Demonic master of mount Kunlun Chapter 170

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Episode 170

It’s completely different.

No matter how expert you are, you cannot stop the passage of time.

The steel-like body becomes old and the deep inner strength begins to leak out.

And finally comes death.

It was something that could not be helped as long as he was human.

Dang Hwang wondered if he was somewhere between life and death.

He felt a sense of discomfort, wondering if he had contracted a chronic disease without realizing it.

“I alone command! Simarian squires, leave Sichuan! “Or there is only death!”

Dokjon, who came down to the hall, could not believe his ears.

‘What is this again!’

It’s definitely my voice.

When did I say this?

Do you really have a chronic disease?

It was so cruel that it was beyond absurd.

I looked around with a distorted face, wondering if he was hallucinating, and saw that everyone was glaring at him.

They even made me open my mouth to confirm.

“Alone! “What do you think of the original intention and such behavior and defeat?”

“They said the head of the Tang family was crazy, so it’s true!”

Tang Hwang accepted the reality.

‘I heard correctly.’

If so, it means he said it himself.

Normally, I might have thought it was really like that, but not now.

There was so much talent here that it was almost too much.

‘He’s my student, but he’s a really great guy.’

There are many techniques in martial arts, and there are many people who use them surprisingly well.

Still, it was the same transformation technique that the person being imitated recognized, so even he wouldn’t have suspected it if he didn’t know there was a concentrate here.

‘haha. That’s amazing. amazing.’

A moment of admiration.

The fever started to spread.

‘Are you making fun of my master with that great talent?’

Although I was angry about what happened at the Seongsimpyo Bureau the previous day, I tried to ignore it because I had relaxed for the first time in a while.

It was a shame that he couldn’t kill the brat named Tuung, but he couldn’t deal with that many people alone.

When I get a chance sometime soon, I thought I’d stop by Seongsimpyoguk again and give it a proper look… … .

‘Are we going to have another fight? ‘My body is one!’

My old body still feels creaky.

Rather than letting my body relax, my body was being overworked.

When the situation became like this, something stirred inside me.

‘This pale guy! ‘Where are you?’

The Simalian bastards who were narrowing the siege did not pay attention and spread their energy.

Even though it expanded quite widely, I couldn’t feel the energy of the concentrate.

‘As expected, my student. ‘There’s nothing I can’t do.’

Tang Hwang shook his head with a happy face.

What kind of guy’s stealth and stealth techniques are so secret? I can’t help but admire it.

But that’s it.

‘this guy. Aren’t you hiding and laughing at me?’

It may have been a valid inference, but in reality it was a serious misunderstanding.

No matter how good Jeong Gwang’s personality is, how could he have such bad taste?

Jeong Gwang was also quite busy.

I was having a hard time touring around the Galeung Battlefield, a fairly large battlefield in Sichuan Province.

‘It’s easy because there’s a wind catcher.’

A wind catcher should also be a normal wind catcher.

It’s almost like being alone.

The Simalian warriors encountered an enemy so strong that they could not care about wealth.

Jeong Gwang searched all over the battlefield with a satisfied look on his face.

Dang Hwang drew attention, so there was nothing to be upset about.

But as time passed, a deep sense of regret came over me.

There were many things to take, but only one body.

‘If I had brought Cheolwol, I would have been able to take everything with me.’

If you think about it calmly, it was a vain wish.

What kind of stealth techniques could a guy that big use?

No, it’s good if they don’t eat everything, including the vouchers and jewels.

‘Next time, I’ll have to bring Zhao at least.’

After shaking off his regrets, Jeong Gwang stuffed only small items and valuable items into his arms.

Soon, not only my chest but also my stomach began to swell.

‘Be full. ‘Let’s go soon.’

After securing a few documents from Jangju’s office, he exited the palace.

Jeong Gwang, who took a quick look around the hall, tilted his head.


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‘Why are you still not fighting?’

Dang Hwang was thinking about something as he frowned and relaxed repeatedly.

He seemed to be wondering where Jeong-gwang was and why he was being put in this situation.

‘Let’s pass this over for now. Sir, I’m disappointed.’

They were glaring at Tang Huang with their siege tightened.

It seemed like he didn’t have the spirit of a sappa at all.

‘Why are you measuring things like that? The future of Sapa Murim is dark.’

Let’s say you’re saving yourself.

