Chosen by the Hero King, the Second Life of the Illegitimate Child Chapter 139

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Episode 139. Ain (3)

It means forcing one to awaken to power by accepting great power.

“What about the users? Are their lives okay?”

“Then it’s okay.”

Well, as long as you don’t die, it doesn’t matter.

‘Yes I will.’

Because of this, the person who goes has been decided.

Garios, Garon, Baekgol and me.

Four people will go like this.

‘Can I go today?’

After a thorough discussion with the King of Heroes, we concluded that we could go today.

That’s why I took Garon straight to the ancient ruins.

“Hey, where is this place?”

“Just follow me quietly. I won’t harm you.”

It was a situation where if others saw it, they would definitely get hurt, but Garon swallowed hard and firmly believed.

It was a belief that came from the name of the descendant of the Duke of Widia.

The actions of the Duke of Widia up until now have given anyone a firm belief.

‘By the way, is there no way to move the dimension?’

If we continued on this path to the ancient ruins, there was a chance that we would be caught by someone.

Of course, I was keeping my senses wide open and on high alert, but going back and forth like this every morning through the academy barrier was quite annoying.

‘I’ll talk to Garios about this later.’

So, we arrived in front of the dimensional movement magic circle at the ancient ruins.


Garon made a bewildered expression when he saw the dimension-traveling magic circle.

I had heard that it was safe, but the blood and ominous drawings scattered throughout the corners of the dimension-traveling magic circle looked similar to the curse rituals performed by black magicians.

But soon, Garon made up his mind and approached the magic circle with a hardened face.

“By the way, that’s my blood. Don’t get me wrong.”


“So, don’t approach the magic circle and just stay still. I’m not sacrificing you or anything.”

Anyway, no one is going to come here, and there is a chance that the magic circle will malfunction if you erase it, so I’m just leaving it alone.

‘Still, it’s a bit gruesome.’

This is my first time here and I’m bleeding, so I definitely need to do some cleaning.

“Then what should I do?”

“Just stay where you are. You’ll find out soon enough.”

When I noticed, Princess Amori, who had been wearing her robe over her head just in case, smiled and approached Garon.

“So you’re saying that all I have to do is pour Aporas-nim’s power into Garon-ssi’s body?”

“Yes, please.”

“What? It’s a request from Mr. Locke, so of course I have to do it.”

At the same time, a giant snake appeared behind Princess Amori’s back.


At the same time, the sound of a snake’s howl was heard within the ruins.


Garon’s heart began to beat violently.

“Oh. I see it’s starting?”

Since I had already heard from the King of Heroes how things were going, it wasn’t particularly surprising or mysterious.


However, Garon’s hair, which had been black, slowly turned silver, and hair began to grow on his hands and feet.

It was like seeing Luna, but the atmosphere was different.

If Luna seemed to have the power of a beast in her human body, then Garon seemed to be a beast that had temporarily taken on human form.

We originally set the maximum at 30 minutes.

Because he said that if the amount of howling is average, it can last for 30 minutes.

But this is also based on the average, so it could be even lower.


As he listened to the words of the King of Heroes, the power of Aporas gradually began to grow the wildness that had been planted in Garon.


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Contrary to the snake phenomenon, a huge silver wolf appeared above Garon’s head, almost like a spirit.

That moment.


Dimensional shift has begun.


This time, strangely enough, I didn’t meet the King of Heroes.

The reason was that it was not done in a proper way.

The existence of a land god is absolutely necessary to move between dimensions.

But this time, since he had merely borrowed the power of the land god, he had not completely succeeded in moving across dimensions.

‘But isn’t the way we’re moving on from the beginning abnormal?’

There seems to be something I don’t know, but I stopped thinking about it because it seemed like it would only make a difference no matter how much I thought about it.

Anyway, the place we were summoned to was a very small room.

[It’s smaller than the room you lived in before.]

‘That’s right. From the beginning, this room seems to be just for sleeping.’

There was just a bed and a desk in the room. That was it.

“Are you here? I heard the story.”

In front of us, there was a human being sitting at the end of the bed.


