Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 276

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Chapter 276

Mimir’s Book disappears.

Mimir disappears.

It was something I had never imagined.

The Book of Mimir will continue to impart new knowledge to me.

Mimir will continue to be my partner.

Of course I thought so.

“Mimir? Really?”

Is it because it is a future that has never been imagined?

The shock was greater than expected.

“… … .”

Mimir lowered his head further.

As if you have no face.

Like I don’t know what to answer.

I just bow my head and clenched my fists.

“really… … Goa.”

Are the words Master just said true? Are you really disappearing?

There was no need to ask more.

Today is the last day.

Mimir’s every action said so.

“day. No, it’s 23 hours now. In that amount of time, it would be possible for the two of us to say our final goodbyes.”

Master looked at Mimir and me once.

“Share the stories you haven’t told before, share the stories you want to tell… … . It will never be enough time, but it will be possible to say goodbye with a smile.”

Master smiled bitterly.

The two eyes looking at Mimir are filled with the feeling of sorry.

“this… It is the last gift an ugly father can give her daughter.”

“last… … A gift?”

Mimir clenched his fist even harder.

As if angry, as if angry.

“me… … If you think of me… … !”

As if pouring out resentment, I slowly poured out the words I had stored inside.

“just… … I wish you would have sent it as is.”


Drops of water dripped down Mimir’s head.

“Just be quiet… … . alone… … . If you let it disappear like that… … . It would have been nice… … .”

Mimir’s head lowered even further.

Maybe he doesn’t want to show his face even if he dies soon?

“I’ve already finished my mental preparation… … .”

Suddenly, Mimir’s words came to mind.

before coming here.

I remembered Mimir’s expression when he said that the page of the sixth test had been opened.

Even though it was something to be celebrated, strangely empty eyes came to mind.

Why didn’t I notice?

“Even the letter… … I wrote everything… … .”

Mimir, who had been celebrating beforehand, came to mind.

I remembered Mimir, who smiled bitterly when he asked me to congratulate him properly next time.

I’ll even write a short letter, so I remembered Mimir’s face who smiled mischievously and told me not to cry when I saw it later.

“Abama is… … Be cruel.”

It reminds me of my meeting with Mimir in the past.

The first greeting from Mimir, who said let’s talk casually.

The advice you gave me.

Take care of me, believe in me, give for me.

The time spent with Mimir in Mimir’s Book flows like a panorama.

“cruel… … is it.”

Master looked at Mimir with regretful eyes.

“I may look cruel in your eyes. If I had quietly disappeared without incident, there would have been no more pain. why. I think you have that kind of resentment.”

“… … .”

“But daughter. You are cruel, too.”

Master looked into my eyes.

It was an eye full of regret.

“The regret of a person who couldn’t even say goodbye properly and let go of a loved one… Sadness… It is bigger than you can imagine.”


If the.

What would have happened if Master hadn’t appeared like this?

Bale Stoll didn’t do anything to Master, and Master didn’t show up.

If you passed the page of the sixth test as it is.

After passing the test, he tried to return to Mimir’s Book, but if Mimir’s Book had already completed its role and returned to a normal book.

What kind of mind was I


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“I hope the heir doesn’t feel the sadness I felt.”

Master slowly approached Mimir.

“I hope you don’t break up like running away.”

Then get down on one knee and sit down. She met Mimir’s eyes as she lowered her head.

“I’m an ugly father who couldn’t protect your last, but a bad father who never told you that I love you properly… … .”

He raised his hand and gently stroked Mimir’s cheek.

“Only 23 hours. It’s an ugly father who can only give you that much time, but… … .”

Wiping away the tears flowing down her cheeks with her thumb, she met Mimir’s eyes.

“Unlike me, you don’t have anything ugly. sure until the end. So that your heirs will not remember your last days with resentment and regret. I wanted to be a wonderful daughter.”

“Abba… … mama… … .”

Mimir slowly raised his head.

Reddened eyes.

I look at Master with wide eyes.

My heart ached.

That Mimir was making that expression.

That I couldn’t say anything to Mimir who was making such an expression.

“sorry. I entrusted you with this executive role.”

Mimir’s lips trembled.

The sadness seems to have grown.

Tears are flowing more and more violently.

“Twice to you. I’m sorry for making you feel this sadness.”

Master slowly rose from her seat. He held Mimir by the cheek, and he lifted Mimir’s head.

“really… … .”

Mimir was suddenly embraced by Master. He hugged her tightly and buried his face in his chest.

“Turn it off.”

even as it is.


I cried out loud.

It hurt enough to break my heart.

“I was resentful of Obama.”

“… … okay.”

“Alone for a long time… … . Because I’m so lonely. Because I miss people’s warmth. There were times when I wanted to die.”

