Damn Necromancer Chapter 118

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Damn Necromancer (120)

Vampire’s Shout (2)


It is one of the famous monsters.

Its characteristic is that the more it sucks fresh blood, the stronger it becomes.

The fact that recovery increases like crazy is a bonus. It was one of the most infamous monsters thanks to its blood-sucking ability.

‘In that sense, the undead are our natural enemies.’


Most of the time there is no blood.

There are a few types, but since it’s a corpse, it’s just rotten blood.

It is a type of blood that causes harm if you drink it.

The only one worth sucking blood is yourself.

‘Well, you can just avoid it.’

It was as if the most difficult blood-absorbing ability had been half-sealed.



It was when we got closer to the castle with the sound of heavy footsteps.


Suddenly, a group of black figures rushed from all directions.

The number is approximately ten.

It was a vampire attack at night. All red eyes were looking in this direction.

When dealing with a summoner, the national rule is to aim for the main body.

These vampires probably know that too.

The reaction of the undead group was also agile.

[Dolsoe uses Taunt (A) on Idran!]

The key that blocks the top while raising the shield. One vampire’s head turned and aimed at the golem.

‘It’s a start.’

Minwoo Kim stretched out his hand forward.

[Cast Land of Death (S)!]

The Land of Death was activated first.

[Curse of Aging (D)+9… … .]

The curse, the effect of which was amplified by the Ring of Ascension, struck their bodies.

[‘Serina’ is cursed!]

[‘Arbolton’ is cursed… … .]



[It has powerful blood! The effect and duration of the curse are greatly halved… … .]

Each vampire is given a name. It was a characteristic of those with true blood. Even so, the curse worked.

Speed ​​and defense decrease by about 10%.

Marchen activated magic towards the vampires who had become so sluggish.

[Marchen uses underwater prison (SS)!]

The group that was running towards Minwoo Kim was trapped in a prison of water created in the air. Red blood rushed onto their hands and turned into fingernails.


A pile of blood splitting the water.

Several vampires tore open their underwater prison and leapt out.

Cedric’s spear greeted them as if it had been waiting for them.

-Kill them all!

[Cedric activates Dragon Strike (S)!]

Bloody fingernails clashed with the long spear.


The vampire is pushed back while Shinhyeong is shaken.

Cedric has already had the second seal released and his abilities have increased.

In addition, we used ability corrections and skills due to the land of death, so we won’t be easily defeated.

A group of Dullahan, Specters, and Skeletons clung to him from all directions, and the Mages’ curse covered the vampire’s eyes.

A melee broke out everywhere.

In the meantime, two vampires broke through and were rushing towards Kim Min-woo.



[‘Hayang’ shares properties with its owner!]

[You can use the fire attribute!]

[Fire property resistance increases by 10.2%!]

So far, Hayang’s attributes have also improved a lot. Now, even if it is not a Bing attribute, it can be usefully used.

[The ‘Law of Victory’ is activated!]

[All abilities increase by 50%!]

[All damage increases by 50%!]

A title that increases by 10% per 100 levels.

If it was 50%, the level difference would be 500 at best.

‘The level is a bit high.’



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Of course, that’s okay.

The opposite of a vampire was fire.

He swung a sword wrapped in flames.

[Use the Spirit Sword technique (S)!]

[Use 3,000 mana… … .]

Dozens of sword energy engulfed in flames covered their bodies.

The slightly splashed blood was seen being sucked back into their bodies as if in reverse regeneration.

Source of blood.

It was one of the Jinhyeol clan’s passive skills.

The effect was simple.

Even if blood flows, it returns back into the body.

It’s like a kind of mini immortal.

‘The law of destruction… … .’

Causing serious injury and causing more blood to be shed than can be recovered.

I swung my sword while avoiding the vampires’ attack.

In a fierce melee.

After three minutes of fighting, the first vampire’s head was blown off.

It was that moment.

The headless vampire stood up with his arms shaking.

“… … !”

The vampire next to me was scared when he saw that.

No matter how true he was, he couldn’t survive with his head cut off.

Maybe it’s a high-ranking noble.

But the Jinhyeong family that just died is just a normal class.

‘no way?’

The bad premonition soon became reality. The undead vampire dug his claws into his companion’s body.

The tide began to turn rapidly.

