Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 113

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Chapter 113

“thank you.”

I checked the summit one last time and closed the box.

“But, why is Captain Charles doing this?”

Black Mage Tower Exclusive Disposal Team.

Commonly known as Shanyanggae.

It is also called the lofty wolf by other nicknames.

A lofty hound that has not been put on a leash by anyone.

so wolf.

And Charles is the king of such wolves.

I couldn’t understand this situation now that such an existence was delivering the top pyroxene.

“what. didn’t you hear?”

As if Charles was very surprised by my question, his eyes slightly widened.

“I thought you knew about my relationship with Sophia-sama because you ordered me to deliver it yourself.”

“This is the first time.”

“… … okay?”

Charles stroked his hair with an expression saying, ‘That’s unexpected again.’

Braid her short bobbed hair with her index finger. You seem to be thinking a lot about something.

“Did you send me to explain yourself… … ?”

He muttered so much and glared at me.

The gaze is very intense, as if trying to peek into my inner self through my own two eyes.

“Did you really not hear anything about me?”

“yes. I didn’t hear you.”

I couldn’t even hear the word ‘Siot’ for Charles or the hound.

At my affirmation, Charles’ pupils narrowed even more.

My thoughts seem more complicated.

“… … no way. I don’t know. Can you explain what?”

Soon, Charles’ eyes shone as if he had made up his mind.

“It’s not known, but the Black Mage Tower Execution Team, which I’m the leader of, is under Sofia-sama’s direct command.”


My eyes widened.

The hounds are Sophia Anezefri’s direct unit?

“The official name of the unit is ‘Longinus’… … . I just know, and I hope you don’t say this name out of your mouth.”

It was the first time I heard the official name.

No, there was a more formal name than that.

“yes. I know it’s confidential.”

If it’s enough to hide the name, it must be holding more secrets than I thought.

“no. Don’t get me wrong. The name Longinus is not particularly confidential.”

“Then why don’t you say it out of your mouth… … ?”

It’s not a secret, so why was the mutiny order issued?

“That’s embarrassing.”

“Are you ashamed?”

“What should I say? Hey. that.”

Charles’ face turned slightly red.

“I’m not some kind of kid with middle 2 disease… … . What is Longinus? Longinus.”

“… … .”


It must have been named after the ‘Spear of Longinus’, the spear that killed the gods.

It’s definitely an embarrassing name.

“Ah, is this a secret from Sophia-sama? It’s a name that Sophia really likes.”

Charles put his index finger to his mouth and made a ‘shh’ gesture.

“… … Ah, yes.”

The reason why the official name of the black magic tower disposal team, which everyone thought was a question, was unknown until now was because I was embarrassed about the name.

Something is making my head go blank.

“Apart from the name, the relationship between me and Sophia-sama is a real secret. never tell me.”

“yes. I know.”

Charles gave a small smile at my sincere answer.

“good. Then I will go.”

Then he turned around and waved his hand with his back showing.

“Are you leaving already?”

“why? Would you like some tea? it’s okay. I am a busy person.”

Charles put his hand on the doorknob and opened the door.

“Then see you next time.”

Through the cracks in the slowly closing door, Charles’s red eyes shone clearly.

“I’ll get the tea next time. I think we’ll probably see each other in the near future, so treat them with good snacks at that time. Goodbye~”

Charles left with those last words.

* * *

meanwhile that time.


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The home of the Black Magic Tower, the Black Tower.

Tkish, who completed his return a bit quickly, headed to the top floor to report his return to the Dark Mage King.

An elevator that goes up endlessly.

Although the numbers are rising rapidly, there is no sign of stopping.

It wasn’t until the 100th floor, the 120th floor, and the 200th floor that the elevator stopped.

The elevator door opens.

T’Kish stepped forward in a dignified motion.

Walk exactly 10 steps like that.

He sat down on one knee.

“I will report you. Codename Tkish. I have returned.”

Half bowed head.

A view that can only be seen below.

