Demonic master of mount Kunlun Chapter 263

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Episode 263


Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province, had frequent rain and many rivers, so the land was very fertile.

As a result, people continue to flock to the area, making it prosper day by day.

It was a place where everything was missing, whether it was spots, bases, guest cups, etc… … .

The reality was like this.

“Thank you all for your hard work! It would be nice to go inside the castle and relax, but you have to go to the outskirts! “Please understand that I will be sleeping in a wide area!”

People frowned at Zhuge Wenhyung’s shout.

‘I barely set foot on land.’

‘When will I get some proper rest?’

‘Since there is no Yangtze River Waterway Federation, we will have to make do with dry food and beef jerky.’

Still, it was something that could not be helped.

If this many people pour in at once, where will they eat and sleep?

There will only be a lot of fuss.

It was also dangerous.

‘If you sleep scattered around, you might get stabbed by the Simalian bastards.’

‘You can also play tricks on eating and drinking.’

‘done. Even if your body feels a little uncomfortable, it’s better to feel comfortable.’

People shook their heads and walked away.

Jeong Gwang walked with them with a calm expression and glanced back towards the castle wall.

A military officer wearing armor was standing on the wall, watching the movements of the Murim Alliance.

The corners of Jeong Gwang’s mouth slightly rose.

‘Either Hubei Province or here. It looks like the emperor paid close attention.’

There were so many martial artists moving around in groups, but the official just watched and didn’t care.

I won’t let you interfere, so fight against Sima-ryeon as much as you want and die quickly.

‘Still, I would have sent one or two of my close associates down to keep an eye on the situation.’

just as expected.

A person dressed in black silk appeared on the castle wall.

It was a man with snow-white skin and red lips.

Jeong Gwang was impressed.

‘It looks pretty good.’

The distance was too far to guess the inaction, but the appearance was clearly visible.

‘He is a man wearing black silk clothes and without a single beard. ‘Are you a eunuch from Dongchang?’

It might be so when you see the military officer who was standing first greeting you warmly.

‘You look like you can’t tell whether you’re young or middle-aged. I guess eunuchs also have status. It’s different from Eungsam.’

At that time, the gazes of Jeong Gwang and the eunuch collided directly.

The eunuch grinned.

Jeong Gwang also grinned.

It means not to do foolish things.

Did you understand?

The eunuch’s smile grew wider.

‘He’s a cool guy.’

Or maybe smiling is a habit.

It was all unlucky, though.

Jeong Gwang stopped paying attention to the eunuch and hurried away.

After a while.

The Murim League set up a tent in a secluded field.

After filling his stomach with dry food and beef jerky, Jeong Gwang went to see Zhuge Mun.

“So, what’s going on?”

“Have you ever seen anything like this?”

As I held out the pieces of iron pillars, Zhuge Wen made an interesting expression.

“Hmm. “Has there ever been a text like this in the world?”

“Okay then.”

“Oh, no. Where are you going? When we put our heads together… … .”

“I thought it would be faster to do it alone.”

Zhuge Wen is a military man and a scholar.

To be exact, he was closer to a writer.

Would a writer who saw an unfamiliar text easily give up?

They tried to catch him somehow, but Jeong Gwang used his magic and escaped.

The soldier scolded me and asked if I had time for this now.

‘Let’s take a closer look at the tent.’

When I entered the bloodless group’s tent, I saw that all the members were having a good luck breakfast.

Except for Wei Jinhong.

‘Why is this guy like this again?’

I was sitting crouched in the corner like I always did.

The sunken eyes sparkled.

‘Did you realize something?’

I was going to ask him about the text, but I didn’t want to break his thoughts, so I decided to just skip it.


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‘okay. Rescue something.’

The more you think deeply, the more you will gain.

‘Otherwise I can’t do it.’

Jeong Gwang sat on the floor cheering for Wei Jin Hong.

Then he took out the pieces of iron pillars and lined them up.

‘First, memorize it.’

I engraved all of those complex shapes in my mind.

‘Now let me understand.’

Just because you don’t know the text at all doesn’t mean you can’t decipher it.

Overlapping words are bound to appear and there are certain rules.

If you plug in numerous meanings, the answer will eventually come out.

It was a task that required a lot of time and effort, but Jeong Gwang was confident.


