Damn Necromancer Chapter 98

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Damn Necromancer (98)

Giant Dungeon (1)

Ilseong Guild and Money Guild.

As soon as the news of the guild war between the two guilds became known, numerous articles began to pour in.

[(Breaking News) Money-making guild, spectacular first debut? Nominate Ilseong Guild as the opponent for the guild battle! Will a bloody brotherly war break out?]

[(Breaking News) The reason for the guild war is said to be due to the size of Ilseong’s investment!]

[(Breaking News) Ilseong, is this bold or crazy? Betting 60 trillion won on 20% of the money guild shares… … .]

―?? Are you saying that Ilseong guild and the money-making guild are joining forces?

-ㅇㅇ It will be held at Sangam Awakened Stadium. But what is the size of the investment? lol

―60 trillion won for 20% stake? Didn’t you buy it for 5 trillion at 10% last time?

-hit. But at that time, there was nothing special other than the F-level new record. It’s a lot different now.

―I cleared the A+ gate and joined Geombong. But 60 trillion? Do you have money? … ?

―Ilseong’s cash hoarding is about that much. They are rich in cash haha.

―3 trillion per 1% stake; Evande;

―Kim Min-woo’s ransom alone is 100 trillion won, you bastards.

―Is Ilseong a true story? Is it possible that they set the price after listening to the advice of the country lovers? lol

-sorry;; I didn’t know that the ransom was really set at 100 trillion won… … My heart feels grand… … .

―Isn’t that a trick? Guild investment is not considered a gift.

-do not know. It may or may not be a tax trick. But it seems like there’s always going to be some backstory. I think it’s too expensive… … .

―I guess that’s why they do guild wars? If they really capture Ilseong’s first team, wouldn’t they sell it for 60 trillion won cheaply?

―300 trillion for 100%? That’s the price of a 1.5-tier guild in the world haha. Ilseong is only 2.5-guns haha.

-Ugh. Tsk tsk. You have to see the potential. If you catch Ilseong 1st team, the three of you can clear the S-class gate.

-yep. It’s natural that if the potential is high, you get a premium. If you really catch it, there will be less backlash.

-Is it possible to win? Even though Ilseong Guild is ranked 5th, it is a wailing wall for the guilds below. They fight better than you think;;

―If you excel, you win. But is that enough for three? Excluding Geombong, they are newbies who have been awakened for less than three months?

-There is a possibility. All you have to do is give Kim Min-woo a boost as a summoned animal and catch everything with the bow in the meantime haha.

―What is there? Just one prayer from the priest will get rid of all the undead. Haha.

-yep. And you know that guild leader Cheol Min-jwa is also an S-class achievement archer, right? Does Korea’s top archer look like a fool?

―Kim Min-woo will be shot immediately and all will likely be recalled.

―Yes, the bow will shoot arrows and block them all haha.

-Have you seen too many movies? Hit an arrow with an arrow? I wonder if that will work haha

―Kim Min-woo is good at using a sword. It will bounce off on its own. I’m more worried about Siwoo; What is this guy really like?

―ㄹㅇㅋㅋ He’ll probably be the first to be ejected. The level won’t be that many.

―You say you’re good, you’re good, so you think you’re really good haha. I’m a level A awakened person, but just looking at this, it’s a bunch of bullshit.

-agreed. It’ll take a few more months. It’s a bit disappointing; It’s a bit weird if you lose momentum when you’re at the peak of your flight.

The general public opinion was similar.

A guild that makes money?

I know it’s full of potential.

Because they cleared the A+ gate and were made up of talented super rookies.

But what happens if you have a good staff composition? It hasn’t even been a month since Seo Ye-rim joined the guild.

It hasn’t been long since I turned into an archer.

The point is that there was no time to put it all together.

On the other hand, what about Ilseong guild members?

They are experienced awakeners who have been with each other for as little as a few years or as many as decades.

Not only were there a large number of high-ranking awakened people, but there was also a lot of equipment.

It even has a combination.

Although he is a low-ranking player, he has a record of clearing S-class gates several times.

That was the power of Korea’s fifth-ranked first team.

But fighting against each other?

Even though the difficulty of the A+ gate is high, it cannot be compared to the S-level gate.

No matter how I think about it, this has crossed the line.

So much so that it could only be seen that guild leader Kim Min-woo was throwing out unreasonable numbers.

