Demonic Master of Mount Kunlun Chapter 561

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Episode 12 of The Chronicles of Darkness


It has been a long time since Jeong Gwang performed the Demon Spirit Soul Art.

By slightly opening the Mahon.

-say. Who ordered it?

‘… … !’

Pishkar, whose brain and soul were dominated by the thoughts of concentration, spoke out.

“This is the Duke of Battenberg.”

“… … !”

Jeong Gwang’s eyebrows rose.

It wasn’t because of the name that Pishkar mentioned.

It is obvious that it is Battenberg, but I only asked to confirm, so there is no reason to be surprised.

‘Mahon shrinks?’

After being sealed in the jade hall for a long time, it was normal to try to play more since it came out, but it immediately crawled into the jade hall as if it was scared.

‘What is this guy again?’

That wasn’t all.

Yeok Cheon-gyeong, whose pride had soared through the sky over an insignificant topic, trembled slightly.

-Ugh… … .

-Are you scared too?

-… … Ugh!

-There are so many different things.

It really was.

The barrier surrounding the Silent Mountain in the distance was vibrating.

It felt as if something sleeping inside had opened its eyes.

‘good. very good.’

Jeong Gwang was satisfied as he caressed his goosebump-covered arms.

It was the first time I felt excitement in my entire past and present life.


Zhao, who was cutting deer meat into bite-size pieces, came running.

“Yes, sobriety.”

“Something really interesting happened.”

Estelle, who followed along, asked urgently.

“Did you just say ‘very’? It must be such a big deal that you would even use that expression. “Who is the evil beast who instigated the Assassins?”

“That’s not a big deal. “The Duke of Battenberg.”

“Damn old man! Damn you bastard! Why isn’t that a big deal? They used a trick to take over Zao and me at once. Zhao feels bad too, right?”

Estelle guessed it to some extent, so she got a little angry and joked at Zhao, but Zhao was looking the other way.

Even in broad daylight, it was a silent mountain that stood tall and gave off a gloomy aura.

“Danju, something is strange. “Is it because of that mountain?”

“yes. “The barrier is shaking.”

“Well, what do you mean?”

“The dragon is probably trying to wake up. Estelle.”


“When you get back to camp, pack your bags. “Everything, nothing.”

“uh… … uh… … right. What will this assassin do? Are you going to let me go like this? That’s too kind a response. “People can’t use it like that.”

“You will live the rest of your life without reason, so be content with that.”

“No, I mean. “Are you really trying to get into Dragon’s Lair?”

“Sure. why?”


Estelle, who was crying, closed her eyes tightly, opened them, raised both palms and slapped her cheek.


“Okay, you and Zao. If I’m with these two people, I’ll be afraid of the world… … Still, it’s a dragon. Ahhh. Oh, I don’t know. let’s go!”

As Estelle took a step forward, glaring at the Silent Mountain with emerald eyes filled with determination, Jeong Gwang called from behind.


“You changed your mind? Right?”

Estelle quickly turned around and then slumped her shoulders.

Her group was sitting comfortably on a flat rock eating venison.

“I was really touched. “Is that in your mouth right now?”

Jeong Gwang gestured with a satisfied smile.

“It’s going to be a busy day. Come and enjoy your meal.”

* * *

Battenberg was sitting on a chair in his tent, dressed casually, and tapping the armrest with his fingers.

‘It’s too late.’

It was obvious that if the monkey was left alone, it would run wild, so I ordered it not to pay attention or cause friction no matter what it did.

As expected, the monkey went far away from the camp.

You’ve set it up like this, but there’s still no news from those guys who pride themselves on being authentic Hashashins and not baseless assassins?

Although I came from a humble background, my skills were useful, so I couldn’t fail, but I felt uncomfortable.

It was even more so when I remembered the arrogant face of their leader, a mongrel named Pishkar.

‘It’s a waste because I use it so much every time I don’t want to get my hands dirty. I have to wrap this up with this one. and… … .’


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Battenberg, who had a sinister expression on his face as he remembered the beauty of the half-elf, froze.


It was faster than I thought.

The barrier blocking the Silent Mountain began to vibrate.

‘Does the dragon have heavy eyelids? ‘I never thought there would be variables even though I prepared so thoroughly.’

Still, the result will be the same.

Battenberg got up from his chair and put on his brilliantly shining full plate armor.

As he finished preparing to write great history by carrying the magic sword Bluout Prasenda Damon on his back, the knight who was standing guard outside hurriedly came in.


“Don’t make a fuss. “What about wizards?”

“I ran away a little while ago.”

“Not bad.”

Battenberg ordered the entire army to issue an emergency order, then left the tent and headed toward Silent Mountain.

When I arrived in front of the mountain, I saw Count Hatzfeld, the chief wizard of the palace, shouting irritably and directing the wizards.

“There is no time! Quickly infuse the remaining magic power into the magic circle and prepare to activate it! Ah, duke. “Are you here?”

