Chosen by the Hero King, the Second Life of the Illegitimate Child Chapter 96

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Episode 96. Escort Mission (3)

The Holy Land is the place where the demigods descended.

While there are demigods who can influence their surroundings simply by existing, such as the Water Spirit King, there are also demigods who can descend without affecting the planet.

But this place seemed strangely strange to be called a holy place.

‘I feel the special feeling I got when I was in the holy land here, but the natural energy isn’t amplified or anything.’

In general, a unique energy is felt in the holy land from the footprints left by the demigod.

There was a certain unique feeling here, but there was not much change in the energy of nature.

Because Crendynia descended, the surrounding natural energy was condensed, but because it was a place where a demigod descended, the natural energy passing through the holy land changed color for a moment.

But the natural energy here remained as usual, without any change.

[No. 47 and No. 11.]

Baekgoli already knew his opponent.

Since I knew that double digits weren’t determined by strength anyway, I couldn’t guarantee that they would be stronger than Baekgol.

[This is a place created by the power of No. 47. The one possessing that guy’s body is a demon called ‘Smoke Rabbit’ whose body is made of smoke. It uses its smoke body to attack its prey and transport them to its own space. This is not a holy place. It’s just that it has a unique energy like a holy place because it’s that guy’s body.]

So, does this mean that this is inside Smoke Rabbit’s stomach, but also another space?

[The Smoke Rabbit’s stomach has a weakness in that the more prey it eats, the weaker it becomes. I can handle that guy.]

Baekgoli jumped forward and stood protecting Princess Amori.


“Squirrel guy. You said you betrayed me. Was it true?”

As expected of those who possessed the blue jewel, they had a calm expression on their faces, as if they didn’t think they would be defeated.

‘The shock in my hand… isn’t much.’

I looked at number 11.

Number 11, who was slowly taking off his robe, had fox ears on his ears.

“There must be a jewel in No. 71’s body.”

I thought it was a woman based on the facial features, but it was a man based on the deep voice.

When Number 11 took off his robe, five tails and sharp claws were revealed.

“Then whoever takes it will go first? Who knew that No. 71 would turn out like that? She’s pretty cute.”

“I hit the jackpot. I thought it would be a boring mission since it only took the land gods.”

“Why don’t you just catch it and raise it? It’s a half-nost, so it could be useful.”

“First, we need to take him back to the organization. We need to dissect his body and find out how he became like that.”

As the two were talking, Baekgol told them the information about No. 11 as if his teeth were gnashing.

[No. 11 contains a monster called Omiho. It uses an ability called ‘magic’, but it contains a formula that is similar to magic but absolutely indestructible, so be careful. You bastards… You things that couldn’t even make eye contact with me when I was there…!]

Even among the two digits, Baekgol was quite strong, so it seemed like he wasn’t happy with the moment he was in.

“Princess Amori.”

“What the heck are you….”

“As I said before, this is the Silver Dragon. My pet… Please take on the fat man over there. What we need to do is not win, but endure.”

No matter how strong I became, there was currently no way to defeat those guys.

“It’s hard to fight those guys while protecting you. I’ll somehow hold off one of them, so please hold off the other one with Baekgol. It’ll help.”

I removed the black ring from my hand.


Then the black ring turned to dust and disappeared, and the sword I had returned earlier came into my hand.

‘What a handy ability.’

A ring created through the power of Princess Atalina, which had the effect of calling upon marked objects.

Although it was a one-time thing, where else could you bring a sword to a place like this?

“Do you think you can beat us?”

“As the kid said earlier. They’re not trying to beat us. They’re trying to endure.”

“Isn’t that more reckless?”

Anyone who has a blue gem knows that they are arrogant.

Their bodies are made of a fluid fluid, and because of that fluid, they are not easily injured.


I had the King of Heroes, and most of all.

[〈Dragon Kill〉 is activated.]

[〈Undefeated〉 is activated.]

There were achievements.

《The Skin of the Wind Dragon – Danryong (斷龍)》

If rank is something that arises when the value of a living thing increases, then achievements are the great, unforgettable records left behind by that living thing.


A dragon brought a storm into a space filled with only white.


Number 11 leisurely wagged its tail as it watched the wind blowing up to its eyes.

‘How stupid.’

