Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 882

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Episode 882.

The moment of creation is brief and eternal (1)

“It has begun.”

Namgung-in’s eyes opened softly.

On the off-stage below, two rare masters rushed towards each other.


With a strong explosion, the two people were each thrown backwards.

It is an incredibly exciting act of sharing. It was an attempt to find out with one number how strong each other was and how much capacity they had.


The wind carrying shock waves spread in all directions, blowing the clothes and hair of the leaders.

No matter how far away it is, it sends out a shock wave like this. The density of energy carried by the wind was incredible. Balgyeong that leaves the owner’s hand is bound to lose its momentum at an alarming rate unless it is held back with internal energy, but the Balkyeong that was created as a result of the collision of two super experts was showing an incredible density of true energy even over such a long distance.

This does not mean that the internal force was held until the end, but that the density of energy generated at the point of impact was so high that it was beyond imagination.

A truly different level of master.

The power of martial gods who have ascended to realms not permitted to humans is so great.

“As expected, it’s impressive.”

Admiration appeared on Peng Wugang’s face.

“When I competed with my senior Geomje, I didn’t show this level of conflict.”

The public ambassador shook his head.

“It’s because the opponents are different. “It’s different from the time when I controlled the spreading energy as much as possible, held it in my body, and even used the shock wave as my strength to attack the opponent.”

“Did you?”

“Enlightenment was important in the fight against the Sword Emperor senior. “Sobuju’s intention at the time was to encourage everyone to see that enlightenment and reach a higher state.”

“If you do, what now?”

“It’s a clash of pure power. “If the fight with the Geomje senior was for everyone, the fight with the Doje senior was full of the will to show all the power he has.”

A smile appeared on the face of the public ambassador.

“He has a personality that doesn’t pay attention to what’s going on around him, but he’s usually someone who doesn’t like to reveal himself, but today, for some reason, he seems determined to stick around.”

Shock appeared on everyone’s faces.

So, does that mean he didn’t fully show his skills in the previous fight with the Sword Emperor Namgung Seung?


A look of astonishment that could not be hidden appeared on Namgung-in’s face.

Of course, my father didn’t show everything about himself. It seemed that way and I believed that way.

However, when I heard that Yeonho-jeong did the same, I couldn’t control my shock before my jealousy.


A ray of cold sweat ran down Namgung-in’s forehead.

‘Still, he may not have reached the Three Emperors yet.’

Now… I don’t know.

Is this thought of mine the analysis of a warrior who observed with cold eyes, or is it simply wishful thinking?

‘Why the world!’

How could the world bestow such an absurd talent on one person?

If only I had that level of talent.

If that were the case, the world would have already praised Namgung as the true king of the world.

‘…Damn it.’

Namgoongin bit his lip.


Jang In-leung’s eyes deepened.

“It hasn’t moved anymore since the first impact.”

Yeon Ho-jeong and Jong-li-baek were glaring at each other from a long distance away.

Jang In-leung looked at Ambassador Gong as if seeking an answer.

The public ambassador shook his head.

“Unless you are in there, it is difficult for even Bin Seung to read the intentions of the two people. “If you bump into it, you’ll know why.”


When everyone was silent and watching the battle between the two masters.

Yeonwi had her eyes closed.


He recalled what his son said last night.

‘I will show you this handsome eldest son at the festival. ‘How beautiful strength is, and how scary it is to have perfectly controlled power.’

The beauty of strength and the dignity created by perfectly controlled power.

Yeonwi opened her eyes.

I saw the two people colliding with my own eyes. But it ended there.

When I closed my eyes again and tried to feel the energy of the two people, I was able to see their condition more clearly than seeing it with my own eyes.

‘With just one clash, we were convinced that we were formidable opponents. The senior was calm and Hojeong was….’

He was moderately excited.

Even though he is excited, there is no mistake in his eyes looking for the other person’s weaknesses. It is an immovable battle eye that can only be obtained while standing on the sharp line of life and death that has become ingrained in one’s body.

‘That’s amazing.’

The son’s fighting ability, which has gone through dark times, is already worthy of being called the best in the world.

‘Even though you have reached such a high level, you have not lost any of the abilities you have accumulated and have made them all yours. It’s amazing skill.’

Suddenly, Yeonwi felt eyes on her.

It was a public ambassador. Ambassador Gong Gong was looking at himself with deep eyes.

Yeonwi nodded with an awkward expression. A strange smile appeared on the face of the public ambassador as he nodded.



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I noticed it. That the Yeonwi is watching them with a keen eye.

And the reason why Yeonhojeong is burning particularly fiercely today.

When the leaders were looking at the off-stage with their own thoughts.

Finally, the two people made their move.

* * *


The one who moved first was Yeonhojeong.


In an instant, he entered the three-way street and punched out with force.

Zhonglibaek swung his evil sword diagonally.


A ray of wind tore and flew diagonally, making a powerful explosion.

Yeon Ho-jeong, who was about to attack again, suddenly stopped, controlling his energy like a thunderbolt.


The entry speed was so fast that it stopped momentarily, and then an explosion exploded in the air.

The explosion that rang out only after Yeonhojeong stopped meant that his movements were faster than sound.


Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes deepened.

‘…This is so outrageous.’

A bloody sword wind invisible to the n.a.k.e.d eye.

The intangible, sharp wind was blowing around Zhonglibaek’s body, blocking any hasty approaches.

Unless you protect your body with considerable strength, if you enter the full range, knife marks will be engraved on your entire body at that moment.