The lower body of the Dark Mage King sitting on the throne is seen.

No, can I call that a lower body?


It would be more accurate to say that the lower part of something enshrouded in pitch-black darkness could be seen.

“Raise your head.”

A deep voice that made the whole body tremble. In front of that voice, I don’t even think of rebelling.

It was a voice that had such a spirit of ambition and fear.


Tkish raised his head.

The darkness looks straight through.

It seems that he can’t even allow insignificant creatures to show his bravery.

A man who covers everything in darkness.

Black Mage King.

Through the darkness, only the brilliance of the two eyes shone clearly.

Empty eyes that show no emotion.

Those eyes gave Tkish even greater fear.


Tkish lowered his head again.

As the one who was the overall commander of this mission, the responsibility for the failure lies with Tkish himself.

“I couldn’t get my hands on the normal pyroxene.”

It wasn’t even an ordinary mission, much less, it was a great job prepared for a year.

Failed such a great mission.

“I will take responsibility for this with my blood.”

Tkish moved Mana.

As expected, a huge darkness like an executive.

It formed the shape of a dagger.

“Until the day the darkness swallows the light. I will be praying in hell.”

He grabbed the dagger with both hands and thrust it straight into his own throat.

“Let there be glory in the darkness.”

But then.


The darkness of the Dark Mage King expanded.

“I haven’t allowed you to die yet.”

At the same time, Tkish’s body stopped.

Body movement, breathing, and heartbeat.

Everything, even the movement of cells, stopped.

and soon. Even the mana inside Tkish’s body was all extinguished.

The dagger in T’Kish’s hand became the hands and feet of the Dark Mage King, as if he had followed T’Kish’s will.


When the expanded darkness returned to the Dark Mage King.

Tkish had become an ordinary body that could not even move mana.

All mana in the mana circle is consumed, and all actions in the mana circle are stopped.

“The fourth child of darkness. You don’t have to beat yourself up too much.”

Darkness enveloped Tkish. It was like a mother’s touch.

“but… … . I have not been able to take away the precious stone of the summit, the grace of God.”

Tkish was well aware that the summit’s pyroxene was called the grace of God in the past.

I heard it directly from the Dark Mage King.

It is said to be the one and only elixir that can break the limits of the circle.

“Someone like me dared to block the path of the Dark Mage King. You must take responsibility for this.”

The supreme elixir that can reach Circle 10.

Not getting it is the same as blocking the path of the Dark Mage King.

The responsibility for this is enormous.

To the extent that even death can’t apologize.

“The fourth child of darkness. Your heart is kind… … .”

The Dark Mage King’s voice contained very little anger.

“You are very arrogant.”


At that moment, the darkness surrounding Tkish reversed.

An intangible darkness oppressing Tkish’s entire body.

Tkish’s complexion turned blue moment by moment.

“No one can stand in my way.”

Easier than for a person to kill an ant by pressing it.

The Dark Mage King twisted Tkish’s body.

“Are you claiming that you and the like blocked my path?”

And at that moment, Tkish’s body twisted.

The head and limbs were broken dozens of times.

Heart beats thousands of times.

Organs were torn tens of thousands of times.

T’Kish, who lost all mana, lost his life at that moment.

I couldn’t even say a word.

It was so fleeting.

“But forgive me.”

There was only a piece of meat left where Tkish was kneeling.

Fragments of flesh that were TKish that could not be considered human form.

Darkness enveloped the flesh again.

“Darkness is as merciful as darkness.”

And at that moment, a miracle happened. As if time went backwards, T’Kish’s body was restored to its original form.

The twisted body twisted again in the opposite direction.

The torn organs slowly healed.

About 1 second passed.

Tkish returned to his original body.

Everything that just happened seemed like a dream.


“omg… … . omg… … .”

In Tkish’s mind, his death just before was clearly left.

I remember all the casual deaths and casual resurrections.

“Huh, Dark Mage King… … .”

Tkish was trembling.

The divine power shown by the Dark Mage King just now.