Yesterday, there was an uproar at the Sacred Heart Bureau, so proper preparations should have been made.

‘I heard there’s a pretty smart guy in the Sacheon branch, but he’s really smart.’

That’s when Jeong-gwang clicks his tongue.

The mirror in my arms cried.


‘… … This!’

Jeong Gwang was surprised and asked urgently.

-Are you still alive?

-… … yes.

-I thought he was dead because he didn’t move for so long. No, you forgot what you had.

-… … .

-Why did you cry?

-… … .

-Would you like me to fold it in half?

-Wow! Ugh! Ugh!

Yeok Cheon-gyeong vehemently denied it, but then realized what he had to do.

What’s the point of vibrating at a guy who can’t even communicate? You have to show it with action.


A dazzling light was emitted along with a powerful vibration.

The uniform blocking the front was not an obstacle.

The light, visible only to the light connected to the heart, ate up the thick darkness and illuminated the entire front.

Jeong Gwang frowned.

‘What are these?’

Figures with strange aura were approaching from outside the wall.

The distance had gotten closer, so much so that it felt like a rush of energy.

‘okay. I guess you’re clever. ‘I’ve prepared quite a bit.’

At a similar moment, Dang Hwang also felt that energy.

White eyebrows rose into the sky.

‘Such an evil spirit! ‘It was a trap!’

A bit of a surprise.

An arrogant smile appeared on his lips.

That smile, combined with his bluish face, created a bizarre feeling.

‘This is such an intense yogi. ‘I guess they’re the ones called Cheonyomun.’

Tianyaowen was a famous Buddhist sect active in the south of the Yangtze River.

They were people who toured various castles and committed all kinds of wicked evil, and were known to do such outrageous things that even the sects of the same Sapa martial arts sect were reluctant to do them.

‘Those guys even crossed the Yangtze River and entered Sichuan Province. ‘I see you have made thorough preparations in Sima Lian.’

Hebei Province, which borders their territory and is home to the imperial family, and Sichuan Province, which is the farthest but has a lot of usable land.

It would be enough for the private sector to make this kind of investment.

Dang Hwang, a native of Sacheon, did not like what they were doing.

Those thoughts came out of his mouth, filled with deep inner energy.

“Do you think I can stop Tang Tang Huang with something like Cheonyomun?”

The sky shook and the ground trembled at the loud cry.

But it wasn’t a person.

The Simalian warriors who surrounded him held their ground, suppressing their anger.

At the same time, quite a few people came languidly crossing the fence.

They were Cheonyao Mundo.

‘… … It’s really unsightly.’

Tang Hwang glared at them and asked as if he were chewing.

“What did you draw on your clothes? “Everyone’s face is pale. Was it painted with your blood?”

As he said, the white long clothes of the Cheonyao disciples were filled with red pictures.

No, in some ways it looked like a letter or a talisman, but as Emperor Tang, who had built a wall with books, he could not recognize it.

“Why is there no answer? “Are you drawing something you don’t even know about?”

“… … .”

“I don’t know if my ear hole was blocked or my tongue was cut out. it’s bothering. “Come at us all at once!”

Their ears were not clogged and their tongues were intact.

As soon as Dang Hwang finished speaking, he put his hands together and started muttering a strange spell.

“Ꝡꠒꠖꠠ…” … .”

Naturally, the impatient Dang Hwang did not wait for the order to be completed.

“Slow down!”

Memorization poured out from both his sleeves.

They flew at incredible speed and lodged themselves in the bodies of the Heavenly Way Masters.

‘hmm? Don’t you avoid it?’

To the extent that Tang Tang Huang was puzzled, the Tianyao disciples did not even react.

He just kept playing with his lips.

“ꠏꠀꠠꠠꠠꠠꠀꠀꠠꠠꠀꠀꠀꠠꠠꠀꠀꠀꠠꠠꠠꠀꠀꠀꠠꠠꠠꠀꠀꠠꠠꠠꠠꠀꠀꠠꠠꠠꠀꠀꠠꠠꠠꠠꠀꠠꠠꠠꠠꠀꠠꠠ– … .”

“… … .”

Tang Huang watched them closely.

‘It’s clear that he became addicted to memorization, but he continued to do things like that…’ … .’

This was not the time for a normal person to be reciting spells or anything.

Black, discolored blood was flowing from the wound where the cancer had been pierced or penetrated.

