Clearing the Game at the End of the World Chapter 266

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Chapter. 14. One Empire, Three Legends (23)


“Hey… is it already the capital?”

The professor, who had sweated a lot since the morning, expressed surprise at the change in the road and the wide open forest outside the carriage.

Right away, the sound of the horses’ hooves was different. When I was walking through the forest, I was clattering because of the soft fallen leaves and dirt, but now the hard pavement and horseshoes were making the typical clattering sound.

[It’s three days from Haunuman to the capital of the Baltin Empire? It’s only been a day?]

‘Originally, maps from this era are a bit unreliable. Unless the map has been checked and drawn individually by the player, there is a possibility that the map is wrong. A cartographer who was traveling on foot mistook the distance or took the wrong path and ended up going round and round. This happens often.’

Entering a new area was always accompanied by anticipation.

Of course, right now, the capital is in the midst of a terrible storm of competition for the throne, and it is not just a storm, but a storm mixed with the poisonous fog of witches.

Anyway, the imperial-style buildings that appeared along the open forest road made me think, ‘This is indeed an empire!’ It made me think of this.

“The road was paved even before the castle walls were visible. The four-horse carriage generation will just pass by on the road. Doesn’t Roderick do this? “It would be easier to travel by horse-drawn carriage if the distance between cities was so clear.”

“Don’t say anything you don’t know. Did you know that solid roads just happen? Dig deep into the ground, sprinkle a lot of salt into it, compact it hard, lay down flagstones to become bedrock, cover it with soil, compact it, and then add a layer of pebbles. One layer of soil. Only then do we raise the surface road that the carriage now passes. Then, finally, an earth wizard must be called in and all the structures must fit together without any errors to complete the imperial-style paved road. “It is literally a road made by pouring in silver coins.”

“is it so? “Why do you know Otman so well when he is not from the Empire?”

“Hmm… Actually, the money-hungry Lord Tobrunn tried to do that. Instead of salt, we hired some people from our magic tower to dry and harden the ground. I also attended the event and picked up a lot of things. There was a lot of money going into it other than the construction cost. The farther you get from the city, the more difficult it is to maintain it, and since well-cut flagstones are valuable, you have to stop those who secretly dig them up at night and steal them, and there are more than one or two things that come into play other than money. “It’s like an empire, so we use this path.”

“Oh my.”

The professor stomped his foot when Otman spoke as if the road itself was a great treasure. Indeed, it seemed like it could easily last for a hundred years, barring a major accident, as there was no vibration even from a fairly strong impact.

Tsk tsk!


After stomping his feet to see how hard it was, he split a piece of flagstone and ate it. Seeing the professor hastily getting into her carriage, Lucilla shook her head with a sigh.

“It must be nice that everyone is free. “I’m busy just sorting the morning mail.”

“Oh right. Well, a lot came. “Don’t you have anything for me?”

“I’m looking for a letter that ‘isn’t’ the hero’s letter. Ah, Notum. Among the tea party invitations, classify those for children under 16 next to the prom invitations. Did you know that the titles are Duke, Hu, Baek, Ja, and Baron? From top to bottom, from the Duke, from family invitations to individual invitations. In that order: a dance, a social gathering, and a tea party. Please leave out personal invitations separately. “I’m not at the level where I can accept that yet.”

“Oooh, redhead. I say this because I feel like I am mistaken sometimes. Notum is a troll. Stupid trolls don’t know much about this. “Take it out.”

“What a troll with great brains. “You saw everything I was sorting before I even said anything, so don’t think about running away!”


“Oh my, you also got an invitation from Lady Cannelli? “Thank you.”

Pallak flalak flalak flalak-

The carriage was bustling with the second letter attack. I had forgotten about it until now since I was in Haunuman outside the imperial territory, but it seems that the ‘Letter Dragon’ that shot down our aircraft continued to fly in while we were there. Somehow, when I left Haunuman, the public post office worker was burning a pipe with a deathly expression on his face. It seemed like it poured there every morning while attending the fighting competition.

And now that we have left Haunuman, Pan Ratter’s onslaught has targeted our carriage after the balloon.