I shuddered in fear at the sight of killing and saving people freely.

“I can’t believe the limits of the circle have already been reached… … .”

As if answering that question, the darkness laughed.

“iced coffee!”

Tkish was moved and lowered his head.

“The great Dark King. I was arrogant.”

In front of someone who has already taken a step forward, talking nonsense about blocking the way ahead.

If I could go back to the past, I wanted to cut out my own mouth.

Even if it meant cutting my hair, I wanted to withdraw that absurd remark.

“I will forgive you. You have already been punished for it.”

The darkness of the Dark Mage King moved.

Just as an emperor forgives a vassal who has sinned.

It was a very benevolent shimmer.

* * *

Shortly after Charles left.

I took the top pyroxene and headed straight to Mimir’s Spring.

“It’s nice to have the summit’s pyroxene in hand. The question is how to handle this.”

You can’t keep carrying this dangerous object.

What should I do?

“Just give it to that woman named Adela Stairt.”

“To Adela?”

“uh. If you have to give it to someone anyway, isn’t it right to give it to the person who is most helpful to the heir? Or you can give it to Jisun-chan.”

“… … hmm.”

Give it to Adela or Soonchan.

It’s the best way.

Anyone can tell that they are wise men, and if I had to choose two people who would never betray me, they would be Adela and Soonchan.

If I had to fight the Black Mage Tower in the future, those two would definitely help me.

“But considering that Sophia-sama only has three to five years left, wouldn’t it be better to give God’s grace to her father? Or the blue mage tower lord.”

Sophia-sama said that her lifespan would not exceed 5 years at most.

That means, within 5 years, a new 9th Circle mage must be born to fight against the Dark Mage King.

Thinking of that, wouldn’t it be better to feed God’s grace to my father or Kim Kang-in so that he can reach the 9th circle rather than feeding God’s grace to Adela or Sunchan?

“no. I think feeding Adela is good.”


What is the reason?

“God’s grace is an elixir that has the effect of changing the body structure, so the younger the person taking it, the greater the effect. Conversely, the older you get, the less effective it is.”

“Does that mean that there is a high probability that father or Kim Kang-in will not be able to reach the 9th circle within 5 years even if they try God’s grace?”

“uh. I think yes. Wouldn’t it be better to gamble with Sophia Anezefri instead of feeding them?”

“I see.”

Didn’t think of that.

“Personally, I recommend Adela Stewart. God’s grace is more effective for those who are naturally talented.”

“If you stick to that condition, Adela is definitely the best.”

Young, talented, good, and the probability of betraying me converges to 0%.

“Oh, and one more. There’s another reason I ask God’s grace to be given to Adela Stewart. In a way, this is the most important reason. If you give Adela God’s grace, you can stay by her side during the leap adaptation period.”

“… … What are you talking about?”

Unlike my father and Kim Kang-in, if I gift God’s grace to Adela, I will be able to protect Adela.

But why is that important?

“Didn’t I say that God’s grace is the supreme elixir condensed from the essence of a thousand years? Is that really an enormous amount of mana?”

“I guess so.”

I can’t imagine it, but it’s a stone that has absorbed mana for a thousand years.

That’s enough to change the wizard’s body structure, that’s all I said.

“You mean the mana is so huge that the person who consumed it couldn’t digest it all?”

“If you can’t digest it, does that mean mana flows out?”

“that’s right. Residual mana flows around. The amount of mana lost to the outside is about 30% to 40%.”

Then, with a simple calculation, it means that 300 to 400 years worth of mana will leak.

“If I’ve said this far, you know without saying more, right?”


Looking at Mimir grinning, I also raised the corners of my mouth.

“Using that remaining mana, we can weave a chain of truth. is this?”


Since it is a brother to the Ring of Expansion, it is the final large circle of the Ring of Truth, which requires an enormous amount of mana to weave.

If you use God’s grace, the amount of mana insufficient to weave the circle is solved at once.

It was like that.

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