Demonic master of mount Kunlun Chapter 216

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Episode 216


Four ships sank, but the four ships that had betrayed them joined them.

Yeonhwachae became the same number as when he set out to deal with Jeonggwang.

“Gather here.”

At Jeong Gwang’s words, the bloodless members moved to Yeonhwa.

“You too.”

Your Hyangju, who was watching you, sighed and followed Jeonggwang’s words.

When they all gathered together, Zheng Guang praised Zhao.

“Thanks for your efforts. “You did it beautifully.”

“It’s just… … .”

Before Zhao’s words could get longer, the Bloodless members unanimously praised him.

“You are truly amazing.”

“There’s nothing you can’t do.”

“You said that the recluse of Zhao Dahyeop was Pacheonfang (破天幇), right? It’s a name that doesn’t sound like it has much to do with those various arts. “Did you learn it after entering Sima-ryan?”

“… … haha. Well, it’s just a catch. “It’s no big deal.”

As Zhao smiled awkwardly and hesitated, Tang Wu, the owner of the club, asked Zheng Guang.

“Sobriety. “Did you negotiate?”


“Yeonhwachaeju decided to guide you to the general creditor? “Danju decided not to touch her anymore.”

“As expected, you are always steadfast.”

Tang Go-kun shook his head.

“I couldn’t believe it. “That’s amazing.”


Dang-o-gun answered as if it were obvious.

“I thought that if it was Danju, they would cut down everything and sink the ship.”

“and. “What are you saying about me?”

Jeong Gwang was dumbfounded, but others were even more so.

“From what I can see. “It’s because I’m sober.”

“That’s right. “Did you eat something wrong?”

As Yoo Jeong-pung and Eon Eui-jin mumbled, the bloodless members and local residents shook their heads.

But there were also those who were not.

“wait. if… … .”

Tang Ye-ji’s words drew attention to her.

“… … “Is there a reason why they shouldn’t be hurt and be fine?”

“As expected, please give me a couple.”

“… … “This is my first time hearing about such a position.”

“You served as the temporary head of the division when the Murim Alliance competed against the Earth Dragon. “It’s no different from married couples drinking alone.”

“… … That aside. “I want to know why they have to do that.”

Jeong Gwang answered by putting his hands together.

“Muryangsubul.” You can’t harm people carelessly. “Isn’t it obvious?”

The members thought in unison.

‘I guess that’s because the more oarsmen there are, the better.’

The scented liquors were also similar.

‘A vicious bastard. How much do you want to pamper me?’

Zhao and Baek Seung-mu were a little different.

‘I guess it’s not just that. ‘I don’t know what it is.’

Jeong Gwang gave instructions to them who had different thoughts.

“All bloodless groups are going on this ship. “Ship owners are responsible for their own ships.”

The Bloodless members immediately agreed.

Isn’t it better to concentrate power rather than disperse it?

The local residents were secretly happy.

I don’t know how long it will be, but I will be able to escape Jeong Gwang’s hands and I will be able to find an opportunity to run away.

But the concentrate was on top of their heads.

“There will come a moment when your role becomes important. So, you must not run away.”

“… … “Surely we would have such feelings?”

When Ilhyangju spoke as the representative, Jeonggwang shook his head.

“You can embrace it.”

“… … ?”

“If only you could take care of it.”

“… … !”

Jeong Gwang advised them as their faces turned blue.

“You know that you and Chae-ju have already crossed the river of no return, right?”

“… … .”

The four lords glanced at the bow.

Did you feel their gaze?

Hwajin, who was looking at Zhao with her forehead pressed together, made eye contact.

‘… … ‘Damn it.’


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‘… … ‘You really have fire in your eyes.’

Miss Hwajin was greedy, thorough, and even cruel.

He is not a great man who will just ignore his subordinates who betrayed him.

‘There’s no way they can kill us gracefully.’

‘Should I peel it alive and slice it with salt?’

‘I might tie it to a rope and drop it in the river and run for days and days… … .’

Many other methods came to mind, but none of them were anything that humans could endure.

They begged Jeong Gwang with earnest eyes.

“Jinokryong. “Our hearts are already with Jinokryong.”

“Please believe me. “No matter how you command me, I will do my best to follow you.”

Jeong Gwang willingly accepted.

“Okay then. Since you asked first, I believe you will take responsibility.”

What did my guy threaten me with?

How on earth can you take responsibility!

Although this was what I felt on the inside, I had no choice but to express my gratitude in a tone filled with emotion.

“Jinokryong, thank you.”

“I will be loyal.”

