Damn Necromancer Chapter 27

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Damn Necromancer (27)


A group of orcs radiating ferocious energy.

That number alone was well over a hundred. Orcs were even continuously pouring out of the huts located in the village.

Since it is a D-class gate, their average level should exceed at least 100.

‘It’s tough from the start?’

He clicked his tongue and prepared to summon the undead.

The moment the orcs move.

The battle will begin immediately.

at that time.

―Chwiik! Wait a minute!

For some reason, an old orc raised his hand and spoke. An oak with a leather pouch attached to an oak staff. Looking at his appearance, he seemed to be a witch doctor.

-Bektar! What’s going on?

―That human body contains the energy of a brave warrior. Our ancestors told us. Look closely!

Soon the orcs’ gazes poured in.

―… … Chwiik. An ugly human being, if you look closely, you become likable.

―I can feel the energy of a warrior. He is a human being worthy of his face. Bektar was right.

The orcs’ evaluation session continued.

Perhaps because they are a race that is upside down compared to humans, they were met with harsh criticism.

‘For some reason, it feels like we’re not going to fight… … .’

Normally, this should not happen. Orcs and humans were mortal enemies fighting each other to the death.

‘Is it because of the title?’

A person who has been recognized by Mutakta.

The effect is to give the orcs a strong favor and create the possibility of opening a special route.

Maybe that was why.

‘It’s a special route. then… … .’

First, let’s talk about it.

If there’s nothing special, it won’t be too late to go and deal with it then.

Minwoo Kim made up his mind.

“I am someone recognized by the Orc hero Mutakta!”

―Chwiik. Mutakta?

―Is this your first time hearing this name?

at that time.

The shaman orc’s eyes widened.

―Chwiik! Come on, no way! Are you talking about that Mutakta!

―Who is Mutakta, Chwiik?

―Chwiik! You idiots! How could I have forgotten the name of the person who performed the ascension ceremony?

―Su, Ascension Ceremony?

―Are you a great orc?

The orcs’ murmuring grew louder.

Minwoo Kim’s curiosity was similarly amplified.

A fragment created by cutting off another world.

That’s the inside of the gate.

Just because the inside of the gate is fantasy, that doesn’t mean it’s a fantasy world.

A fantasy world.

B fantasy world, etc.

This was because even in fantasy, the series could be divided into several.

The story was that there was nothing strange about the Orcs here not knowing Mutakta.

Nevertheless, the reason I said this was to get the momentum going.

Anyway, I was recognized by a guy who seemed to have something.

To give off that nuance.

‘But, do you know?’

I looked at the shaman called Bektar.

“okay. That Mutakta.”

―… … Chwiik. A nobleman has come to town! What a warrior!

When Bektar began to open his mouth with great excitement.


A large orc appeared with heavy footsteps.

[The boss of the Ice Forest, ‘Chief Urkan’ appears!]

The orc said, raising the ax with his veiny arm.

―Chwiik. Urkan doesn’t know difficult words. Warrior. Fight well. Humans, just words.

―Chwiik! Chief is smart!

―Chwiik! After all, he is the best warrior in the village!

The orcs began to cheer enthusiastically at the chieftain’s words. Bektar also did not stop the chieftain.

Rather, he was looking at the chief and himself with twinkling eyes.

It was truly the behavior of an Orc who was crazy about battle.


I think the original pattern would be to wipe out this group of orcs and proceed with the action thereafter.



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“So, let’s have a game?”


The chief nodded.

“Well, okay. However much.”

I drew my sword.

It looks quite strong compared to other orcs, but an orc is an orc anyway.

When it came to battle, he was the one who won the battle.

The orcs at the D-class gate are not even a bite away.

Even if it was the boss, it was the same.

“Come here.”


The chief rushed in like a buffalo.

Kim Min-woo’s sword and Urkan’s ax clashed violently.

* * *

―Chwiik. The Chief is getting beaten up!

―Chwiik! Ugly human, too strong!

The orcs murmured.

Human capabilities were truly beyond imagination.

The huge ax wielded by the village’s best warrior flowed away, and the small sword was stabbed into his thigh.

It is said that one or two stab wounds can be endured with spirit, but when it becomes ten or twenty stab wounds, the story changes.

Urkan fell to the floor, letting out a pitiful cry.

From then on, it was a one-sided orgy of violence.