“Thank you for your hard work, Lord Hatzfeld. “Why is the dragon waking up so quickly?”

“I’m embarrassed, but I don’t know the exact reason. The only thing that comes to mind is an anecdote I read in ancient literature, where a dragon was awakened early in response to an interesting presence.”

“He’s an interesting being. “Maybe it was because of us.”

It was a subtly remark made with himself in mind, but the head wizard straightly denied it.

“For dragons, humans are similar to how humans view a swarm of ants. Old documents also clearly state that the being that the dragon was sensitive to was another dragon.”

“… … It seems like only the same species is recognized. “What an arrogant creature you are.”

“It’s very interesting. “Not necessarily.”

“… … .”

I understand that you’re out of your mind because you’ve been struggling with the formulas for processing and combining mana all your life, but why is the speaking style of wizards like this? Battenberg also barely resisted the urge to crush the denying head mage’s mouth with his fist.

“What do you mean?”

“It is an old history book of unclear origin, but there is a record of a dragon reacting to a passing demon and engaging in a fierce fight.”

“… … .”

Battenberg’s fists tightened.

This time I did something again and what?

A demon from mythology?

Battenberg changed the subject, vowing that he would someday deal with this annoying bastard.

“It’s a fun story, but we need to pay attention to reality. Do you think the magic circle will activate properly?”

The head wizard had a proud look on his face.

“It may be sudden, but it can be done.”

“Thank goodness. Please take care of me, Prince Hatzfeld.”

“Please leave it to me.”

Battenberg watched the chief wizard urging the wizards again and then looked to the side.

The cunning brat was approaching, fully armed with old-fashioned full plate mail and a sharp long sword.

Battenberg laughed inwardly and bowed politely.

“Your Highness, are you here?”

“I came here in a hurry because a big problem has arisen, Lord Battenberg.”

“This place is dangerous. “I think it would be best for you to return to camp.”

“As I declared before, I have no intention of being reckless. “I hope you don’t blame me too much, as I will only be watching the sacrifices of many heroes.”

Battenberg glanced at the surrounding atmosphere.

The morale of many of the conquering troops was sky-high.

King Provenyu VI, the cunning brat who was the source of the fraud, asked in a heavy voice.

“How do you think the situation is?”

“It may be a bit early, but you don’t have to worry too much. “No group or entity can stand in the way of our country.”

“haha. The Duke is right. Gwain believes that too.”

The king agreed on the outside, but was devastated on the inside.

It was a very arrogant statement, but I couldn’t deny it.

But even for a moment.

A being came to mind who not only blocked the Hüffel Empire’s journey but even beat them up.

The King barely suppressed the laughter that threatened to burst out.

“hmm. hmm. “But where are Jeong Gwang and his group?”

Battenberg was curious, but he answered calmly.

“I don’t know because they are so free-spirited. “Maybe he couldn’t bear the fear and ran away.”

“Huh. “If that’s true, isn’t it a huge loss of power?”

“I’ll tell you again, our country is strong, Your Majesty. I will definitely win as if nothing had happened. Of course, once the conquest is over, we will have to catch them and make them guilty.”

“It’s unfortunate, but it’s reasonable. “Then I’ll just trust in the ball.”

The king said this, but he did not believe it.

Although it was a short meeting, they, especially Jeong Gwang, were great men who would not run away in fear or break their agreement.

‘There’s definitely something there. Could this be this old monster?’

The king could not continue his thoughts.

The situation was moving very urgently.

The conquering army drew up its battle formation as reviewed several times at the joint strategy meeting. The wizards, exhausted from pouring out all their magic, retreated with the support of the soldiers.

Finally, the palace’s chief wizard went to the location where the magic circle was activated and reported to Battenberg.

“It’s over, Commander-in-Chief! Please give me orders!”

Battenberg climbed onto the high platform with a confident gait. He looked down at the dragon conquering army with his big eyes and shouted majestically.

“I, Georg Friedrich von Battenberg, the greatest knight on the continent, owner of the magic sword Bluut Prasenda Daimon, and commander-in-chief of the dragon conquering army, promise! Although we are of different nationalities, we are one! I am receiving endless favor from His Majesty the Emperor and great trust from His Majesty the King! Who would dare stop us like that? We will punish the vicious dragon, repay His Majesty the Emperor and His Highness the King, raise the name of the Hürfel Empire and the Kingdom of Probunyu, and we ourselves will be remembered forever in the history of the continent!”


Even the knights who were nervous and the soldiers who were shaking were all enthusiastic about the short but powerful speech.

Battenberg waited until the cheers died down and then gave an order to the chief wizard.

“Let’s get started!”

“yes! “Commander-in-chief!”

The chief wizard poured out his magic power and lifted the seal that was suppressing the huge magic circle.


The magic circle began to emit colorful and brilliant lights, and the lights merged into one and shot toward the barrier surrounding the Silent Mountain.

The light and the barrier, where magical power was concentrated, collided.


Light penetrated the barrier along with an ear-piercing noise.

