Demonic Master of Mount Kunlun Chapter 312

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Part 2 Episode 41

The start of a revolution

Mo Yong-gang glanced at the ronin who came to see him, then fixed his gaze on the middle-aged man in the center.

The cold look in his eyes was impressive.

‘This is the guy who was next to the Western Chief. It must be a cold soul sword that serves as an adjutant.’

Why did this guy come?

This was probably due to the huge smoke that had been rising for a while.

‘It seems like something went wrong. ‘What is it about?’

I was curious, but I wasn’t in a hurry.

After just staring, the middle-aged man spoke first.

“Moyong Daegyeop. Greetings from the Cold Soul. “Something important has happened.”

Mo Yonggang frowned and spoke firmly.

“Even if I understand that the owner speaks briefly, it would be difficult if his subordinates also did it. I have nothing to say to you. “Go back and send your master away.”

“It’s impossible.”


Mo Yong-gang, who was about to burst into anger, opened his eyes wide at the cold soul’s next words.

“The generals were murdered.”

“… … !”

“I will lead the remaining people. That’s why I can’t speak loudly, so please understand.”

“… … .”

Mo Yong-gang tried to calm his startled mind.

They are not generals, but generals.

It is said that at least two of the Four Heads, who can be said to be like the four limbs of King Nang, are dead.

Mo Yong-gang asked Naenghondo, who became the new chief, with some courtesy.

“Who was attacked by the Chief of the West?”

“You are the head of the south. “The Dongbangjang was captured before that.”

“… … “Three of the four chiefs?”

“That’s right.”

“… … “What about pleural effusion?”

The cold soul’s eyes became colder.

“You’re asking the obvious. Who else but Jinokryong, who leads the demonic bandits and the foreign people?”

“… … .”

It was surprising that two of the four chiefs were killed and one was captured, but it made sense once I found out who the evil beast was.

‘Jinokryong, Jinokryong, and it’s a masterpiece. Breaking through the rogues on the Great Plains and killing or capturing them. ‘What on earth did you do?’

Mo Yong-gang deliberately made a puzzled expression.

“I never thought Jin Yuryong would be in Liaoning.”

“He’s the leader of the world cruise, right? Is it possible that Moyong doesn’t know what we know? “This is a serious situation, so don’t panic.”

Mo Yong-gang’s eyes became sharper.

“Of course. Have you seen him in person?”

“I was using the reverse, but it must be him. “Tell me if there is another person in Liaoning who can kill generals alone.”

“It’s not like it doesn’t exist.”

“I had doubts about your return, but I soon put it aside. “There’s no way I would do something that stupid.”

I don’t like what I don’t like, and work is work.

There is no reason to spend a lot of money to hire someone and then kick back when the work is not even finished.

The Cold Spirit stared at Moyonggang and made a clear request.

“According to the contract, the True Jade Dragon is not ours. “You must take responsibility.”

It wasn’t wrong.

“In what way? what do you want?”

“The horses are having stomachaches because of that guy’s trick.”

Naenghondo explained in detail what had happened so far.

Mo Yong-gang, who was listening with a heavy expression, shook his head.

“What a vicious guy. Too bad we don’t have much left to say.”

“I’m not asking for it. “The only thing we can do is join forces for three or four days.”

“Does this mean that the horses will get better if they are just disciplined to that extent?”

“exactly. If we are lucky, your king will come too.”

“I saw the smoke. “That was the signal to call King Nang.”

“I tell him another way. “That acting was done by Jin Ok-ryong.”

“Did you invite magic bandits and foreigners?”

“That’s the only thing that comes to mind. They’re nothing special, but if you hit them with a horseman, they’re difficult to deal with. So, let’s do it together.”

It wasn’t just that it was difficult, it was obvious that it would cause enormous damage.

To protect the stranded rogues, Cheoksadang (斥邪堂) will have to shed blood on their behalf.


As Mo Yong-gang raised his eyebrows, Cold Soul Island added.

“Don’t even think about aiming for a two-party plan. “We were dealt a one-sided blow.”

“… … .”

“Do you think he doesn’t know that you’ve been following us? “If we all die, you will be next.”

“… … .”

“We must work together even if we see blood. “Keep in mind that you must catch him to achieve your great cause.”


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It was a bit forceful, but Mo Yong-gang didn’t care.

It was true, but there was a bigger problem.

“You’re not worried about being harmed.”

Mo Yong-gang’s voice lowered.

“Jinokryong, that guy. “Do you think he’s still hiding among you?”

“I think it’s half and half.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I plan to establish a camp only within the territory and give up the area outside the territory. It will help reduce vain sacrifices just a little. “We will thoroughly check food, water, and horses.”

“How do we catch him?”

The cold soul answered with a stern face.

“If there was a way to do that, you wouldn’t have come. “He is none other than Jinokryong.”