That is why public opinion was negative.

at that time.

[(Breaking News) Dongjal Guild enters the land of A-class gate giants! The strategy consists of three people… … .]

As another breaking news surfaced, public opinion became even more heated.

―I think this is your first guild activity. Did you really go to see it all together? lol

―We’re having a guild war the day after tomorrow, but we’re joining now? My heart feels grand… … .

– Doesn’t this mean the guild war will be cancelled? Even if the map in the Land of Giants is small, it would take 3 days to clear, right?

-no. If you are ranked 1st in the top 10, you will be cut by half a day.

―Doesn’t the 1st team level refer to a 30-person pool party? There are three of them haha.

-Why not come out of the middle ground? I’m glad I’m practicing now.

―I guess it would be okay to take a look at the gate clearing time? Is it possible or not?

―If I wake up within half a day, I’ll wake up.

―What is half a day worth lol Please stop drinking so much soup lol

―Oh, will the bubble burst like this?

-But it was good for a time, right? Have a drink first~

* * *



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A blazing desert.

I could see the land continuing with scattered sand.

Soon, a group of undead stepped onto the sand.

A bunch of specters and skeletons.

Plus Cedric and Marchen.

It was an instant for thousands of troops to gather. Cedric’s gaze, as he looked around, landed on Seo Ye-rim.

-Did you change your job?

“yes. It just so happened… … .”

-Good. Congratulations.

“Cedric, your appearance has changed a bit, huh?”

-The original appearance was strange. Park Si-woo, it’s been a while since you too.


The guy greeted me vigorously.

Soon he looked at Marchen.

“But who is he…?” … .”

-He is a corps commander like me. The name is Marchen. A wizard.

Marchen nodded.

“Wow, but are you really undead? “He seems like a real person.”

―… … that’s right. It’s a banshee.

“Banshee? Is it so different from what I know? “You are truly beautiful.”

―… … thank you.

“I was telling the truth.”

The good-natured Park Si-woo was the first to say hello, followed by Seo Ye-rim and Marchen.

“Uh, hello.”


After getting to know each other like that.

“Everyone, let’s go hunting.”

The undead army and three people began walking through the desert.

That too for a while.

Seo Ye-rim, holding the shrine, narrowed her eyes.

A vision that begins to see very far into the distance, as if looking through a telescope.

I saw a group of giants in the distance.

“There’s a mob over there. A total of four. “One priest, one wizard, one warrior, one knight.”

“… … Wow, Archer is the best.”

Park Si-woo quietly expressed his admiration.

That was because nothing was visible where Seo Ye-rim pointed.

It’s just a continuous desert.

“What are you doing with this? “An archer’s job is to see far into the distance.”

She shrugged and looked at Kim Min-woo.

“So Minwoo, how do you plan to hunt? Am I sniping one?”

“Do you think you can reach it?”

“I can reach it.”

Kim Min-woo nodded as if satisfied with his confident words.

By what standards are excellent archers evaluated?

Usually this is considered.

‘How far is the effective range?’

That range was the alpha and omega of archers. And Seo Ye-rim was an awakened person who was close to the end of that standard.

The powerful correction of the shrine.

In addition to increasing field of vision, mana arrows have the power to fly farther than regular arrows.

Of course, among S-class archers, there are probably people who can shoot as well as her.

‘But that’s only for a moment.’

I can’t keep up with my potential.

How can you beat an archery genius with an SSS-level sacred bow?

“I’ll catch the priest.”


The protests at the shrine were tense. Mana arrows raining down on the protest.

Soon after.


The arrows began to fly with a small sound.

Giants grouped in the distance.

Among them, the giant priest had a small hole in his head. A fountain of his blood burst out and the giant priest fell to the ground.

It was instant death.

The giants, who were confused, began running toward where the arrow was flying.

A group of giants close to the 4m weight class.

Every time they took a step, the sand on the floor whipped around violently.



“Shall we catch more?”

Seo Ye-rim, who saw the giants running with ugly faces, asked calmly.

Warriors and knights with their heads covered with helmets are a bit tricky though.

If I could fix my legs and make it drag, I could have taken care of everything before I even got here.

“We will do that when the crowd gets bigger. “Siwoo.”

“Yes, brother.”

“Let’s see how much it has grown so far.”

“You might be surprised.”

