Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 169

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Chapter 169

“Then I go.”

After Charles gave a small yawn, he gently waved his hand.

“Are you leaving already?”

“then. gotta go Your business is over, you don’t need to stay anymore.”

Charles turned his head halfway to stare into my eyes. It was something sly.

“Or what, would you like some tea?”

“yes. I was going to. I got help this time too. I also wanted to say thank you.”

Charles played a big role in the capture of Tkish this time.

As much as he helped me without any cost, this side also has to show the corresponding courtesy.

“it’s okay. I don’t like cars very much. Buy me a drink later.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m underage. Alcohol is a bit difficult.”

“Excuses. I drank well at the celebration party last time.”

“that… … hmm… … .”

I was at a loss for words for a moment.

Everyone was soaked in the afterglow of victory and drank little by little the drinks the engineers and instructors handed over.

Because that’s not right under the original law.

“The guy who didn’t seem to change his expression even if I put a knife to his throat. I’m quite embarrassed about such a trivial thing. This is also fun.”

Charles laughed as if he was having fun.

“Anyway, buy me a drink next time. If being a minor is a problem, you can buy it later when you become an adult.”

“yes. If that’s the case, it doesn’t matter at all.”

Charles, the leader of the hounds, is a huge force known to those in the know.

Continuing to interact with such a person is absolutely nothing to lose.

“You know instead? As much as a year and a half left, shoot hard?”

“yes. of course.”

“good. I’m looking forward to it.”

Charles gave a hearty laugh and turned his body completely.

“Then see you again. check it out well Oh, and if you have any problems, call me. The phone number is on the business card I put in the box over there.”

“yes. All right.”

“Then bye.”

Charles waved his hand moderately with his back to me.

And immediately spurred the earth, and disappeared far away.

“Are you done talking?”

Uncle Seok-hyeon approached me as I was left alone.

“yes. It’s done.”

“That box… … .”

Mr. Seokhyun looked at the box in my arms and asked.

“hmm. He said it was a gift.”

“Shall we check in advance?”

“it’s okay.”

There is no chance that there is anything strange in it.

“… … You seem to trust Captain Charles quite a bit.”

“yes. I think he is a trustworthy person. Of course, it’s nothing compared to Mr. Seokhyun.”

“… … okay.”

Mr. Seokhyun replied with a subtle look in his eyes.

It looks like something is suspicious.

‘Was there a chance for me to get close to Charles, was there anything to build this level of trust? That’s what you’re thinking.’

No one knows the relationship between me, Charles, and Sophia-sama, except for the three of us, Mimir.

It was natural for Mr. Seokhyun to be puzzled.

He must have wondered why he had asked Charles for help in this mysterious incident.

“Then I will go back to my room.”

“yes. If we have any other issues to report, we will contact you.”

I left behind Mr. Seok-hyeon, who was immersed in worry, and turned around.

* * *

Returning to my room, I immediately opened the box Charles gave me.

It was an old wooden box about the size of a ring case, so there was no problem opening it.


I inserted my fingernail into the groove and opened it.

‘A USB and a business card?’

Inside the box was an old USB and the business card Charles had mentioned earlier, with Charles’ phone number written on it.

I checked Charles’ business card first.

It’s a title, a modifier, nothing, just a name and phone number written on a black background.

It was a business card of the extreme simplicity.


After memorizing Charles’ phone number, I burned it through magic.

I didn’t even register the number on my phone.

These important phone numbers are not stored on your phone.

Especially with a secret relationship like us.


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Charles’s business card, which soon became completely ashes and disappeared.

After blowing away even the ashes with wind magic, I held the USB in my hand.

‘Fortunately, there is a port.’

Maybe it’s because it’s a laptop I’ve been using since 3 years ago, but there was a separate port for the old USB.

‘Internet blocked. Running in incognito mode… … .’

In preparation for any possible hacking, run incognito mode that cuts off all external connections.

After that, I plugged in the USB.

‘A mana analysis file?’

The USB contained one file.

A file that analyzes and records the mana of a specific target in detail.

Whose mana was this analyzed?

‘Is this Sophia’s mana analysis file?’

Judging from the amount and density of mana, there was a high probability that it was the result of Sofia-sama’s own mana analysis.


As I expected, Sophia’s mana analysis result table was correct.

‘Why did you give me this?’

I wondered, why did he suddenly give me his mana analysis table?

Any reason to give this to me?

No matter how much I think about it

With that thought in mind, I handed over the file.

“… … and.”