* * *

The expressions of the anxious people brightened.

I didn’t like these guys, so how could I be this happy?

“Reinforcements have arrived!”

Jejodang (製造堂) Samhyang (三香) Iljo (一組) Yukgo (六伍) went out of the tent and looked at them.

The newly appointed ronin muttered with a perplexed look on his face.

“The Cold Soul Demon brought the Hoecheonhoe (回天會) guys. At least that means they aren’t evil beasts. “I’m so glad.”

The Tubbeak next to me snorted.

“joy. I can’t believe I have to be indebted to those smug bastards. “I’m dying of shame, so what’s good about it?”

“That’s nonsense. “You’re the only one who thinks that way.”

“You thought wrong. “Youngest child, aren’t you embarrassed too?”

He frowned when Jeong Gwang, who was grumpy, supported himself and only looked at the Hoecheonhoe warriors.

“men and horses. When your brother speaks, at least nod your head. “Why are you like this?”

Only then did Jeong Gwang realize that Tubseokburi was talking to him.

‘the youngest? older brother? Disappointed? Why is this guy acting friendly all of a sudden?’

Ojang looked at the two people and smiled.

“haha. “I’m glad our relationship is getting better.”

But that laugh was short-lived.

“Let’s stop here. The reinforcements came. A pleural effusion is a pleural effusion. “You can’t relax because you don’t know what will happen.”

Tubseokburi swallowed his saliva while trying to accept it.

Both the Hoecheonhoe warriors and the ronin looked nervous.

Jeong Gwang also did not let down his guard.

‘I was wondering if you would come, but you did. They are not very stupid. ‘Good.’

If the ronin were to be defeated, then it would be Hoecheonhoe’s turn, so they had no choice but to come.

It was easier for Jeong Gwang to deal with people who were considered smart rather than stupid.

‘At least they won’t be on guard outside the camp at night. The compound will be thoroughly inspected. Since the command structure is different, we will merge the camps but not mix them.’

It was just as I thought.

Hoecheonhoe was building a camp right next to the Ronin.

‘Gather the horses in the middle. It seems like the higher-ups are trying to protect it.’

Not only horses but also what people eat and drink will be carefully inspected.

Something like a dark relief would have been made to prevent the concentrate from being used and seeping in.

This was the same for the ronin people.

The password was meaningless as it was already in place, but the experts began to protect the horses and even the meal system changed.

“what? “From now on, we can only eat the dry food and beef jerky that we each have on hand?”

“Even water? “How can we fight like this?”

The Ronin gathered in groups of twos and threes and quietly voiced their dissatisfaction.

Although he didn’t open his mouth, Jeong Gwang was equally dissatisfied.

‘no. You have to give them proper food. ‘What are you doing?’

Aside from not being able to get rid of poison, hasn’t the pleasure of eating it disappeared?

However, unlike Jeonggwang, the Ronin accepted it even though they grumbled.

“Damn it, I can’t help it. “Living comes first, so what can I do?”

“Whew. okay. It’s better than dying from poison. Let’s endure it.”

The number of people standing in line has increased, and the arrangement has also become tighter.

Of course, Jeong Gwang, the culprit behind everything, also had to endure these inconveniences.

Of course, it wasn’t as good as Hoecheonhoe or Ronin.

‘Have a hard time.’

Unlike Jeonggwang, who felt at ease when standing up, resting, or sleeping, Hoecheonhoe and the ronin had to spend the day with their nerves on edge.

It’s only the first day, but more and more people are unable to overcome the extreme tension and their bodies and minds are becoming numb.

The leaders of both sides expected this to happen, but there was no clear solution.

But can you stay still?

The meeting was held even at midnight.

Suspicion grew because of the tense tension.

“Is he here at all?”

“I don’t know. I’m glad it doesn’t look like it’s going to die… … .”

“That makes me even more anxious.”

“Same. “I have no idea what he’s planning.”

Jeong Gwang was standing in his bun without thinking.

Tubseokburi, who was able to move around a little bit and came to stand with us, counted the stars in the night sky with tired eyes and muttered inadvertently.

“Damn it. “I don’t want to die.”

As Jeong Gwang stared at him, Tubseokburi spoke urgently.

“Oh, don’t get me wrong. What I’m saying is that I don’t want to get stabbed in the back and die while standing up like this. If you are a warrior, you should die while fighting cheerfully like a warrior. is not it?”

It wasn’t like that.

No matter how you die, you die anyway.

I had to live to feel refreshed.

Tubseokbeak, who had been watching Jeong Gwang’s mouth for a while, let out a bitter smile.

“Damn it. I forgot you couldn’t speak and waited to see what you would say. “Pretend you didn’t hear it.”

“… … .”

“This guy. Please nod your head. huh? Is it because I gave you some trouble? Or are you trying to distance yourself because of the sagas I told you?”