* * *


The coffin in Goseong was opened for the first time in decades. A vampire lying in a coffin dripping with blood.

“I meet the great Duke of Timor.”

A group of vampires bowed their heads politely towards the vampire who opened his eyes in the coffin.

The vampire in front of me now had power worthy of such reverence. Among the Jinhyeol clan, they are of nobility level.

A nobleman with the highest rank of duke.

“What woke you up?”

The vampires who were chewing their lips all fell to their knees.

“… … Please help me, Your Excellency. The necromancer has invaded. “This is an enemy we cannot handle.”

The sight sparked interest in the duke’s eyes.

A vampire’s strength is determined by blood.

In other words, the Jinhyeol clan was strong from birth.

After settling here, they threw away numerous intruders as crow’s meal.

However, if you are able to find yourself… … .

The duke rose from his coffin.

Slur… … .

The remaining Jinhyeol clan followed behind him as he moved glidingly.

It was time to walk forward like that.

The duke frowned as he felt the vitality draining from his body.

‘You’re using an annoying catch.’

Of course, if you were at your level, there wouldn’t be a big problem if you lost your vitality a little.

It’s just a little annoying.

Before long, I was able to see the inside of the banquet hall, which was in chaos.

Blood splattered everywhere.

The catch is a mess.

A large crowd of undead and a human figure standing calmly in the middle of them.

Timorne’s eyes narrowed.


A summoner who deals with the undead.

Among some of the undead, there were even Jinhyeok people who had already turned into corpses.

It seemed like the vampire he had killed was brought back to life through a special ability.

‘I guess I have a general idea of ​​what’s going on.’

A necromancer attacked, and trying to stop him would have only increased his power.

The Duke took a step forward.

At that moment, a woman wearing a parasol cast a spell.


A huge thunderbolt rushed towards the Duke. The Jinhyeol family members trembled when they saw this.

There were many colleagues who died due to that witch’s magic.

It was then.

The blood soared and surrounded the duke’s body.

Fish style!

The lightning that struck the blood disappeared in an instant.

“You’re dealing with a strange minion.”

Timorne began to look at Kim Min-woo as if he was interested.

* * *

At first glance, there is a vampire wearing an old-fashioned costume.

The atmosphere was unusual.

From the moment I entered the banquet hall, a group of vampires were following behind me.

‘I guess that’s it.’

The reason why this mission rewards 500,000 points +@.

I think it was because of that vampire.

[The boss of the castle, ‘Duke Timorne’, appears!]

The message also showed that this guy was a formidable guy.

It’s actually a peacock.

As a test, an attack order was given to Marchen. The magic that had destroyed countless Jinhyeong clans had almost no effect on the duke.

‘It has high magic resistance.’


It is a duke rank.

Since they have lived for hundreds of years, their level will naturally be high.

The second seal was released and the magic power increased significantly, but the level difference was not something that could be done.

I sent the Jinhyeol clans that had been revived by the Land of the Dead to him.

It was to check physical ability. Undead vampires rushing towards us with their mouths wide open.

After being revived as undead, the special abilities of the race had long since disappeared.

But physical ability alone was useful.


The Duke frowned as he saw the undead rushing from all directions.


The moment he clicked his tongue and waved his hand. Over ten undead vampires were split in half at once.

‘… … ‘Is it a bit too strong?’

It was weaker than the Vulcan I saw in the last arrangement.

The problem was that he was not alone. The number of Jinhyeok clan members who followed was close to sixty.

As someone who had just turned 40, I could say that it was a mountain beyond a mountain.

‘It’s a good thing I prepared a bomb.’

If I had tried to attack without this, I would have had to prepare for death.

“I will give you a glorious life.”

Its fangs shined sharply. I could see greed overflowing in the duke’s eyes.

‘Are you planning to turn me into a vampire?’

Vampires can make the target they have sucked blood into a vassal.

Of course, the number was not unlimited. That’s why I carefully create a lineage.

It seemed like he was jealous of this person’s abilities.


In order to become one of your servants, you have to sink fangs into its neck.

I already had to close the distance to use the light bomb.

Looking at the duke’s greedy eyes, I felt like I didn’t have to worry about that.

just as expected.

The guy started to close the distance.

It was a bonus that Jinhyeol clansmen flocked from all directions. While the undead unit is in charge of the Jinhyeol clan.

