Dark and Light Martial Emperor Chapter 740

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Episode 740

Blood-stained throne (1)


Kang-ryang looked around with blank eyes.

That wasn’t all. Yeon Ho-jeong also looked around curiously.

Meanwhile, Gok Gyeong-man was sitting on the bench with his arms crossed and his eyes closed, but a puzzled look was appearing on one side of his serious face.

How much time has passed like that?

“How is the air?”

An old man walking up from a nearby path asked in a hollow voice.


Gok-gyeong’s eyes opened.

The eyes of Yeon Ho-jeong and Kang Ryang, who were looking around, also turned to Noh Do-in.

“The air is so clear, isn’t it? “It’s a bit frustrating.”

They did not climb the shaman’s main mountain.

The people who came to visit the group were old people with a cloud-like atmosphere. They all boasted of their mastery of prayer as transcendental masters, but when I actually encountered them, I was more impressed by their unique, lumpy atmosphere than their martial arts skills.

They invited the three to an unknown peak on Mt. Wudang, which was not the main mountain.

It was truly an endless invitation. The atmosphere was not good, especially for people who had just come from a battle. Even though it was their first time meeting, the old people treated the group as if they had seen each other yesterday.

Gok-gyeong objected, saying it didn’t sound like words, but the old people didn’t say anything. I just smile and look at the group.

In the end, Yeon Ho-jeong persuaded Gok-gyeong, and the group climbed to the top of the peak guided by the old people.

That place was right here and now.

“If you look around, all you see is dense trees, and if you look down, there’s only dense clouds. “It’s a bit scary, but if you quietly leave your body in the air, you feel at ease.”

Nodoin burst out laughing as he wondered what was so good about it.

“That’s the way nature is. It’s scary yet comfortable. “These guests came through hardships, so I hope they leave with at least some peace of mind.”

At that time, Gok-gyeong opened his mouth.

“Who are you?”

The tone of voice was extremely harsh.

No matter how strong he was, his name was on the list of saints, but his opponent was a Daoist whose age was difficult to estimate. Although his identity was not revealed, it was clear that he was a person from the previous generation just by looking at his appearance and prayers.

Aside from that, even just thinking about distribution, Gok-gyeong’s tone was very rude. Of course, since the walking paths were different, there was no reason to worry about distribution.

The old man said with a smile.

“I think you have some guesses.”

“I can only guess that he belongs to an independent faction. “The only thing that matters is that he is a member of the squadron and not on active duty.”


“Light up the road. And the reason you brought us here.”

“It’s really urgent. “Why not wash away the polluted air of the world for a moment and feel the richness of Dangsan?”

“What does feeling abundant have to do with who you are?”

Nodoin’s eyes widened.

There was a look of surprise in their wide-open eyes, as if they had just been punched. Meanwhile, his eyes, which were clearly black and white, were very deep, unusual for an old man.

“Uh huh huh! You are right. I tried to teach him for no reason, but ended up learning it back. “After living in a place like this for so long, I guess I’ve forgotten how to speak in the world.”

“I will ask again. “What is it?”

The old man shook his head.

“I am just me. “I forgot about the secular world and lived immersed in the mountain world, so I forgot the names and names of the world I lived in when I was young.”

“Such nonsense…”

“I really have doubts. “I know that I am a person from Wudang Mountain and that I am not a person of the time, so what should I do with my knowledge of Taoism?”


“Hehe, if you don’t like it, a person who can overcome everything with his strong will must be very narrow-minded.”

Are you petty?

It was not an easy thing to say to the noble army of Seongcheon, known as one of the strongest martial arts fighters in the world.

Although he has put down himself as a member of the Black Swordsman faction and is acting as a man of the emperor, Gokyeong’s pride is not normal either in the past or present. Even if I was a former Daoist, it was not something I could just ignore.



Surprisingly, Gok-gyeong kept his mouth shut. Because there was nothing wrong with what Noh Do-in said.

The Taoists only invited, and they were the ones who responded. I say I was persuaded, but if I really didn’t want to get into that character, I would have stayed until the end.

In the end, the reason I came here is because I am confident, as No Do-in said.

I am confident that no matter what tricks the shaman faction throws at me, I can overcome it with my strength.

