Chosen by the Hero King, the Second Life of the Illegitimate Child Chapter 147

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Episode 147. Contract with the Spirit King

Aizen couldn’t help but be surprised.

It’s only been a few months since you entered the academy, and you’ve already reached the same level as me.

In the martial arts world, it is called a realm called Hwagyeong or Hyeon-gyeong, but on this planet, a realm like Aizen is called Half God.

A power approaching godhood.

This is not wrong.

In real life, the realm of Hyeon-gyeong is also called the realm of a demi-god or immortal.

‘I’m ready.’

Aizen gradually reduced the waves.

In line with this, Locke also gradually reduced his momentum.

“Don’t give up from the beginning. You’re tired.”


Aizen looked into Locke’s eyes without saying a word.

The intense yet fearless, yet curious gaze that was no different from when they first met excited the other person.

“You’ve gotten stronger.”

Locke felt slightly strange at Aizen’s smile.

The man I abandoned made that kind of expression.

“Don’t be obsessed with power. Power is a double-edged sword.”

“I know.”

I have fought against those stronger than me.

That’s why, even though my power grew stronger, I couldn’t be arrogant.

Because I am weak.

‘Still weak.’

Even though he’s said to have reached the level of a demigod, I still don’t think he can beat that guy we saw last time.

“Let’s move slowly.”

At Atalina’s words, we entered the sanctuary.


This holy place was the great legacy of the Duke of Widia, and was also their most important treasure.

But many people set foot on that holy ground.

“It’s been a long time, my lord… But now I guess I can’t win.”

“Colorence… why is your arm gone?”

“I was cut off during the mission.”

Colorado did not follow the same path as the future.

Even though his left arm was amputated during a mission, Colonel never lost his smile.

‘It got stronger.’

I could tell that the power within Colorado’s body had grown stronger than the last time I saw him.

‘More than the future.’

Colorado had already become stronger than the future I knew.

“Let’s move slowly.”

At Baek Soon-yi’s words, people entered the magic circle one by one.

As I stood on the large magic circle created by Garios, the water from the waterfall flowing through the holy land suddenly stopped.

“That’s amazing.”

The one who appeared with those words was Crendynia.

Crendynia, the colorless spirit lord, appeared in front of me and couldn’t hide her bewilderment.

“I meet my ancestors.”

In this space, the only ones where time did not stop were Aizen and I.

Since we both reached the level of demigods, we were able to move through the time that Crendynia had stopped.

“I think it was called Eisen.”

“That’s right.”

Crendynia opened her mouth calmly, looking at Aizen, who was kneeling on one knee.

“Do you know how dangerous what you’re about to do is?”

“of course.”

“The fact that you did it knowingly means that this dimension shift is important to you, no, to the planet.”

“…..That’s right.”

“Aizen, I will not stop you. No, I want to support you. A ‘hero’ has finally emerged from your seed.”

With those words, Crendynia slowly approached me.


“It’s been a while, Crendynia.”

“It seems like only yesterday that I didn’t even realize the small principles of nature… No, it was only yesterday, but I didn’t know you would become strong this quickly.”

Crendynia slowly reached out her hand towards my forehead.

“Colorless token.”

With those words, light burst out from my forehead.

Various memories emerged from the emitted light and seeped into Crendinia’s mind.

“I now know why the traitor is with you.”

I’m talking about Garios.

Crendynia knew of Garios’ evil deeds because she had made a contract with Astel.

“I have already become a slave, so I will not seek revenge.”

As Crendynia looked at Garios, the mask covering Garios’ face suddenly fell off.


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Garios’ face was shaking violently.

In the frozen time, even for Garios, time did not stop.


“Remember that the eternal loyalty you swore to your current master will wash away your sins.”

Then Crendynia slowly brought her hand to my face.

A warm feeling touched my cheek, and soon Crendynia’s energy began to enter my body.

“You are qualified now.”

“What qualifications do you have?”

“You deserve to embrace me.”

“……I don’t want to knead dough with my ancestors?”

“I don’t know what you’re thinking, but you’re so shameless for such a young age. As expected, you’re the chosen by the .”


With those words, energy suddenly began to rise in my body.


Crendynia was not a demigod who started out as a creature, but was born with the qualities of a god.

Every word she utters leaves its mark on the world.

And it was said that the fact that she, a rookie, was recognized could be an achievement.

‘I understand because this is the Holy Land. The ability of the achievement…..’

My heightened senses informed me of the power of the achievements I had now acquired.

“To embrace me means to enter into a contract with me.”


