Demonic master of mount Kunlun Chapter 251

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Episode 251

That’s not right

Jeong Gwang opened his closed eyes.

Eyes as clear and calm as clear water were revealed.

Are the eyes of a wise man or a monk with extremely deep cultivation like this?

‘It reminds me of alcohol.’

Even a true jinn or a high monk would do that if he were in Jeong Gwang’s position.

We’ve taken a step forward, so shouldn’t we congratulate ourselves?

‘I think I’m ready.’

Jeong Gwang opened the door and walked out with a faint smile.

It was early in the morning, but the peasants were already making breakfast and getting ready to go to work.

“Oh my. Shinseonnim, have you come out?”

“The meat that was delivered yesterday is almost completely cooked. Please come and eat.”

Jeong Gwang elegantly clasped his hands towards them.

“Muryangsubul.” “What about alcohol?”

“Would it be possible? “I’ve already prepared it.”

“You have a deep Tao.”

“Heulheul.” “It’s all thanks to Shinseonnim.”

Jeong Gwang grinned and headed to the vacant lot in the center of the village.

Pork stuck on a tree branch was being roasted, giving off a fragrant smell.

The young children were sitting in a huddle in front of it, gulping their saliva.

“uh? It’s Shinseonnim. “Here, here!”

One child who discovered the concentrate waved his hand, pushing away the children next to him.

The children quietly created a space for them, and Jeong Gwang sat there.

“huh? “Seonseonnim.”

The kid who prepared the seat asked with wide eyes.

“I think you’ve become more like a Shinseonnim. Are you trying to return to the realm of immortality?”

It is said that a child’s eyes are pure and can see things as they are.

Unlike the adults, the child felt that his concentration had changed, and the other children noticed it too late.

“and. “You’ve really changed.”

“Sinseon. Are you really trying to leave this world?”

Jeong Gwang ruffled the hair of the child who spoke last.

“you. The words are a bit strange. I’m not dying. “You will live a very long time.”

“lol. Great. Live with us for a long time. yes?”

“Let’s eat first.”


I got rid of the annoying guy.

The other guy raised his hand.

“Wait. Shin Seon-nim, now I remember. “Is it okay to eat meat and drink alcohol?”

“of course.”

“Are you Shinseon?”

“I have to eat so you can eat comfortably too.”

“is it?”

“Blessings come only when you believe.”

“iced coffee. “I understand, Shin Seon-nim.”

Jeong Gwang shouted, roughly stroking the head of the little boy with both hands together.

“Friends! What are you doing? “Come quickly and eat!”

How about giving a gift or helping?

The villagers smiled and answered.

“Yes, Shinseonnim! “I’m going!”

It was a fun meal.

Although they were much better off than other tenant farmers, they could not even dream of eating meat every day.

Everyone was happy about the meat feast that lasted for several days… … .

The joy didn’t last long.

After finishing eating, Jeong Gwang said he would leave.

“I’ll go. Stay healthy everyone.”

The village chief and other adults saw him off, wiping away tears with the backs of their hands.

“Please stop by at least once, Shin Seon-nim.”

“I will do it when I get the chance.”

The children were so bright.

“Please ask for a lot of meat when you come! “A lot!”

“You guys should buy it then.”

If I ever come here again, it will be in the distant future.

At that time, will these children have become young adults or middle-aged?

He might have died of illness at a young age, or he might have met the end of his life as an old man with a cane.

It meant that it would take a long time before they would see it, but the children took it differently.

“OMG. What should I do? “I don’t have any money.”

“Guys, let’s catch a rabbit. a lot. Shin Seon-nim, are you okay?”


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It’s okay.

In that case, it would be better to climb the mountain yourself and hunt deer.

‘I guess it’s not that bad since you’re just sitting comfortably and being treated well.’

It was quite believable to see the children pounding their little hearts and talking excitedly.

After receiving a pledge to keep the promise, Jeong Gwang unfolded the new law.

Is it because I erased my debt?

My heart was light.

Maybe that’s why it was so quick to get to Shaolin.

Jeong Gwang immediately met the head of the room and asked.

“You received a call from the Murim Alliance, right?”

“You mean attacking the Commander-in-Chief of Sima Lian? “I see.”

“How many people will be going?”

Shaolin decided to dispatch several wise men including Buddha, eighteen Arhats including Won Hong, and some of Won Tzu’s disciples.

When the head of the room announced this fact, Jeong Gwang pretended to be slightly surprised.

“That much?”

“I just do what I have to do.”

“You want to set an example for other clans and families. “Thanks to the room manager, things will become easier.”

“I’m glad it helps. So, when do you plan on leaving?”

“Today. “Is it possible?”

The head of the room nodded, looked at Jeong-gwang silently, and then spoke up.

“Amitabha Buddha. “Congratulations on achieving a great feat.”

“It’s a small skill, huh?”