Every time the blade was swung like a whip, Urkan’s flesh turned red.

“Hey, look at your brother.”

―Chwiik. human! Not my brother!

As expected of the Orcs, a fighting race, their eyes were still burning with fighting spirit, far from surrendering.

“If you’re weak, you’re acting like a younger brother.”

―Urkan! Not weak! It’s the chief!

“You lost to me.”

-I haven’t lost yet! Urkan is fine!

“Do you want to fight one more time?”

―Chwiik! Fight! Stand up!

Urkan tries to stand up staggeringly with his wounded legs.

That sight was very pathetic.

“Drink this and spray it on your legs.”

I threw a few intermediate potions at him.

-Chwiik? It’s red. What is this?

“Ah, that is a potion. “I will heal your wounds.”

―Chwiik! Drink Urkan potion!

Urkan toughly pours the contents of the potion into his mouth.

Soon the wound on his leg healed quickly.

The orcs looked at the scene with surprised eyes.

―Chwiik! The chief is fine!

―Chwiik! Heals faster than Bektar’s spell! The potion is amazing!

The orcs were shocked, like cavemen who had been exposed to fire.

There was nothing strange about it.

It would be very difficult for those living in a run-down hut to make a potion. At best, you can just heal the wound with some herbs.

“Come at me.”



Give me a potion.


Give me a potion.

An infinite cycle began to roll. Perhaps because the orcs were large, they did not easily experience overload symptoms even if they drank the potion.

When I cut my legs like that about 20 times.


―… … Chwiik. Urkan realized. That’s right, a human, a brave warrior. Stronger than Urkan.

“Ah, I guess I’ve become smarter.”

But this wasn’t enough.

Verification must be done reliably.

“Who is your brother?”

―Chwiik, Chwiik… … !

“Do you want a drink? “There’s still a lot left.”

―… … I got a brother Urkan. Human is now my older brother!

The guy lowered his head.

Everywhere, proud orcs bow their heads?

It was a sign of complete surrender.

[You have become Urkan’s brother!]

[The orcs of the ice forest are greatly influenced by you!]

[The orcs will now regard you as brothers!]

[Obtain the title, ‘Brother of the Ice Forest Orcs’!]

―Chwiik! The Chief lost!

―Human, the best warrior in the village!

―Chwiik! We need to have a festival!

Soon a festival took place in the middle of the village.


Normally, even if he had been beaten like this, he would not have received Urkan’s approval.

They would have died or killed each other before then.

But it was different now.

We have pioneered a route that could become a completely new turning point.

What we had to do from now on was simple.

So, it’s about finding out what on earth you can do with these orcs.

‘I need information.’

Among these orcs, there is a being that can be called intelligent… … .

“You said it was Bektar, right?”

―Chwiik! Great warrior! I’m honored that you remember my name!

It was this old orc.

“It’s a festival, but there isn’t much food.”

All there was to do was roast a few small animals over a bonfire.

It was not enough to fill the stomach of over a hundred orcs.

This is a festival.

Just by looking at it, the food situation seems to be the worst… …

Bektar’s face became depressed at those words.

―Chwiik! I saw it in a book! It wasn’t like this originally! Warm sunlight, cozy earth! All the orcs ate their fill! There were a lot of children!

“… … “It wasn’t like this originally?”

-Yes! Caesar Continent was truly a blessed land! Under our great leader Mutakta, we Orcs even founded a kingdom!

[Acquire the keyword, ‘Orc Kingdom’.]

‘It’s information.’

At the gate, information could be found through conversations with objects and creatures. If it was meaningful, it would be stored in keyword format.

“But why did this happen?”

―Chwiik! Mutakta was such a great warrior. Eventually, he received his heavenly calling. After that, our Orcs gradually lost their strength.

I nodded.

‘It was said to be an ascension ceremony.’

When a successful leader disappeared, the country would rise and fall. After Mutakta passed away, it seemed to have fallen into ruin as time passed.

“So you were pushed out to this cold place and created a village?”

―Chwiik! human! You are mistaken!


-This continent is all cold.

“… … All? “I heard it was warm and cozy?”

―… … Chwiik. Cold Bingryong, evil witch. Two monsters joined hands. The continent is frozen solid, Chwiik.

[Acquire the keyword ‘Bingryong’.]

[Acquire the keyword ‘witch’.]