“… … sorry.”

“still… … I mean, though.”

Mimir bites his lip and holds back a cry.

“The last half year… … I was happy.”

My vision was blurred.

Tears clouded my vision.

“The heir I met after a long wait… … A man named Shin Ha-yul… … Because he’s as wonderful as I thought… … .”

It was an indescribable heartache.

“continue. The defective princess who was always called half-penny. She’s happy to be of help to someone… … .”

“… … okay.”

Master’s voice trembled.

“Then I was grateful. My resentment towards Obama disappeared like snow melting. Am I really selfish?”

Master buried his face in Mimir’s head as it was.

“so… … so… … .”

Mimir’s voice trembled.

I wanted to say more, but tears stopped me from speaking.

“Break up… … .”


An indescribable howl filled with tears.

“I don’t want to break up.”

Master’s hand, which was holding Mimir’s head, became stronger.

“I finally found my life. Every day was fun… … .”

“… … .”

“why. Can the Book of Mimir not exist forever? why… … . why… … .”

“… … .”

Mimir cried.

Like throwing up all the anger of the past.

It’s like regurgitating everything you’ve put in your heart.

I cried so loudly that I had no regrets.

“So please, please.”

Mimir spoke slowly.

“like this… … Please send.”

“Mimir… … .”

Master’s expression darkened.

“My behavior is that leaving quietly like this is cruel to the heir. i know. I know… … .”

Mimir removed his face from Master’s chest and slowly raised his head.

“I am… … I can’t stand it.”

Mimir laughed.

With a face covered in tears, he forced a smile.

“You will want to live longer. You will hate breaking up. The more we talk… … . It will break your heart. therefore… … .”

Mimir smiled brightly.

“like this. please make it disappear It’s my daughter’s first and last childishness.”

“… … .”

Master gave no answer.

No father was cruel enough to say no to Mimir now.

“And please… … .”

Mimir slowly turned his gaze to me.

Mimir’s face wrinkles.

“The remaining time of Obama is not for my final farewell… … . Please use it entirely for the successor.”

sad smile.

heartbreaking expression.

“Because of my grumbling, 10 minutes have already disappeared, but… Still, 20 minutes is a long time. These 20 minutes now… … It will surely be of great help to the Heir in the future. so… … .”

“Mimir… … .”

Master bowed her head.

The complex examination is conveyed through the eyes.

“Heir. I will also ask the successor.”

Mimir made eye contact with me.

“Please, even for me… … Even for you… … . Use Obama’s 20 minutes for you.”

“… … .”

“That’s my… … This is my last request.”

Mimir laughed and cried.

“you… … .”

My lips trembled.

“If you say so… … You can’t refuse… … .”

Mimir laughed.

“thank you.”

It was the smile of a fragile baby bird.

“So much. So much that I can’t express it… … it was fun.”

Mimir smiled and finally looked at Master.


“… … i get it.”

Master bowed her head.

He then concentrated mana into the hand placed on Mimir’s head.

Mimir’s body slowly began to disappear.

where it was originally.

It would be Mimir’s return to each other.

Mimir’s rapidly disappearing body.

Looking at her body like that, Mimir smiled faintly.

smiled and looked at me.

“… … hi.”

With that smile, he said goodbye to me.

“You should be happy.”

Is it because it’s the last face you see?

Mimir’s smile was brighter and more cheerful than any smile I’d ever seen.

As much as I see it makes me sad.

* * *

“There is no time. Let’s start right away.”

After Mimir disappeared.

I immediately opened the topic.

We now have about 19 minutes left.

You should use these 19 minutes effectively.

“You are cool.”

Master smiled bitterly as if he was a little surprised.

Calmly assessing the situation is a good virtue.

It was such an expression, as if he was sad as a father, to shake off his separation from Mimir so easily.

“Because it was Mimir’s request to use the remaining time effectively for Mimir and me.”

“… … okay. It did.”

Master closed her eyes and let out a short breath.

“okay. What are you most curious about?”

When she opened her eyes again, all delusions had disappeared from Master’s eyes.

“Are you talking about the birth of the bi-tenor style? The story between Bale Stall and me? Or, do you need advice on your future achievements?”

All of them were mouth-watering topics.

If I had enough time, I would have liked to hear it all.

“Time is finite. Think about what information you need the most right now, and decide. I’ll give you 30 seconds.”

Master could have arbitrarily divided the importance and explain the most important things in turn.

It was really like a teacher that he dared to give me a choice.

Should I say that he is the one who created the bi-tenor ceremony that symbolizes freedom?

“it’s okay. I’ve thought enough. I’ve been thinking about it since Mimir started crying in Master’s embrace until now.”