There was a gap large enough for people to come and go.

The conquering army cheered as they watched the spectacle.

Battenberg attempted to further boost their morale by briefly reviewing their tactics.

“At the end of that gap is the wicked dragon’s lair! After about ten minutes, it will be completely clear! First, only the elites, including me, go in and attack the dragon that has not yet recovered its strength! And when the dragon absorbs all the magical energy it has poured into the outside and the barrier disappears, it will lure it into this wide area, so the waiting archers will fire a volley of fire and the knights will charge on horseback to distract it! And then! “I will decapitate the dragon!”

That’s when everyone starts shouting!

A clear voice spread throughout the hall.

“As expected, it was a good thing I waited. “I feel less energetic.”

Jeong Gwang, who suddenly appeared in front of the barrier, looked into the gap where the light was passing through and shook his head.

“Zhao, Estelle, it will take about ten minutes, so let’s plan a strategy.”

Estelle, who had been at a loss as to what to do due to the bewildering looks from the conquering army, asked in shock.

“Ha, let’s try it out? “You didn’t have any plans?”

Zhao grinned.

“Sobriety itself is the best strategy. “I said that because I was bored, so just say that.”

Jeong Gwang laughed.

“haha. After all, there is only Zao. Ah, His Majesty the King! The greatest knight and magic sword on the continent… … Anyway, duke! Thank you for your effort! “We’ll take care of it from now on, so get some rest!”

“… … !”

What’s wrong?

The conquering army gaped, and King Provenho, King Balbuer VI, pressed his fingers to his throbbing temples.

Battenberg, who was on the podium, glared at Jung Gwang with scary eyes.

“Where have you been and now you’re here? “The military law seems ridiculous.”

Jeong Gwang responded with an aggrieved expression.

“Hashashin, the assassins tried to kidnap us by luring us to a remote forest. “I barely convinced you, but you’re doing too much.”

“… … “Are you telling me to believe that?”

“I mean. I really couldn’t believe it. A person named Pishkar told me what kind of villain had instigated this because he was too dirty to eat any more. Surprisingly, the evil beast… … .”

“noisy! And resting! “You’re completely crazy!”

“Is there anything you’re holding on to? “Why are you interrupting me?”

“It’s not worth talking about further. Catch those guys!”

A group of knights approached Jeong Gwang.

Just as they were touching Zheng Guang’s body, Zhao moved like a ghost and thrust his dagger into the small gap in their armor.



The knights fell and Jeong Gwang spread his arms and claimed.

“You see it was self-defense, right?”

“… … !”

Battenberg wriggled his eyebrows and opened his mouth. After confirming that Zhao’s skills were unexpectedly high, I took the quick route by setting Jeong Gwang’s skills even higher.

“There is no time! “The knights should charge on horseback and punish that bastard!”

“I also have Estelle and Zhao that the duke covets?”

Battenberg’s eyebrows rose menacingly.

“What are you doing! “Wipe it out immediately!”


The knights mounted their horses and prepared to charge.

Estelle, whose face turned white, whispered to Jeong Gwang.

“it’s crazy? “Why are you arguing?”

“I was just telling the truth.”

“That’s it. “What are you trying to do?”

“It was bound to go like this anyway. “It would be difficult if you were to hit the back of the head while holding the dragon, so we need to give it an opportunity to rest.”

Jeong Gwang smiled and looked at the knights who were about to start charging.

‘You said that the real skill of the knights comes from horseback charging, right?’

I imagined such large, heavy targets running in a line.

‘If I hadn’t left the flying dragon in Kunlun, I would have had fun shooting it.’

But now was not the time.

romance? There’s a much greater romance waiting for you, a dragon, or an evil dragon at that, and it’s just a horseback charge.

Just then, the knights began to charge.

Jeong Gwang took out something from his belt and put it to his mouth.

It was a magic trick taken from the Daemyung Imperial Palace Armory.

Upon seeing this, King Provunyu, King Balboue VI, remembered the request and advice Jeonggwang had approached him and whispered to him when they first met.

‘When I take out the flute, make sure to cover your ears. Your Majesty and all of the Probunyu Army. Don’t forget to tell the Commander of the Knights Templar to prepare for an emergency next to His Majesty.’

‘… … ‘Did Gwain hear correctly?’

‘yes. ‘I guess so.’

‘… … ‘That’s it?’

‘yes. I understand that you will do so.’

‘Sure. I don’t understand, but I’ll do it that way.’

Yes, it definitely was.

Balbue VI covered his ears at the same time as Probunyu and understood why Jeonggwang said such a thing.

Jeonggwang’s six songs from the Marapalgok (eight songs of the devil) composed by Jeong Gwang in his previous life.

It was a submission to the world that forced living, breathing life to kneel.


The knights who were charging Jeong Gwang on horseback collapsed.

The Hüffel Imperial Army fell to its knees, coughing up blood.

The Duke of Battenberg’s face was distorted hideously.

martial arts,

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