That was why the professor and Ottoman had been outside the carriage since morning. This time, I couldn’t be attacked by a letter and lose my vehicle. The group, who had been half-asleep thanks to a hard night’s sleep last night, suddenly woke up to the familiar sound of [whispering] and faced the white onslaught.

In this way, he safely prevented an unintentional attack by the Great Wizard from 100 years ago and calmed down the horses that were frightened by a strange phenomenon he had never seen before.

Lucilla was astonished to see names like something like a marquis or an earl flying around among the cruelly typed letters, and she began to pile all the letters in the carriage and sort them –

This morning, it happened 30 minutes after I woke up.

“…Do you want me to help you?”

“That’s Okay. The carriage is so narrow that it gets in the way. We’ll take care of it ourselves. Ah, Hydrasil! “Whatever you’re holding in your hand, burn it.”

“…Keldan Vietum III. “I understand that if he is the son of a count, he is quite powerful.”

“He’s a pervert. There was even a rumor going around in Teldrat social circles that he had bad hand habits. I don’t even know your face, but the letter asking you to have some personal time is obvious, right? Even if you have ten bodies, you don’t have enough time, so it’s a waste of time to even look at a guy like that. Even if he accuses them of ignoring him and insulting his family, he has a reason to get rid of them cleanly.”

Lucilla smiled happily as she looked at the luxurious letters piled up in front of her. She has no choice but to kick away the small children. When they come out like that, they say, ‘Such and such people recommended visiting at the same time. Is there any opinion that your family should be given more priority than their requests?’ It was clear that if I did that, it would fall off without even making a sound.

“Ah, warrior. Among the hero’s letters, I left out the ones that seemed a bit urgent! “I’ve pushed the rest of the regular letters to the back cart, so check them out!”

“Ugh. “I will enter the capital before I can check everything.”

“That won’t happen. “Because this isn’t the capital.”

“hmm? “Isn’t it here?”

Before entering the cart attached to the back, Haunuman, the professor got on the cart he had made himself and looked around while skimming through the letters.

Beautiful castle walls visible in the distance. The castle wall, which looks sturdy at a glance, was an incredible building with not only functionality but also artistry. There are buildings so tall that they can be seen beyond the wall from the outskirts of the city, and the paved road that Oatman was so proud of continues from the border of the forest.

If that’s not the capital, what is it?

“That’s the outskirts of the capital, a city of poor people. I don’t want to say this, but you can’t do this from here on out. After all, I am the one who has received three invitations from the royal family, and if you, who will also accept the invitations, act like that, the nobles with their eyes wide open ready to bite anyone will rush at you like mad dogs.”

To put it simply, it means please don’t say things like that because it’s corny.

According to Aldrich’s subsequent explanation, it was not originally a city.

“It’s a simple story. The empire has an incredibly large territory, and it has as many nobles as that territory. “There are many high-ranking nobles who have been recognized for their contributions in numerous expansion wars.”


“The problem is that the empire did not have such a huge territory from the beginning, so the capital of the empire is small compared to the current territory.”

Actually, the capital is not that small. Ol Amperia, the capital of the Baltin Empire and the Emperor’s City, is said to be a large city about 30% larger than King’s Land, Roderick’s capital, which I just saw.

But what if you get a little older? Right now, the empire’s territory is more than eight times the size of Roderick’s Kingdom.

As it was a territory ruled by the strong central power of the emperor, it was natural for the capital, where the emperor was located, to become the center of politics and culture. It was said that all nobles in the empire were making every effort to enter the capital.

“Just having a mansion in the capital changes the status of the family. “The distance from the actual government is divided depending on whether or not one can participate in the capital’s political world right now.”

In the end, the capital was saturated with the deteriorating temples. The land was small, but it was also a city within the emperor’s eyes, so it was impossible to ruin the aesthetics of the places that occupied a large area of ​​land, such as the fountain square, the market street, and the giant stone statue of the first emperor.

The result is the three-tiered wall, a famous feature of the imperial capital, Ol Amperia.

“The interior of the capital was filled with luxurious aristocratic mansions, even in the shabby places on the outskirts, and nobles of relatively lower status built mansions on the outer walls, the site of a temporary defense line built in the past to prevent foreign enemies from attacking the capital. It was a residential area that was naturally shabby compared to the capital and had shabby facilities, but once a high-ranking nobleman moved in, things were quickly put in order. The nobles, who wanted to somehow express themselves as being within the capital, unanimously decided to build a new wall around the ‘Holy City’. “At least a wall that can be described as being in the emperor’s bosom.”