“haha. What does the difference in size have to do with it? “The ball is the ball.”

The manager had a soft smile that did not match his upright posture.

“I think other good things happened. Is that correct?”

“little bit.”

“Tell me. “I’m just curious.”

“It’s nothing special.”

When Jeong Gwang told the story of what happened with the children, the head’s bewildered eyes widened.

‘It is a good thing, a good thing. The Buddha listened to Priest Hyeon-oh’s request and helped Jinok-ryong.’

They say it makes them feel good to be in debt to their children, but how can that be?

Jeonggwang himself doesn’t know, but he must have filled in some of the missing parts.

‘There’s no need to nag me unnecessarily.’

Jeonggwang was moving forward step by step.

I had to trust him and watch him.

“Amitabha Buddha. Good luck.”

This afternoon.

Jeong Gwang descended the mountain with the Shaolin monks.

The destination was Murimmaeng.

* * *

‘What is this?’

Jeong Gwang looked up at the signboard above his head and made an absurd expression.

‘Jade dragon guest cup?’

This wasn’t the only thing.

Namyang, Henan Province, where the Murim League is located.

Aren’t the two letters ‘Jade Dragon’ engraved on the signboards of countless stores along the street?

‘What happened?’

I soon found out.

As soon as the people walking on the street saw the concentrate, they gathered like a cloud!

“Jinokryong! I am impressed by your collaboration! Resuscitation is the mother of the Cheongdowi family… … .”

“It’s an honor to meet you! It is said that I am focusing on Yojihwangeom (搖之幻劍), and since this is also fate, I will have a cup of grain tea… … .”

Jeonggwang’s popularity was at its peak.

Moorim’s rising sun!

The idol of young warriors!

This is the concentrate!

As a result, all the stores that made a living off of the Murim League warriors started using the name ‘Jade Dragon’, and as a result, Jade Dragon was everywhere.

‘But I didn’t add ‘Jin’ in front of it.’

It has to be that way.

Jeong Gwang was famous for his numerous acts of cooperation as well as his evil deeds.

Who would dare copy his nickname?

‘Well, that’s it.’

There was no time to be caught.

There was also some food to throw to people.

Jeong Gwang politely hugged him and shouted loudly.

“Immense Buddha! Nice to meet you all! However, the elder Buddha and the Shaolin monks have taken a difficult step, so please be quiet!”

“… … !”

“It would be nice to take this opportunity to connect with Shaolin! It’s not Shaolin that comes at any time! A worker under heaven will come out! “Isn’t it Shaolin, the Taesanbukdu (泰山北斗) of Wulin?”

“… … !”

An individual named Jeong Gwang and a group called Shaolin.

Which side would it be more beneficial to form a relationship with?

The weight naturally shifted towards the latter.

“Amitabha Buddha! hello! I have always admired and listened to Shaolin’s great name! Resuscitation is the majesty of the Cheongdowi family… … .”

“Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva! It is an infinite honor to meet you! So-in says he is looking at Yoji Hwan-geom, but since this is also fate, let’s have a cup of tea… … .”

Jeong Gwang quickly dismissed the crowd and unfolded the divine law.

The Shaolin monks’ resentful looks stabbed me in the back, but what do I know?

‘I hope that doesn’t change.’

Jeong Gwang arrived at his destination and took a quick look.

Just as I remembered, the place was full of gates without even a signboard.

“haha. “I’m here!”

The startled guests tried to surround Jeong Gwang, but there was someone who was faster.

She was Jang’s mother.


Jeong Gwang lightly supported her as she ran out in such a hurry that she tripped.

“You have to be careful. “Jang Sohyeop is very worried.”

“… … “Is the child okay?”

“Sure. “Didn’t you hear the rumor?”

“I heard it, but… … .”

“Don’t worry, I’m in good health.”

Although he was a leader whose fame spread by following Jeong Gwang around and contributing to his exploits, his mother’s mind was bound to be restless.

When I heard that he was safe, tears welled up in my eyes.

‘You can’t cry. ‘You have to be strong.’

She held back and asked cheerfully.

“Eungong, are you hungry?”

“That’s why I came.”

“I will take care of you. “Please come in.”

After guiding the concentrate, she carried so many dishes that the table legs broke.

“I was so anxious that I couldn’t prepare much. bon appetite.”

“thank you for this food.”

The food was really good.

She waited quietly without interrupting, and only opened her mouth after Jeonggwang tapped her stomach.

“You came alone, but the other members… … .”

I felt guilty asking about it, so I said it was members, but I asked about Jang.

Jeong Gwang explained in detail.

It’s in Namgung House.

There will be a big fight soon and I will participate in it and fight.

Now that my son is earning a lot of money, he doesn’t need to work anymore.

“… … .”

Did they say that the strongest being in the world is a mother?

She tried to put on a resolute expression.

“no. This is a birthmark given by Eun-gong. “I will continue to do this until I die.”

