Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 264

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Chapter 264

“… … .”

“… … .”

There was only silence in the tea room.

Sein-nim still only glared at me with a subtle smile.

Lillian-nim was observing Sein-nim with an expression of ‘why is he like this’.

As if Adela hadn’t calmed down yet, as if she hadn’t calmed down at the killing blow sent by the previous generation, she was just repeating her deep breaths.

‘… … driving me crazy.’

And I was breaking out in a cold sweat among those three.


This place is insanely uncomfortable right now.

‘That meaningful expression. Did you really notice?’

Maybe you noticed that I am Luan Palatia.

There is no reason to look at me like that unless you noticed.

‘And that life… … .’

Maybe that life was meant to test me.

‘If you were trying to find similarities between me and Ruan by checking the habits and gestures that come out of sudden situations, then it makes sense for you to scatter your life so recklessly.’

All of the circumstantial evidence leans towards Sein-nim knowing everything.

‘… … driving me crazy.’

Sein-sama’s smile gradually deepened.

Cold sweat runs down my back just by looking at that smile.

‘why… … . How did it get caught?’

Except for me, there are only five people who know about my identity.

Father, Uncle Seok-hyeon, Captain Charles, Adela, and Shadow.

Except for these five, no one knows that I am Luan Palatia.

By the way, even the broker doesn’t know that I am Luan Palatia.

I would have known at the time I made the fake ID, but would it be more accurate to say that I don’t remember now?

The basic condition of the identity forgery broker I used this time is to delete the memory with a contract immediately after the transaction.

I didn’t spend that kind of money on making fake IDs for nothing.

‘There’s no one among the five that can leak information.’

They are not people who would leak information, even by mistake.

‘Then how?’

If those five people didn’t leak the information, how could Sein-nim notice it?

I don’t know.

no expectations at all

“three. How long are you going to keep laughing like that?”

While I was wrapping my hair like that, Lilian-nim broke the silence and opened her mouth.

“If you have something to say to Ha Yul, do it quickly. Don’t put so much pressure on me.”

“Hmm. Did it look like it was putting pressure on you?”

“Why are you staring at me if you’re not pressuring me?”

“well. I don’t know either.”

Sein-nim grinned again.

It was a smile that made people uneasy.

“Don’t pretend. What? Did you want to check Ha Yul’s skills?”

“It seems so.”

“… … he’s real What are we going to do after calling a guest?”

Lillian-nim frowned as if she were genuinely angry.

It seems that Saein-nim’s rude behavior is causing her anger to the tip of her head.

“Answer me properly. What is your purpose?”

Lillian-nim glared at Sein-nim with a bloody expression.

Regardless of Lillian-sama’s gaze, Sain-nim only looked at me.

“just. I had some things to check.”

“… … That’s why you’re asking what it is.”

“That is a secret.”

Sein-nim laughed as if he was having a lot of fun.

“you. Are you protesting that you woke up early because of us?”

“It’s just fine. Let it be like that.”

“ah. really… … . What are you doing today?”

Saein gave a last laugh and looked away from me.

“The tea is cold.”

“Who is it for… … .”

“Victor. Bring me a new car.”

Sein said to the butler who was waiting in the back.

The butler bowed his head and left the room.

A new refreshment table will be ready in less than three minutes.

Just like you did at the tea party so far.

“Hmm. Come to think of it, there was no one in the tea room right now.”

“Why is there no one in the tea room? Did you go on vacation?”


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“Two people are taking full care of Stella. The relatively leisurely tea room was empty.”

“… … Miss Stella. Are you still not well?”

“The physical wounds are all healed. However… … .”

“… … Looks like you still can’t shake off Luan’s death.”


Sein-nim glared at me.

It’s an expression of resentment towards me.

‘… … Are you sure.’

I was certain with that expression.

Sein-sama knows that I am ‘Luan Palatia’.

“Anyway, that’s how it is, Lillian. I will ask you a favor.”

“ask? What do you want?”

“Victor is good at everything else, but he’s just as bad at making tea.”

“… … Do you want me to boil it?”

Sein-nim nodded slightly.

“Would you like to ask a customer for something like that?”

“I was asking a friend, not a guest.”

“You speak very well.”

Lilian-nim let out a small sigh and stood up.

“Eh. okay. I’ll come.”

“You will be alone. Take her daughter too.”

“Why Adela?”

“Your complexion hasn’t been good since before. Wouldn’t it be a little better if you get some fresh air?”

“Is that what the cause giver would say?”

Lillian-nim glared at Sein-nim again.

“What, do you have something to talk about with Ha-yul?”

Lillian-nim, who quickly relaxed her expression, asked with a serious expression.

“I will not deny it.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t you think that if I had been able to tell you, I wouldn’t have prepared an excuse like this?”

“… … Should I say shameless? It’s nice to be confident.”

Lilian-nim let out a small sigh.

“okay. After all, I had a duty. You’re not trying to harm Ha Yul, are you?”

“No way.”

“… … okay.”

Mistress Lillian sighed again, then turned her gaze to me.

“Then I will come. Adela.”

“… … yes.”

Adela, who had been dazed for a long time, stood up hesitantly from her seat.

Then, Lillian-sama followed him outside.

The kid has really gone completely crazy.


That’s how Sein-nim and I were left in the tea room.


Sein-nim spoke slowly.

“When I breathed life. In an instant, my hand moved to my waist. It’s like trying to pull out a sword hung from your waist.”

“Aren’t you looking at it wrong? I prepared the magic right away… … .”

“I’m talking about before preparing the magic.”

Sein-sama’s smile deepened.

“You responded to my life, reflexively trying to move your hand to your waist. Then, as if realizing something, I stopped and prepared the magic.”