And the moment I saw the 10th page, I burst out with exclamation without even realizing it.

‘This is Sofia Annechefri’s prime days… … .’

The analysis table on page 10 was an analysis of Sophia’s mana 27 years ago.

Indeed, it is so great that it cannot be compared to what it is now.

Even compared with simple figures, it is 1.5 times the current level.

Even with the current numbers, it’s about 2-3 times better than the average 8th circle mage.

How strong was Sophia in her prime?

I can’t even imagine

‘Then how strong is the Dark Mage King?’

As his respect for Sofia grew, so did his fear of the Dark Mage King.

‘To be stronger than Sophia-sama in this era… … .’

said Sophia.

The Dark Mage King broke the wizard’s wall and reached the 10th circle.

That means that the current King of Dark Mage is incomparably stronger than Sophia in her heyday.

‘I have to deal with a guy like that… … .’


Unknowingly, I burst out laughing.

‘Ah, this is the information about the Dark Mage King. This information seems to be the main one.’

After that, everything was full of information about the Dark Mage King.

There was also a detailed analysis record of the Atlantic Wormhole incident and the major incident in which Sophia and the Dark Mage King directly collided and both died.

‘It wasn’t a joke from this point on.’

page 30.

page 40.

I just read 60 pages.

To summarize 60 pages in one sentence, it would be ‘The power of the Dark Mage King is so powerful that it is unmatched.’

The reason why the Dark Mage King was so strong was explained in detail over several pages.

‘Did you want to intuitively show the strength of the Dark Mage King through numbers?’

It seems very likely that.

If not, there is no reason to send such materials.

I turned the page like that.

“… … uh?”

And the moment I looked at page 61, I knew that my expectations were wrong.

‘This is real.’

The black mage king’s mana analysis result is also a side leg in the end.

From page 61 onwards, this was the core of this mana analysis data.

[The Feast Transfer Case]

An analysis sheet that analyzes events that occurred ten days ago.

Pages 61 to 93 were filled with information about the case.

‘The structure of the mana of the Dark Mage King has changed. Is it because it became the 10th circle?’

The Dark Mage King’s mana had changed as if he had become a different person.

It became much harder, more massive, and more terrifying.

[Compared to 10 years ago, the Dark Mage King’s mana has become quite rough.]

[It is assumed that the black mage king’s mana is in a very unstable state.]

But as much as it became hard, massive, and terrifying, it became unstable.

[The proof is the rampage of monsters in the United States.]

[At the time, the King of Dark Mage claimed that all monsters around him were running out of control just by his existence, but the result of mana analysis is not the same.]

[The Black Mage King just couldn’t control his mana 100%.]

[The uncontrollable mana spewed out on its own, affecting the surrounding monsters.]

As soon as I saw that sentence, my eyes automatically opened.

‘okay. It must have been like that.’

The question that puzzled me the most about The Fist transfer case has been solved.

‘If the surrounding monsters naturally run rampant just by emitting mana, it is possible for the Dark Mage King to conquer the world alone.’

The power of the Dark Mage King was literally a strategic weapon itself.

Why does such an existence keep crouching down? I kept thinking about it. The question was finally solved.

The rampage of monsters was just a remnant of the Dark Mage King’s inexperience in mana control.

[Perhaps the Dark Mage King cannot handle 100% of his strength.]

[Toward the latter half of the battle, I confirmed that the Dark Mage King’s mana was getting more and more rough and violent.]

[You can also see that the density of mana has also noticeably decreased.]

“The Circle Up Dilemma.”

When the 7th circle wizard reaches the 8th circle, there is a phenomenon that seems to temporarily degenerate without being able to adapt to the output of the mana circle that has become too strong.

This is the circle up dilemma.

Perhaps what the Dark Mage King is going through is a kind of ‘circle up dilemma’.

‘As it is a state with tremendous power to stop aging, it will take quite a while to adapt.’

[When I first climbed to the 9th circle, I needed about 6 months to adapt.]

[The period of experiencing the Circle Up Dilemma varies, but given the mana instability of the Dark Mage King, it is assumed that all adaptations cannot be completed in a short period of time.]

The contents of the analysis data gradually reached the climax.

As if I was obsessed with analysis tables and figures. And I read the sentences that seem to have been written by Sofia-sama.

[Above this, it is extremely likely that the Dark Mage King is currently entering a period of rest to stabilize his power.]

[Therefore, it is very unlikely that the Black Mage King will directly act on the capture of Tkish this time.]

and the last page.