It looks like the scale of this is getting bigger. Each keyword made me tremble.

‘This will continue unconditionally.’

Of course, that won’t happen right now. If that were the case, the gate grade would have been S or higher, not D.

I looked at Bektar.

“Why did a dragon and a witch join hands?”

―Cold dragon, wants cold land. Wicked witch wants fresh corpse. Bingryong freezes. The witch gets a corpse.

“So that’s why.”

I nodded.

When living things die, they decay.

But what if you freeze it?

Neat delivery is possible.

It’s good for Bingryong to expand his territory, and it’s good for witches to get a large number of frozen corpses.

Both interests coincide.

“Have you tried resisting?”

―… … Chwiik. Many ancestors fought. Everyone died. Now the only survivors are workers like us.


―… … When an orc in a village dies, the body is carried away. If you see other corpses, carry them away. So I survived.

Bektar took a sip of the liquid in the wooden cup.

―… … Chwiik. But we also won’t live long. The cold is getting worse. I no longer remember the sound of my child crying.

Bektar’s pupils became blurry, as if recalling a very distant past.

at that time.

The faces of the orcs who were dancing near the campfire became stiff.

―Chwiik, Chwiik!

―It’s an evil energy!

As if some kind of learned fear had been instilled in him, Chief Urkan also trembled.

“Hey Bektar! “What is the situation now?”

―Chwiik, Chwiik! This energy… … Poetry, a corpse collector! Now is not the time to come, so why… … !

[Acquire the keyword, ‘Corpse Collector’!]

Soon… … .

A dark shadow began to appear outside the village.

A huge shape appeared.

Eight spider legs.

On top of it was the upper body of a werewolf.

Its head resembled that of a lion, and its arms had huge claws.

A monster that attaches all kinds of living things together like a rag golem.

There was only one thing that came to mind.


The exclusive property of warlocks.

It’s a chimera.

There were five such guys.

‘Isn’t this at D-level level?’

Chimera was a monster that was usually only seen at B-class gates.

If it was five, no matter how bad it was, a C or higher had to be given.

Soon, a group of chimeras began to enter the village with strange smiles on their faces. Bektar quickly stepped forward and bowed his head.

―Chwiik, Chwiik! You must have finished transporting last month’s quota, so why did you come all the way here?

-The cold is getting worse. Life will disappear, and the efficiency of your workers will be greatly reduced. So the witch made a decision. Dispose of the workers.

―Chwiik, Chwiik… … !

Bektar is embarrassed.

The orcs were also trembling.

Minwoo Kim stepped forward.

“Are you the witch’s servant?”

-Hmm. you… … I can see the energy. Are you a necromancer?

“okay. right.”

-Good. Witches need a lot of talented people. Necromancer, come this way. Your abilities will be put to great use.

Chimeras beckoning.

Only then did Minwoo Kim realize why this gate had been graded D.

‘It was a structure to withstand the orcs?’

If you hold out, the chimera will come and wipe out the orcs, and then join the other side.

Of course, just surviving a horde of orcs would be tough.

‘It’s not like hell.’

It was that moment.

The inside of the gate stopped and a message appeared.

[You reach the fork in the gate!]

[A special route is now open!]

[You can choose!]

[‘Witch’ and ‘Bingryong’ are evil beings who are staining this continent with death. If we join hands with them, we may be able to gain some benefits.]

[‘Orcs’ are a race that has declined endlessly since its heyday. They are consumed by fear, and their power is infinitely weak. If you join hands with them, you may have to go through a very difficult journey.]

[Whose hand do you want to hold?]

Minwoo Kim smiled after seeing the message.

I thought it was a bit boring.

Now it seemed like it was going to be a bit more fun.

I looked at the chimeras.

“What should I do? “There is one problem.”

―… … problem?

“Because the orcs here are my brothers.”

-What a fascinating human being. Do you also have relationships with bugs?

Chimeras tilting their heads.

[warning! If you take the hand of an orc, unimaginable trials may befall you! Is it really right to choose this option?]

Oh, this is right.


I drew my sword.

I pointed my sword at them.

“I won’t abandon my brothers.”

[I chose Orc!]

[Caesar Continent, the favorability of all orcs increases significantly!]

[Obtain the title, ‘He who walks the path of a hero’!]

[The witch has become hostile to Bingryong!]

[The difficulty of the gate changes significantly!]

The die has been cast.


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