Damn Necromancer Chapter 82

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Damn Necromancer (82)

Second Arrangement (8)

Massacre, massacre again.

It was truly a feast of slaughter.

In just half a day, a group of nearly three hundred monsters were killed. Nevertheless, Cairn did not lose his breath even once.

‘oh my god.’

Marchen also knew that he was good at using a sword.

However, interpersonal combat and monster hunting were completely different realms.

There are many cases where knight candidates who fly and crawl at the academy do not perform well in actual combat. That’s why I was a little worried.

‘… … ‘It’s huge.’

It was just, amazing.

I think it would be appropriate to say that it felt like playing with a monster.

Ultra-fast forward movement.

As I was doing this, I had already reached the halfway point of the Devil’s Forest.

Cairn found a suitable cave and looked at Marchen.

“We can camp here.”


She gathered the twigs and lit them on fire using a tool.



The food we had prepared was cooking over the campfire.


Cairn handed over a thick piece of meat. While eating like that.

Marchen, who was looking around, tilted his head.

“Was it like this?”


“I feel like the magic has become stronger than a year ago.”


“huh. “Take a look over there.”

Where she pointed, there was a tree heavily twisted by demon energy.

It had a similar twisted shape like a screw bar.

“I heard that such a phenomenon only occurs here in the forest, if you go a little deeper.”

The magic energy has become stronger.

I remembered what I had read in the literature about the Devil’s Forest.

I heard that the forest is polluted because there is a passage through which the energy of the demon world is transmitted. However, I also saw an explanation that they were leaving it alone because it was not serious.

‘The subjugation of accumulated monsters… … .’

The academy’s practical exams are held every year. This was a kind of regular subjugation.

‘It won’t be a bad thing from the academy’s perspective.’

It can provide students with quality practical experience.

I also heard that a certain level of compensation is obtained from the empire through subjugation.

Despite the danger called Magi, this forest was not maintained for nothing.

“If a lot of demonic energy comes out, doesn’t that mean the passage gets bigger?”

“huh? “Do you know about the passage?”

“I also read some books.”

Marchen nodded at those words.

“That’s usually the case. The bigger the passage becomes… … .”

“The probability of a monster wave appearing increases. Right?”

“huh. Because the probability of something coming out of the demon world increases. Then it is said that the monsters come together and create a wave. So… … .”

Marchen said while glancing in this direction.

“… … “Shouldn’t I go back and tell the professors?”

“A wave is coming?”

“huh. “I’m a little worried.”

“The tree is a bit bizarre, but is that something that can be definitively determined?”

“That’s not true. However, there is no risk at all… … .”

Marchen, who was muttering, scratched his head.

“… … “You don’t want me to believe you?”

“I don’t know. Whether to stop testing or not. But, do I really need to say it?”


“We can just handle it.”

“… … huh?”

“It’s a waste. “It’s all a bunch of points.”

Isn’t Monster Wave an experience copy event?

‘I still have to give the spirit sword some blood.’

If I had rushed to report this, the knights and magic troops waiting outside might have moved. I heard that the level was average even in the empire.

They will be able to deal with monster waves to some extent on their own. Then, you will lose both experience points and points.

But why?

“… … Well, Cairn, you have a rather unique way of thinking.”

“Anyway, even if we don’t talk, someone will go and talk. is not it?”



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Although this side got inside a little faster, after a while, the top players will reach this line on their own.

Isn’t that also the structure where you have to beat monsters to increase your score?

Of course, there were a lot of monsters inside the forest.

“… … hmm. I don’t know. Even if you take it, will you want to go back mid-exam? “If it continues, we are guaranteed to be in last place.”

“Isn’t that the same for us?”

“uh… … Is that so? I don’t think I’ll end up in last place because I already have points… … .”

“Are you just satisfied with that score? “I was already in last place?”

“… … .”

Marchen was silent.

Minwoo Kim quietly said.

“Still, if you want, I’ll go back.”

Second arrangement.

The top priority here is the relationship with Marchen.

Nothing could take precedence over this.

Obtained a corps commander.

Isn’t this why I came to carry out the arrangement in the first place?

So even if you wanted something, it was difficult to force them to accept it.

That is why it is Sotamdaesil.

‘Just make them understand the situation and that’s it.’

Wouldn’t someone tell me anyway?

No one will come forward?

So why should we do that?

I explained it roughly.

I guess I understood at least a little bit.

Of course, even if he said this, if he was asked to go back, Kim Min-woo would go back without hesitation.

Level up and hand over the Soul Sword’s blood?

That’s something you can do as much as you want when you go out.

On the other hand, the relationship with Marchen.

‘I can only build up here.’

There is no stage without a reason.

If the structure were to simply prevent them from becoming undead.

‘There is no need to show the past history like this.’

All you have to do is start with a scene where the evil Death Lord is in the middle of nowhere.

All you have to do is crash into the Death Lord right away.

But I didn’t do that.

Rather, a considerable amount of free time was given.


[This is a fragment of the past created based on Banshee Queen Marchen’s regrets from her human days!]

[Player participates.]

‘To resolve Marchen’s regret… … .’

Because the player necessarily needs a certain amount of time.

Kim Min-woo viewed this time as a necessary period to build a friendship with Marchen.

‘Building relationships.’

Otherwise, I can’t think of anything else. I’m sure this isn’t the time given to request reinforcements.

‘Even if I come, I won’t be able to win.’

If the son of a duke, who is not the emperor of an empire, were to bring in troops, how much would it take?

If it had been dealt with at the level of reinforcements in the first place, the Death Lord would not have been able to dominate this continent.