‘Even with that much Tao Wind wrapped around my body, there is no sign of my strength decreasing.’

It was an incredible amount of power. In terms of simple internal power, he seemed to have more power than even the Great Master Gong, as well as the Monk Namgung of the Sword Emperor.

Furthermore, that sword attack was not simply a martial art created by eating up internal energy.

I too am enlightened. By creating an intangible shield by matching the flow of air and the extreme sword method, it boasts a level of depth that is one level higher than the sword method that simply carries out internal energy.

It will be much freer, much richer, much sharper.

‘He probably doesn’t have that tendency.’

Jonglibaek’s personality, which was felt in the exchange of the first move, was very aggressive.

In his previous duel with the sword emperor Namgung Seung, he felt a great enlightenment and perfected sword principles. Since he held in his hands all kinds of swords, both attack and defense, the harmony of Kang Yu was perfectly preserved no matter what sword technique he implemented.

The apprentice’s martial arts skills were different.

We pursue offense rather than defense, and offense more than offense. Infinitely powerful and linear martial arts would be the true martial arts of a disciple.

Nevertheless, he is watching the opponent’s reaction while wearing an intangible sword.

‘This is what I want to see.’

Yeon Ho-jeong’s fist gained strength.

‘I want to find out how sharp and powerful my opponent is and whether he can truly perform a proper sword dance.’


‘I have to pierce it.’

The energy flowing from Yeon Ho-jeong’s body exploded in an instant.


The yellow dragon energy gushing out created a terrifying feeling of pressure.

There were numerous cracks in the ground where Yeonhojeong stood. The hard non-stage floor cracked and broke like dry ground, and white stone dust rose up.

Zhong Libai’s eyes sparkled.

‘Is he coming?’

The right hand holding the true evil sword gained strength.

‘Show me your martial arts skills.’

Before I knew it, my left hand, which had been empty, was holding a sword.

The rare sword held in both hands gave off a subtle glow.

‘I want you to prove for yourself that you have the skills to show everything you have!’

At that time, Yeonhojeong moved.


There was no loud binge drinking.

Yeonhojeong Jongribaek, who disappeared from sight for an instant, turned his gaze to the sky.

Yeon Ho-jeong suddenly appeared overhead and swung both fists.


It was enormous pressure.

The power contained in the single fist was great, but the five fists that swirled around the air and struck down seemed to make the gravity itself several times heavier.

Sigh! Sigh! bang!

The intangible sword wind was distorted by the twin fists swirling with brilliant golden energy, but soon it could not hold out any longer and created holes in various places.

Once the Dopung shield was pierced, it could no longer be maintained. Zhong Libai’s eyes widened.

Quad deuk!

Yeon Ho-jeong’s fist hit the off-stage floor. Half of the wide non-stage floor was caved in.

Zhonglibaek, who instantly widened the distance, smiled broadly.

“Feel so good!”


Only now.

Although he had guessed it, Yeon Ho-jeong’s martial arts, which fully satisfied Zong Libaek’s desire to realize the magnitude of the power he could wield with his mind, ignited the sincerity of the Doge, who was revered as the best swordsman in the Central Plains.


Jong-ri-baek rushed towards the broken floor of the off-stage and swung his sword.

Yeon Ho-jeong, who was trying to fight back with his head raised, felt his eyesight turn dark for a moment.


One search is enough. Zhonglibaek had no intention of sharing his enlightenment for a long time with a possible opponent like Monk Nangong.

Strike one strike with all your might. It was truly a martial arts game, but a game that conserved strength or preserved stamina was not something that Jong Li Baek wanted.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s face, who read his thoughts in a split second, instantly changed into that of a warrior full of the spirit of victory.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s body moved diagonally.


Yeon Ho-jeong, who collided with a huge sword, had knife marks all over his body.

There were no deep wounds, but it penetrated through the Hwangryonggi’s resistance shield. The martial arts performance of the apprentice, who gave his all from the beginning, was terrifying.

Whoa whoa!

Yeonhojeong’s Golden Dragon Jinakkwon (金龍鎭嶽拳) flew in, aiming for Zhonglibaek’s torso.

It was the first martial art he had used since the creation of the two six generals of Geumryongimu. Although it was a martial art created in a hurry, all the enlightenment that Yeon Ho-jeong had gained was melted in it.


It felt like the strongest steel sphere in the world had been thrown at me.

Zhonglibaek’s left sleeve crumbled like powder. He tried to stop it himself, but he recognized that it was an unstoppable force and let it go.

Nevertheless, the pressure that could not be fully released turned his sleeves into powder. It pierced the inner strength of a master who had reached Seongcheon.

A joyful smile appeared on Zhong Libai’s face.

“That’s great!”

Flash! bang!

Yeon Ho-jeong’s body was thrown away by the huge blade that was struck diagonally.

I blocked it by putting all my energy into my crossed arms. Still, there was a knife mark on his forearm. This time, it wasn’t deep, but the pressure of the sword was so strong that about a dozen pieces bounced off.


Yeon Ho-jeong, who was thrown away, did not gather his strength. I didn’t intend to do that and I shouldn’t have.

This was because the opponent was already running towards him.


Jongribaek runs towards you with a smile on his face, as if he is about to burst into laughter at any moment.

Suddenly, Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes, which had the same smile as Jong-ri-baek’s, were stained with madness.

For a moment, the two super experts, immersed in the game, clashed swords.

Oh my gosh!

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