However, regardless of that fact, it was also a remark that was enough to offend. But for some reason, I wasn’t as angry as usual.

I could only ponder the words of this strange old man in a dazed mood.

The old man shook his head.

“We just invited. You are the ones who accepted the invitation. If you don’t want to stay here any longer, you can always come down. “We don’t catch anyone and we don’t use tricks or anything like that.”

“Is that lie true?”

“Hehe, he is a very suspicious person.”

The old man turned around.

“I’m going to take a car, so I’ll just spend some more time looking at the mountains. It’s okay to go down like this, or it’s okay to wait. “If they all go, we can just drink the tea they brought.”

With those words, the old man disappeared across the path again.


Yeon Ho-jeong scratched his head.

“I never expected this situation at all.”

“Iknow, right.”

Kang-ryang whetted his appetite.



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Yeon Ho-jeong looked at Kang Ryang and asked.

“Is there anything wrong with your body?”

“Me? There’s nothing wrong with me. He is fine except for where he got hit by King Bi. “Do you think it will get better soon?”

“Is that so?”

Yeon Ho-jeong, who was looking around, opened the Gwangmyeong Shrine.


The true energy of light spread out into the White Sea, activating the senses.

A part of the real medicine that was used to treat internal injuries was used to activate the senses. As my senses came back, a sharp pain came from the wounds inflicted by King Bi.

‘I was in trouble.’

Yeon Ho-jeong, who tried to ignore the pain, spread his energy everywhere.


The subtle fog billowed gently and dispersed.

But the visible scenery was still the same. The field of view was a little wider, but what I felt was the same as before.

The feeling of emptiness was so overwhelming that it was eerie and comfortable at the same time.

It literally felt like a peak where immortals live. The nobility of this mountain peak, as if it were standing tallest in the entire world, soothed my mind with the feeling that I didn’t hate it.

‘It’s strange.’

Yeon Ho-jeong’s face became serious.

‘I thought it was definitely the call of Geomseon (劍仙).’

This was the reason why he persuaded Gok-gyeong to accept the invitation to this place rather than the headquarters.

The entire mountain must have been noisy due to the numerous deaths and the clashes of the absolute masters who soared into the sky. At least with the senses of a transcendental expert, he would not have been able to recognize the identity of the shock wave coming from the bottom of the mountain.

Of course, the prosecutor would have seen this through as well. So I thought they sent someone.

‘But… something…’

He didn’t show it, but he was quite nervous. I couldn’t help but feel nervous.

But for some reason, I couldn’t feel that tension after arriving here.

However, there was no such thing as the intervention of an unnatural force. It was just that this atmosphere and this air calmed my mind.

‘Damn it. ‘I don’t really like this kind of thing.’

Yeon Ho-jeong asked while looking at Gok-gyeong.



“Do you feel anything different?”

Gok-gyeong snorted.

“Is the guy who persuaded me to say something like that?”

“Let’s not say something like that from someone who has been persuaded to persuade us.”


Gok-gyeong shook his head.

“I don’t feel anything else suspicious.”

“I guess so.”

“…No, I can’t say it’s not very suspicious.”

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes sparkled.

“What did you feel?”

“There is no morale.”


“I came as if I was possessed, but the process was very suspicious. If it were me, Jinki would have looked everywhere on my own, following my mood. But that doesn’t happen.”

“It seems that your intuition judged this place to be not dangerous.”

“Maybe so.”

Are you feeling comfortable or not?

Even though he was frowning, Gok-gyeong’s expression was somewhat relaxed.

‘It’s definitely a strange place.’

Yeon Ho-jeong touched the woldo that had been placed on the table.

As soon as I felt the cold, metallic touch, I realized that this was Mount Wudang.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s face gradually hardened.

‘by the way.’

Although he was told to relax, he was not in a position to relax anywhere.

The moment my body felt comfortable and my mind became at ease, I thought of my father in the imperial palace.

‘Are you okay?’

It will be dangerous.

From what I heard from Mukbi, my father also said that he had made tremendous progress. I heard that you have become a completely different person to the point where you wouldn’t recognize him if you didn’t meet him in person.

However, even if you have made great progress, you may not have been able to open a martial arts drama yet. If my father had opened a martial arts performance, the rumor would have already swept the whole world of Jungwon.