I need to get closer to Marchen.

Then it must be a structure that has some advantage.

That’s how Kim Min-woo saw it.

“What do you want to do?”

“… … Well, then sleep today… … Shall we go in further tomorrow? Because it’s not certain yet… … .”

“If you want.”

* * *

Marchen and Cairn entered the forest. Starting with more grotesque monsters, horribly twisted trees appeared sparsely.

There were a few crises along the way.

Of course, it was not Cairn’s crisis.


She got into dangerous situations a few times. In particular, she was in real danger when a saber tiger hiding in a tree attacked her.


A monster suddenly attacks with its claws out.

Marchen’s heart pounded loudly.

A heart that feels like it’s about to explode.

‘please… … !’

Despite my anxious heart, there was no sign of the magic leaving, let alone appearing.


“are you okay?”

Fortunately, I was able to save my life thanks to Cairn.

Cairn’s arm appeared to have been badly cut by a claw.

‘… … Even hurt because of me… … .’

Marchen, seeing the wounds on Cairn’s body, stamped his feet.

“S-sorry. because of me… … .”

“are you okay. What can you do with just this much? “It doesn’t even tickle.”

Cairn pours the potion while smiling as if it is no big deal.


Sabel Tiger has clearly fallen.


My heart was still racing without stopping.

This was especially true when looking at the cairn.

She quickly turned her head.

Kim Min-woo, who poured the potion, looked at Marchen.

‘Is this a bit serious?’

A crisis a little while ago.

I already knew from Hayang that Sabel Tiger was hiding.

The attack was deliberately induced.

Of course I’m not asking you to die.

This was because I heard that it usually appears in life-threatening situations.

Despite having induced such a crisis situation several times so far, it was seen that it was not even able to move mana, let alone manifest.

‘This is going to be difficult.’

An angle came out.

It seemed like it would be difficult to manifest magic at a level that was simply life-threatening.

‘but. If it were that easy, it would have manifested itself a long time ago.’

Didn’t Marchen try his best too? For now, it seemed like I had to give up on apparitions due to the threat to my life.

As I went in for another day, I was able to notice a few changes.

Maggi becomes more and more thick.

The footprints of monsters scattered here and there were converging in one place.

Marchen’s face gradually hardened after seeing that.

Previously, you could tell that the demonic energy had become more severe, but you couldn’t be sure about the possibility of the wave.

It was different now.

Monsters are gathering?

This was a clear sign of a wave.

“cairn. “It’s dangerous to go any further.”

“I know. “It looks like a wave will break out soon.”

“let’s go. “You have to let me know.”



“I’ll give you Cedric, so go first.”

“… … huh?”

He spoke with a serious face towards Marchen, who was tilting his head.

“Soon enough, all the monsters will come. “The students are all spread out in the forest, so if things continue like this, a lot of them will die.”

“Well, we have to run away quickly!”

“Someone has to stop it.”

“B-but… … .”

It doesn’t have to be you.

Marchen barely swallowed his words.

‘Did I put a burden on Cairn?’

Because that thought suddenly passed by.

If you think about it, it was like that.

It was he who continued to insist that Wave be known.

In comparison, what was Cairn like?

He was skeptical of that opinion.

If you really want to do it, I won’t object, but why?

It felt like this.

Greed for scores.

Since there was no really solid evidence, Marchen had so far followed Cairn in an attitude that was ambiguous even if he wanted to make such a claim.

But the moment clear evidence of a wave appeared, his attitude suddenly changed.

Towards protecting people.

I’m not saying I’m going to get points by catching all the real waves on my own.

No matter how I looked at it, the only reason that came to mind was my own attitude.

Marchen spoke urgently.

“If it’s because of me, it won’t happen. I don’t care at all. “Everyone is selfish anyway.”

What if students reported this anomaly?

Even if only two or three groups had reported such a phenomenon, a rescue team would have already set off.

There must have been magic fireworks flying everywhere.

Then, even if I had entered the forest, I would have been able to at least confirm it.

However, the magic fireworks did not explode even once.

Top and middle ranks.

None of the frontrunners went to report on the anomaly.

Of course, they had no right to criticize them because they didn’t do that either.


I just realized once again that people live for themselves. So there was no reason for Cairn to sacrifice himself.

Why on earth should I be held responsible for an unfortunate accident? It’s not like Cairn created the wave.

Marchen urgently grabbed Cairn’s sleeve.

“Go, go together. It’s not too late yet. If you run away… … .”

at that time.

The ground began to tremble as if thousands of people were running.

Marchen’s eyes went blank.

Strong vibration.

The wave was already starting.

“Oh yes. Come this way.”

“ah… … .”

Cairn stretched out his hand.

He spoke to the summoned Cedric.

“Take him with you.”


Cedric grabbed Marchen’s arm.

“no! Let go! cairn! I’ll be with you too… … .”

―… … Follow me nicely.

Cedric ran out with Marchen on his shoulder.

Marchen holds the skull in his hands and shakes it.

‘… … It’s annoying.’

Cedric sighed inwardly.

This woman knew nothing about her master’s true value.

So why does one monster wave glow like this?

I feel like I want to ask why they’re making such a fuss.

If I did that, I might have been beaten by the owner for months.

Minwoo Kim is a meticulous person.

There must be a reason why it didn’t show its true value.

When I saw my former colleague glowing on my shoulder, I could almost understand the reason.

Nine times out of ten.

‘I guess it’s to score points.’

“Let go!”

-Stay still.

Cedric removed the fingers that had dug deep into his skull and sighed inwardly.

Is this really the cold and stern Banshee Queen?

It seemed like a hit was coming.


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