermes has never revealed his power to anyone.

Even the Dark Mage King doesn’t know about the magic he’s using now.

Last insurance worthy of the prudent Hermes.

It is the first time to show this magic.

“Make me happy. You are the glorious first subject of my magic.”

“… … A test subject.”

Shadow’s expression grew even more ferocious.

To Shadow, who had a past of being used as a test subject by the Doctor, the word ‘experimental subject’ was nothing short of atrocities.

“I was thinking of killing them gracefully, but I changed my mind.”

Shadow’s expression sank darker than the shadow.

“I’ll kill you as painfully as possible.”

Shadow lowered his stance.

In line with Shadow’s action, the shadow dagger floating around also began to tremble slightly.

“well. Who will die painfully?”

As if reacting to such a shadow, Hermes also entered a counterattack posture.

The moment the shadow moves will be the last of the shadows.

Hermes was so sure.

“… … .”

“… … .”

Right now, a touch-and-go situation.

In a tension where it is not strange who moves first and who dies first.

“You failed again.”

It wasn’t Shadow or Hermes who moved first.

“… … !”

“… … !”

The two of them opened their eyes at the same time and took a step back.

“Is this the third time now?”

A lump of darkness that rose unwittingly.

A pitch-black darkness that took on a human form, albeit minutely.

“Heh, Dark Mage King… … !”

‘The Dark Mage King!’

Black Mage King.

He appeared between the two.

“I expected it to fail. I had no idea it would fail so miserably.”

The Dark Mage King glared at Hermes with an insensitive expression.

“To think that, beyond failure, it would even provide an opportunity for the enemy to break into my throne.”

Hermes’ eyes widened.

“Uh, what is that… … .”

break into the throne?

who? how? when?

“Didn’t you know that?”

The Dark Mage King looked at Hermes with an expression as if he were looking at an animal.

It was like looking at an animal right before being slaughtered.

“I think there are still plenty of places to use it, so I put off processing it. I guess I was too soft.”

“Heh, Dark Mage King… … what is that… … .”

The Dark Mage King completely ignored Hermes and turned his attention to Shadow.

“On the other hand, you… … You are moving more than I expected.”

Contrary to the indifferent gaze toward Hermes, a gaze full of interest.

“I just thought that if I let it go, it will flow information from this side in moderation, and it will maintain a very good tension.”

If Hermes didn’t do the job beyond expectations.

Shadow did something far beyond expectations.

“It must have been my mistake not to have predicted your competence.”

One incompetent and one competent person created this situation.

The unprecedented situation of Sophia Anechevri’s attack was brought about.

“I have a responsibility to deal with this situation now.”

When the situation has reached this point, the responsibility of the Dark Mage King is also considerable.


The Dark Mage King stretched out his right hand.

“You two have to leave first.”

A rapidly expanding darkness.

In an instant, pitch black, which was different from a shadow, enveloped the two of them.

“Dark horse… … !”

“this… … !”

The two of them didn’t even have time to react.

The darkness swallowed the two in an instant.

“Because your death is the first key to solving this situation.”

The plan has already gone awry.

The situation has already reached the point of no return.

There is no way to turn it back.

The only way left now is to make the operation itself a thing that never happened.

“Go to sleep.”

By erasing Hermes and Shadow, the main chess pieces of this plan, all it does is return everything to a blank page.


With those words, darkness prevailed in the world.

And then, when the darkness is gone. There were no signs of popularity left in the studio.

Hermes and Shadow disappeared without leaving a trace.

“Then what’s left… … .”

And finally.

In the center of the quiet studio.

The dark mage king’s portrait disappeared, and no one was left in the studio.

* * *

Home of the Black Mage Tower.

The entrance to the Black Tower.

The magic Sophia Anechevri used hit the Dark Mage King directly.

In the aftermath, the darkness covering the body began to slowly dissipate.

“… … hmm.”

Darkness dissipated and the Dark Mage King revealed his true self.

The youthful appearance and sharp black pupils, which only look like someone in their mid-twenties, stand out.

“Are you looking at me on purpose?”

Sofia glared at the dark mage king and asked.

Currently, the Dark Mage King is not concentrating on the battle.

As if he was distracted by something else, he was only concentrating on defense.

It was natural for Sophia to say that.

“or not… … . Is that your current limit?”

As Sophia expected, the Dark Mage King is currently stabilizing his powers for evolution.

As an analogy, there is a high probability that the larva is condensing power as a pupa before becoming a butterfly.

If that’s the case, it means that the Dark Mage King isn’t losing his strength right now, but there’s a chance that this is his strength.

“I’m sorry.”

The Dark Mage King smiled as he straightened his disheveled hair in the darkness that had just been blown away by the attack.

“There are other things that need to be taken care of first. As I focused on that side, I relatively neglected this side.”

At that moment, black mana rushed in from outside the barrier of the Black Tower.

A black mist seemed to cover the area.

“But don’t worry. I just finished taking care of the other side.”

The mist was instantly absorbed into the body of the Dark Mage King.

The already overwhelming presence became even more massive.

“From now on. I plan to focus entirely on you guys.”

The Dark Mage King’s mana expanded.

With momentum to cover the world.

It stretched endlessly and infinitely.

“From now on, I will show you despair.”


Along with the surging mana, a dark glow came out of the black mage king’s eyes.

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