‘Can’t you feel pain?’

Even so, it seemed clear that it was a person.

The addicted Cheonyao disciples began to fall one by one.

‘Interesting. ‘What on earth are you going to do?’

The muscles of my entire body contracted.

Tang Tang Huang glared at them, feeling a pleasant sense of tension.

And when the order was finally completed.

The energy they were emitting came together, took on a ghost-like appearance, and attacked them.

‘Yes, it’s a hex!’

At that time, Tang Tang Huang, feeling the desire to win, shook off his double pole and tried to scatter the spirit!

The energy split into four directions and surrounded Tang Hwang.

In an instant, the surroundings became dark and he was left alone.

‘Is it an optical illusion? ‘Residual tricks!’

Tang Tang Huang twitched his eyebrows and fired poison in all directions.

The energy continued to flow even as it dissolved into the poisonous body filled with internal energy.

‘It’s not an ordinary technique!’

Tang Hwang’s eyes deepened.

As the yoga approached, heat rose from deep within my chest.

It was pure anger.

It was not that he was angry about this situation, but that the yogi was trying to put him into a mind demon.

‘I can’t believe it has this kind of effect just by coming close… … .’

Tang Tang Huang suppressed his anger and whipped out his sword.

The yogi who was hit by the tension melted, but the yogi who followed quickly filled the place.


An explosive energy rose from Dang Hwang’s whole body.

He gathered even more strength and fired a barrage of force at the approaching Yogi.

The air exploded and there was a deafening noise.

As the energy dispersed, his heart also wavered.

‘… … These… … .’

There was no end to it.

The suppressed anger rose again.

How could I have known that the day would come when I would do such nonsense?

‘no. ‘You need to calm down.’

Tang Dang-hwang tried to find a way to calm the anger that was eating away at his head.

I didn’t think it was plausible, but it seemed certain that if we continued like this, we would be engulfed in the rain.

‘Just take it?’

It’s a hex anyway.

Shouldn’t we just accept it as is and overcome it?

There is no one who is an expert but has a weak will.

The same was true for him, a master strong enough to be considered one of the top ten players.

‘I’m sure if I can endure this!’

As soon as I break the spell, I will kill them all.

Not only people but even ant babies are left behind!


Tang Tang Hwang lowered his double coat and prepared his heart.

The yogi came rushing in as if he had been waiting.

The moment when his whole body is engulfed in yogi!


A ray of light cut through the darkness.

A person came in through the gap.

It was Jeong Gwang, a handsome man who sheathed his sword with a stylish posture.

“Yes you bastard! “How did you get in?”

“I cut it with a sword.”

“That’s not what you said!”

“hmm… … well?”

After giving a rough answer, Jeong Gwang looked around at the Yogi surrounding him.

As soon as he came in, the yogi that had retreated began to flutter in a strange shape.

‘It’s even deeper than what the pigs did with the four evil spirits in Hebei Province.’

Did you say it was the Great Law of Reverse Heaven, Return and Extermination of Souls?

It seemed harder to break than that.

Jeong Gwang glared at Yogi, his eyes shining.

‘Still, I have to wake up.’

Even if Tang Tang Hwang wins, he will suffer a huge psychological blow.

I couldn’t abandon him, a great worker, like that.

Tang Dang-hwang had to run around until his bones broke.

‘Muryangsubul. This is great compassion.’

Although I had such good feelings.

Tang Hwang did not recognize it.

“scram! “I’ll get it done!”

“Elder. “I can’t do it because it’s dangerous.”

“What can you do if you made it dangerous!”

“You should forget the past. “That’s what a man is.”

“noisy! “If you kill those Sima-lian bastards, it’s your turn next!”

Tang Dang-hwang even attacked Jeong Gwang with deadly force.

His red eyes showed that he was not in a normal state.

‘I’ll have to finish it quickly.’

Jeong Gwang shook his head lightly.

“It’s not a light hex. “It’s hard enough with an old man’s personality.”

“What’s wrong with me?”

“I feel bad… … .”

“You and I are similar!”

When Dang Hwang tried to go on a rampage, Jeong Gwang gave him a straight face.

“It’s completely different.”

At the same time, I pulled out a cloud dragon.

The cloud serpent made a chilling sound and immersed itself in the darkness.

Jeong Gwang muttered as he tightened his grip on the sword.

“From now on, I will show you my humanity.”

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