“You must have heard why Royan, the ancestor of Widia, made a contract with me.”

“Are you saying that you have a “Mana-incapable body” like me?”

“Yes. However, Royan couldn’t last long. He was just an ordinary human, so no matter how much I lowered his energy, it was a burden to him. But you are not. You have the same conditions as me.”

Only dragons and demigods can make a contract with the Spirit King.

I have already ascended to the ranks of demigods.

“So you can make a contract with me.”

At that moment, an unknown pattern was engraved on my forehead, and I felt as if Crendynia and my body were becoming one.

“I will repay you for the favor I received from him.”

At that moment, our presence disappeared from the Holy Land.


When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was the great army before my eyes.

The first thing I heard was the nickname of the King of Heroes.

I looked at the person who said that nickname.

[…..No. 7.]

“That guy?”


The white bone on my shoulder muttered while looking at the man in front of me.

I glanced at number 7 and looked around.

“Are they all scattered?”

There were only skeletons around me, no saints or companions.

If they’re scattered, it’s dangerous.

“What are you looking at in front of me?”

At that moment, the new model of No. 7 approached me.

But No. 7 couldn’t move.


“Do you remember me, No. 7?”

Because Baekgol, who had transformed into a woman, appeared in front of me, holding No. 7’s hand.

“Can I leave that guy to you?”

“Huh. I’ve won enough now.”

At those words, No. 7’s face cracked.

“You little punk… Are you number 72? Why are you in the form of a woman?”

At those words, Baekgol frowned.

“You still don’t listen to what others say and you keep talking nonsense all by yourself.”

At that moment, a powerful energy emanated from Baekgol’s body.

“You think you can beat me? Someone like you? Haven’t you forgotten what I did to you before?”

“I forgot. So don’t attack me, you idiot.”

Only then did energy begin to slowly flow through No. 7’s body.

“Don’t break the tuner’s jewel.”

“You just take care of your surroundings. I’ll take care of this guy.”

At the same time, a powerful energy flowed from Baekgol and No. 7’s bodies and they collided with each other.



“Blood, damage!”

Just the energy of those two made the upper-level warriors around them start to run away.

I waved at the sight.

[ is activated.]

Dozens and hundreds of colorless weapons floated into the air and rained down on the upper-level warriors.



“Numbers don’t mean anything to me anymore.”

There was no need to draw the sword.

The infinite magic was continuously activated.

‘Basic magic and infinite magic are in one. And the source is low energy loss.’

It’s about strengthening the basics and creating infinity upon infinity with just simple formulas.

There is some energy loss, but it is minimal for someone like me who has already reached that level.

Now I really feel like I’m not human anymore.

‘I’ll get the jewels back later… Should I just look at that?’

I decided to briefly change the infinity magic to recover the jewels little by little, and watched the fight between No. 7 and Baekgol.

The male No. 7 and the female Baekgol were holding each other’s hands and emitting a powerful energy, so much so that if a stranger saw them, they would have mistakenly thought they were just on good terms.

‘What is it?’

‘Was that a squirrel too?’

‘Opposite abilities?’

“You’re invincible.”


I somehow found it strange that he named it Black Squirrel himself.

“I’ll make that guy a slave too.”

“Let’s just watch for another minute. Baekgol seems to have a grudge too, so we’ll have to wait a little longer.”

Even while talking to the King of Heroes, Baekgol and No. 7’s momentum did not stop.

Honestly, it seemed like the two’s strengths would never end before they were even comparable.

“One absorbs the shock and releases it, the other absorbs the released shock and sends the shock back with the power of reflection, then absorbs the shock again and releases it… Are they crazy?”

Even though the power of No. 7 and Baekgol is currently equal, if we leave it like this, time will continue to pass.

I don’t know how many hours I have on this planet right now, but I can’t afford to waste it like this.

“Don’t forgive me, Baekgol.”

At the same time, a colorless energy flowed through my hand.

“Without Sword”

I didn’t even pull out the twilight.

A colorless sword with a light pulsing from its hand was created.

And he swung the sword towards No. 7.


That moment.

Number 7’s arm was instantly torn in two.

“I told you not to interfere….”

“Shut up, you punk.”

“Ugh, ugh!”

“I gave you 5 minutes. Then you have to finish it quickly. Time is money right now, so why are you taking so long?”

I looked at No. 7, who had a bewildered expression on his face with his arm cut off, and said.

“Acquire slaves.”


[[Seven Sins] [Wrath] is unlocked.]

[Some of the King of Heroes descend.]


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