And since the nobles’ mansions were so densely packed, all the servants who served them, including butlers, servants, coachmen, and maids, had to stay in the capital. However, they could not stay near the capital as there were not enough houses for the nobles to live in, let alone residences for the servants. Seriously.

So, another village, the ‘City of the Servants’, was created under the ‘Holy City’ surrounding the capital.

Capital (emperor, a few high-ranking nobles) – Castle city (high-ranking nobles) – Employee city (where all the nobles’ employees live and commute to the noble houses)

The current imperial capital was made up of three concentric circles.

‘Should this be seen as similar to the creation of satellite cities around Seoul?’

[If you look at the structure… right?]

The professor nodded vaguely at the memory that Hyde had brought up. In fact, you have to have seen a city with such a deformed structure before to say that it is similar.

“So there are three walls. The outermost part was originally a wooden fence, but the city walls were ‘hastily built’ by dwarves who collaborated with the empire during the undead rampage 70 years ago. The inside is nominally a castle wall, the walls of a castle city focused on artistry rather than practicality. And you have to go further inside to see the real capital of the empire. “It’s all Amperia.”

“oh my god. “If this was made hastily by making a curved surface on the castle wall, then what on earth is the castle wall that the dwarves worked so hard to build?”

“You’ll find out later. It is said that the walls of All Amperia were built by two dwarf clans working together for 10 years. Even now, the Empire and the Dwarves often hold royal ceremonies, and it is said that when they visit, they always enter blindfolded. “They say they can’t bear to look at the walls of the city, the shame of their ancestors.”


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“Now you know why I called you ‘unsophisticated’, right? Even if it’s empty words, you can’t go into a city and say things like ‘majestic and beautiful walls.’ Because the capital’s nobles think that the dwarves’ failed work is just right for the users. Of course, it was actually better built than the second wall built by humans, but since the dwarves reacted that way, the nobles decided to think that way too.”

“The hurdles are very high from the beginning….”

The professor shook his head as he looked at the majestic castle walls that were getting closer and closer.

The map wasn’t wrong. It’s just that it’s a map made exactly like an old map.

It’s two days from here to the capital.

It takes a day and a half in a straight line from the city of the servants to the second wall and the castle city.

It is a huge collection of cities that takes three hours to travel by horseback from the Castle City to All Amperia, excluding inspection time.

“Sickness. This is why we always call other countries small and small.”

Looking at the outskirts of the capital, which is so huge that it takes a week to tour, the professor felt the confidence he had built up through playing 3 Worlds waning slightly.

From now on, they will jump into the middle of a secret struggle over ownership of this enormous empire.

“Again, blank eyes again! “You shouldn’t look so foolish!”

“Let’s just leave it at that. “If you get shocked in advance, you will feel less comfortable in the castle.”

Aldrich clutched his soul jar tightly as he saw the group looking the same as usual.

A city the size of a small country. The capital Ol Amperia.

There’s that witch somewhere out there.

『Give it back.』

『Give it back.』

“….okay. “Let’s not run away anymore.”

There was some kind of determination in his hand as he stroked the soul jar.


“Pass! “Welcome to the capital, Lady Lucilla!”

ugh ugh ugh-

Like other cities, the city of workers and the huge surrounding city called ‘Housekeeper Line’ had long lines lined up in front of the gates, but this time there was no need to wait.

If you have an invitation from the royal family with a soft golden glow, you get a free pass, no questions asked.

“and. “You open this big door just for us.”

“It definitely gives the feeling that something is entering, right? In fact, since it was a city created for the vanity of nobles, this aspect is certain.”

“Ah, 90% of the residents here are from noble families.”

I understood it right away. Other nobles also have to pass through here to get to the capital. The gate seemed a bit thin compared to the castle walls, and it seemed like it had to be opened and closed frequently.

“By the way, those people dressed like imperial guards are actually private soldiers from noble families.”

“Eh? So they are all private soldiers? “Shouldn’t you be arrested right away?”