‘It’s not enough. I wish there were more left.’

There were too few pieces.

What can be the point with such a small sample?

‘It’s going to take quite a while.’

That’s if you’re lucky too.

Jeong Gwang frowned and put the pieces together.

Then, it was carved by hand and made into an iron ball.

Because the material was quite hard, it was a waste to just throw it away.

‘It’s heavy so it’s worth throwing. I must have memorized the entire contents, so I should at least write them down by heart.’

I threw it up and caught it repeatedly, wondering whose head I was going to break with this.

It became noisy outside.

“An envoy from Sima Lian has arrived!”

“It’s called a single body!”

“Hurry and inform the leader and soldiers!”

Jeong Gwang also stood up.

I was curious about the face of the Shinigami.

What can you say?

* * *

The envoy of Sima Lian was a middle-aged man of great stamina, and as soon as he met Peng Shuguan, he spoke bluntly.

“Stop going back.”

“It’s impossible.”

When Peng Shu-gwan refused without any hesitation, the envoy spoke emphatically.

“I will be waiting on the plain in front of the headquarters. “Be prepared and come.”

“… … !”

I can’t believe you’re so confident despite coming alone.

The warriors of the Murim League were secretly impressed.

‘The distribution is amazing.’

Jeong Gwang smoothed both hands.

‘bouncer. Should I beat it up and make myself feel better?’

I had no intention of questioning him.

Just in case, they would have sent someone who knew nothing.

But there was no room to break.

Peng Su-gwan sent the envoy as is and called a meeting.

“Bloodless sobriety. Where are you going? “Come here.”

“Can I come and see him off?”

“Where are you sending it? “Infinite hell?”

“uh? “I guess you’ve been cultivating the Tao in the meantime.”

“Stop talking nonsense and come quickly.”

As the key figures gathered, Zhuge Wen opened his mouth.

“It is approximately four hundred ri from Changsha to Jingyang, where the Sima Rean headquarters is located. “Even if you don’t overdo it, it will only take a few days.”

“What do you think, soldier? Do you really think Sima Lian will fight a decisive battle in front of the General Council?”

Zhuge Wenhyeong shook his head in response to Peng Su-gwan’s question.



Zhuge Wen unfolded a large map and pointed out several places.

“The distance is short, but there are quite a few rough terrains. If I were you, I would sell traps in some of these places. “It means reducing the strength of the main alliance little by little.”

“but. I think so too. “Bloodless Sobriety, what do you think?”

“It’s similar.”

“It means there is something different. “Tell me.”

Jeong Gwang answered simply.

“I’m going to dig a trap, but I’m going to sell it big.”

“Are they going to try to turn the tide in an instant?”



Unlike Peng Shuguan, who was surprised, Zhuge Wenhyeong agreed.

“That is very likely. “It’s also a good idea to deal a big blow at once and force them to retreat.”

Neither the Murim League nor the Sima Lian can fight until one side is annihilated.

If that’s the case, only the emperor would be good.

I had to deal some damage to my opponent and get him to surrender.

“The difference is whether you nibble at it little by little to balance it out and then force it to retreat, or whether you take a big bite at a time and chase it away.”

As Peng Shu-gwan muttered, Tang Dang-hwang snorted.

“joy. What should we do with table discussion? “You just have to deal with it as soon as it comes.”

“I didn’t give senior Noh the right to speak.”

“Lord. Are you going to keep ignoring me like this?”

“Ignoring you. “We are trying to have a proper meeting.”

“Then give me the floor!”

“You’ve already said everything, haven’t you?”


“ah. There is a role that I must ask of you. “It is not something that can be done easily.”

“… … “What is it?”

“Please be quiet and just listen.”

Tang Hwang tried to get angry, but Peng Su-gwan was faster.

“Please listen until the end. “Would you please take the lead?”

“… … Me, me?”

“yes. We need the power of a line ship.”

Tang Hwang’s mouth opened wide.

He is in a situation where he is being scolded by his son for causing an accident on a bad day, and he asks him to stand in the vanguard because he needs his strength!

“Now, can you tell me in detail?”

“actually… … .”

Peng Su-gwan dealt with Tang Hwang like a snake.

When others raised common sense questions, Zhuge Wen came forward.

The meeting went well and several policies were decided.