Even if it is a typhoon that destroys Mother Nature, it has no effect on the Miho clan.

The Miho clan, who grow stronger and gain a tail every time they live for a hundred years, are so strong that there is a legend that says that if you collect nine tails, you will become a demigod, and if you collect ten, you will become a god.

There is no particular reason why they are strong.

“Tail number one.”



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One tail swayed, blocking the approaching wind.


The sharp wind hit the tail and stopped in place without destroying anything.

The Miho clan has been excellent at controlling the energy of nature since ancient times, and has been controlling the energy of nature using magic that is superior to that of elves, though inferior to that of dragons.

No matter how vast and sharp the energy is, it cannot do anything to oneself as long as it is natural energy.

Because to the Miho clan, nature was nothing more than an ‘easy-to-control toy.’

“I’ll give it back.”

The tail swayed and caressed the sharp wind.

“Wind wine. Fox play.”

The sharp wind died down like a candle going out, and the tail gradually began to emit light.

The tail that was emitting blue light soon produced the wind that Locke had created earlier.



Number 11 tilted his head as he watched it slowly pass before his eyes.

Something was strange.


The severed tail fell before my eyes.

No. 11, who had been blankly staring at it, slowly looked at his tail with a trembling face.

‘That can’t be…..’

With trembling eyes, he checked the tail he usually used.

Unlike the other four tails that were emitting light, one tail was half gone.


No. 11 screamed as he grabbed his severed tail in belated pain.

“Stop being a jerk and get up.”

“……What? Did you notice?”

Locke swung his sword with a calm expression.

《This Sword – The Path the Wind Comes From》

As the blades of wind burst out from the sword and spread out in all directions, Number 11 brought his fallen tail to the severed tail and spoke.

‘That’s strange. Why was it cut off?’

This time, as if he would not let his guard down, he raised both tails and blocked the approaching blades.


But again the tail was cut off.

As the two tails, different from the ones before, flew through the air again, doubts began to grow on No. 11’s face.

‘Why is my tail cut off?’

Omiho’s body was the same as any other animal, but when he absorbed the energy of nature through his tail, his body became as hard as a diamond.

The moment the energy of nature was accepted, No. 11 was struck by an unknown force, so he could not hide his confusion.

‘It’s not a crime against humanity.’

I could quickly sense that there was something strange about the natural energy that had seeped into the tail.

“You…..what are you?”

Only then did No. 11 feel something strange and take out the fingernails he had been hiding.

Then the opponent also slowly raised his sword.

“You have to figure that out, right?”

At that moment, a sharp horn grew between the antlers on its head.


47 wagged his tail at the fusion of natural energy that was incomparable to what he had seen before.

“Colonel’s Drink, Giant.”

An aura was generated from the waving tail, and then a huge tail was created.

First, he thought it was a priority to figure out his opponent’s abilities, and he tried to block his opponent’s movements by moving his enlarged tail.

《The Four Swords – The Path of the Strange Wind》



But even that tail didn’t pose any threat.

The pain came belatedly as pieces of the tail flew around.


Only then did No. 11 realize.

This kid is not the prey, he’s the hunter.

-Puss …

The moment he realized that, No. 11’s body began to slowly change.

Hair grew on his back, and his wagging tail quickly regenerated and grew larger.


The body gradually grew larger, becoming as large as an ogre, and its intimidating presence became unmatched by any opponent.

[I’ll kill you.]


But Locke just chuckled at the sight.


I heard that blue gems are more precious than red gems and are only given to talented children.

However, all the guys who made it to double digits had special strengths like Baekgol, and No. 47 was no exception.

The Miho clan, known as Yokai, are said to use magic to exert great power.

As the Miho clan became extinct, the weakness of the magic disappeared from the records, but in reality, the weakness of the magic was extremely weak.

That is, No. 11 thinks that I cut it off, but in the end, it was the body that cut off its own tail that had absorbed the dragon’s power to protect itself.

‘Even if I grow up, it’ll still be the same.’

Even if it grows larger, it will not be able to properly absorb the natural energy created by the dragon’s breath.

Because you can kill them without them even knowing why they were attacked.

I looked at the buttocks of No. 47, which had grown larger in haste at the words of the King of Heroes.

Next to the five tails, a sixth tail was revealed, its color still vague and covered in fluff.


It’s done.


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