“This involves very complex political and normative items… I don’t know exactly. Both the Castle City and the Yongin City were built on imperial property, but they were not the official capital. Was it established upon it with tacit acquiescence, permission without action? It seems like all kinds of imperial laws were intertwined and put into a legal framework. However, since it is essentially a noble’s private residence built on the outskirts of the capital, it cannot receive support from the capital’s guards, so noble privates serve as guards.”


“What’s interesting is that the private guard is also run by certain noble families on a rotating basis. As I just experienced, the inspection is at the discretion of the security guard, so on the day when the guards of noble A are inspecting, the top members of noble family A come rushing in and are subject to random inspections. When the B noble guard conducts an inspection, the upper levels of the B noble family and the upper levels of families that are close to the B noble swarm in and bring in items that are not on the records. Also, negotiate with the person distributing the product. how is it? “The complexity is sky-high, right?”


“This is the imperial capital.”

It’s literally mud. It is not even the capital, nor is it a noble city located near the capital, but the city of the subordinates who serve them is at this level.


– Noru Drug: People who play poorly in speaking and socializing must be terminal perverts that even Buddha would give up on.

– professor: I completely agree. Wow, it’s really spicy from the very beginning.

– takealook: ….What percentage of Professor Park’s play is speech?

– Namba Three: 70%?

– takealook: That will be enough, right?

– Noroo Drug: Umm…. It’s a well-known fact….


As always, the conversation took an uncomfortable turn midway through. In any case, others completely agreed on how complicated the imperial capital was.

“Okay, then what do we do now? Should we just pass by and go all the way to His Holiness City?”

“What are you talking about! Where and how are you going to go with this thing? I have to stop by the boutique right now, refurbish the carriage, and throw away that saint’s handmade carriage! “We have to get everything ready here and then go.”

“….here? “Not Ol Amperia?”

“Yes, here! I gave enough silver to bury that damn goblin, so I don’t have the money to make everything top-of-the-line! Even if you close your eyes and choose only the highest quality dresses and accessories, you have no choice but to consider cost-effectiveness to some extent for the rest.”

Lucilla tied the neatly organized letter with a soft string and urged Ottoman, who was sitting in the coachman’s seat, with a burning fighting spirit.

“Go, Otman! It was your battle until now, but now it’s my battle! Now that it’s like this, I don’t have money, I don’t have fame, and I don’t even have a husband who’s so outrageous that people in my family run away barefoot! “I’m going to get it all!”

Teldrat’s suitor.

In any case, it is a rumor that can no longer be reversed. If you deny it now, it wouldn’t be as funny as that.

Above all, surprisingly, the most influential groom candidate in social circles right now is ‘Professor Saint.’

Lucilla shook her head vigorously as she looked at the professor who was dazed by the imperial scenery.

[Lady Aedran. If you don’t mind, may I ask what your relationship is with the saint who has traveled with you for a long time?]

[I have heard of the great stature of the Saint of Light even in my family. It may be presumptuous, but can I say that this act of faith was chosen by him?]


My heart almost jumped out of my throat when I read letters from noble ladies asking about the truth of the rumor. The warrior is my spouse. The hero and I are like that…!

“Oh, no. I may not know a prince on a white horse, but I’ll find a better groom than a macho saint riding in his own cart! “You ladies… don’t know the true nature of this person!”

Of course, the professor was a great man like no other in the world, and she acknowledged that, but… she hated it.

As someone who knew his actions, I thought he couldn’t have gone that crazy.

However, as rumors spread and solidify, they become reality.

Lucilla’s will was fueled by the rumor that had already solidified its surface.

The capital where all the nobles of the empire gathered. He said he would definitely find her partner here.

[I guess a saint of light wouldn’t be a bad choice. The family has decided to not spare any support for you. To the weirdo you brought in and to your new adventure.]

“Ugh! Ugh!!!”

Even looking at the letters from my family, I had to do whatever it took to prevent those rumors from becoming true.

‘…If anything, even if it means finding a good partner for the warrior! If that side becomes the owner first, those rumors will naturally disappear!’

Seeing the girl glancing at the professor and repeatedly pulling out her hair, the professor, who knew nothing, could only tilt his head.

They face confusion as usual. A neat and tidy city has emerged.



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