‘Then it’s dangerous.’

Right now, a group of Shinhwaists are encamped in the imperial palace.

I wasn’t sure that there wouldn’t be a strong person among them who would open a martial arts drama.

‘No, if you just think about the possibilities, there will definitely be a strong person. Even if it’s not Seongcheon-level, there’s a high chance that there’s someone with at least as much power as me.’

As my thoughts reached that point, a part of my heart became frustrated.

‘Damn it. ‘Maybe I should have used Ki Woo-hee to divert attention in this direction instead of stopping by the shaman.’

Once I started to worry, this place where I felt comfortable for some reason also seemed to become uncomfortable.

Yeon Ho-jeong, who was quietly looking at Wol-do, turned his head to Gok-gyeong.


At that moment, Yeonhojeong was surprised.


There was no curve.

The person who was supposed to be there disappeared like a ghost without any sign.


An unexplainable eerie feeling rose from the tips of my feet and enveloped my entire body.

Yeon Ho-jeong suddenly stood up, looked around, and shouted.

“Liang! be careful! “I don’t know what it is…”

As Yeon Ho-jeong was speaking, he felt a strange eerie feeling.

He slowly turned his head towards Gangryang.


There was no precipitation.


A bloody energy began to rise from Yeon Ho-jeong’s body.

The Gwangmyeong Shindan was activated, and the Four Gods, which had permeated each organ and healed internal injuries, burned all at once, showing off their majesty all around the world.

The body and spirit enter a battle stance in an instant.

The look in his eyes as he scanned all directions was more serious than ever.


Gok-gyeong and Kang-ryang disappeared without even realizing it.

No matter how much I thought differently, this was the first time something like this had happened. He had even reached a stage where he had begun to open the martial arts world and accept the energy of heaven and earth.

Even if the masters of the Immortal Emperor, not Gokyeong, were hiding their presence, there was no way they would not be noticed at this distance.

‘Have you been possessed by something?’

It was then.


Yeonhojeong’s eyes sparkled with fire.


Yeonhojeong swings the woldo and rotates at incredible speeds.


His moon sword stopped in midair.


Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes wavered.

“I came all the way from a distant peak just to give you a cup of tea, but you suddenly start swinging a sword.”

His moon sword stopped half an inch in front of an old swordsman’s neck.

It was a distance where it would not be strange for someone whose words were contradicted to lose consciousness, thinking that their head was being cut off. However, the Taoist did not look embarrassed at all.

“you are…?”

“You b*stard, put away the knife first. “The strong smell of blood makes it difficult to breathe.”

Yeon Ho-jeong, who was looking at the old Do-in without hesitation, withdrew his sword.

Nodoin grinned.

“I thought he was just a guy who worried a lot, but I have a really good feeling about him. “There is no such thing as a male animal.”

It seemed similar to the old man who had visited the group a while ago, but it was also very different.

Even though he was that old, his height was not much different from Yeon Ho-jeong. Although he was wearing a blue uniform that was worn in some places, there was no trace of dirt on his face or fingernails.

Other than that, it was very ordinary.

“Sit here. “Don’t worry too much about your group.”

Yeon Ho-jeong’s face hardened.

“Do you know where Senpai and Gangryang are?”

“Then you don’t know? “I was the one who took it out separately.”


“Sit down and don’t worry. “It doesn’t happen, but even if you want to hurt me, you can’t do it in here.”

Nodoin chuckled.

“Well, it seemed like if I raised my fist to try to correct his habit, I would get hit hard. Did you say gokgyeong? It’s been a long time since I saw such a vicious person in the world. I heard what you said, but huh! “I wonder what’s going on with his spirit that he’s so pleased with the nickname ‘ghost lord.’”

“How can these two people…”


Noh Do-in looked at Yeon Ho-jeong.

At that moment, Yeon Ho-jeong closed his mouth without realizing it. It was because No Do-in’s eyes were so clear and serious.

“You are the one who emits a stench 10,000 times more vicious than that guy named Gok-gyeong.”

“What do you mean?”

“Damn you, how is my pretty student?”

A disciple?

At that moment, Yeonhojeong’s mouth dropped open.

“…Geomseon Takmuja?!”

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