“Has it been since then? You are so cold. It’s a bit scary… … .”

“no. I am not sober. I’m in such a hurry because I’m not cool.”

When Mimir is weeping so pitifully, it may seem cold-hearted to think of the latter.

But no.

I am not sober.

Because he was not cold-hearted, he was able to immediately fall into his thoughts while watching the scene.

“I don’t want to let Mimir go like this.”

“that… … .”

Master looked at me with sad eyes.

Unfortunately, this is impossible.

Master’s eyes said so.

“I know there is no way, Master. If it was possible, you would have already done it.”

I’m not really looking for answers from Master.

“What I want is a hint, not an answer.”


“yes. hint. A hint to find a way to keep Mimir from disappearing like this. A hint to make a way this might not be the end.”

“hint. Hint… … .”

Master looked at me with a surprised expression.

“You know what? Until now, no one had ever asked me for a hint, not an answer. Everyone asked me for an answer.”

Ray Bell bitenor.

He is already a god-like being.

As much as he was a god, everyone must have sought the right answer from him.

Because God knows everything.

Because what God thinks is more accurate than what you think.

“But you gave me a hint… … You ask for my knowledge. Using my knowledge as information, you are trying to come to a new conclusion yourself.”

“Do you think I am arrogant?”

“no. No way.”

A bright light flowed from Master’s eyes.

It was a look of genuine admiration.

“Those who want someone else to find the right answer for them settle for that answer. However, those who try to find the right answer on their own constantly grow while wandering in search of new answers.”

Master put a hand on my shoulder.

“excellent. You were also born with the destiny of being the official successor of the Bytenor style.”

It was a look of genuine joy.

“okay. what can i do to help? what do you want from me?”

“I want to know the structure of magic.”

“What magic do you mean?”

“Mimir… … And the magic that bound Elena and Aslan to this place. The structure and definition of magic, its laws, and so on. I want to know everything.”

Master gave a small smile.


“Like I said before. It is to ensure that Mimir is not let go like this.”

“It is the magic that I made and made by myself. Knowing the structure of this magic doesn’t change anything. There is nothing you can do. future. I don’t know if you’ve surpassed me, but it’s impossible now.”


I firmly shook my head.

“I know that I am infinitely inferior to Master. I also know that the achievements of the bi-tenor style are incomparable to Master’s. but… … .”

Master’s smile began to grow thicker.

“I have knowledge of the future. There is knowledge of a newly established magic system refined over 18,000 years, an advanced magic system knowledge that did not exist in Master’s time.”

It was a story 18,000 years ago that Ray Bell Bytenor couldn’t find a way.

if now

If you use the knowledge of the modern magic system that has now made revolutionary progress.

If you add Ray Bell Bytenor’s original magical knowledge to that.

There is still hope.

“Mimir did. Bytenorism is the power for the future. The power to evolve, the power to accept the future and grow. I believe in that. That’s why I’m begging you.”

Master laughed.

He laughed out loud as if it couldn’t get any more fun.

“In other words, you will already surpass me. Did you mean this?”

“If that’s the only way, that’s the only way.”

“You are already in the 6th circle.”

“I would have made this choice if I had been in the 5th or 4th circle instead of the 6th circle.”

“… … haha! ha ha ha!”

Master’s laughter grows louder and louder.

“okay. I think I know a little bit why Mimir gave you so much heart. You certainly have a charm that attracts people.”

The strength I felt in Master’s hand gripping my shoulder became even stronger.

Beyond that grip, it felt like Master’s will was fully conveyed.

“i get it. If you say that, if that’s your last hope… … .”

Master’s hand that had been placed on my shoulder was moved over my head.

“I will also put my hopes on it. I will do as you please. I will pass on the magical structure I used to create the Book of Idred and the Book of Mimir.”

Mana began to concentrate in Master’s hand, which was placed above my head.

“However, there is not enough time to explain verbally. In order to explain the structure of magic, I have no choice but to overdo it to some extent.”

“… … yes. I was expecting it.”

Perhaps what Master is trying to do now is the direct injection of knowledge.

It must be using magic to slam information directly into my brain.

“Can you hold on? I won’t ask you the same question. If you’re the one I saw, there’s no way you couldn’t stand it.”


Master’s body blurs.

You’re using this magic right now, and you’re pouring out all the remaining mana.

“Lastly, I ask you not as an ancestor, but as a father of a child. please.”

Master’s face blurs.

It looked like petals blown away by the wind.

“Please don’t ask Mimir. Save the child.”


Mana concentrated in my head.

As if the influx of knowledge was about to begin, my head ached and my mind began to blur.

“Please leave it to me.”

After those words, Master’s knowledge began to flow into my head.

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