“That’s right. I’m human.”

“…..That’s strange. I think it’s the first time I’ve seen a human here.”

“It’s just that humans have the lowest success rate. There are a few others besides me.”

None of the enemies here seemed human.

I thought there were no humans here, perhaps because they were all natives kidnapped from a planet without humans.

“And it’s been a while. No. 72… Oh, no, Mr. Baekgol.”


I could understand Baekgol’s feelings a little bit, having been caught in his current shallow state by his former subordinate, and even by a subordinate who was at the bottom.

“I heard you don’t have much time. Don’t worry about this place and come back.”

“Don’t worry? No, but still….”

If someone caught us coming out, this person could also be in danger.

But Baekgol said indifferently.

[This guy is fine. Now I understand why I kept hesitating over the sloppy rankings.]

“Huh? What?”

At that moment, the man in front of me disappeared.


My senses were still telling me that the man was right in front of me, but he had completely disappeared from my sight.

Not just men.

Not only the magic circle we were standing in, but even the objects around us became transparent.

[Chameleon Monster, Phantom Chameleon. That’s his ability.]

The monster known as the Phantom Chameleon, nicknamed the Vanishing Tree, is also famous on our planet.

This guy has given rise to many tales and legends.

‘It’s definitely a good ability.’

Even if you just stay still, you can become invisible, and you can even move while being transparent.

[I guess I now understand why he was able to go up to three-digit numbers, but kept getting hung up on four-digit numbers.]

‘That’s right. How did Princess Atalina plant this man here? No, did she betray him?’

Whatever it was, with this man’s help we got out of the place we were living.

‘You seem to live quite far out in the countryside.’

Although he is a high-level warrior, he is also a force that was absorbed when No. 72 died.

I heard that their goal was to create a better place to live, but given the small size of the planet, living on the outskirts was probably fortunate.

“Then what will you do with this person?”

At his words, I looked to the side.

Garon was lying on the ground, seemingly unconscious.

It was an aftereffect of accepting the energy of the land god.

‘It might have been better if I fainted.’

When I gave Garios a look, Garios nodded and lifted Garon.

‘After coming here, it seems like Garios wants to run wild too…..’

Sorry, but this is still where my experience is running wild, so I need to get more practical experience.

‘Still, it’s good that we’ve found a way to get here firmly.’

Garon also needs to take a break.

But where can something that used to come every two days now come every day?

“Then I’ll just hide for now. It’ll be dangerous if I get caught. Ah. But before that, this….”

He, who had become transparent, handed something to me.

“Here are some animal ears and tails I prepared just in case. If you need them later….”

“it’s okay.”

“Huh? Oh, but if you keep doing that here…”

“it’s okay.”

Because I didn’t want to feel that shame anymore.

Don’t be sorry.


At that time, No. 8 went to see No. 9.

-Gulp, gulp, gulp.

“Tch. It’s still like this.”

No. 9 saw No. 8 coming in while he was drinking, but he ignored him and continued drinking.

No. 8 sighed at the sight of her completely lost motivation and ruined appearance.

He could not overcome the sense of loss from being defeated and humiliated by a child.

“It’s completely ruined.”

“…..Leave it alone.”

Although No. 9 was stupid for only drinking, no one said anything to him.

Even though he looks like that, he is one of the ten strongest people on the planet.

“So, was that kid strong?”

“I thought you said you didn’t know?”

“Even after fighting and ending up like that, you still don’t know?”


No. 9 was speaking sincerely, but I couldn’t believe what he said.

“If you don’t want to talk about it, you can’t. But just know this one thing.”


“The enemy who defeated you continues to invade this place. Don’t think that the ‘Lord’ will just let this happen for a long time. If it continues like this, you may be sent to the punishment cell.”

No. 8 closed the door and left, as if he didn’t want to talk anymore.

‘Why on earth are you doing that?’

They don’t know much about the golden boar.

In the first place, I was only curious about their power, not their habits.


As I was thinking like that, I heard a sound of a swordsman.

“That kid…..”

Number 8 muttered something and then nodded.

“It would be nice to meet you.”


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