“… … .”

“If you’re thinking of making fun of it, stop it. To others, it would have seemed like a momentary hesitation, but my eyes couldn’t be fooled. Your hand definitely moved around your waist.”

It was all true.

In fact, I almost made a reflex action to draw out my sword.

“ruler. Try to answer. Why did the wizard take his hand to his waist?”

“… … .”

Sein-nim silently glared at me. It looked like he was going to wait and see where he would come up with an excuse.

I don’t think I can take off the pretense any more.

“How did you know?”

I raised both hands and made a gesture of surrender.


“Who did you hear what from?”

“Dear Shadow. everything.”

“Shadow… … yo. this?”

Shadow told Sain everything?


‘There’s no reason for Shadow to do such a thing.’

What are your thoughts on Shadow?

Could it be that you betrayed me?

“Don’t make that face. It’s not like he betrayed you.”

It seems like you read my thoughts through my expression.

“… … well. I have completely lost contact since yesterday. If you even leaked my information, I think you might have betrayed me.”

it’s my negligence

I thought that he would hold a grudge against the Black Magic Tower, and there was no way he would betray me with the same purpose.

I would betray you like this

Have I been too slow?

“You can judge whether he is a traitor or not after hearing what I have to say.”

Sein made a gesture to calm down.

“Do you know what he said when he came to my room last night?”

“What did you say?”

“He asked me to be your strength.”

“… … yes?”

“When there is an all-out war with the Black Magic Tower, please stand by your side and protect you. said so.”

“… … .”

It was something I could never have imagined.

Shadow said that?

“They said that revealing all of this was their own decision, and that it seemed right to reveal it before it was too late, before it became irreversible.”

“Before it becomes irreversible… … .”


Sein-nim’s eyes turned savage.

“Originally, the longer the lie, the deeper the goal. shadow. I guess he didn’t want our relationship with you to deteriorate that way.”

If I go back to Korea without Sein-sama finding out that I was Luan Palatia.

What would have happened if, after a while, it was actually discovered that I was Luan Palatia?

I wonder if he was happy that Ruan, whom he thought was actually dead, was alive.

no. No way.

You will feel betrayed.

As the lie lengthened, the feelings of disappointment and betrayal would have grown proportionately.

Shadow seemed to be worried about such a future coming.

“Well, just say it like that. In reality, it seems that the country hoped that its huge force would become a reliable ally as soon as possible.”

If I kept everything secret and went back to Korea, my relationship with Sae-in would be nothing.

Then, even if something happens, I won’t be able to get help from Sein-sama.

Shadow thought it was a waste.

“It doesn’t mean that no matter what, he betrayed you.”

“… … .”

It sure seems like he acted with me in mind… … .

something feels weird

What should I say about this feeling?

“Your curiosity has been resolved. Then I will ask you a question.”

Sein-nim cut off his words once with his eyes shining.

“I wonder why you did not reveal the truth to me. Shadow said you didn’t say anything because you were concerned about leaking information… … . That may not be the only reason.”

Sein-nim frowned.

“Did you think I would be disappointed if I revealed the truth?”

“… … .”

It was the correct answer.

“Looks right.”

Sein-nim glared at me with a mysterious expression.

“I am very disappointed. To think that I was only that much of a vessel.”

Sein-nim slowly got up from his seat and approached me.

“I may have felt betrayed to some extent at the fact that I had been duped, but… … .”

He even hugged me tightly.

“The feeling of betrayal, Luan, must have been quickly forgotten and weathered in the joy of being alive. stupid guy.”

He hugged me and gently patted my back.

“Good come back. I am glad you are alive.”

“Sain-sama… … .”

An indescribable feeling filled my heart.

I am grateful, I feel guilty, I am happy, I am sorry.

Thousands of emotions ran through my head.

“… … I-I’m sorry.”

After all the emotions have passed. The words of apology came naturally from my mouth.

sorry for everything

“It happened. Complaints will be set aside later to vent.”

Sein-nim hugged me and stroked my hair.

“Right now, I just want to rejoice that you are alive.”

Sein said in a warm voice, as if he was sincerely welcoming me.

* * *

After that, Sein-nim held me until Lillian-nim and Adela returned.

At the end, he pulled himself away from me and said, ‘I’ll put off complaining until another time. Make time tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.’ As he said that, chills went down his spine.

And then, ‘Tell Stella your own words. You have to settle the karma you accumulated with your own hands.’

When I heard that, my mind went blank.

How will Stella react?

I’m already afraid.


Involuntarily, I let out a sigh.

Worry is a mountain.

‘Stellado Stelande… … .’

The concern isn’t just for Stella.

‘Shadow… … .’

Rather, this is more of a concern.

Before leaving the mansion, I opened and read the note handed to me by Sein.

[When you are reading this note, I will have disappeared from your presence.]

[Maybe they resent me for revealing everything to Sein Binoche with my own judgment. Or are you trying to do that?]

Three letters that Shadow entrusted to Sein-sama.

I quickly flipped through the first page and checked the second to the last line.

[I intend to act alone for a while. I believe in you, but I don’t think you truly believe in me as a member of a criminal group.]

[For the sake of each other, it would be better in many ways to act separately for now.]

And the third last page.

[I will briefly explain what I will do in the future, in case you worry about doing something else.]

[I plan to re-infiltrate the Black Mage Tower.]

[Hermes and the Dark Mage King would never have imagined that I would have been freed from the shadow of Umbra.]

[You can’t even imagine that the shadow of Umbra recovered everything that was taken away and returned to the body of an adult.]

[Now is the best time to infiltrate.]

[After the Doctor died and I betrayed him.]

[How the black mage tower will change the action guidelines. I’ll check that out.]

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