Park Si-woo grinned and summoned the holy sword. A sword appeared in his hand along with a flash of white light.

“Then, I’ll go first!”

A swordsman less than 150 years old rushed towards three giants who were well over 400 levels.

[The giant wizard uses Root Binding (A)!]

[The giant warrior uses Taunt (A)!]

[The giant knight uses a right angle slash (B)!]

The giant warrior’s taunt.

In addition, there is a sword struck at a point where one is dragged by provocation and a tree root that binds one’s feet.

It was a neat connection.

It’s so bad that even a decent A-level prosecutor can’t ignore it.

But Park Si-woo.

‘SSS level inspection paper.’

The provocation worked because of the level difference.

Park Si-woo’s body naturally turns towards the warrior holding the shield.

Swords and magic rained down on him.

At that moment, the guy jumped up and kicked the warrior’s shield.

After avoiding the roots on the floor while floating in the air, and lightly throwing away the knight’s sword.


Before I knew it, the holy sword began to cut into the giant knight’s body.

A warrior trying to hold the gaze at all costs. Unfortunately, provocation was a skill that had a cooldown.

Once a warrior uses a taunt, he or she becomes a tin can for a few seconds.

Just like that.

Park Si-woo cuts or dodges the wizard’s magic with his holy sword and only destroys the knight.

Whenever he was provoked, he reacted with his movements as if he had expected it, which was definitely SSS-class.

Before long, the giant knight collapsed. The next target was the wizard who was carrying out sabotage.


The last remaining warrior struggled until the end.

‘That’s too bad.’

Originally, if a warrior was of a lower level than a dealer, he or she was just a meat shield.

Even the giant warrior who was fighting alone fell to the ground.

It took only about 3 minutes to process the three.

Park Si-woo, who wiped out the giants, looked this way and grinned.

“How is it? “Can I hit it too?”

“Well, it’s better than when it was a deserted island. At that time, it was just a tingle in my nose. Has it increased a bit?”

“It’s gotten to the point where the gate is throwing up, so I have to do this.”

I nodded.

Now that I had a rough idea of ​​my skills, it was time to try party play.

Marchen, Cedric, and even Dolsoe joined the two.

“Everyone, let’s guess together.”

The two people nodded.

From then on, rapid progress continued.

meet a group

Before the priest arrived, an arrow pierced his forehead and he died.

The moment the magician made a gesture, the wizard turned into a tin can.

It was a bonus to collapse with blood pouring out.

The group of knights and warriors were played by Dolsoe, Cedric, and Park Si-woo.

While the strong Dolsoe defended against the attacks pouring in from the front line, the giants fell, coughing up blood, from the two attacks that continued like water.




Even as the group of giants grew, the situation did not change.

The only difference is that from the twelve, Marchen and Seo Ye-rim also actively tried to keep them in check.

‘This is just automatic hunting?’

Only 2 hours.

The middle ground had already been surpassed a long time ago. Even the Specter and Skeleton groups haven’t even been used yet.

Kim Min-woo hasn’t come out yet.

Still, there was no blockage.

‘Do you think it will be over in the next two hours?’

Even though the clear speed was fast, it was too fast, which was a problem.

When a total of 4 hours had passed.

[The boss of the gate, ‘Giant Prince Opherian’, has been defeated!]

[Gate clear rewards are given!]

The boss was killed and the gate was cleared. As a class A boss, he brought out a lot of henchmen and was a nuisance.

Yes, whatever.

How can one EX defeat four SSS-level soldiers?

The group of skeletons that had been thrown by the body exploded, but the core force remained intact.

Park Si-woo said with a smile.

“Wow, the three of us are going around so fast. Up to 10 in 4 hours. “It’s a bitch?”

“I know. In that sense, let’s take another turn.”


“You still have all your mana and stamina. “You should also level up at this point.”

Just like that, the three people came out of the gate, and soon they were faced with a large group of reporters looking at them with their mouths wide open.

It will be quite surprising.

I would have never imagined clearing it in 4 hours.

This wasn’t even top speed. If you and your summons join, the speed will be much faster.

“Hey, Kim Min-woo! A little interview… … !”

“I’ll tell you later. It will come soon. “Okay then.”

Without a word to say anything, the three people disappeared inside the gate again.



“no… … .”

The only reporters left standing in the spring cold looked at each other in bewilderment.


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