Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 227

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Chapter 227

After that, 4 days passed.

In the meantime, there were no special incidents.

As usual, I spent my time immersed in training and gaining knowledge.

It was a very meaningful time.

My ability to handle Moebius patterns has also improved somewhat.

I’ve read almost all the stories related to mythology and magic.

Looking back, it was a very fulfilling time.

After spending so much time, it was time to enter France.

“Please leave your luggage, passport, and ID.”


The flight attendant who handed me the documents greeted me with a bright smile.

“The procedure has been completed. thank you.”

The procedure was over quickly.

The flight attendant returned the documents including the ID card.

“thank you.”

I was handed over various materials as they were, and I bowed my head slightly.

The flight attendant’s expression brightened at my answer.

“and. Are you fluent in Korean?”

I am currently changing my appearance using bitenor magic.

My current appearance is that of a mixed-race French.

“yes. My mother is Korean.”

“aha. You learned from your mother.”


If it was an ordinary airport, the flight attendants wouldn’t have talked to me like that.

But this is not an ordinary airport, it is a special airport.

It is a business airport used only by wizards and other high-end personnel.

As such, there are not that many people.

At this airport, it is not uncommon for flight attendants to talk to customers as much as they are free.

“Did you have a good trip?”

“yes. I also went to my mother’s hometown. It was good.”

By the way, I’m not saying that out of boredom.

“thank god. By the way, it looks like you came alone? It would have been better if she had come with her mother.”

They have a ulterior motive for them to talk like that.

“Then it would have been nice, but unfortunately he has already passed away.”

“ah… … . Sin, sorry.”

As this airport is a special airport used only by high-class personnel, all aspects are splendid.

If you become friends with one of them, you will benefit greatly.

That’s why they’re talking to each other.

To build a good network, and to get a strong back.

In fact, there are a lot of people who make friends this way.

It is a kind of superstition.

The flight attendants are good because they have connections.

It’s nice for customers to take care of the convenience.

“You don’t have to worry about it. You didn’t do that on purpose.”

“… … I-I’m really sorry.”

The flight attendant bowed her head with an apologetic expression.

It was a sincere apology that made me feel sorry for everyone.

“It’s really fine.”

Our conversation lasted quite a long time.

The main topic of discussion is the flight attendants.

I devoted myself to adapting to my changed status and playing the match.

“Ah, so are you going to France for work?”


“By the way, if you don’t mind me asking what kind of work you do… … .”

My current name on my ID is Luan Palatia.

27 years old.

Nationality is French.

and the job.

“It is a knight.”

A person who seeks the extremes of the sword through mana cores.

it’s a knight

“energy… … buy… … .”

At that moment, the flight attendant’s expression hardened.

It looked like he knew exactly what he was thinking.

It was so obvious that I couldn’t notice it.

‘Ah, time wasted.’

This flight attendant is wasting his time talking to me.


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“… … okay. You must suffer a lot.”

He gave a soulless answer with a business smile that was comparable to the bright smile from before.

It was such a dramatic change that I had the illusion that this person was the same person as the person before.

Of course, it wasn’t a rude response.

The overflowing goodwill just disappeared.

“Ah, the next guest is here. Thank you for visiting Korea, and I wish you only good things after you return.”

After the flight attendant gave some soulless words of encouragement, she turned her gaze to the newly arrived guest.

“Ah, wizard. Come over here. We will help you with the reception.”

At first glance, he looks like a man with the words ‘I am a wizard’ written on it.

The flight attendant greeted the man with a smile as bright as when he greeted me earlier.

‘I expected it. really… … That’s right… … .’

The reason the flight attendant changed his attitude like that was because I was a knight.

Currently, in this world, the existence of a knight is inferior to a wizard.

It is treated as a labor force that can be hired at a cheaper unit price than wizards.

It is a kind of service handling.

As such, there are many people who openly ignore it like that.

‘It was said that Asran and Mimir were like that, even until the era of the Bytenor Empire, knights were a high-class manpower comparable to wizards. Why did he fall so far?’

I heard that in the past there were even knights who could overwhelm Aslan.

In short, the knight’s potential is comparable to that of a 9th-circle wizard, Aslan, who used space magic.

Even though such people do not benefit from AI, I couldn’t understand why they were weeded out this far.

‘I’ll have to look into it later when the time comes.’

As a person who has mastered the Mana Core, I was quite curious as to why the beings called knights were eliminated like this.


Just then, the phone in my pocket vibrated.


It was a text from an unknown sender.

Of course, the sender is unknown because it is not registered.

I know who sent it.

‘Adela arrived first.’

This text is from Adela.

It was a report that had just arrived at Stairt Street.

I did not send a separate reply. No, it would be more accurate to say that I couldn’t send it.

The phone I currently have is for reception.

It’s close to being invincible to outside interference, but instead I can’t contact you.

This is a fact that Adela knows, so there is nothing wrong with not replying separately.

‘I’m glad you arrived safely.’

I put the phone in my pocket while thinking such a silly thought.

No, I was trying to put it in.


If someone hadn’t given me a powerful body slam, I would have.