A scene as if heroes who met the lord of their dreams swear to heaven and show off their will to criticize the world.

But Jeonggwang was indifferent.

“There is no need for loyalty. When I give you a signal, please follow it.”

“… … yes.”

“Let’s all go to our own boats. See you later.”

“… … All right.”

When they dispersed, the sprint began.

Jeong Gwang sat on the boat and cast a fishing rod into the Yangtze River.

Has it already passed half-width?

Jeong Gwang’s forehead was wrinkled.

‘Why haven’t I been caught? Isn’t this a yawn?’

I blamed the fishing rod, but is that possible?

Jeong Gwang asks to borrow money to go fishing, but who would dare give him a yawn?

‘Fishing is definitely not something to do.’

The moment I yawned and was about to put down the fishing rod, Miss Hwajin approached me and asked vaguely.

“I don’t know what will happen on the Yangtze River, but most of the arrows and oil are gone. There’s a place nearby to refill. “How about stopping by for a moment?”

“Of course.”

When Jeong Gwang obediently complied, Hwa Jin Yang gave orders to her subordinate.

And when the subordinate left, he kept an eye on the fishing rod in Jeong Gwang’s hand.

“I guess I’m not good at fishing. Is that correct?”


“Amazing. “I never thought there was something you couldn’t do.”

“It’s not that I can’t do it, it’s that I haven’t tried it.”

“Why didn’t you do it?”

“I feel like I’m just wasting time.”

If a fisherman had heard, he would have been angry and told him not to insult fishing, but in his previous life, Jeong Gwang really thought that way.

If you’re busy trying to survive every day, how can you enjoy entertainment that requires a long investment of time, like fishing?

There were times when I was hungry while being chased by enemies and had to catch a fish, but I never caught one by fishing.

‘There are many much more efficient methods, so what should I do?’

Even as time passed and no one dared attack him, that thought did not change.

I thought I would give it a try while I was in Yangtze River, and it was still the same now.

‘I thought I had changed quite a bit, but it turns out I haven’t.’

When Jeong Gwang put down the fishing rod and tried to stand up, Hwajin stopped him.

“Hold on just a little longer. “The bite will come soon.”

“Just a little bit?”

“okay. a little bit.”

Jeonggwang thought there was nothing left to do, so he decided to try a little more.

But before half an angle passed, I sighed.

“Chae Joo, it seems like a little bit is very long.”

“It’s not that long.”

“To what extent?”

Hwajinyang’s eyes sank deeply.

“I was ten years old when I decided to f*uck on the Yangtze River. I set a goal by jumping into Yeonhwachae. “I will become a borrower.”

“You matured early.”

“It’s like that. little bit more. Just need to do a little more. I endured it with this mindset. “Then thirty years passed by.”

“And you ended up becoming a borrower?”

Miss Hwajin nodded silently and then opened her mouth.

“It was painful and difficult, but in hindsight, it was short-lived. “It was just a little bit.”

“What do you want to say?”

“It’s nothing special.”

Hwa Jinyang continued speaking while looking down at the Yangtze River.

“I just wanted to tell you that I am that kind of person. Look at it for a long time. “You decided not to harm me, so wouldn’t it be better to have a good relationship if possible?”

“It sounds like a threat.”

“You know that’s not the case. “I want you to know my usefulness.”

Jeong Gwang revised his evaluation of Hwajin Yang.

Just as much as an eye roll.

‘I’m sharpening my knife and trying to file it. ‘You’re resourceful.’

It was worth swallowing one of the eighteen houses in the Yangtze River.

By manipulating other creditors, he was able to create antagonism with the general creditor.

but. It was just there.

‘It’s not enough to aim higher.’

When Jeonggwang shook his head, Hwajin asked.

“I guess your views are different.”


“What is the problem? “If I can narrow it down, I’ll try that.”

“hmm. “How should I say this?”

Jeong Gwang tilted his head and then opened his mouth.

“Chaeju and I are so different.”

“I know. “Aren’t you a disciple of Kunlun, a famous factionist?”

“Not about things like origin or status. “People themselves are different.”

“… … “The person itself?”

A strange light appeared in Hwajinyang’s eyes.

Jeong Gwang decided to show it through actions, not words.

“Something like this.”

I injected energy into the fishing rod I was holding.

The enormous internal power was carefully adjusted and contained in a thin fishing line.

In that state, I looked into the river and waved my hands.

‘This is ridiculous!’

Hwajin’s eyes, who were watching from the side, widened as if torn.

Isn’t the long, thin fishing line moving complexly as if it were alive?

