Demonic Master of Mount Kunlun Chapter 440

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Part 2 Episode 169

to see

Jeong Gwang and his party continued to talk.

As the sun went down as we moved forward and the gray sky began to turn into a crimson glow, we prepared to sleep out.

The demons, including Dokdu, followed eagerly, setting up their tents in a nearby vacant lot and making a lot of noise.

“hey. “Did you see the expression on Dark Blood Gyeom’s face earlier?”

“Hehehe. It was a face that chewed shit. “I felt refreshed, as if ten years of congestion had just disappeared.”

“The phrase ‘justification of cause and effect’ just came to mind. “I was always looking down on myself and it turned out bad.”

“Anyway, I heard you get to see a lot of interesting things if you follow Jinhon. “What else will happen tomorrow?”

“Keep following. As Jinhon said, we cried and laughed together through the most difficult battles together… … .”

As the middle-aged man trailed off, the other demons laughed out loud.

“ha ha ha. “Why are you so embarrassed?”

“Be brave and tell me.”

The middle-aged man cleared his throat with a gaping face.

“Hmm. “Aren’t we friends?”

The demons laughed loudly as if they had been waiting.

“Haha! “Are you really telling me to tell you?”

“You look thick. “I really got to see it again.”

“Are you crying? Are you crying? Hehehe… … “Wow!”

An old man who was teasing a middle-aged man screamed.

The wrist was cut off by a metal sword wielded by a middle-aged man.

“This bastard dares to sneak attack!”

The old man also grabbed his spear and attacked the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man grinned while blocking the attack.

“Who wants to cross the line? “Die, you bastard!”

The two friends had a bloody fight.

Other friends cheered hard, betting on who would win.

And when the middle-aged man won, he threw the old man’s body away and celebrated.

“haha! “I thought you would win!”

“Good job. “Thanks to you, I won big, so I’ll buy you a drink when we get to Lining.”

“omg. omg. Something like that. Damn it, I’m dying from this exhaustion.”

The demons chatted again and burst into laughter.

Jeong Gwang listened to their conversation while eating porridge and beef jerky and thought about the rest of his journey.

‘Hello… … .’

The distance from the current location to Lining is about 600 li.

The fourth preliminary round, the final round of the battle for life and death, was held there.

‘If you pass this preliminary round, you can go straight to the general election.’

The end is not far away.

This meant that there was not much time to treat the deceased.

‘I need to fix it before I leave Xinjiang so that Seomrang and Namin can get help… … .’

Instead of receiving help, the two were serving the deceased.

“Oh really. Why are you eating it with your face like that? “Hyeon-ro, I have to clean it, so please stay still.”

“huh? “Yeah, yeah.”

Seomrang wiped Gugokja’s face with a cloth.

“That’s Okay. Please eat again.”

“Seomrang is really nice.”

“… … “I’m really going crazy.”

“lol. Even if you frown like you do now, you’re nice. “I know everything.”

Gwigokja laughed heartily and drank the porridge, but then he heard the porridge and gurgled.

“Uuuuk, cluck, cluck.”

This time Namin came forward.

He patted Gugokja’s back and handed him a leather bag filled with water.

“Eat it slowly. “It will get better.”

“Wow. “Thank you.”

Gwigokja quickly swallowed the water and immediately spit it out.

Namin took a direct hit to the face, and Gukukja’s face became contemplative.

“uh? uh?”

Namin said calmly, wiping her face with her sleeve.

“I told you to eat it slowly.”

“S-sorry. I was in a hurry… … .”

“Are you okay now?”

“what? huh. “I got better right away.”

“Then that’s it. “I have a lot of porridge left. Would you like some more?”

“thank you. “You’re a good kid too.”

Namin was neither good nor a child.

He was an adult who knew how to persevere in order to achieve his goal.

I remembered what Jeong Gwang said while serving porridge to the deceased.

‘I said if you look after it hard, you will get something.’