“Then we will rest well today and leave tomorrow.”

When Peng Shu-gwan broke up the meeting, the people dispersed.

-Bloodless sobriety, you will stay for a while.


-It will just take a moment.

Peng Su-gwan opened his mouth when only Zhuge Wenhyeong and Jeong Gwang were left.

“The morale of the members is not normal. “I’m ready to fight to the death.”

“That’s right.”

“You shouldn’t do that.”


“It means taking care of your body.”

Zhuge Wen also joined in.

“You are the symbol of the original alliance and the idol of the members. If anything goes wrong, morale will be ruined.”

Jeong Gwang answered with a bewildered expression.

“It can’t go wrong.”

“I’m just saying this just in case. “It’s going to be a melee, so how can we be sure?”

“Because it’s natural.”

“That’s nonsense. “Please be careful.”

Jeong Gwang tried to deny it again but ended up denying it.

Isn’t it obvious that the story will be long for no reason?


“I believe it.”

“Can I go?”

“I said I would believe it.”

“yes. “Of course.”

Jeong Gwang wrapped his arms around them and left the tent.

Laughter leaked from my mouth.

It was a useless worry, but I wasn’t in a bad mood.

‘Everyone’s morale is high.’

I looked around.

Everyone, including you and I, had our fighting spirit on fire.

The same goes for the bloodless group.

Are you trying to warm up before starting the actual training?

They were performing gymnastics in front of the assigned tent.

‘Hmm. It might be the last time. Shall we do it together?’

Jeong Gwang moved along with the members.

The members who were glancing at each other slowly approached.

And then he performed the same gymnastics technique.

It was a full-arm style of the gymnastics method created by Jeong Gwang that spread throughout the world.

Is it because of the good energy contained in the gymnastics method?

A soft energy spread across the wide field where the camp was located.

The Buddha, drawn by that energy, came out of the tent and smiled.

“It is a good thing, a good thing. “It’s incredibly warm.”

Hwanjon, who was nearby, heard those words.

“Someone who is not a pottery craftsman creates a training method filled with wisdom. “I don’t understand.”

“What if I understand? What if I don’t? “You just have to accept it as is.”

As Buddha said, the members accepted the soft energy without question.

More and more people started practicing gymnastics, and soon all members were doing it.

In this way, the Murim Alliance became one.

Buljon was excited and muttered softly.

“Amitabha Buddha.”

* * *

The next morning, the Murim League finished eating and prepared to leave.

Jeong Gwang led the scouting team and left first.

The scouting team was made up of experts among experts, so it was very reassuring.

It was very noisy.

“Disciple. What’s the use of spying like a rat? “Let’s run like this and hit the guns.”

Namgung-hak refuted the words of Tang Hwang, who was full of energy.

“If you want to die, die alone.”


“Do you have a thousand hands? “How are you going to deal with all those guys?”

As the two people bickered, others also joined in.

Jeong Gwang shook his head and spoke softly as he ran.

“I’m scouting, so you have to be quiet. “If you keep talking, we will send you away.”

Jeong Gwang is a man who will do anything.

The scouts immediately fell silent.

‘Now it’s finally worth living.’

Jeong Gwang looked around and continued running.

The spot that Zhuge Wen had pointed out was found, but there was nothing unusual.

‘For now, one thing is done.’

I waited for the main unit and joined.

After eating, I ran again.

We ran for two days like this, meeting and parting repeatedly.

‘It takes quite a while.’

Because safety was the top priority, the speed was slow even for an unmanned vehicle.

Still, is there anything else?

It has to go like this.

The scouting party set off again.

Jeong Gwang tilted his head as he unfolded the divine law.

‘I’ve already passed by several good places for raids. ‘Is Sima Lianju’s patience deeper than I thought?’

How long did it run?

In the distance, I could see Hyeongsan Mountain, which is considered the Namak (南岳) of the five peaks of the Jungwon Mountains.

But Jeong Gwang’s eyes were elsewhere.

There was a canyon not far away.

‘Look at this?’

A strange look appeared in Jeong Gwang’s eyes.

It was because I felt a faint energy.

A lot of that too.

‘What is it?’

Jeong Gwang was slightly worried.

It’s natural to check.

Should I take the next step or not?

The answer was fixed.

Jeong Gwang’s eyes lit up.

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