Cedric and the key.

Together with the two of them, they rushed towards the duke.

[Dolsoe uses Taunt (A) on Timorne!]

[The standard is too high! Provocation doesn’t work… … .]

Perhaps because the level difference was too big, the provocation didn’t work.


The key used to swing the mace.

Cedric threw a spear at the Duke, who ducked and easily dodged it.

A powerful combo that combines the Shadow Spear and the Dragon’s Strike to inflict 14 times the damage.

The duke grabbed the spear with his hand.

Cedric blows his breath with his mouth wide open.

The Duke also opened his mouth.

A haze of blood flowed out and completely engulfed the breath.

Kim Min-woo took a stab at that gap.

[The ‘Law of Victory’ is activated!]

[All abilities increase by 80%… … .]

Monsters over 1,000 levels.

The commanding sword was slightly embedded in the guy’s waist. A few drops of blood were seen flowing down and being absorbed back into the guy’s body.

The duke’s head turned.

Timorne is looking this way with a faint smile.

Desire was burning in his eyes.

“I’m jealous.”

He maintained a relaxed attitude throughout, as if the possibility of defeat never crossed his mind.

“Shall I give you a gift?”

“… … ?”

The Duke tilts his head at the unexpected remark.

A small halo of light was created above the hand. It was a light bomb taken out of the inventory.

[Use a light bomb!]

[No damage to allies!]

“… … !”

The Duke’s eyes widened.

Feeling an eerie feeling that made my hair stand on end, I hurriedly created a shield made of blood, but there was no meaning to the halo of light that exploded in front of my nose.


A swarm of light bright enough to blind one’s eyes.

The Jin blood relatives around him were also affected. Like an ant caught in a typhoon, my entire body was torn apart.

When the explosion went out.

“Okay… … .”

The duke, who had burns all over his body, vomited blood from the corner of his mouth.

It was a clear slander.

Still, he didn’t die.

This was because his status was that high.

Anger appeared in his eyes as he was hit by an unexpected blow.

“… … “I will kill you.”

“Oh, there’s one more.”

“… … ?”


This time, a huge explosion erupted. He managed to stop it once, but the second time was too much for him.

All the blood in my body evaporated, and my body became as thin as a mummy.

When the light that seemed like it would never end faded away.

The Duke’s appearance had changed in a terrible way.

“blood… … Blood… … Give it to me… … .”

A duke urgently seeking blood.

Unfortunately, that was a goal that could not be achieved.

This was because this was not an easy task for the Duke, who had lost all his blood and had become very weak.

His body was crushed like a cookie by the attacks of the undead coming from all directions.

‘It’s worth the points.’

I never thought I could take down a monster that size in one fell swoop with just two feet.

It wasn’t worth 500,000 points each for nothing. Minwoo Kim approached the duke.


The command sword decapitated the guy.

It was that moment.

[The Command Sword absorbs the blood of its prey!]

[This is a strong enemy! Absorption increases significantly! (4/10)]


When hunting Han Baek-gil, who had become a demon, the number absorbed by the Soul Sword was 1.

It immediately jumped to 4.

‘Is this a similar case to the Balkans?’

Just as Vulcan’s price went up by 2,000 when it was fed blood, this also seemed to have a similar mechanism.

This would be proof that the duke was that strong.

The message didn’t end there.

[Obtained the title ‘Executing the Vampire Duke’… … .]

[The beginning of the legend – New list in the upper part… … .]

[All lists in the first part have been completed! (10/10)]

[As a reward, you will receive the title ‘Completeer’!]

[The beginning of a legend – a novella is created!]

Title acquisition message.

[The Vampire’s Shout mission has been completed!]

[Rewards will be given!]

[One. Score 500,000 points!]

[2. VVIP store opening rights are given!]

Hidden question mark reward.

It seemed like it was a ticket to open a VVIP store.

I looked into the details.

[VVIP store opening ticket]

[Grade: Special]

[Effect 1. When used, the VVIP store can be opened. (However, the VIP store must be open.)]

[Effect 2. You can now purchase ‘Nuclear Bomb’ at the VVIP store.]


I see some strange text.

“… … nuclear bomb?”

Minwoo Kim tilted his head.

Are you really talking about the nuclear bomb you know about?


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