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The question arose as to what he could give to an old man suffering from a medical condition, but Jeong Gwang could not have lied, so he had to do his best.

‘good. First of all, I reduced my vigilance a lot.’

Namin is also a warrior, so how can he not avoid the water?

Still, it was just right.

It was a situation that would have made a normal person angry, but instead, he showed kindness and won the favor of the deceased.

‘You continue to look after him and gain his favor. Then you might see something.’

As I remembered that time, my eyes lit up, and Gwigokja smiled brightly and held out an empty porridge bowl.

“I want to eat another bowl.”

“… … “You say so.”

The returnee ate very well.

Jeong Gwang watched quietly and shook his head.

He didn’t have an appetite, but he ate so greedily.

It was clear that if he didn’t fix it quickly, he would turn into a pig and his life would be shortened.

‘I can’t keep wandering around and wondering if there’s a plausible treatment. Should I try shock therapy?’

It wasn’t that I wanted to cut off the top of my head or blow off the top of my chin.

The current focus is not a military officer, but a lawmaker.

The intention was to shock him with medical therapy, not with fists.

‘I have to try everything I can.’

Jeong Gwang turned his gaze to Namin.

“Sozer. “I’ll change the route a little bit.”

“How do you mean?”

“There are six hundred miles left to Lining, right?”

“you’re right.”

“I plan to stay at Jeongha tomorrow.”

“That’s right.”

“We are going to stay about 60 miles north of Jeongha.”

Namin’s eyes narrowed.

“If it’s that distance in that direction…” … Are you saying we should ‘go see’?”


“May I ask why?”

“There’s nothing wrong with that, but I don’t want to answer that.”

“… … .”

Namin glanced at Jeonggwang and then nodded.

“All right. “I will prepare like that.”

“Please take care of me.”

Jeong Gwang clapped his hands lightly to attract attention.

“ruler. Then, everyone knows that and does what they do. “I’m going to go in and sleep.”

The people finished their meal without saying a word and dispersed.

Seomrang went to a place out of the eyes of the demons and began practicing martial arts.

Guan Yup and Zhao followed along, but they just watched to see if they liked Seomrang’s progress.

But it was not a black book.

As if he was trying to relieve the discomfort he felt while serving as Danyoung’s secret reception escort, he meddled in various ways and scratched Seomrang’s stomach.

Dan-yeong discussed something with his family, and Jeong-gwang and Min Hyeon-yu entered their respective tents.

And Namin gathered his thoughts while looking at the flickering bonfire.

‘I do not understand.’

I’m always a bit obsessed with wanting to move quickly, but I’m trying to go back.

‘Why do you suddenly want to go there?’

It meant that there was something there, but when I said ‘to see’, there were only two things that came to mind.

He was from the Park Rak-ha family, one of the famous magic families, and the most famous person from there.

‘wait. A returner? no way… … .’

Namin unconsciously turned her head and looked at the dozing old man.

‘Hyeonro! If Gwigokja is still alive, he would be around that age.’

The old man was shaking and talking in his sleep.

“Don’t have any bad feelings towards me. “It’s scary.”

“… … “Whoa.”

Namin sighed and continued his thoughts.

That’s all.

I heard he had a tall physique, and that old man was like that too.

‘It’s a big leap, but it doesn’t make sense.’

Gui Gokja, who was known to be dead, was detained at Geukrapyeomga and Jinhon saved him.

However, he is suffering from an incurable disease.

Namin didn’t know anything about medicine, but she knew that mental illness was greatly influenced by the surrounding environment.

‘If I go to my hometown where I was born and raised, my condition may improve, so even if I have to go back, I will take you with me.’

If Hyeon-ro truly returns to his senses, it will be of great help to Namin and Seomrang.

If this guess is true, everything is correct.

‘but… … .’

Namin soon calmed down his excitement.

‘no. But you shouldn’t be so sure.’

As he himself admitted, it was a serious leap.