One by one, the fish swimming in the river began to become entangled in it.

And after a while.


Jeong Gwang lightly flicked his wrist, and the fishing line flew into the air.

Fish were tied up in the middle and ended up falling onto the deck.

Jeong Gwang put down the fishing rod and muttered.

“It’s great to be patient and wait. “But I couldn’t do that.”

Well, exactly, the conditions weren’t there for that.

Miss Hwajin forcefully opened her lips and let out a moan-like question.

“… … Are you saying you don’t need to do that? “Because you have the ability to use this method?”

It was an even more amazing feat than blocking a rain of arrows by freely turning a heavy, long anchor line.

The ability to inject enormous energy into such a thin and long fishing line!

Moreover, it didn’t just move in one direction, it moved quickly and precisely enough to catch a fish.

That’s enough to catch not just one, but several at once.

But Jeong Gwang answered as if it was no big deal.

“It’s a matter of attitude rather than martial arts. “With what mindset do you view life and the world?”

“… … mental attitude?”

Jeong Gwang looked at Hwajin.

Jeong Gwang’s image was even more visible in Hwa Jin Yang’s eyes.

“Time does not wait for me. “I have to pull the time, I feel like this.”

* * *

Miss Hwajin continued to remain silent.

It wasn’t very nice to see him frowning while thinking deeply about something.

‘How long are you going to do that?’

It was like that even after dinner came and the meal was over.

Jeong Gwang hung up his nerves and went out to the deck to look up at the night sky.

Unlike the loud sound of the river water hitting the boat, the stars in the black sky were shining quietly.

‘It’s pretty good.’

Jeong Gwang, who was excited, asked Sujeok for a drink and got him a bucket of alcohol.

As I sat down on the deck and drank, Woo-kyung approached me and broke the silence.

“Jin Yuryong, may I sit down?”

“Do what’s comfortable for you.”

“then… … .”

Woo-kyung sat next to Jeong-gwang.

“Would you like some?”

“… … “Thank you.”

Jeong Gwang filled the glass with alcohol and held it out, and Woo Kyung drank it down in one go.

“Wow. “Good.”

“It wasn’t bad.”

Woo-kyung nodded in agreement and then asked quietly.

“How did you get Chaeju to give in?”

“You’re making me submit?”

“I’ve had him for over twenty years. I’ve only seen him look lost in thought with that frown on his face twice. “I did that when I lost a match that the previous creditor accepted, and when I first met the general creditor.”

“Chaeju seems to want to kill the person who gave in after giving in.”

“… … “How did you know that?”

“I thought so.”

Sometimes, there are people who cannot accept that they have been defeated and try to kill the opponent.

In Jeong Gwang’s eyes, Hwa Jin was that kind of person.

‘I must have used that as motivation and worked hard, and I must have achieved it in the end. I’m probably trying to achieve the other one.’

just as expected.

Similar words flowed from Woo-kyung’s mouth.

“As you guessed, Chaeju is that kind of person. “This time they are trying to kill you.”

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“Is it okay? The borrower is not an easy person. “Isn’t it true that everything in this world is accomplished through martial arts alone?”

After drinking another drink, Jeong Gwang asked Woo-kyung.

“Did you decide to change boats?”

“… … “I see.”


“… … “I’m not so stupid that I don’t know that the owner doesn’t recognize my usefulness.”

“Is Lord Hoyeon the same way?”

“I believe so.”

“Good for you.”

As Jeong Gwang grinned, Woo Kyung asked cautiously.

“What do you plan to do with us?”


“But it’s uncomfortable to answer?”

“no. “It will vary depending on the situation.”

Woo-kyung asked with a stern face.

“I will do my best to help you, so please save me.”

“It’s the best… … .”

Jeong Gwang muttered and then continued.

“You’re really going to have to do your best.”

“Of course. “What can I do?”

When Woo-kyung asked with a anxious look on his face, Jeong-gwang changed the topic.

“According to what the debtor said, the general debtor is in Wuhan. Is this true?”

“It’s true. “There was information that he was going on patrol to Wolgwangchae over there.”

“We will arrive in Wuhan when the sun rises, right?”

“I guess so.”

“Were you planning on hitting him?”

Woo-kyung denied it.

“Not us. He is a scary great man. but… … .”

“It seems to be different for other creditors. People who are hostile to the general creditors. “It doesn’t make sense to only get that information from Yeonhwachae.”

“… … There’s nothing I don’t know. actually… … .”

Woo-kyung swallowed his saliva and continued speaking.