“I like it. I want to stop by sometimes. But tears came to my eyes. “Are you worried?”

She answered calmly.

“no. This is the path the child chose for himself, so he should follow it. “Do you like cooking?”

“Sure. “Your cooking skills have gotten better.”

“thank you.”

“Please teach Jang So-hyeop a lesson too.”

“… … yes?”

Jeong Gwang added with a grin.

“I will be back soon, please.”

“Huh… … .”

The tears I had been holding back flowed.

They were tears of joy, different from before.

Don’t you say you’ll be back?

Jeong Gwang is no one else!

She smiled brightly.

I keep shedding tears.

* * *

What is important to survive in a melee?

It is natural that it is a high level of martial arts, but there are several others.

Jang had two of them, so Jeong Gwang was not worried about him.

“Look at this bloodless sobriety. “It’s been so long since you’ve been here, why haven’t you said anything?”

Jeong Gwang woke up from his thoughts and looked at the person in front of him.

It was Peng Su-gwan, the Murim lord.

“I wrote down everything I wanted to say in a letter sent from the Namgung family.”

“Wow. There is no affection. “The military managed to decipher it and tell it to me. Is it like this?”

When Peng Shu-gwan clicked his tongue, Zhuge Wenhyung, who was next to him, smiled.

“Lord, what you said is not entirely wrong. “He must be tired after a long journey, so please just check and send him on his way.”

“What do you want to confirm that I know? Soldiers do it.”

Zhuge Wenhyeong shook his head at Peng Shuguan’s blunt words.

“He was displeased every time he heard about the bloodless group’s actions. As expected.”

“What a slander!”

“I became a leader for no reason. “Didn’t you say we should have gone together?”

“Uh huh. You’re making fun of me at this important moment. “Let’s get to work.”

“All right. “Let’s do that.”

Zhuge Wen first expressed his gratitude to Jeong Gwang.

Even though he agreed to pay in return, isn’t he the benefactor who saved his family?

And then the conversation started.

It was about what had happened so far and what would happen in the future.

“… … You did a really good job, Zhang Kang. The Namgung family is the problem. There is no need to tell you the real reason why the head of the family changed. “Is the new head of the family determined to fight Sima Lian as you wrote in your letter?”


“good. “It will be easy to persuade those who followed the Namgung family.”

“It will be because the head of the family said he would send a letter to them.”

“It must be a letter from the former head of the family, right?”


“very good. “I’m glad you don’t have to talk at length.”

The spleen tube got stuck.

“It sounds like it’s bad because you have to talk to me at length.”

“this. “You got caught.”

“Whew. “There is no one on my side.”

The conversation between Jeong Gwang and Zhuge Munhyung continued for quite a long time.

When he finally came to a conclusion, Peng Su-gwan’s eyes turned to Jeong Gwang.

“I have already contacted the clans and families belonging to the Meng. “You and the military refined the plan again today, so I’ll have to let them know again.”

“That’s right.”

“Concentrate your power and hit it at once. Very good idea. So… … .”

As Peng Su-gwan trailed off, Zhuge Wen Heong objected.

“It’s not possible.”

“I haven’t even said anything yet!”

“Aren’t you saying that the leader will also participate in the war?”

“Of course you should. When the members are rushing to their death, should the leader be considerate of himself? “Am I wrong?”

“But that doesn’t work. “How can the person who leads the team act rashly?”

The two men fought back without retreating even an inch.

Jeong Gwang, who had been listening boredly, came up with a compromise.

“Let’s decide on a secret dance.”

In the end, Peng Su-gwan also joined the war.

It was not because he defeated Fei Mu, but because Zhuge Wen took a step back.

“As the leader said, I agreed because it was better to boost the morale of the members.”

“cancer. “I know.”

“However, please give up the desire to compete with Sima Lianju for self-awareness. “Didn’t the Bloodless Danzou emphasize this time and time again in each letter?”

The Sima Lian Ju is mine.

This was something Jeong Gwang had consistently written.

Jeong Gwang’s achievements so far have been so great that even Peng Su-gwan could not refuse him.

“Hmph. “I will do that, so don’t worry.”

“You can’t fight at the forefront.”

“Whew. “I don’t have a separate mother-in-law.”

Peng Su-gwan sighed and made a request with a serious face.

“I must use this opportunity to finish it. For the grassroots who are having a hard time.”

“I understand, leader.”


“Bloodless sobriety, rest well until departure. Your role is important. ah. It might be annoying, but just make time for me tonight. “Shouldn’t we at least show our face in the Senate?”

“We’re going to go fight together anyway, so should we?”

“They won’t go.”


A sneer appeared on Peng Su-gwan’s face.

“joy. Is he an elder for nothing? “He is an elder because he only talks about it.”

“That’s not it.”

A light appeared in Jeong Gwang’s eyes.

It was my will to take everything and run it.

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