It was wise to deal with it calmly, as you might be disappointed if you had high expectations.

‘You’ll find out when you go.’

Namin’s eyes shine like stars.

A burp like a dark cloud flowed from the earworm’s mouth.

“Go on. omg! “I’m sorry!”

“… … .”

Even though Namin received an unexpected blow, she endured it and smiled.

It was a bloody smile.

‘You must be a gifted person.’

* * *

As soon as dawn broke, Jeonggwang and his party ate a simple breakfast and then prepared to leave.

The demons, including Dokdu, stood up and looked surprised, rubbing their eyes.

“Great, great. Are you planning to leave already?”


“this. We will quickly organize this and follow along.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“yes? “What do you mean?”

Jeong Gwang explained carefully.

“There is a place where Sogaju Danyeong and Sojeo Namin wanted to stop by for a moment. “I’ll see you again in Lining.”

Dokdu asked cautiously.

“Is this a matter involving two of the Seven Great Demonic Families?”


“Then there is nothing we can do.”

“It’s a secret. Will you protect me?”

Dokdu scoffed, picking both ears with his fingers.

“The little man didn’t hear anything. Please be safe and proceed carefully.”

Other demons also giggled and joined in.

“This is it. “Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, but I’ve become deaf.”

“huh? What did you say? “I couldn’t hear because my ears were buzzing.”

Jeong Gwang also smiled and got on the carriage and waved at the demons.

“Can you see well? Goodbye! I hope you all get better when you arrive in Lining! Let’s meet then and play again!”

The demons smiled brightly and waved.

“Thank you!”

“I look forward to that day!”

“Requiem! “I wish you good luck!”

Jeong Gwang and his group departed immediately.

Since I had to turn around a bit, I had to go that much faster.

Jeong Gwang took the reins from the hands of the returning man and advised him.

“Hyeonro. “I will drive the carriage, so sleep well.”

The earworm’s eyes widened.


“Not if you don’t like it.”

“Good!” “It’s definitely good!”

Jeong Gwang ran and ran again, taking only minimal rest.

The cold wind continued to scratch my face, but it felt warmer than yesterday.

Is the long winter about to end?

The day was gradually getting warmer.

‘Spring is better than winter. If we keep going like this, we’ll be able to arrive before the sun sets.’

It was as expected.

Jeong Gwang and his group arrived at their destination just before sunset.

It was a temple that had been turned into ruins by the current religious leader and the demon brain.

Jeong Gwang looked around and clicked his tongue.

‘This is it. Just do it in moderation. You completely turned it into a wasteland.’

Is there any way to purge Gwigokja and leave his family, the Park Rakha family, alone?

I heard that they ordered it to be exterminated, but I had no idea that it was completely wiped out to this extent.

‘Be meticulous. but. They were like that originally.’

Jeong Gwang drove the carriage, recalling memories of his past life.

I went around a small hill and passed through a dry rice field.

After crossing a low hill covered with bare trees, the flat land where Park Rak-ha’s original family home was located appeared.

Jeong Gwang woke up Gwigokja, who was sleeping next to him.

“Hyeonro. wake up.”

“Yes… … .”

“Would you like me to wake you up?”

“Yes? omg! Hey, I woke up. Woke up!”

Gwigokja woke up with his eyes wide open.

Jeong Gwang held him up so he wouldn’t fall off the carriage and spoke softly.

“Take a look around. Where do you think it is?”

Gwigokja looked around with a puzzled face and answered in a trembling voice.

“Lungs, ruins?”

“… … .”

“No, a place to stay homeless?”

“… … .”

Jeong Gwang shook his head.

‘Are you not thinking anything about it because you haven’t seen it change like this?’

It was completely understandable.

Isn’t there something that will bring back old memories?

Still, it was clear that there were places that still looked the same as the past.

Jeong Gwang drove the carriage, recalling the story he had heard from Gwigokja in his past life.

This was where the secret library of the Park Rak-ha family was hidden.

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