“The creditor encouraged them.”

“Yeonhwachae watches the situation from afar and follows the trend. If it’s a close match, choose the one that suits your taste, finish the job, and increase your speaking power. I guess it’s something like this. That’s why we replenished arrows and oil.”

Woo-kyung opened her mouth in surprise.

“But it’s not clear whether they’ll actually do it, right? “If I had the courage to do that, I would have done it a long time ago.”

“… … “Are you really looking into my head?”

Jeong Gwang chuckled.

“No way.”

“… … “What on earth are you planning?”

Jeong Gwang lifted his glass and placed it under the brightly shining moon.

“It looks delicious. “Let’s eat it first.”

Then he lowered the glass and poured it into his mouth.

* * *

“Hehe! Feel so good!”

The bulbous old man put down his drink roughly.

The hand holding the glass had only three fingers.

“What are you doing? Don’t eat it. Shall I drink it all?”

When the bulbous old man spoke loudly, the one-armed old man responded coldly.

“Is now the time? “I always felt like I was crazy.”

“What? How dare this one-armed man!”

The water fountains spun one by one in the middle fingers of both hands of the bulbous old man.

“dare? “You’ve grown so much!”

The one-armed old man’s hand flashed and a harpoon was lifted up.


“It’s you!”

At that time, the two old men were about to fire their weapons at each other.

A large old man who had been sitting quietly stood up and struck down the ax he was carrying on his back.

Kwasik! Blah blah blah – Kukkung!

A huge table that could seat 20 people split in half and fell over.

The big old man growled as he held out his ax to the two old men.

“Are you here to play?”

“… … Well, that’s not it.”

“… … no.”

“Then shut up, sit down, and listen.”

“… … .”

“… … .”

The two old men, who were about to bleed at any moment, sat quietly.

The large old man looked around the crowd and asked.

“so. Are you going to do it or not?”

“… … .”

Six old people sitting around the table looked at each other.

“This is ridiculous. “Are you going to come all the way here and take it out?”

When the big old man chuckled, the bulbous old man made an excuse.

“The snake in Yeonhwachae just encouraged it and it fell out. “Don’t you feel uncomfortable?”

“That’s just the way he is.”

“So, I’m saying let’s think about it some more.”

“until when? Continue even after the general creditor leaves?”

“… … .”

A large old man warned the others, sweeping them aside.

“If you withdraw today, you will never be able to catch the general debtor. “The snake blew on the wind and fell, but it is a fact that does not change.”

The other old people had nothing to say.

It was difficult to come together like this, but if things continue like this, when will this happen again?

“… … shit. let’s do it.”

The bulbous old man gritted his teeth and stood up.

“… … Phew. Let’s do it.”

The one-armed man also sighed and stood up.

“What about you guys?”

As soon as the big old man shouted, the other four old men also stood up.

“Good!” Let’s get our Yangtze River back!”

“Infinity is just around the corner! “Let’s go!”

“Hehe. “It should have been like this a long time ago.”

A big old man smiles happily.

An urgent voice came from outside.

“Chaeju! I think you should come out and see it! Yeonhwachae is coming!”


As the big old man opened the cabin door and went out, other old men followed.



“I thought I was going to see the liver, but why did that snake serpent come?”

Hwajinyang’s ship, Yeonhwa, was approaching straight ahead, leading more than twenty ships.

There were two figures standing at Yeonhwa’s bow, one of whom was clearly Miss Hwajin.

‘What on earth are you planning?’

Before anyone else could ask, the big old man raised his inner energy and shouted.

“Snake! “What’s wrong with you!”

The familiar voice of Miss Hwajin could be heard from Yeonhwa, still far away.

But the content was too unfamiliar.

“I swear to the gods of heaven and earth that I, Miss Hwajin, cannot live in the same sky as the evil enemies who disturb the Yangtze River! “I will do my best on horseback and horseback until you pay the appropriate price, and I will give my all to restore the Yangtze River to its original state!”

The old people’s eyes widened as if torn.

‘That bastard!’

‘What’s wrong with that?’

Meanwhile, Ms. Hwajin, who had been subjected to the death of the elderly, also had her eyes torn open.

‘What an evil bastard! ‘Are you playing around with blood and demon blood?’

Have you ever seen a demon like this in your life?

Jeong Gwang, the evil spirit standing next to him, cleared his throat again and shouted.

The voice that came out of his mouth was definitely Hwajin’s.

“You old things that never die! Don’t wait and attack quickly! “Hwajin, the Beast King’s loyal confidant, will deal with you!”

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