The man slammed into my body, deliberately hitting the phone I was holding in my hand.

Tak, kung, degururu… … .

My phone went round and round on the floor.

Normally, I wouldn’t have missed it. It seems I was too careless.

“I’m sorry about this.”

The man who bumped into me spoke to me with a sarcastic smile.

He puts his hands in his pockets and smiles faintly.

A sharp-looking man ran up behind him.

“I told you to go a little slower.”

The group of men who followed me alternately glanced at the man and me with a smug look on their faces.

“sorry. He doesn’t have iron… … .”

For a moment, he looked like an immature friend and a healthy young man trying to stop him.

But no.

“What should I do with the knight who is using such an old phone?”

He pretends to be sorry, but the corners of his mouth are smiling.

They say they play with each other, and everyone in the party is the same guy.

“sorry. Did you know that a knight would be such a weakling?”

“Because he is a knight, he is weak. stupid.”

“Oh, is that right?”

The two giggled at each other.

It was very spectacle.

‘When I was talking to the flight attendant earlier, they must have heard that I am a knight.’

Without looking through their eyes, these two are wizards.

Is it roughly 5 circles?

‘I heard that wizards often quarrel with knights. I didn’t know that I would face that.’

Wizards hate knights.

In the past, right before AI was commercialized, there was a great war between wizards and knights.

Because of this war, wizards and knights became enemies at all.

Even before that, there was a record of frequent confrontations.

Since the knights fell under such circumstances, it was natural for the mages to run amok.

‘… … Tsk. He’s making everyone disgrace the wizard.’

I’d like to scold the two of them, but since a seat is a seat, there’s no need to do anything to stand out.

Especially since it’s a fake identity.

I put the equipment mask I was wearing up to my nose again and picked up my phone that had fallen on the floor.

As it is a high-class product, it is unaffected by this level of shock.

“I have no pride.”

“I know.”

The two of them clicked their tongues as if it wasn’t funny. I’ll have a reason to go out rough if I’m going to go out.

Because he is calm, on the contrary, he seems to be irritated.

“Not funny. let’s go.”

The man who hit me to the body turned around first.

It was an expression that asked what fun it would be to see it in a sarcastic way, with no reply or reaction.

“I was wondering what was different about French articles. Is it the same over there or here?”

“I told you. Knight’s honor in the age of magic. there is no way to stay Kuk-kuk.”

That was when the two of them went farther away.


A girl cut in front of the two.

‘This woman… … .’

It was a face I knew.

* * *

“Could you say it again? What happened to the knight’s honor?”

A girl of about 20 years of appearance.

I can’t say for sure because I’m wearing walkers, but I think I’m roughly in the late 160’s.

She was wearing a formal dress and seemed to have her hair tucked into a hat, but her blue hair was peeking out through the hat.

“What are you again?”

“I think I asked first. What did you just say?”

And lastly, he wears a sword at his waist.

It was a three-sword that looked luxurious at first glance.

“aha. Are you a knight too?”

The man grinned when he saw the sword hanging from the woman’s waist.

“Come to think of it, those robes. The regalia of the French National Knights School?”

“Khehehe. why? Were we offended?”

The two of them sneered at each other with the expression that they were having fun again.

“okay. If our elite knights want to hear it again, we have to tell them.”

Then he approached the girl and licked her lips while facing her.

“The honor of a knight has long since fallen.”

“… … .”

The girl grabbed the sword that was hanging from her waist.

Touching a knight’s honor is the same as touching a wizard’s circle.

If you hold back after hearing that, that is not an article.

“that word. I will take it as a duel.”

“oh. duel. It’s scary.”

“I am so scared that I am shaking.”

The two of them pretended to tremble while laughing.

Now this situation is very funny expression.

“But, what about this? We’ve already left all the equipment. I am naked.”

“Assuming you’re fighting naked, I might stick with you.”

The two of them licked their tongues and laughed.

“… … .”

The woman frowned.

Modern wizards can use magic without any restrictions as long as there is AI without any equipment, but

not an article

A knight cannot exert his true power without a sword.

“Cowardly… … .”

“Isn’t a knight more cowardly who wants to fight with a sword against a naked wizard?”

The woman bit her lip.

“Well, don’t hate it.”

“If you don’t like it, we go. Let’s see if we can see each other later. The fallen knight will be healed.”

“this… … .”

A blood cross rose on the woman’s forehead.

‘I was going to go over well… … .’

The woman removed her hand from the sword and raised her hand.

It was a motion to call someone who had accompanied her.

“You can’t. I guess… … .”

That moment.


A little while ago, the man who was being persecuted by the two men, Shin Ha-yul, moved.

“apologize? what?”

“Khehehe. Are you pretending to be in front of a woman? It’s a knight in the middle of the day… … .”

The man couldn’t be sarcastic until the end.



Shin Ha-yul, who had moved right in front of the two men before he knew it, grabbed the man’s mouth.

The man whose mouth was like a duck’s as his cheeks were pressed together let out a moan.

“Tell me again. Apologize.”

The eyes of the two men trembled.