[PS There is a high probability that there will be no direct intervention from the Black Mage King, so you can eat comfortably.]

[I’m waiting for good news.]

Sophia-sama’s message was written on it.

This makes it clear why you handed me this material.

‘… … You remembered asking what he would do if the Dark Mage King intervened again.’

I definitely understood why Sophia-sama had prepared such analysis data and sent it to me.

Don’t worry about outside interference, focus on finding a way to neutralize T’Kish.

This was an analysis of that meaning.

‘It’s a bit burdensome.’

Sophia-nim seems to have quite high expectations of me.

* * *

lunch the next day.

The Mana Core was finally completed.

“Move the mana.”

Aslan put his hand on my back and said. In that state, he must be directly observing the movement of my mana.


I moved mana right away.

The five Infinity Circles and the completed Mana Core are organically connected and resonate.

I’m just moving mana with the same feeling as before, but the difference in speed and processing efficiency is huge.

“Has the processing efficiency increased by about 20%?”

“yes. I’ll have to do some calculations to find out the details, but I think that’s about the average.”

“The rate of mental energy consumption… … That’s a 34% decrease.”

I am satisfied with everything, but the most satisfying thing among them is the decrease in consumption of mental power.

I don’t think there will be anything wrong with my lack of mental strength in the future.

“It’s a little disappointing that the increase in output stopped at around 5%.”

“5% is high enough. Originally, mana cores do not greatly affect the output of magic.”

Aslan removed his hand from my back.

“Not bad.”

Aslan crossed his arms and gave a small smile.

“Is it not bad?”

“… … That’s pretty good.”

“For some reason, they give me rave reviews.”

Asran’s words need a filter.

‘Not bad’ translates to ‘great’.

‘It’s very good’ means ‘It’s excellent beyond anything else’.

“Tsk. Mimir said useless things… … .”

This is the Asran language translation method, and Mimir gave it to him.

Aslan is a tsundere, so he never openly praises me, so he told me to filter and listen to him.

“Then, from now on, I will move on to training for the use of mana cores… … I just want to say that.”

Aslan crossed his arms and looked away.

“You don’t have to.”

A small fox walking from behind in a coquettish posture. He is looking at a gumiho.

“If you say you don’t have to… … ?”

The nine-tailed fox jumped up and jumped on my shoulder, and settled down as if wrapping my neck.

Nine wagging tails brushed her ears and cheeks.

Although it feels good, it is strangely tickling.

“Your mana cores are already complete. It won’t make much of a difference if I say anything more here.”

Aslan sighed as if he was sorry for the world.

He wanted to roll me for a long time, but he expressed regret that he couldn’t do it.

“Sorry. If the nine-tailed fox hadn’t shown you that much affinity, you could have forced it to roll for another day, nominally or otherwise.”

I slightly turned my gaze and looked at the nine-tailed fox riding on my shoulder.

He looks straight into my eyes with his bright eyes.

Then he smiles cutely and rubs his face on my cheek.

I lightly stroked the head of such a gumiho.

“Is it really okay not to train more than this?”

“okay. As I said, your mana cores are complete. You don’t have to do anything more than that. The gumiho acting cutely on your shoulder there is proof of that.”

I looked at the gumiho again.

Shinsu, who is said to have been Master’s partner.

The fact that the nine-tailed fox expresses a sense of familiarity means that mana of the same nature as Master’s is pouring out of me.

He said it meant that the mana core and the Infinity Circle had completely become one.

In other words, the fact that the gumiho showed me friendly feelings was itself a kind of signal for the end of training.

“Then, are we going straight to the test now?”


Aslan’s eyes changed sharply.

“You will have to prepare your mind firmly.”

“… … .”

That spirit and eyes.

and to that end.

It was a glimpse of how extreme the difficulty of the test was.

“Then let’s begin.”


Suddenly, the air shuddered.

No, the entire labyrinth trembled.

“The conditions for passing the test itself are very simple.”

The gumiho riding on my shoulder jumped to the floor.

Then he walked out to a suitable clearing and turned his gaze toward me.

“The god in front of my eyes. Fight the nine-tailed fox and win.”

“… … yes?”

and that moment.

Woo woo woo!

The nine-tailed fox’s body shone.

And soon, it became the appearance of the huge nine-tailed fox that I saw before on the road of fire.

‘… … Fight him and win?’

Horus, possessor of combat power that overwhelms Darkness.

Shinsoo Gumiho.

The guy was staring only at me with his nine tails spread out.

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