Perhaps because of his aching body and extreme tension, his mind was broken, but he rambled on and on about his past life.

“I understand? Because it’s not my fault. I couldn’t help it. “Do you think he did it because he liked me?”

“… … .”

“crazy. You’re the one who did all kinds of evil things. What’s so arrogant? “Are you justice?”

Concentration was neither justice nor arrogance.

Instead of needlessly defending himself, he only took responsibility for what he had done.

As Jeong Gwang silently stared at the outside, Tubseokbeori sighed.

“Whew. done. What can I say to you? Anyway, I’ll pay off the debt, so let me know if you need anything… … shit. At least write something… … Damn it. “I don’t know how to write.”

At that time, I heard a wolf howling in the distance.


Jeong Gwang’s eyes lit up.

‘It’s finally here.’

Tubseokbeak shouted in surprise.

“Nuh-uh, wolf! “Is it Chief Dongbang?”

They weren’t the only ones reacting to the sound of wolves.

More bonfires were lit here and there, and Ronin came out of the tent.

It was the same with Hoecheonhoe.

As Mo Yong-gang was glaring at the place where the sound came from, the Cold Soul Demon unfolded his magic and landed next to him.

“Moyong Daegyeop. Did you hear?”

“I heard. “Is this the Dongbangjang’s doing?”

As soon as the words were out, not only the wolf but also the hunting cat cried.

Cold Soul Blade stared into the darkness with sparkling eyes and declared.

“I’m sure.”

“I guess so. A wolf and a cat howl in one place. “It doesn’t make sense.”

“I can’t talk to you because it’s night, so they will attack when the sun rises. “We must prepare.”

“When the sun rises, it will be the second day. “What about the horses?”

“I think it will take at least a day or two more before I can move properly.”

“late. “I guess I’ll just have to survive today with just Cheoksadang.”

“Are you really planning on going to attack them?”

“Is that possible? “I plan to form a formation here and only deal with those who attack.”

“I think that’s right. “I will help you with my bow.”

It was a good move to deal with magical enemies and foreigners.

The problem was that one person was overlooked.

As soon as Jeong Gwang returned to the tent in shifts with the next group of officers, he pointed out Tubseokburi’s blood transfusion.

Then he used his stealth skills and went out of the camp.

I ran in the direction where I heard the sounds of the animals.

As I was slowly running around half an hour, I saw a familiar cart.

Jeong Gwang hopped down on the cart and said hello.

“How are you?”

Zhao, Hye-jin, and Mo Yong-su, who were confused by the unfamiliar face, welcomed Jeong Gwang’s voice brightly.

“Sobriety. “Are you here?”

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“Did anything happen?”

Unlike them, the Dongbangjang, who was sitting on the ground with a sad face and petting the wolf and the cat, suddenly asked.

“Hey, my lord. “Did you really kill him?”

“Two generals?”


“It just so happened to be like that.”

“ha. What kind of monster… … “What happened to the horses?”

“It will take a day or two before I can run.”

The Dongbangjang looked even more sad when he heard about how bad his relationship with his dead colleagues was and that the horses were suffering from colic.

“What about the Hoecheonhoe kids?”

“I collected it with senior citizens.”

“what? Why?”

Jeong Gwang grinned.

“It’s hard to fight properly if you have something to protect.”

“… … Have you seen such an evil lord? But whose face is that?”

“A person who is a ronin.”

“It’s all over now. “Why aren’t you solving it?”

“Wouldn’t quite a few people be agitated if they showed their colleagues’ faces?”

The head of the East thought with a bored expression on his face.

‘Calculate even that. ‘What on earth was Sima Lian fighting about?’

Jeong Gwang sat cross-legged and had a good fortune.

When I finished everything and opened my eyes, dawn was about to break.


“Here you are, Danju.”

“thank you.”

Zheng Guang received the cloud dragon and flying dragon from Zhao.

It had only been a few days, but when I held it in my hand again, it felt special.

“Let’s go.”

“yes! Sober!”

The Dark Wind and the Golden Wind ran, pulling the cart.

Jeong Gwang stood tall on the cart and wrapped the reins of the two horses around his left arm.

Then, as he grabbed the flying dragon with his left hand, Zhao sat on his right and laid out arrows on the floor.

Hyejin rode on the left, and Mo Yongsusu rode on the right.

The Dongbangjang ran as he had originally planned, pushing the cart.

At a speed that is incomparable to when others push.

“What trouble is this because I met the wrong master!”

He wasn’t the only one suffering.

The magic bandits and foreigners behind them also rode hard along with the cart.

As I kept running and resting like that, Hoecheonhoe and the ronin’s camp began to look like small dots.

Jeong Gwang fired the first arrow, signaling the start of the battle.

I love you so much-

There was no intention of prolonging the fight, so the arrows flew at blinding speed.

If King Nang came quickly, I planned to kill him all in succession.

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