‘Uh, when in front of me… … .’

The two men did not even see the afterimage of Shin Ha-yul.

“For reference, there are no three times.”

The grip is getting stronger and stronger.

The power was so powerful that the man’s jaw creaked.

“Hey, here! This mad knight catches people!”

At that time, the one remaining party shouted.

He called a security guard to accuse Shin Ha-yul of coercive behavior.

The guards will probably be here within a minute.

“Don’t get me wrong. I have no idea what to do with you right now.”

But if the guards come, it won’t be a problem.

Currently, Shin Ha-yul is just holding the man’s mouth.

There is no such thing as a legal problem.

“At least for now.”

Shin Ha-yul removed his hand from the man and raised his other hand.

Spread out your blades and make them like blades. Cut through the air as it is.

Woo woo woo-!

It sounded like a blade cutting through the air.

That too three times in a row.

and right after that.

“… … !!”

Sword pressure passed by the sides of the man’s ears and over his head.

All three sword pressures briefly brushed through her hair.

“you you… … .”

That was all, but the man couldn’t say anything.

“Don’t get me wrong. There was no other intention. It’s just that there are some mosquitoes. Because mosquitoes are poisonous these days. It was just removed.”


The man swallowed dry saliva.

‘This man. It’s not an ordinary knight.’

Although his personality has deteriorated, he is a wizard who is in the 5th circle.

I know how to see through the opponent’s ability to some extent.

this speed.

this power.

This man is no ordinary knight.

‘I touched the wrong person!’

A cold sweat broke out on the man’s back.

“… … Yes, I apologize.”

Fertilization is also bet according to the opponent. The man immediately changed his posture.

Small people are like small people, and in front of the strong, you can do it.

It was not a big deal to bow down to two small people who had lived a life of strength and weakness.

“We made a mistake. I will retract everything I said and apologize.”

“Not me. to this lady.”

“… … sorry. I will apologize.”

The man lowered his head while rolling his eyes.

Like a small person who becomes infinitely weak in front of a strong person, he seemed to care nothing about pride.

“yes… … ? ah. yes… … . that’s an apology yes. I should get… … . yes.”

However, the girl’s reaction was strange.

Even though he received the apology he wanted, he seems uninspired.

No, should I say that he doesn’t seem to have the energy to react to the apology itself?

‘A hand-blade cut without a sword, just swinging it, has that sharpness and speed… … .’

The woman is currently preoccupied with Shin Ha-yul’s miracle.

There was no time to worry about the apologies of those two bullies.

“okay. Then go away.”

“Yes, yes.”

The two hurriedly left.

The airport where silence came in an instant.

“Excuse me.”

Shin Ha-yul bowed his head to the woman and moved to Gate 14.

“I-for a moment… … !”

He heard a voice calling out from behind, but he ignored it.

Instead of stopping, I increased my speed.

‘It almost got into trouble.’

While walking, Shin Ha-yul let out a sigh of relief.

‘Here, meet the treasure of the French National Knight School.’

The woman I just met is Stella Binoche.

He is a very famous figure in France.

In Korea, of course, he is treated as a state guest, and he has considerable power.

If he had left it as it was, he would have used all his power to punish those two earlier.

The gesture of raising his hand earlier is proof of that.

That action was like a signal to call his escort.

If I left it as it was, the escort would appear and beat the two men like dogs.

Then, problems arise in many ways, and the flight itself may be delayed, or it may develop into an international problem and the flight may be canceled altogether.

So I went ahead and blocked it.

I have to intervene before it turns into a big problem so that I can leave the country safely.

‘… … Those scum lived as small people among small people.’

Shin Ha-yul let out a sigh of relief and continued to walk to Gate 14.

“… … .”

And the place where Shin Ha-yul left.

The woman was standing alone, looking at the distant Shin Ha-yul.

“Who is it?”

At the woman’s murmur, a man appeared out of thin air.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a butler’s uniform.

“I do not know. Seeing her face was covered with a mask.”

“Maybe a master class?”

“Minimal master class. If it’s necessary, I’m on the same level as the hostess, or maybe even more.”

“… … Are you better than your mother?”

“yes. Even if you don’t hold a sword, only the hostess can demonstrate that level of sword skill.”

Three consecutive strikes using the blade of the hand.

It was a quick and swift blow, enough to give the illusion that three consecutive strikes were unfolding in an instant.

Even while unleashing such a blow, he even showed perfect control, brushing the target exactly with a gap of a piece of paper.

Thinking back, I can only admire.

“Where did such a person appear?”

“well. Because there are many strong people in the world that we don’t know about. It must be one of them.”

“It means that you are from the shadows. If so, am I evil?”

“It didn’t seem like it. Wicked people usually don’t act for others. Had he been evil, he would not have dared to step forward.”

“… … It is like that too.”

“More than anything. The young man’s eyes were very clear.”

Soon, Shin Ha-yul disappeared beyond the aisle.

“He’s an unknown talent, but he’s not a bad guy.”

The woman’s eyes shone brightly.

“I care more. What is that man’s true identity?”

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